Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

Incel scores stunning girlfriend, with terrible self esteem we all are retards

She must have a cock-clit
Hunter said:
tbf shes only a 6/10 and he is normie tier. theyre looksmatch if anything.
he's 4/10, she's 6+/10, shit like that happens

damn those titties, I wish she did porn
How tall is the dude?
He's way better looking than me. Probably about a 7/10. A negative canthal tilt is only a death sentence if your other features are shit, too. His aren't. He's not incel. Of course he has a gf, lmao.
He's not bad looking at all. He just has a terrible eye area and he's also probably tall.
Yeah he doesn't look that bad.
I'd hit that every day before she'd get bored of me
VLÖ said:
Pretty weak rule though. 

So technically a guy who has fucked like 20 girls in the past (for free mind you) but hasn't had sex for one year, can be an incel? Come on.

Also we don't even know what the girl looked like, he never specified that

Yeah, that should be a new rule. The rule should be that the guy had a relationship with one femoid a year ago atleast.
grincel said:
He's way better looking than me. Probably about a 7/10. A negative canthal tilt is only a death sentence if your other features are shit, too. His aren't. He's not incel. Of course he has a gf, lmao.

his are, non existence chin, big forehead, terrible pubic facial hair, ugly nose, nct = 4. shes 8.
Framecel222 said:
How is this ragefuel? This is lifefuel.

Lol no.

Like that spirit. Lets not forget to spear positivity too. This is support-group as well.

Yes, bunch of sub-humans banding together in a pity party is a support group - deal with it - embrace it.
VLÖ said:
Kointo said:
Exactly. I was wondering if they had read the rules. I guess not.
Pretty weak rule though.
[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Incel (Allowed):[/font][font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif] Person who is not in a relationship nor has had sex in at least 1 year, despite numerous attempts to do so.[/font]
So technically a guy who has fucked like 20 girls in the past (for free mind you) but hasn't had sex for one year, can be an incel? Come on.
Also we don't even know what the girl looked like, he never specified that
fukmylyf said:
VLÖ said:
Pretty weak rule though.
So technically a guy who has fucked like 20 girls in the past (for free mind you) but hasn't had sex for one year, can be an incel? Come on.
yeah, this is retarded.

Chad graduated from high school with moderate success in fucking some girls. Chad wasn't really smart so he became a fireman, got married. One year into his 20s, Chad got trapped inside a burning building and before he could be rescued, his fucking face melted off.


Chad recovered in the hospital, and when his bandages came off after a month, his wife was mortified. This is not the Chad she married. Soon after he got discharged, the fighting began. There was no sex in the relationship. Soon after, he found out that Stacey was cheating on him with his buddy from the squad, Brad. Brad was there supporting her through those long nights in the hospital while Chad was trying to drink water and eat applesauce without making a mess of himself because all the nerve endings in his face have died after the extreme heat of the inferno. Stacey divorces Chad, but since she has no education and he was the sole breadwinner, she gets the house and soon after marries Brad and he moves in. Chad now lives in with his aging mother and is scared to ever go outside because he looks like a fucking monster.

It's been years and Chad finally had the guts to make his first outings into the public light. He can't afford surgery because he is living on disability and his family isn't wealthy, so he just goes out how he is. The way women treat him isn't unexpected, but is a stark contrast to how he remembers being treated in high school. He realizes that looks are everything. He begins reading forums, and ends up on incels.is.

Upon arriving here, ex-Chad becomes a decent poster and shares in the misfortune of other incels, fully cognizant of the pain of being unwanted and hideous to the world, of not having any chance with a woman, because whatever successes he had in the past were a different person - not the broke, disfigured, fat, depressed ex-Chad he is now. The validation he had in his younger years doesn't extend to his present state; that validation faded a long time ago as his looks left him, social circles died, self-esteem crumbled. After being asked about his story, @VLÖ and @fukmylyf are here to tell him what he needs to hear: "GTFO NORMIE RRREEEEEE."

