Mix of 3 ig, except we may use percentile scores (wrt genetic quality that prioritises health, intelligence & personality,etc..)to do the pairing. Reproduction will definitely involve the use of embryo selection to improve the quality of the genepool each generation. Those at the bottom will also be rewarded with the gametes of those at the top if they prove themselves to be sincere & hardworking.
We can build a society that's both eugenic & egalitarian, a society where everyone's genes makes it to the next generation thereby giving them a stake in society's future .
> Why would people care to reproduce
It's the only known way for LIFE to cheat DEATH of course. Convince the masses of this fact and you can slowly get them on board.
Alright, you
seem sincere (although naive), so I'll indulge your questions and comments from before.
You actually sound like a closet fed trying to undermine the incel revolution.
First and foremost, there is no "incel revolution" (or "incel rebellion" even). I don't know where this idea came from (not here on this forum, so definitely an outside influence), but this is a niche, dare I say, extreme viewpoint.
Revolutions are mostly violent and rebellions are, by definition, violent. The people who advocate for this sort of thing (political and social change typically through violence), especially in an organized fashion, tend to be agent provocateurs (feds). This is why the kind of thing you're in favor of very often gets strongly negative reactions.
You know as much as I do that isolated attacks are off the question and only serve as a detriment to our cause.
"Our" cause? What the fuck are you talking about? There is no "us" here. You and I have only two things in common: we're both incel and we're both members of this forum.
Our political, spiritual, and various other beliefs and ideologies may or may not be shared. Incels are not a monolith. We're demographically diverse in almost every way. We come from all nations, socio-economic backgrounds, age groups, and ideologies (both political and religious).
Why do don't want incels to unite?
For what purpose? We're all incel for various reasons. Some of us are short, some are butt ugly, some have extreme autism, some have various other mental issues, others are deathnics (and therefore turbo-truecels). There is no catch-all, one-size-fits-all solution. Inceldom is not a political or social movement. That's the narrative that the media (mostly internet media, and also some governments) tries to paint a picture and vilify us altogether. They try and comparmentalize us and put us all into one neat box that they can then play around with it.
Inceldom is a state of being. It's a natural consequence of evolutionary and sexual selection, and will (sadly) always exist. Inceldom isn't a human phenomenon. There are incels all over the animal kingdom. In our own history it's estimated that there was one man for every 17 women before the agricultural revolution (neolithic period). That's a lot of incels whose genetic lineage just died off, because they were killed off. Back then being incel meant you were too weak to fend off stronger men who would literally kill you to fuck the women in your tribe, because your existence was a threat to their mating. You sometimes hear echos of that same sentiment here on the forum when some users say that they would kill every single one of us, if it meant their ascension. JFL
Why do you want them to rot & remain isolated?
I don't. I actively encourage education and exercise. You'd probably know that, if you weren't a three year account that is barely active.
Why are you sounding like a gynocrat?
Why are you trying hard to throw labels at me in the hopes that your shit will stick?