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I think the jury was basically threatened if they didn't give a conviction. It shouldn't have been a murdered charge, he clearly wasn't trying to kill him. If anything it's involuntary manslaughter.

There's definitely going to be an appeal, and the jury might be found to be incapable if giving a fair verdict. They were gonna convict him regardless of the evidence.

There's a lot of parrallels to the OJ Simpson trial where the mostly black jury was gonna let him go even though his wife's blood was all over him.

Black people really just can't be trusted on a jury. They want white people to go to jail for protecting the community from black criminals, and they want to black people to get away for murdering white people. How can you run a fucking justice system when blacks clearly do not want law and order?
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Yeah that looks like the lower back.


Yeah that looks like the lower back.
The picture literally shows it on his neck

The toxicologist report that he had 6x the lethal dose

"If he were found dead at home alone and no other apparent causes, this could be acceptable to call an OD. Deaths have been certified with levels of 3," Baker told investigators.
In another new document, Baker said, "That is a fatal level of fentanyl under normal circumstances."
But the doctors didn't say that this was the cause though

As you can see he obviously wasn't on the brink of death, and was completely coherent

If he actually was I highly doubt he'd be able to resist arrest in such a sparratic manor

Again, if this was the cop then everyone who ever got kneeled on would be dead, but for some reason it only killed a guy who had lethal amounts of drugs in his system.

Lets say that I used the same technique on you for an extended period of time, do you think that you would be gasping for air or that you'd be completely fine and safe from harm?.

Your argument doesn't really make any sense, and is frankly stupid to be honest. Just because something doesn't have a long track record of killing people, doesn't mean that it doesn't have the possibility to do so.

The picture literally shows it on his neck
And the rest of the bodycam footage shows it on his back
But the doctors didn't say that this was the cause though

As you can see he obviously wasn't on the brink of death, and was completely coherent

If he actually was I highly doubt he'd be able to resist arrest in such a sparratic manor

His heart was going way faster than a normal persons, his death was caused by heart failure because of that. If anything, him being sporadic and high energy is proof that he was gonna die.

the restraint happened and his already racing heart (from eating all his drugs) exploded once the cops stopped him and restrained him
Lets say that I used the same technique on you for an extended period of time, do you think that you would be gasping for air or that you'd be completely fine and safe from harm?.

Your argument doesn't really make any sense, and is frankly stupid to be honest. Just because something doesn't have a long track record of killing people, doesn't mean that it doesn't have the possibility to do so.
If the same technique has been tried atleast thousands of times, and the one time it “kills someone” is a guy on 6x the fentanyl dose limit, I really don’t think it was the technique. It just seems to me that this was an arrest of a criminal on drugs, who was overdosing (and so his heart was going super fast) and he got restrained and that added pressure blew up his heart.
And the rest of the bodycam footage shows it on his back
No, the footage your referring to obviously takes place before he put it on his neck

His heart was going way faster than a normal persons, his death was caused by heart failure because of that. If anything, him being sporadic and high energy is proof that he was gonna die.
Yet the reports from the cardiologists say that it was from a lack of oxygen

If the same technique has been tried atleast thousands of times, and the one time it “kills someone” is a guy on 6x the fentanyl dose limit, I really don’t think it was the technique. It just seems to me that this was an arrest of a criminal on drugs, who was overdosing (and so his heart was going super fast) and he got restrained and that added pressure blew up his heart.
Pressure to neck = lack of oxygen = death

How complicated is this to understand?, if you choke someone they die :feelstastyman:
Literally South Africa.

1s will never die, Js will outlive whatever garbage that is currently popular

OGs still sellout JFL at you

I forgot which thread ngl
Reported for nigger worship.
@BummerDrummer add me to that notification list.
The prosecution entered late evidence that Floyd had an oxygen level of 98%
Where was this said?, all of the reports I looked at were either people speculating that he overdosed or determining that he passed out from asphyxiation

It doesn't matter what the paid off and intimidated "experts" have to say. Floyd had severe heart disease, stage 3 of 3 hypertension, sickle cell, and was on a drug cocktail including beyond OD limit fentanyl.
We know that he was on drugs, but until I hear anything supporting the idea that he died because of them, I'm not buying it.

At the end he was foaming white at the mouth, which is a fentanyl overdose symptom
I didn't see any foam, all I saw was his head go limp

Another symptom is the sensation that you aren't getting oxygen, hence why Floyd said he couldn't breathe before he ever went to the ground and before Chauvin's knee was ever put on his shoulder blade.
If it was a fentanyl overdose then don't you think he would be spazzing out and shit?, as far as I'm aware people don't just overdose slowly like that, it usually happens pretty quick, and is easy to identify.
NPR Cookie Consent and Choices The state brought Dr. Martin Tobin back to the stand as its rebuttal witness. Tobin is a critical care pulmonologist who testified last week that Floyd died from a lack of oxygen.


