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Incel music, an extended list.



Jan 27, 2018
First of all, let me introduce myself, for I am new here, a 20 yo incel that has recently migrated from Reddit. I was an active lurker and occasional poster on r/incels right towards the end of the sub; before that I actively engaged in the r/ForeverAlone community (before it became extensively and irreparably cucked). For whatever reason, I kept lurking on Reddit for the last 3 months, despite not really having a place to truly consider myself accepted in, during that time, I actively posted on r/UtterlyAlone (a sub that I also moderate to this day), and r/braincels (a truly cucked place as of now).

Ok, that would be it I guess...

So, moving on to the actual post itself; considering the title I have chosen for this post, let's just get straight to the point. As an avid listener and collector of various musical performances, albums and merchandise (although admittedly mostly black metal - as maybe even my username would suggest), I just felt the need to share with you guys some of the compositions that I found really resonating with my own state of mind, and that of the average lurker from around here - eternal solitude. I can just hope that the list of music I shall provide will include something relatable, something familair, enjoyable maybe?

With that being said, I will just promise you it won't be just depressive black metal (although most of it is just that); let's get into it.

Giles Corey - No one is ever going to want me
  • A dark-folk (something along the lines of that), ambient heavy composition. Lyrics are really resonating with the incel state of mind. Depressing sounds for chronically depressed people, what can I say more...
Have a Nice Life - Burial Society
  • An interesting shoegaze project that seems to base its lyricism around loneliness, depression, suicide and aleienation from society.
Planning for Burial - Wearing Sadness and Regret Upon Our Faces
  • More shoegaze for you guys, melancholic, slow paced and outright depressive; what can one ask for more?
Ellende - Verehrung
  • A favourite of mine. What can be more enjoyable than some melancholic, suicide-inducing blackgaze? I cannot think of anything else, really.
Dopamine - Melting
  • Apparenty a chinese one-man band. Really profound in his approach towards creating textured pieces. Depressive? Maybe. But really beautiful.
Sadness - Useless
  • The dark and stupendous feeling of being alone in a pit of darkness and despair that seems to get deeper and deeper everyday.
Ride - In a different place
  • It only gets worse to realise your own eternal exclusion from a normal existence. Perpetually trapped in a prison of the mind...
Radiohead - Creep
  • Yeah, I had to include this to the list.
Lantlôs - Neon
  • German blackgaze project, lyrics dealing mostly with depression and alienation. Very rich soundscape, textured and dissonant, just the way it's meant to be...
Dark Tranquillity - Lost To Apathy
  • "Look at the shell that is you, empty, fragile, weak. Soon the battle is over, lost to apathy." If those lyrics aren't enough for a description, I do not know what is.
Alldrig - Melancholy Germ I
  • Argentinian shoegaze project. Very raw production, very organic sound.
The Smiths - I Know It's Over
  • This just seemed to be appropiate for this list.
Skyforest - Inexistence
  • Russian dark ambeint/depressive black metal/blackgaze project. This guy makes incredible music.
Agalloch - She Painted Fire Across the Skyline
  • The lyrics are just crushingly dark and depressing, dealing with the inability to be loved - not even by nature itself. The music is sublime. The atmosphere unique. The performance spot on. I have included a link to the entire compositon, as it is intended to be listened as a whole, not on parts. What can I say, may favourite band, too bad they split up.
Aldebaran - Forever In The Dream Of Death
  • The title says it all. Incelness is just that at it's finest.
Asunder - Twilight Amaranthine
  • This is what they are going to play at my funeral after I will stop coping and begin rope-ing, haha!
Mozart - Requiem in D minor
  • It made me cry the first time I listened to it, and still does to this day...
Adagio in G minor
  • A neo-baroque composition usually falsely attributed to Tomaso Albinoni, most probably wirtten at the beginning of the 20th century by Albinoni's biographer. A melancholic piece nonetheless.
Camille Saint-Saëns - Piano Concerto No 2 in G minor
  • More classical music for you guys.
Edward Elgar - Variations on an Original Theme
  • The feels... probably the last classical composition that I will include though, I know not many people listen to this stuf (not that the other songs that I have posted thus far are so well known).
Grief - Numb
  • Again, a bit of blackgaze that I really enjoyed.
Austere - This Dreadful Emptiness
  • I just cannot insist how much I have related to this band and their work. Their lyrics speak volumes about the blasted state of mind, that is depression and solitude.
Bleak - Forgotten Days
  • Venezuelan blackgaze. It almost made me cry... almost...
Onryō - Formless
  • Japanese depressive black metal for you guys, I know many of you like Japaneese culture; maybe you'll enjoy this too.
Mgla - Exercises in Futility
  • Ah, a classic - had to include the entire album here. Heh, this is just *misantrophy at its finest*. Black Metal really ist KRIEG, haha!
Gallowbraid - Oak and Aspen
  • Would you believe me that I have no words left to describe the beauty of this composition, just... just check it out.
Just as a sidenote, I did not place the songs in any particular order, they are here just as they came into my mind.

