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Serious INCEL REVOLUTION : Theory & Practice



Jul 14, 2022
How do we have our own 'das kapital' , something that is actually dead serious & somewhat scientific in its approach(no meme answers like autistic manifestos)? How do we organize & mobilise? Time is ticking and our window for ensuring our genetic survival is shrinking. How do we bring political consciousness to the incels in denial ? Discuss... This is a serious thread and I think I may take a plunge into this idea of revolution so as to build a society that aims to gurantee genetic survival for all, a society that provides everyone a stake in its future.


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Joined Jul 14, 2022 Posts 259
Jeff Goldblum What GIF by The Late Late Show with James Corden
Feds are getting desperate, boyos. Someone must be getting axed from their job or something. They need that "incel terrorism" to happen pronto. :lul:
We need an "On the foid question".
Feds are getting desperate, boyos. Someone must be getting axed from their job or something. They need that "incel terrorism" to happen pronto. :lul:
You actually sound like a closet fed trying to undermine the incel revolution. You know as much as I do that isolated attacks are off the question and only serve as a detriment to our cause. Why do don't want incels to unite? Why do you want them to rot & remain isolated? Why are you sounding like a gynocrat?
Feds are getting desperate, boyos. Someone must be getting axed from their job or something. They need that "incel terrorism" to happen pronto. :lul:
Terrorist is a label for losers, we will win and rule this world as heroes
I'm afraid that ranting & seething all day here won't solve our problems comrade.
Just wait it out. The demographic bomb is inevitable.
Either get replaced by third workers or become ultraconservative.

The government will have to cater to either side, in which, ultraconservativism will be the result.
Copes soothe the mind, don't they?
The replacers are mostly niggers who literally believe in witch crafts, so yeah, they fall for these religious things easily.

and there will be no "incel revolution".
Certainly not with rotters like you
Hate to say it, but the vast majority of people that associate with the term "incel" are likely to be rotters like me.
Just wait it out. The demographic bomb is inevitable.
You leave too much to chance comrade. Sure, the future course of action shall be decided upon the nuances & circumstances, specific to that future situation, but the fact that we must first form a strong collective- a highly organised network, still remains.
Hate to say it, but the vast majority of people that associate with the term "incel" are likely to be rotters like me.
Hence the need to redefine or alter terms and actively propagate them so that even the normie or even the chadlite may resonate with it. Heck, we may even try bringing in legit virtuous foids & chads who do believe in the institution of monogamy and people who actually care for the 'genetically downtrodden'.
Yeah they called the dreams of a socialist revolution a cope in the mid-late 1900s(during the post bloody Sunday socialists crackdown by the tsar) before it became a reality in October 1917.
What do you want to achieve with your revolution, a sexual communism where a every guy gets a girl based on some lottery or some technocracy where we reproduce by incurbators like in brave new world or you just want to recreate the world that existet 70 or 100 years ago or do you want smth else.
If you want to remove the current system you first got to think with what you want to replace it
You actually sound like a closet fed trying to undermine the incel revolution. You know as much as I do that isolated attacks are off the question and only serve as a detriment to our cause. Why do don't want incels to unite? Why do you want them to rot & remain isolated? Why are you sounding like a gynocrat?
Nice try, GrAYnigger. You can't play that Uno Reverse card on me, boyo.

Are you trying to be Darth Aurelius 2.0?
What do you want to achieve with your revolution, a sexual communism where a every guy gets a girl based on some lottery
Mix of 3 ig, except we may use percentile scores (wrt genetic quality that prioritises health, intelligence & personality,etc..)to do the pairing. Reproduction will definitely involve the use of embryo selection to improve the quality of the genepool each generation. Those at the bottom will also be rewarded with the gametes of those at the top if they prove themselves to be sincere & hardworking.
We can build a society that's both eugenic & egalitarian, a society where everyone's genes makes it to the next generation thereby giving them a stake in society's future .
> Why would people care to reproduce
It's the only known way for LIFE to cheat DEATH of course. Convince the masses of this fact and you can slowly get them on board.

Mix of 3 ig, except we may use percentile scores (wrt genetic quality that prioritises health, intelligence & personality,etc..)to do the pairing. Reproduction will definitely involve the use of embryo selection to improve the quality of the genepool each generation. Those at the bottom will also be rewarded with the gametes of those at the top if they prove themselves to be sincere & hardworking.
We can build a society that's both eugenic & egalitarian, a society where everyone's genes makes it to the next generation thereby giving them a stake in society's future .
> Why would people care to reproduce
It's the only known way for LIFE to cheat DEATH of course. Convince the masses of this fact and you can slowly get them on board.