"Tobin was permitted to discuss oxygen levels in Floyd's blood. He said that given the readings they have on his oxygen saturation level, Fowler's assertion on how much carbon monoxide could have been in his blood was incorrect.

"It's simply wrong," Tobin replied. He said Floyd's measured 98% oxygen saturation in his blood, which would be considered normal.
"Fowler's assertion on how much carbon monoxide could have been in his blood was incorrect"
"It's simply wrong," Tobin replied. He said Floyd's measured 98% oxygen saturation in his blood, which would be considered normal.

Your reading this completely wrong, Tobin was saying that fowler's estimate of his oxygen being 98% was incorrect
I know because you are black.

Second, while being questioned by Prosecutor Eldridge, McMillian was asked how Floyd appeared to him while being restrained, with Chauvin’s knee on Floyd’s neck. I expect Eldridge was hoping for a reply along the lines of “he looked like he was being killed.”

Instead, what Eldridge got was McMillian stating that Floyd had foam running out of his mouth. A perhaps stunned Eldridge responded with, “Foam in his mouth?” and McMillian immediately affirmed, “Yes, foam in and out of his mouth.”
I'm not gonna lie that's a huge indicator that you might indeed be right.

Still, in the end Chauvin had him in the car, and could have easily avoided the situation, but they decided to pull him out for some reason, which was a dumb move, so even if he did overdose, I still think he should pay the consequences for making a dumb mistake.

He swallowed the drugs, he didn't inject them.

Is there a difference?
No. Fowler, the defense's witness, asserted that Floyd could have died of carbon monoxide poisoning from the exhaust.

Tobin refuted that by saying Floyd's oxygen level was 98%.
"Fowler's assertion on how much carbon monoxide could have been in his blood was incorrect"
"It's simply wrong," Tobin replied. He said Floyd's measured 98% oxygen saturation in his blood, which would be considered normal.

Tobin was replying to fowler's assertion and said it was wrong, it says it right there

Blacks are basically a hivemind. There's few that don't automatically take the black person's side regardless of context.
I'm not taking his side, hell, I don't even like the guy, but to say that Chauvin couldn't have avoided the situation is just dumb

(video is time stamped)

He asked repeatedly to be put on the ground. When he was in the back of the cop vehicle he kept begging to be put on the ground.

The restraint Chauvin did was something he was instructed to do. They're even taught by Israelis to do it, Israelis do that to Palestinians.

Chauvin was fed to the wolves by the other cops to save their own hides.
They had like 5 guys there, and one of the doors was already closed, they should've just shoved him in and got it over with.
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I even linked you to a second source that stated quite clearly that Tobin is the one that said Floyd's oxygen levels were at 98%.

Well it completely conflicts with the other one you sent which says he disagreed with the statement

Tobin was permitted to discuss oxygen levels in Floyd's blood. He said that given the readings they have on his oxygen saturation level, Fowler's assertion on how much carbon monoxide could have been in his blood was incorrect.

"It's simply wrong," Tobin replied. He said Floyd's measured 98% oxygen saturation in his blood, which would be considered normal.

Fowler had testified he could not find any research on whether pressure on the back would constrict the throat. Tobin disputed that, saying at least a dozen physiological studies show if you decrease the size of the lungs, "you must get a decrease in the size" of the lower part of the throat, the hypopharynx.

Tobin testified that Floyd’s oxygen saturation levels were 98 percent when he died, prompting prosecutor Jerry Blackwell to ask “does that tell us anything whatsoever about what the carbon monoxide content could have been at a maximum?”

“Yes it does, it tells us that if the hemoglobin is saturated at 98 percent, it tells you all there was for everything else is 2 percent, and so the maximum amount of carbon, carbon monoxide, would be 2 percent,” Tobin said.

here is a side by side comparison

You're hung up on this: "He said Floyd's measured 98% oxygen saturation in his blood, which would be considered normal."
He said refers to Tobin
In the first article you sent me it was referring to fowler not tobin

As I already stated, Fowler asserted that it was possible Floyd died of carbon monoxide poisoning from the exhaust. Tobin, the witness of the prosecution, was brought back to refute that in a self-own (that didn't matter because it was a mock trial in a kangaroo court and it didn't matter what was said because the jury's mind was already made up).
Yeah, I don't find it likely that he died from some car fumes, but I also find it unlikely that he somehow had 98% oxygen while being caved in the neck
You simply read it wrong.

You thought it read, "It's simply wrong he said Floyd's measured 98% oxygen saturation in his blood, which would be considered normal."

But it doesn't.