And... I am sorry if I incuded too much black metal and too many songs with harsh vocals, and not enough classical music, and no blues or jazz at all. It's just that I'm mostly familiar only with BM and classical, so I did not have that much of a broad spectrum to choose from.
welcome, interesting post and thread thx
nausea said:
welcome, interesting post and thread thx

Thanks man, really glad that you appreciate it, had a bit of trouble with the formatting, but it's fixed now.

If you have any other musical recommendation, I would be glad to see what the community around here listens to.

hope you get the reference

nausea said:
hope you get the reference


How do you post music videos?
QuantumDummy said:
How do you post music videos?
it depends on the source, I only manage to be succesful with youtube videos

try using the videobutton in full reply mode
wew lad!

Careful not to reinforce your depression, there.
Here's some stuff more in keeping with the tone set by the OP, for those who prefer the great elevations of the spiritual domain over the frenetic tempest of mere phenomena:

Esoteric - Allegiance

Glacial doom metal about complete severance from the world beyond oneself that, if you bend the contours in the right manner, could even be interpreted in light of the blackpill. And dig that sample!

Neurosis - Lost

The lyrics of this band often follow a metaphysical course, but the music itself courses with the restless blood of immediate physical defiance. 

Red Harvest - The Burning Wheel

Similar to Neurosis. Never even looked at the lyrics here, but this is perfectly evocative of bellowing the contents of one's soul into the vacuous, yawning abyss after the cessation of all other human life.

Scott Walker - Jessie

The album from which this song comes (The Drift) is about as good as music gets. Modern classical in the style of Penderecki, Ligeti, et al. is bent into the form of songs that express an alternately dismal and morbidly comic vision. The song is about Elvis Presley's stillborn twin brother Jessie, to whom he'd 'talk' in times of great distress.

Nice thread, I imagine I'll be back here more than a few times. @KvltWarrior98, I imagine you're familiar with Negură Bunget? If not, they should be very much of interest.
A Good Friend said:
wew lad!

Careful not to reinforce your depression, there.

Well; honestly, I feel very attached to this specific genre of music, despite being labeled as depressive I find it to have quite the contrary effect on me.

Most people learn to save themselves by artificially limiting the content of consciousness. -Thomans Ligotti

Black metal in general manages to create an appropiate atmosphere for contemplation which further amplifies my thoughts, allowing an opportunity to expand the realm of my very own waking consciousness. What comes after that, are mere ideas... I wouldn't call them depressive, just philosophically pessimistic. Why limit myself with leaps of faith and delusion when I could try to indulge myself in a profound exercise in utter abortiveness of being?

I would even go as far as to claim that it also creates an emotive response - understanding that I am not alone in this existential slumber of mine.

Ledgemund said:
I imagine you're familiar with Negură Bunget? If not, they should be very much of interest.

I knew Negru personally - as in I had a quite interesting discussion with him after one concert in Timisoara - gods rest his soul. Been to 7 live performances of theirs, including metal festivals. 

If you are familiar with Negura, I would guess you are also a fan of DorDeDuh?
check carcass: blackpilled af

read the text


because tomorrow belongs to nobody


Anyone into slowcore? Some appropriately somber music for when one feels more of a 'pleasant' melancholy than an implacable need to feel the pulse of the mind's fury. 

Idaho - Here to Go

Damn fine material; the whistling feedback permeating these songs is really what makes these guys, ca. album #1, stand above their contemporaries like RHP, Low, et al.

Chokebore - It Could Ruin Your Day

Great band, even if a lot of the lyrics are obviously penned from the 'I slip into whores whenever I want, but I'm still weary and anhedonic' angle. The music is good enough that I don't even find it distasteful in the slightest.

Codeine - Pea

Fuckin' frigid. Some of their more dissonant moments are like sheets of ice colliding.

Lowercase - Slightly Dazed

One should listen to the whole album for the best experience, but this will do fine if time is limited. Grim post-punk melded with noise rock and convergently evolved black metal elements (check that drum pattern and the vocals. Shades of Filosofem and Transilvanian Hunger).

KvltWarrior98 said:
If you are familiar with Negura, I would guess you are also a fan of DorDeDuh?

I've only really investigated OM and n crugu bradului, so I've not gotten around to DorDeDuh yet. I'll have to some day, though.

Start posting, you sonsabitches, or we'll lose this thread to the annals of incels.is and just end up with another one in a week or two.
KvltWarrior98 said:
Well; honestly, I feel very attached to this specific genre of music, despite being labeled as depressive I find it to have quite the contrary effect on me.

That's good. I just always did the opposite. I listen to pretty upbeat shit for a person in my situation.
Coldworld - Melancholie^2


Just perfect for late night strolls in the local park, contemplating on the day you will end it all.
Like tears in the rain:

In the interest of keeping this thread afloat, I suggest anyone reading share their thoughts about the music herein and maybe even rate the 'incelness' of contributions on a scale of 1 (chadfaggot party toonz) to 10 (ghoulish transmissions from the innermost heart of absence).

nausea said:
check carcass: blackpilled af

read the text


A strange album; Carcass's shot at streamlining their sound and breaching the Death n' Roll market but also the most maligned album in their catalog. I haven't listened to it until now, but it reminds me of a tamer Pungent Stench. A lot of these early Earache bands really had the 'urban desolation' sound down (some Napalm Death, Godflesh). 5/10 on the incel scale, I'd say.

