I am a 5’4 male of a non-white ethnicity (which I will not specify) and according to incels this is a double whammy.
At first I was really insecure about my height but thanks to incels I also became insecure about my ethnicity.
But now I’m starting to realize how fucking stupid it is. I’ve been talking to my parents while we’re in quarantine about their history and our culture and it makes me so embarrassed to even let the word “ethnicel” get in my head. Such a rich culture and heritage was fucking whittled down to “a trait that increases or decreases my chances at dating in the US.”
And sure, it may be true that certain ethnicities are less desired than white men, but now I just feel so thankful for my culture, my uniqueness, and especially my immigrant parents for working their ass off and giving me a better life here. I would much rather live in a nicer country where I have a little bit of trouble dating than in a country with no opportunities.