"It's simply wrong," Tobin replied. He said Floyd's measured 98% oxygen saturation in his blood, which would be considered normal.
The second part is not in quotation marks. He said refers to Tobin, TOBIN SAID.

I linked a second article clearly stating that Tobin is the one to state that, to refute Fowler's assertion that Floyd could have died of carbon monoxide poisoning. That alone should have cleared up the confusion. If you don't get it now, then you are simply dense and there's no explaining anything to you.
Okay, fine, lets go with the overdose narrative

Why should I care?, he still took him out of the car, he still put his knee on his neck, in my mind it's still 3rd degree murder since he decided to escalate the situation.
@Uggo Mongo Are you going to give me an actual response or are you going to just copy and paste?

Frankly it doesn't seem like you have an answer since Chauvin was clearly guilty of 3rd degree at the very least
Yeah I copy and pasted my own fucking response from earlier :feelswhat:

Watch the video.
There's no reason for me to watch your damn video again, it adds nothing to the conversation, and doesn't answer my response
Floyd requested to be put on the ground citing his inability to breathe while they were trying to convince him to get into the back of the police car.
He said he would get on the ground not that he wanted to get on the ground

Even if he wanted that, why would they do that anyways?, they basically already had him in the car, all they had to do was keep him in.

He was freaking out in the back of the police car, begging at the top of his lungs to be put on the ground.

There was only one instance of him saying that he would get on the ground, but it wasn't really a request, it was more of a phrase.

The police take him out of the police car and place him on the ground as he requested. Chauvin's restraint technique is one that they are taught and instructed to do. It applies a minimal amount of force while they waited for the EMS
As said before, it wasn't a request, it was a phrase, and even if he did want that, I don't know why they would do it, since they basically had him where they wanted him.

Police deal with junkies that behave like that all the time, and they've heard it all. There was no reason for Chauvin to reasonably expect this to be any different.
So why did they escalate the situation?, they could've just put him in and gone on with their day.
Let me give you a few examples of what I mean so that you can understand

"I'll do anything to feel pain, I'll even stab myself in the foot"
"Hey, why don't you stab me in the foot"

Do you see the difference?, in one instance a person is being metaphorical, and in the other the person is making a literal request.

You seriously can't watch like 2 minutes of video?

He's freaking out in the back of the vehicle, saying he's claustrophobic and can't breathe. He's begging to get on the ground. They never really properly have him in the vehicle, he was fighting being in the vehicle
He was literally right there, all they had to do was shut the doors

They made a dumb mistake though by deciding to take him out for some reason

And no, he did not request to be put on the ground, as I've said before, he said that as an example as to how he would comply, I highly doubt he expected Chauvin to put his knee on his neck.

clearly didn't watch the video
I watched exactly where you timestamped it and I only heard him say it in passing, he wasn't begging for him to knee his neck or anything

clearly didn't watch the video
clearly didn't watch the video

rest my case, bye
Seems typical for you to copy and paste the same response three times for arguments you can't win against
There's simply no point, you are a rockhead. One of the densest and most daft niggers on this site. Another one of the retards that argues in circles for hours and pages of replies until the other guy just simply stops bothering to reply.
I have literally all of the time in the world to debate, I can do it from today to next week if I really wanted to.

Not saying I like it, just saying that I don't have much else to do.

Maybe you should consider this before debating me.

Yeah, Floyd was making a "metaphorical statement," hence why he kept desperately repeating that "metaphorical statement" specifically.

Again, I only heard it once in passing

And like I said, you clearly did not watch the video, if you had, you would see that Floyd was fighting his way out of the back of the vehicle, they never had him properly in there. So they put him on the ground and restrained him until the EMS could show up.

Your saying it as if they couldn't just stuff him in there

They had like 5 police officers with them, there's no way that they couldn't just shut the doors on him
That is how they they do it. That's how he was instructed. It's routine. They put him on the ground, and they restrained him.
But why do that when you have him in the car already?, the only reason you would have to do that is if he were out in the open.

They never had him properly in the vehicle, if you ever bothered to watch the full segment from where I time stamped you would see he's resisting being put in the vehicle the whole time.

Your saying it like as if he's some kind of uncontrollable beast or something, when in reality they had more than enough guys there to just shut the door and drive off

That's actually a lot less pounds of pressure than you would think.
Really?, I would think that your body weight concentrated in one area would be heavy

News to me

George Floyd was going to die in the back of the vehicle, on the ground, on top of the car, in the ambulance, on the moon, regardless, nigger died of an overdose from the drugs he swallowed.
If he did die in the back of the car then no one would have been at fault, Chauvin wouldn't have gone to prison, and it would be blamed on Floyd himself for overdosing

How is that a bad outcome on your side?
Derek Chauvin did nothing wring

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