KvltWarrior98 said:
Coldworld - Melancholie^2


Just perfect for late night strolls in the local park, contemplating on the day you will end it all.

Right off the bat, it's got at least 5 incel pts. just for being Depressive Black Metal. Those operating in these realms must distinguish themselves from the pack in some way in order to surmount this threshold; I only listened to the first track, but I'll pull it up to an 8. You can hear the soul of misery, noble against all odds, articulated in this music, and it's a far cry from lighter fare like Deafheaven.

Red Shambhala said:
Like tears in the rain:


Music that does not assume the compartmentalized form of songs is anathema to hole 'taste', so it's got, again, 5 pts. by that alone. This music is, certainly, touched by solitude, but I can't help but feel it's a bit too peaceful to be outstandingly incellular. Plus I've known (of) a number of whores that venerate the ambient music of Brian Eno, longtime Budd collaborator. 6.
nausea said:
and polarized?

A groovy motherfucker of a riff on this one! As an ode to refusal, I'd give this one a strong 7 (volcel).
Ledgemund said:
nausea said:
and polarized?
A groovy motherfucker of a riff on this one! As an ode to refusal, I'd give this one a strong 7 (volcel).
ah thx, would give it perfect 10
nausea said:
any text avaiable?


Ledgemund said:
nausea said:
any text avaiable?
thx, your vote? to me it's high on the scale, probably OVER it
nausea said:
thx, your vote? to me it's high on the scale, probably OVER it

I force myself to stay at ten, but this is the song I use to standardize the scale. Everything else is evaluated by how it compares.
Ledgemund said:
nausea said:
thx, your vote? to me it's high on the scale, probably OVER it
I force myself to stay at ten, but this is the song I use to standardize the scale. Everything else is evaluated by how it compares.
ah, ok, good, thx for sharing

btw I like sepultura alot eh, you?
nausea said:
ah, ok, good, thx for sharing

btw I like sepultura alot eh, you?

I dig their older stuff quite a bit. This one might be my favorite.
Ledgemund said:
nausea said:
ah, ok, good, thx for sharing
btw I like sepultura alot eh, you?
I dig their older stuff quite a bit. This one might be my favorite.
yes , they have unique style imo, I prefer the live version of their songs, especially rahatamata,refuse\resist , roots and territory
Thanks for sharing, anything metal or -core is always interesting to hear
Violet Cold - Lovegaze (atmospheric black metal from Azerbaijan)


On a scale from 1 to rope, this song is definitely at rope level of sadness and despair it induces. Don't be fooled by the happy and upbeat major chords played, or the lovely voice claiming that she "loves you" in Turkish. This song hits hard as fuck, even quite literarily made me cry...

It is an unhappiness over what all of us dream to ever come true one day, yet, the "Lovegaze", the pure feeling, proves to be as ephemeral as as the song itself. As it all ends you realize that you are left with nothing, but your own misery and despair, that it was all a dream... Awaking again to face the illusion of life.

Lost Inside - I Hate Myself


The title speaks for itself, I would guess. What touched me about this particular composition were the low amplitude shrieks of utmost despair uttered by the vocalist. It simply cries existential suffering. The high pitched screams of a man trying to reach out into the nether only to be crushed by the act of being per se.

La Torture Des Ténèbres - Civilization Is The Tomb Of Our Noble Gods


Though not necessarily incel related, as in more a album that sure invokes a certain type of imagery, and a sense of dread and horror that does not compare to anything else that I have ever experienced.For whatever reason the art deco/noir aesthetic of this album creeps me out way more than it probably should. It quite literally sounds like some distorted broadcast from the early 20th century, stupendously cacophonous yet also eerily soothing. Quite palpably a glimpse into a distopic Metropolis-like future... the failed world of Tommorow.

Have a Nice Life - Sysiphus


Drawing inspiration from the ancient Greek legend of Sysiphus and his eternal damnation to the ultimate exercise in futility... if it were possible to record the sounds of one's mind, mine would most likely just sound like this particular piece.
KvltWarrior98 said:
Violet Cold - Lovegaze (atmospheric black metal from Azerbaijan)


Can't honestly say I'm into this one too much; the music itself is kind of saccharine and the decision to include whorevox in a song is always a poor one, I find. I'd still give it 4/10, as I still can't see normscum philistines listening to this.

KvltWarrior98 said:
Lost Inside - I Hate Myself


This is more like it. Deceptively placid, reserved sections paired with the scathing din of unrest. I especially like the muffled vocals, with the croaks reminiscent of a beached sea mammal struggling against the suffocating inertia of incapacity. Solid 8/10.