Okay just one small problem, demographics there are more boys then girls be born, about 10% more, so you couldnt give every guy a gf. And if you consider eunigics, it would result in the same situation were now in, where we dont get someone, the only difference then would be that it would be law, would that make it better for you. And how do you wamt to enforce this system, do you want to force women into relationships with someone sub7? (would that be a happy relationship, I dont think so, in the end the foids still would want chad and still try to get them) And what if they refuse to live in such a relationship, do you want to threaten them, with what? They would probably rather death then together with one of us.
Okay just one small problem, demographics there are more boys then girls be born, about 10% more, so you couldnt give every guy a gf. And if you consider eunigics, it would result in the same situation were now in, where we dont get someone, the only difference then would be that it would be law, would that make it better for you. And how do you wamt to enforce this system, do you want to force women into relationships with someone sub7? (would that be a happy relationship, I dont think so, in the end the foids still would want chad and still try to get them) And what if they refuse to live in such a relationship, do you want to threaten them, with what? They would probably rather death then together with one of us.
>skewed sex ratio problem
the odd ducks who can't get matched will have to be provided with surrogacy of some sorts and that means hiring and rewarding women who're ready to do that. The first generation will certainly be difficult as we must contend with skewed sex ratios of the previous generation. Once we start adopting embryo selection en masse, we can kiss goodbye to this problem forever. The only problem right now is embryo selection is a bit too costly and it's cost must atleast be reduced by a factor of 3 to make it viable.
>how to enforce
with the barrel of the gun. On top of that, this quasi-eugenic system will actively select for positive personality traits and try to magnify it as much as it can to reduce infidels in the genepool. This literally will be a gentic war against infidelity & polygamy. With each successive generation the amount of people who're innately psychotic, selfish & parasitic will reduce precipitously.
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>how to enforce
with the barrel of the gun. On top of that, this quasi-eugenic system will actively select for traits associated with positive personality traits and try magnifying it as much as we can to reduce infidels in the genepool. This literally will be a gentic war against infidelity & polygamy. With each successive generation the amount of people who're innately psychotic, selfish & parasitic will reduce precipitously.
And what if the women simply say no. You can brutaly punish them but killing them in large numbers will make the reproduction impossible. Look at South Korea where women literally build a whole movement around refuse to get children. What if they do the same and simply knowing that you need them to give birth to the next generation, so you cant simply kill them.
We bring it by being ourselves, ironically.
How do we have our own 'das kapital' , something that is actually dead serious & somewhat scientific in its approach(no meme answers like autistic manifestos)? How do we organize & mobilise? Time is ticking and our window for ensuring our genetic survival is shrinking. How do we bring political consciousness to the incels in denial ? Discuss... This is a serious thread and I think I may take a plunge into this idea of revolution so as to build a society that aims to gurantee genetic survival for all, a society that provides everyone a stake in its future.

Look at South Korea where women literally build a whole movement around refuse to get children.
Because kimchicels don't have the balls to do what's right. SImple as.
>women would rather die than get pregnant with their looksmatch
I think not, and even if they choose that option, one may make a good example out of it. Look at Iran for instance. Even the most anti-ayatollah folks couldn't properly capitalize the foid's death and turn it into a revolution.
If one can convince men at the very least and women to an extent that women have played a key role in genetically genociding men from the genepool(which they did btw), you'll have the moral high ground to do what's necessary. Denying men the opportunity to reproduce, that too of a monogamous sort, is just that- Genetic Genocide.
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If one can convince men at the very least and women to an extent that women have played a key role in genetically genociding men from the genepool(which they do btw), you'll have the moral high ground to do what's necessary. Denying men the opportunity to reprdouce, that too of a monogamous sort, is just that- Genetic Genocide.
Yes and women, espacially western women dont care about this, which is on reason why we ended up like this. I simply want to mention that the world that you are aiming for every female movement which can get up enough women to gain a critical mass could do whatever they want, as soon as they realize that you cant kill all of them without threatening the existence of your own society. This isnt about morality this is about power dynamics, as long as women are the only oppertunity for human reproduction you rely on them. Its like threatening a doctor to treat you, if he denies and you fullfill your threat and kill him you still wont get you treatment and die too.
Simply think about this what if enough women say fuck it kill me, but I wont stay in this system?
Mix of 3 ig, except we may use percentile scores (wrt genetic quality that prioritises health, intelligence & personality,etc..)to do the pairing. Reproduction will definitely involve the use of embryo selection to improve the quality of the genepool each generation. Those at the bottom will also be rewarded with the gametes of those at the top if they prove themselves to be sincere & hardworking.
We can build a society that's both eugenic & egalitarian, a society where everyone's genes makes it to the next generation thereby giving them a stake in society's future .
> Why would people care to reproduce
It's the only known way for LIFE to cheat DEATH of course. Convince the masses of this fact and you can slowly get them on board.