Get off it. Validation is not something that last forever, something that once you get it, it changes you for life. Validation is something you need constantly and consistently. It sucks never having received validation, no one is denying that. Stop denying that having validation 10 years ago and being deprived of it for longer than you've had pubic hair doesn't suck too. That those people can't be blackpilled and contributing members to this community. Don't ostracize the ostracized from a community for the ostracized. You two are the Chad and Stacey of incels in that scenario, with the elitist/lookism status and standards reversed.

If you have a problem with the rule, I'm sure you know how to go about voicing your feedback.
blickpall said:
Chad graduated from high school with moderate success in fucking some girls. Chad wasn't really smart so he became a fireman, got married. One year into his 20s, Chad got trapped inside a burning building and before he could be rescued, his fucking face melted off.


Chad recovered in the hospital, and when his bandages came off after a month, his wife was mortified. This is not the Chad she married. Soon after he got discharged, the fighting began. There was no sex inside. Soon after, he found out that Stacey was cheating on him with his buddy from the squad, Brad. Brad was there supporting her through those long nights in the hospital while Chad was trying to drink water and eat applesauce without making a mess of himself because all the nerve endings in his face have died after the extreme heat of the inferno. Stacey divorces Chad, but since she has no education and he was the sole breadwinner, she gets the house and soon after marries Brad and he moves in. Chad now lives in with his aging mother and is scared to ever go outside because he looks like a fucking monster.

It's been years and Chad finally had the guts to make his first outings into the public light. He can't afford surgery because he is living on disability and his family isn't wealthy, so he just goes out how he is. The way women treat him isn't unexpected, but is a stark contrast to how he remembers being treated in high school. He realizes that looks are everything. He begins reading forums, and ends up on incels.is.

Upon arriving here, ex-Chad becomes a decent poster and shares in the misfortune of other incels, fully cognizant of the pain of being unwanted and hideous to the world, of not having any chance with a woman, because whatever successes he had in the past were a different person - not the broke, disfigured, fat, depressed ex-Chad he is now. The validation he had in his younger years doesn't extend to his present state; that validation faded a long time ago as his looks left him, social circles died, self-esteem crumbled. After being asked about his story, @VLÖ and @fukmylyf are here to tell him what he needs to hear: "GTFO NORMIE RRREEEEEE."

Get off it. Validation is not something that last forever, something that once you get it, it changes you for life. Validation is something you need constantly and consistently. It sucks never having received validation, no one is denying that. Stop denying that having validation 10 years ago and being deprived of it for longer than you've had pubic hair doesn't suck too. That those people can't be blackpilled and contributing members to this community. Don't ostracize the ostracized from a community for the ostracized. You two are the Chad and Stacey of incels in that scenario, with the elitist/lookism status and standards reversed.

If you have a problem with the rule, I'm sure you know how to go about voicing your feedback.

How many of the people here are Chads that have become incels due to some accident? That very rarely happens anyway. And even if it did, do you seriously believe he'd come fucking here of all places? And besides, our ugliness is genetic, that's like going up to a bunch of people who've been born with no arms and going "Hey guys! I lost my arms in an accident too, I'm totally just like you!" Yeah, you're like us now, but you got to experience those arms. We didn't. Yeah you're used to being with arms, but so what? He can say "I know what it feels like", but what does that help? Also keep in mind, as long as his friends remember what he looked like before, they're not gonna ditch him immediately. He might even get some help from his friends to recover his face.

If you want to defend Chad by all means, go ahead. I'm not going to feel sorry for a Chad that got disfigured, because that was his luck being shit, not his genetics being shit. Maybe he could have prevented that accident? He's not in the same fucking boat as us, and no sob story ever will make him.