KvltWarrior98 said:

La Torture Des Ténèbres - Civilization Is The Tomb Of Our Noble Gods


Jessica Kinney

Oof. Off to a bad start here. Really though, this is pretty good. I've certainly heard stranger, more uncompromising music, but this is a worthy addition to the panoply of black metal expressing urban disquiet that's been growing so quickly of late. This project takes the concept right back to the seminal wave of 1920s modernists and feels fairly continuous with it. Good call on the Metropolis comparison; you even see the resemblance in the cover art:



KvltWarrior98 said:
Have a Nice Life - Sysiphus


Best one of the four. Would you believe: I've been ignoring these guys for years because of the indiekid hype, but this is very, very good. Even more appealing than the climactic payoff here is the understated dissonance and tension of the buildup. The genuine preternaturalism here really surprised me. 8 fuckin' ropes.

As for me:


One of my favorite discoveries of late. The music itself sounds like leaning against a driving gale as one marches through 2 feet of snow. As if that weren't enough, the lyrics appear to be an eschatological treatment of modern decadence, with an anti-globalist skew (quite prescient for 1990). The singer was apparently schizophrenic and possessed by religious mania. He pilled himself to death shortly after the recording of this album.

Anyone Suomicels want to try their hand at a better translation than what Google offered?

You've wound up the wise
But you do not miss us anymore
We are going to see the smallest movements
And to answer anger, the sun is a lie

The Beast of Revelation
The Beast of Revelation

You're eating in South America
And you vomit on Europe
And here the people want to swim in it
And let your sun reach for your lies

The Beast of Revelation
The Beast of Revelation



Relatively jaunty post-punk that belies the bitterness of the lyrics. I don't know about any of you, but I can count my friends on the fingers of a quadruple amputee.
josh said:

Hmm...the music is precariously close to 00s AOR, so I couldn't in good conscience say this is too far removed from the norman end of the scale. It doesn't do proper justice to the lyrical content, which is fixed firmly in fuckless luckup territory. I'd give it 5/10 ropes.

By the by, this is my estimation of what 9 ropes sounds like:


Anyone got some more?

Ledgemund said:
Hmm...the music is precariously close to 00s AOR, so I couldn't in good conscience say this is too far removed from the norman end of the scale. It doesn't do proper justice to the lyrical content, which is fixed firmly in fuckless luckup territory. I'd give it 5/10 ropes.

Yeah the lyrics are the reason I listen to it.
Ledgemund said:
Good call on the Metropolis comparison
KvltWarrior98 said:
Quite palpably a glimpse into a distopic Metropolis-like future

Off-thread, but either of you gnarly dudes seen the vidya for Queen's Radio GaGa?

Ledgemund said:
Mana Mana - Ilmestyskirjan Peto

As far as lyricism is concerned despite having absolutely no comprehension what this particular piece was meant to transmit; I shall only take the - notoriously unreliable - translation Google provided, and thus be pleased by the revelatory nature of its message.

Composition-wise, the production is kind of rough - though that I am not complaining about. The riff pattern is reminiscent of the early grunge scene of Seattle - though most probably it's just a coincidence - with a droning repetitive twist to it. The distortion effect used on the guitar is particularly enjoyable.

I might very well sound like a typical BM elitist by saying this, but: unfortunately, for my taste, the voice kind of disappoints, considering all the aforementioned about instrumentation, I would have really enjoyed the piece quite a lot more, were harsh vocals and shrieks used instead of the clean sung baritone voice. Perhaps, even a stronger reverb effect would have made the cut. But, that does not degrade the quality of the music, it just does not appeal to my subjective point of view about music.

Anyway, with that being said, I am pleasantly surprised by this recommendation. Solid 8/10

Ledgemund said:
My Dad Is Dead - Too Far Gone

If one would be to create a song about - a rather stereotypical - life of coping until roping, this would pretty much be it. Sad, melancholic and outright depressive - but such are our lives also, and honestly I wouldn't even expect much more. Simplistic yet effective form an instrumental pint of view, a bunch of major chords (quite surprisingly) added together in simple 4/4 time signature followed by a easy progression... but to great effect.

Personally, I'd rate this 7/10, mostly due only to the instrumentation and the simplistic composition, but were it only to analyze the lyrics, it's definitely rope material.

Now as for my further reccomandations:

Goatmoon - Aryan Beauty


A National Socialistic band? Maybe. A song about pride, honor, tradition and purity? Most definitely. This in itself makes even some BM fans to just run away from this kind of band.

But considering the blackpill ideology, I find it quite suitable. How can one fight degeneracy but through the return to their roots. And if that means a social suicide in this cucked world, it truly means we are unsalable.

Were it not for the stigma associated towards the particular political ideology the members of this band adhere to, I would bet my money they would have already made it big in the BM scene, too bad tough. A pity that most people - and especially the cucked liberals - cannot understand that NS does not imply racial hatred, but much rather racial pride; pride in our own ancestry and genetic origins, pride in our traditions and pride in our nations...