Alright, you seem sincere (although naive), so I'll indulge your questions and comments from before.

You actually sound like a closet fed trying to undermine the incel revolution.
First and foremost, there is no "incel revolution" (or "incel rebellion" even). I don't know where this idea came from (not here on this forum, so definitely an outside influence), but this is a niche, dare I say, extreme viewpoint.

Revolutions are mostly violent and rebellions are, by definition, violent. The people who advocate for this sort of thing (political and social change typically through violence), especially in an organized fashion, tend to be agent provocateurs (feds). This is why the kind of thing you're in favor of very often gets strongly negative reactions.

You know as much as I do that isolated attacks are off the question and only serve as a detriment to our cause.
"Our" cause? What the fuck are you talking about? There is no "us" here. You and I have only two things in common: we're both incel and we're both members of this forum.

Our political, spiritual, and various other beliefs and ideologies may or may not be shared. Incels are not a monolith. We're demographically diverse in almost every way. We come from all nations, socio-economic backgrounds, age groups, and ideologies (both political and religious).

Why do don't want incels to unite?
For what purpose? We're all incel for various reasons. Some of us are short, some are butt ugly, some have extreme autism, some have various other mental issues, others are deathnics (and therefore turbo-truecels). There is no catch-all, one-size-fits-all solution. Inceldom is not a political or social movement. That's the narrative that the media (mostly internet media, and also some governments) tries to paint a picture and vilify us altogether. They try and comparmentalize us and put us all into one neat box that they can then play around with it.

Inceldom is a state of being. It's a natural consequence of evolutionary and sexual selection, and will (sadly) always exist. Inceldom isn't a human phenomenon. There are incels all over the animal kingdom. In our own history it's estimated that there was one man for every 17 women before the agricultural revolution (neolithic period). That's a lot of incels whose genetic lineage just died off, because they were killed off. Back then being incel meant you were too weak to fend off stronger men who would literally kill you to fuck the women in your tribe, because your existence was a threat to their mating. You sometimes hear echos of that same sentiment here on the forum when some users say that they would kill every single one of us, if it meant their ascension. JFL

Why do you want them to rot & remain isolated?
I don't. I actively encourage education and exercise. You'd probably know that, if you weren't a three year account that is barely active. :feelswhere:

Why are you sounding like a gynocrat?
Why are you trying hard to throw labels at me in the hopes that your shit will stick? :feelswhere:
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Yes and women, espacially western women dont care about this, which is on reason why we ended up like this
lol. And how many men have actually stood up ffs? If western women are as brave and not so caring as you put it, we would see them actively tryin to defend their interests by whatever means necessary, including taking up arms, which you clearly don't see. You put these clowns on a very high pedestal when the real threat is the petty bourgeois simps & the polygamous chads who actively harm our interest. I'll be ready to forgive these kinds of people though, but I will never forget for what they're
This isnt about morality this is about power dynamics, as long as women are the only oppertunity for human reproduction you rely on them. Its like threatening a doctor to treat you, if he denies and you fullfill your threat and kill him you still wont get you treatment and die too.
except the dynamics of power here are a lot more different. If women deny you the opportunity to reproduce, you deny them. And before you say that it's a recipe for total human extinction, you must understand that the average woman is a sheep who'll get in line if her survival, physical or genetic, is threatened.The reason so many 1st world foids are delaying marriage is that they always have the false sense of confidence that they can always freeze eggs and use chad sperm stored in sperm banks. Rob them of that and you immediately throw them into an existential crisis of gargantuous proportions.
It's a natural consequence of evolutionary and sexual selection
hahaha, plz define nature comrade. You and I are incels because of forces powerful than you or me individually. Unite and seize power and then you end up becoming a "Force Of Nature" that women will have to contend with. Nature is that 'generates' and 'persists', till it continues to persist that is. You and I allow these forces to strive and influence and operate freely, thereby giving it a status of 'Natural Force' when it is just complacency from the side of men. We allow these parasitic forces to freely reign over us.
Inceldom is a state of being. It's a natural consequence of evolutionary and sexual selection, and will (sadly) always exist. Inceldom isn't a human phenomenon. There are incels all over the animal kingdom. In our own history it's estimated that there was one man for every 17 women before the agricultural revolution (neolithic period). That's a lot of incels whose genetic lineage just died off, because they were killed off. Back then being incel meant you were too weak to fend off stronger men who would literally kill you to fuck the women in your tribe, because your existence was a threat to their mating. You sometimes hear echos of that same sentiment here on the forum when some users say that they would kill every single one of us, if it meant their ascension. JFL
Oh and another note on "Nature". Before you claim that the old patterns repeat itself or that the best predictor of the future is that of the past and that is what the essence of "Nature" boils down to i.e. the persistent way of things, how're you going to reconcile this witth the fact that "Change Is Nature"?
For what purpose?
why shouldn't humans unite ffs? Why shouldn't we help each other ensure our genetic survival while simultaneously improving the genepool? Why shouldn't we provide everyone the stake in society's future so that people for once will actually start caring about the future of the collective species and actively work towards it's security rather than treating each other like competition that has to be thrown under the bus or outcompete with idk hardmaxxing meme procdeures like limb-lengthening surgery, facial reconstruction, BBLs, etc., all of which are an absolute waste of resources like money, brain, time, attention, etc., resouces which could be redirected to solving legit problems like idk nuclear fusion, engineering, longevity, cancer, neural degeneration, etc.. An yes, an obligatory pasta I found on /adv/


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If western women are as brave and not so caring as you put it, we would see them actively tryin to defend their interests by whatever means necessary, including taking up arms, which you clearly don't see.
Simpl because they dont have to, becaise they have this way more efficient way of gettin their interests become reality, with success as you can see during the last 100 years

And before you say that it's a recipe for total human extinction, you must understand that the average woman is a sheep who'll get in line if her survival, physical or genetic, is threatened.
Again what if they say no, what do you want to do then?
Again what if they say no, what do you want to do then?
make them realize the fact that they can either live and breed or die a painful, tortorous & miserable death. Show a few examples wiith the most ardent & adamant fools if you must and make them realize that there's no compromise on this issue. It's either live and breed to build a virtuous society that your children can be part, a society where your children don't have to partake in humiliation rituals like wearing makeup everyday and wasting time & money, where they don't have to compete in a race to the bottom, etc., or die defending sodom & gamorah.
If they still refuse, which the vast vast majority will not as women are more agreeable than men, especially when you add physical force to the equation, you can 'Grape' them if you must, but only in a certain rigid, systematic fashion and not just like that.
It's either live and breed to build a virtuous society that your children can be part, a society where your children don't have to partake in humiliation rituals like wearing makeup everyday and wasting time & money, where they don't have to compete in a race to the bottom
Giving them a possible Utopia to help building could actually work better for the women who are willing to breed then threatening them.
in (probably) few weeks I will publish a massive political philosophy writing on blackpillism. I already finished the first sketch of it, but I need to do some polishing.
You sometimes hear echos of that same sentiment here on the forum when some users say that they would kill every single one of us, if it meant their ascension. JFL
in (probably) few weeks I will publish a massive political philosophy writing on blackpillism. I already finished the first sketch of it, but I need to do some polishing.
Glad to hear that lad.
We are the trash, forget about it
First step -> Acquire social, political, academic and financial capital
"Buuh, that's boring, that's too much work, I can't do that! I just wanted to like plan to blow something up and get arrested or something lmao!"

Tbh it's better for most people on here to never get involved in politics. You would be a burden for any party you join and you speaking in favor of any position would make said position much less attractive to pretty much everyone else. Many users end up here precisely because they were accepted no where else. Bringing the shit that has festered on here to the outside is just going to repeat the same reaction that made you hide and isolate.

If you cared to try, there are real ways to try and make a sympathetic case for us. But you used the word revolution in your title, so I already know there is nothing serious about this.

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