I fucking hate smug pieces of shit going "I got sex but I don't anymore, i'm so subhuman :(((((" Try having no sex at all, then come back to me. You have memories of good times, we don't.
Look at her eyes shes dead inside probably because chad left her for another roastie. She will break this guy 100% if hes a bluepilled cuck.
IF you don't have a gf like this in 2018 it's O V E R!
VLÖ said:
How many of the people here are Chads that have become incels due to some accident? That very rarely happens anyway. And even if it did, do you seriously believe he'd come fucking here of all places? And besides, our ugliness is genetic, that's like going up to a bunch of people who've been born with no arms and going "Hey guys! I lost my arms in an accident too, I'm totally just like you!" Yeah, you're like us now, but you got to experience those arms. We didn't. Yeah you're used to being with arms, but so what? He can say "I know what it feels like", but what does that help? Also keep in mind, as long as his friends remember what he looked like before, they're not gonna ditch him immediately. He might even get some help from his friends to recover his face.

If you want to defend Chad by all means, go ahead. I'm not going to feel sorry for a Chad that got disfigured, because that was his luck being shit, not his genetics being shit. Maybe he could have prevented that accident? He's not in the same fucking boat as us, and no sob story ever will make him.

I fucking hate smug pieces of shit going "I got sex but I don't anymore, i'm so subhuman :(((((" Try having no sex at all, then come back to me. You have memories of good times, we don't.

this. I don't feel sorry for Chads.
She looks like she's hiding a cock between her legs.
Anonymous said:
She looks like she's hiding a cock between her legs.

It's possible. You should see some of these guys that look like femoids.
Anonymous said:
She looks like she's hiding a cock between her legs.

what u on about. she looks perfectly feminine. she's model material chick. id not be surprised if i saw her on some cover of posh magazine.
dr-problematic said:
what u on about. she looks perfectly feminine. she's model material chick. id not be surprised if i saw her on some cover of posh magazine.
Eyes are facing in opposite directions slightly so I doubt she would have that much success without extended correction in photoshop, but I have to agree that every other aspect of her is A+.
Sparky said:
If she was a male, she’d be posting here.

hiroshima nagasaki level cope
He looks good apart from eye area, definitely not incel.
Lol at all the cope in this thread. They are not looksmatched, you must high outta you're fucking mind to think so. She is better looking than him. That guy is ugly or below average.
I've seen this chick somewhere before, can't remember what from though.
anyone saying "LOOKSMATCH" is fucking lying. this chick is easily an 8 and dude is a 5.5 ... 6 MAX depending on his wallet/cock/status LOL
Interesting. I've seen a similar case I'll show tomorrow.
ziboiya said:
I've seen this chick somewhere before, can't remember what from though.

She posted on /r/incels and someone brought a link to her photos. Last not included.
Octopusgun2 said:
You guys don’t get it, yes all of us have potential to escape Inceldom but the problem is the relationship won’t last because we’re ugly. ALL average looking normies I know have had their GF cheat on them, one has went as far as killing himself because of it. I do have potential to be a betabux who’ll get cucked and only get duty sex once in a blue moon but if I ever get cucked i’ll be devastated and i’ll dragged back to Inceldom hell. I honestly much rather not taste the cake EVER than taste it once and never get to again. If you guys wanna be cucks then so be it, i myself think will end up betabuxing if surgery doesn’t work for me. But i’ll just rope if I get cucked as I don’t want to get back to Inceldom (I don’t have any other option anyway...).

Also, these two are looksmatched.


also the guy mogs me hard, jfl at considering him an ugly incel

are you guys out of your right minds?
Look, this one is obvious: She's CRAZY. Batshat insane. Look at her eyes.

Yes, even an incel might be able to get laid if he finds a psychotic chick. The problem is, he's likely going to wind up with her slitting her wrists in his bathroom or cutting off his penis and putting it in a glass jar.
FemaleInventionsLOL said:
Look, this one is obvious: She's CRAZY. Batshat insane. Look at her eyes.

Yes, even an incel might be able to get laid if he finds a psychotic chick. The problem is, he's likely going to wind up with her slitting her wrists in his bathroom or cutting off his penis and putting it in a glass jar.

id still take my chances with that bombshell
Looksmatched af even their features

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