Lyricism might not be incel related per se, but they are ideologically tangential to the blackpill ideology (or merely a facet of it, but still). And enjoyable composition, perfect when you are feeling down, so as to boost morale right up again.

Xasthur - The Prison of Mirrors


As usual for the BM veteran band, Xasthur, this piece straight out of their magnum opus (personal opinion) "Subliminal Genocide", is probably the best introduction for an uninitiated towards their works.

What is strikingly obvious about this composition -generally speaking about Xasthur - is the dark and atmosphere rich sound they manage to create. It quite literally speaks tomes of itself, suggesting derangement leading to utter madness as the main theme this band was built around.

It is a slow, depressing, almost funeral doom-like composition that is a little less than 13 minutes in length. This song is absolutely repetitive and dark especially in the later part where a key change in the instrumental is quite obvious. The epitome of a mind descending into deep suicidal depression.

A Good Friend said:
Off-thread, but either of you gnarly dudes seen the vidya for Queen's Radio GaGa?


I have never seen it before, but I was quite pleasantly surprised by the inclusion of imagery from the movie in the video. Though, honestly, I cannot really find the correlation between the music video and the composition itself, beyond pure aesthetic reasons.

Anyway, it's Queen, one cannot simply dislike their music.
josh said:
Yeah the lyrics are the reason I listen to it.

Indeed. Here's another song I posted a while back that bluntly catalogues the trials of exclusion: Wipers - Window Shop for Love

Twisted said:
Porcupine tree- she moved on

An honest examination of hypergamy and the ephemeral, ultimately meaningless nature of a cunt's love. Good and morose; I'll say 7/10 ropes.

Twisted said:
Porcupine tree- normal

I'm not quite as impressed by this one, as the sound and content is less dejected, more so disaffected than the last. A record that very effectively taps into this kind of dystopian, terminally-medicated social fugue and transmutation of bodily desire into the domain of consumerism and spectacle is Thrall's Chemical Wedding. The song I would've chosen, with themes most closely resembling this one, is 'I'll Do What You Say'; it appears not to be easily available online yet, however. Here's a different one, more or less just as good:


The vocalist of this band was in another one previously that was even better. Lots of paranoia and mockery in the lyrics, with a sort of dated focus on televangelists, businessmen, and wasteoid 60s relics. This song is a particularly relevant one, a picture of desperation and loneliness. People are sounding off about 2D waifus, traps, and animals - how long until we discover the first necrophilecel among our ranks?


A Good Friend said:
Off-thread, but either of you gnarly dudes seen the vidya for Queen's Radio GaGa?

Not until now; thanks for pointing it out. A good look at mass culture and thoughtless credulity in the lyrics, with the rigidly Expressionist geometry of the cityscape overlaid with the aseptic Kraftwerkian tone of the music being a great complement. I'm not too familiar with Queen, but it's obvious why they're so widely revered.

KvltWarrior98 said:
I might very well sound like a typical BM elitist by saying this, but: unfortunately, for my taste, the voice kind of disappoints, considering all the aforementioned about instrumentation, I would have really enjoyed the piece quite a lot more, were harsh vocals and shrieks used instead of the clean sung baritone voice. Perhaps, even a stronger reverb effect would have made the cut. But, that does not degrade the quality of the music, it just does not appeal to my subjective point of view about music.

Ah, see the vocals are what put it over the top for me. The tired, droning incantations alternately remind one, on one hand, of the world-denying chants of an ascetic or, on the other, of man's Sisyphean task of moving ever forward with leaden limbs toward no goal at all. I feel the impact would actually be lessened with with full-throated shrieks and roars, but to each his own.

KvltWarrior98 said:
Goatmoon - Aryan Beauty

A National Socialistic band? Maybe. A song about pride, honor, tradition and purity? Most definitely. This in itself makes even some BM fans to just run away from this kind of band.

But considering the blackpill ideology, I find it quite suitable. How can one fight degeneracy but through the return to their roots. And if that means a social suicide in this cucked world, it truly means we are unsalable.

Were it not for the stigma associated towards the particular political ideology the members of this band adhere to, I would bet my money they would have already made it big in the BM scene, too bad tough. A pity that most people - and especially the cucked liberals - cannot understand that NS does not imply racial hatred, but much rather racial pride; pride in our own ancestry and genetic origins, pride in our traditions and pride in our nations...

Lyricism might not be incel related per se, but they are ideologically tangential to the blackpill ideology (or merely a facet of it, but still). And enjoyable composition, perfect when you are feeling down, so as to boost morale right up again.

Absolutely great. Just a cold marble slab of triumphal black metal. I'll probably be looking into this band further. The NatSoc themes also open up an interesting discussion about its relationship to incels and outcasts generally; in fact, it's hard for me to confine myself scrupulously to just a few aspects of it. 

People here seem to be split down the middle about it here, but it's worth remembering for those who repudiate modern Identitarians and the Alt-Right that these people are the closest things to outlaws in society at present. Spencer has his old money roots to cushion his fall, but other central figures (e.g. Mike Enoch, Pete Tefft) have, likewise made into figures of disgrace, been effectively barred from employment and even disowned by their families, to whom social respectability is more meaningful than blood. A lot of people, not even limited to consensus cucks, also forget that this is a tenuous, tacit 'coalition' of a diverse body of ideas and people. When you read any of the numerous 'what do people think of the Alt-Right' threads here, you tend to get takes like 'they worship the fertility cult of the white woman' and 'they're a just chads who would exterminate all ugly males'; this certainly doesn't apply to everyone. These are not chads, or they wouldn't have found the movement in the first place. It's worth bearing in mind that, despite shitlib propaganda, these people do not 'control the government duhhh white supremacy systemic racism dogwhistle.' It's mostly just individuals perturbed by and dissatisfied with the state of society cementing their exclusion from it, whether intentionally or not. I generally don't agree with their positions per se and think they tend to avoid significant elaborations of politics and ideology in favor myopic, relentless examinations of race realism, but as the last bastion of resistance to collective neutering I'm behind them entirely. 

To actually address your points @KvltWarrior98, I appreciate expressions of pride in the face of overwhelming hostility to them. It wasn't until recently that I came to appreciate NSBM and similar reclamations of European national identity, as the celebration of deracinated cosmopolitanism seems an increasingly thin veil for the crippling of the political agency of majority populations of Western countries. 8 ropes, bugmen won't touch this.

KvltWarrior98 said:
Xasthur - The Prison of Mirrors

Xasthur...always a good choice when this topic comes up. The dude's whole discography is riddled with lamentations on the inability to exist. If you watch the famous One Man Metal documentary (yeah, yeah Vice sucks big fucking dicks, but still), you really get a sense of how much he meant it; the guy was incel through and through. He can't even look the interviewer in the eye, a guy expressing admiration for his work and trying to introduce it to a wider audience. This particular composition is about 8/10 ropes, I would say. Relatedly: Leviathan - Sardoniscorn
Ledgemund said:
Not until now; thanks for pointing it out. A good look at mass culture and thoughtless credulity in the lyrics, with the rigidly Expressionist geometry of the cityscape overlaid with the aseptic Kraftwerkian tone of the music being a great complement. I'm not too familiar with Queen, but it's obvious why they're so widely revered.

The imagery is largely due to the oft-used Queen video director, David Mallet. He lifts Metropolis directly, to the point of inserting footage, but videos exist to sell singles, and that video will forever be wed to that song.

Queen's status has more to do with originality and musicianship. It was a strong four-piece, with everyone contributing a number one single at some point.

It's what happens when you get four songwriters together who have a penchant for over-production. Fucking love it.

KvltWarrior98 said:
I cannot really find the correlation between the music video and the composition itself, beyond pure aesthetic reasons.

All things are permissible through Queen.

KvltWarrior98 said:
Anyway, it's Queen, one cannot simply dislike their music.

Well put
@BlackpilledAF and @Ledgemund check this out:


If heroic metal was a thing, this is how I would imagine it to be sounding.
InebriatedIrish said:

This is a trippy song, but I love it.

The guitar technique and even the overall sound of it reminds me of Mark Knopfler's play style.

Honestly, I might not be into jazz to much, but this song you have suggested is definitely groovy, I particularly enjoyed the violin parts.
A Good Friend said:
It's what happens when you get four songwriters together who have a penchant for over-production. Fucking love it.

Truly. Knock that down to two + a protean cadre of session musicians and you've got Steely Dan, perhaps a dark horse in the 'incel band' race. The fabricated, ultra-slick sleaze of the Dan is something of an inverted cunt magnet; I've heard several anecdotes of holes being repulsed by the balding swinger vibe of this band in much the same way as they are by the generic ugly male. Plus, is anyone here intending to go back to their old school? Didn't think so.

KvltWarrior98 said:
@BlackpilledAF and @Ledgemund check this out:


If heroic metal was a thing, this is how I would imagine it to be sounding.

This is damn fine; apparently seeing release in February. I'm not too familiar with Hellenic black metal, but this is really good. Captures the sort of primeval ecstasy you'd hope to hear in folk metal and indeed all modern treatments of traditional themes. What really struck me was the band's ability to do this with a standard set of rock instruments and no folk instruments in their repertoire. Another band that is exemplary in producing this sense of Dionysian pagan revelry, though very differently musically, is the Hungarian noise-rock/psych collective Vágtázó Halottkémek. Here's a track from their first release. Lyrics may even be related tangentially to inceldom (note the word 'asexual') or at the very least self-contained existence. Google produced an even more incomprehensible translation this time around. Paging all Magyarcels to sharpen this up.


out with him, for God!
who lives in you now!
you know how much it is worth!
it's been time for a long time!

for asexual pain!
for a half hat!
for the ultimate pleasure!
for the inner power!

who the anger knows why!
for my last word!
out with him, for God!
who lives in you now!

mysterious battlefield!
nobody knows me alone!
what life is mine!
nobody knows me alone!

the whole world is a big I!
ô tells me that I am!
I hear you say, Me!
when I say that I am!

the shell is fired from me!
the wind breaks out of me!
a hand leans behind me!
my old body looks back!


If you're after more folk metal, I can recommend Primordial with full conviction, though they sound completely different. This is a quality bleakcel track: Primordial - Failure's Burden

InebriatedIrish said:

This is a trippy song, but I love it.

Nice! I don't know much about modern blues, but this a nigh-delirious take on it. In fact, I'm not extensively familiar with incel-caliber music that exists outside of more outwardly aggressive genres, so anyone with knowledge in this direction that is reading is invited to post the most grim and hateful non-metal, non-punk, non-industrial music they know of. I would imagine there has to be a lot of good mournful country material; this is the best I've got: Hank Williams - Nobody's Lonesome for Me



Here's a good track for any NoFapcels interested or, indeed, all of us assailed by the constant sight of barely-clothed cock beggars every time we step out the door. Don't even give these vulgar pseudosirens the visual hatefucks they cry out for.  Your hate should be cherished, your hate is a prize. Hold onto it until someone special comes along.


More ED than ER, but shave away the details and it makes a fine incel anthem.

Ledgemund said:
Truly. Knock that down to two + a protean cadre of session musicians and you've got Steely Dan, perhaps a dark horse in the 'incel band' race. The fabricated, ultra-slick sleaze of the Dan is something of an inverted cunt magnet; I've heard several anecdotes of holes being repulsed by the balding swinger vibe of this band in much the same way as they are by the generic ugly male. Plus, is anyone here intending to go back to their old school? Didn't think so

>inverted cunt magnet
That about sums it up. Even I get a little tired of how "clean" Steely Dan comes across, also that it sounds like a 70's fuck party smells, but I still listen to them. I'm in love with most of the session gunslingers they used (Bernard Purdie, Steve Gadd, etc.)

"Home At Last" and "Aja" are two good examples of Fagen and Becker deviating from the path; Fucking beautiful!
Ledgemund said:
Vágtázó Halottkémek - Ki vele, az istenért

Not at all a bad record, chaotic, dissonant and outright atonal. A fine example of existential angst expressed through music. As far the lyrics are concerned - from my vague understanding of the Hungarian language - it can all be interpreted as a mockery of hedonistic, nihilist values expressed by the artist himself. A form of self irony, laughing at your own failures. Tough I might very well be wrong in that interpretation.

Nonetheless, composition-wise I thoroughly enjoyed the piece, expressing this particularly representative style of post-modern themes and motifs. Surprisingly enough, the voice was spot on with the instrumentation, despite my particular repulsion towards clean vocals.

If I were to rate this piece it would be an easy 9/10. Fine incel music, both lyrically and stylistically.

Ledgemund said:
Cherubs - Come

A straightforward punk tune, a fine expression of hatred through a somewhat dissonant and yet particularly well organized composition (if such a statement can ever make sense). Not my particular niece of listening material, but for the sake of its message and manner of interpretation it will make it on my personal list. I really need to give it a few more full listens to understand all the lyricism behind it, tbh.

8/10 ropes for this one.

Ledgemund said:
Fuckemos - 2 Punk 2 Fuck

For whatever reason, I found this one a bit generic. Perhaps, even cliché fro this type of music. The only redeeming part of it is in fact the almost basso-profundo type of voice used by the vocalist, quite a feat to pull off without the use of voice modulating equipment.

7/10, for the great voice and the truly niece appeal of this type of composition, I really do not think there are more than 2000 people in this world who have even heard this piece altogether.

As for my own further recommendations:

Harakiri for the Sky - Thanatos


An epitome of solitude and desolation of the soul. A beautifully composed piece with quite a few post-metal influences. Technically speaking, this is amongst the most complex black metal compositions that I have heard so far, filled with variation and plenty of time signature changes, which is quite uncommon in the genre. Even lyric wise, the main theme around this piece is - as the name suggests - death, more specifically suicide, social isolation and the despair induced by being refused by society.

Sólstafir - Necrologue


What I would consider to be the magnum opus of this Icelandic progressive metal act. A song about suicide and depression. I shall let the lyrics speak for themselves:

[font=arial,helvetica] Have you ever felt the pain[/font]
[font=arial,helvetica]Have you ever felt the shame[/font]
[font=arial,helvetica]Have you ever had the fear[/font]
[font=arial,helvetica]Did it hurt like hell for years[/font]

[font=arial,helvetica]Have you ever been afraid[/font]
[font=arial,helvetica]Have you ever gone astray[/font]
[font=arial,helvetica]Is it ever hard to say[/font]
[font=arial,helvetica]That it hurts in every way[/font]
[font=arial,helvetica]Have you ever felt alone[/font]
[font=arial,helvetica]Felt like you never had a home[/font]
[font=arial,helvetica]Did you never see a way[/font]
[font=arial,helvetica]That somehow would have let you stay[/font]

[font=arial,helvetica]Have you ever felt the pain[/font]
[font=arial,helvetica]Have you ever had the fear[/font]
[font=arial,helvetica]Did it hurt like hell for years[/font]
[font=arial,helvetica]Dripping down like rain your tears[/font]
[font=arial,helvetica]Have you ever been on the edge[/font]
[font=arial,helvetica]Have you ever fallen down[/font]
[font=arial,helvetica]Have you ever lost your ground[/font]
[font=arial,helvetica]Have you ever tried the pain[/font]

[font=arial,helvetica]Is it worth the pain to keep on fighting[/font]
[font=arial,helvetica]Is it worth the pain to keep on fighting for this[/font]

[font=arial,helvetica]Maybe this is not the end my friend

[font=arial,helvetica] Maybe I will see you again


Woods of Ypres - Distractions of Living Alone


The song is just... I cried...
KvltWarrior98 said:
A straightforward punk tune, a fine expression of hatred through a somewhat dissonant and yet particularly well organized composition (if such a statement can ever make sense). Not my particular niece of listening material, but for the sake of its message and manner of interpretation it will make it on my personal list. I really need to give it a few more full listens to understand all the lyricism behind it, tbh.

8/10 ropes for this one.

Hah. I can decipher only about half of the lyrics as a native English speaker. As the they were never published by the band, they'll just have to be presumed to be ideologically sound. I trust these guys not to have packed the rest of the song full of effusive praise for VVY^^YN.

KvltWarrior98 said:
For whatever reason, I found this one a bit generic. Perhaps, even cliché fro this type of music. The only redeeming part of it is in fact the almost basso-profundo type of voice used by the vocalist, quite a feat to pull off without the use of voice modulating equipment.

7/10, for the great voice and the truly niece appeal of this type of composition, I really do not think there are more than 2000 people in this world who have even heard this piece altogether.

Not odd at all to find the composition of this song generic; it is. That's part of the appeal of this band, something I only came to appreciate after a few listens. The bone-simple, trite power chord riffs pair with the sedated bullfrog vocals (which I think were treated with a vocoder - but not pitch-shifted) to cast their subjects in a decidedly ridiculous light. The way these songs just plod along is expressive of profound boredom and apathy, an inveterate torpor that yields to nothing. I can definitely understand why it wouldn't appeal to many, though.commendations:

KvltWarrior98 said:
Harakiri for the Sky - Thanatos

This one appealed to me the least of the three. It's still good, but it's the sort of gossamer post-black metal that doesn't strike at the impulse to reject and defy, that doesn't stoke the febrile conflagration of the mind's revolt against abjection. I do appreciate the more contemplative side of incel music, but generally go for metal of a more angry character. It is easy, however, to recognize both the quality of this music and its suitability for despair. Consequently, 7/10 ropes.

KvltWarrior98 said:
Sólstafir - Necrologue

Really great, this one. An appealing synthesis of post-rock, sludge and even 70s hard rock that reminds of mid-period Neurosis and fellow Icelanders Sigur Rós. The omnipresent seething of the bass during the lead up was a particular highlight, as is the defeated tone of the lyricism. As a song specifically about the termination of one's own life, this earns an easy 8/10.

KvltWarrior98 said:
Woods of Ypres - Distractions of Living Alone

Absolutely stunning! This is top notch material in its totality as well as its specific relationship to incels. Anyone reading, I must exhort you to take a few minutes out of your day to listen to this. It reminds me of the quiescent sadness of Codeine filtered through the elegiac doom metal of Katatonia. Deeply sorrowful and defeated at a very immediate level. I mean look at these lyrics: 

[font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]I haven’t spoken a word in days, except for cursing the noise in the hall[/font]

[font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]I haven’t spoken a word in days, to anyone else at all[/font] 

More or less my 'collij lyfe' of the past few years. 9/10 ropes, only because I'm very discriminating in giving out 10s. Just about perfect.

Some others:


Anyone familiar with Indian should know what they'll get here: a gnarled mass of riffs and tar, this time with a felicitous whore-excoriating subject. Fun for the whole family, i.e. you.

I'll throw in an incomparably great number below, a band I posted upthread but a different song from a different album. Those who haven't yet investigated are advised to now:


The payoff really comes in the second portion of the song, but the music itself is about as incel as it gets all throughout. Regarding this album as a whole: the production is terrible and thin, the vocalist did half his vocals in the manner of a pitbull after inhaling helium, and wildly unconventional experiments abound, many of them amateurish. This is a large part of why it's tied with this same band's S/T album as the best album there is. It's like mainlining 3 hours of frenzied hatred and loneliness, completely unrefined. I listened to at least pieces of this sucker almost nightly in university. Next time you're feeling utterly implacable and burning rage or are intensely conscious of your removal from the outside world, put this on at around 11-midnight (it's almost three hours, after all). If you take one piece of advice from me, let it be this one. You can find the whole thing online, but I'm not sure how it compares to listening on a physical format.

What are you fuckers hiding, eh? I know that, here of all places, someone's got something absolutely revelatory to share.

Probably Celtic Frost's most despondent song. It's a massive and disconsolate lament, with characteristically excellent musical accompaniment. Fair warning, it becomes audible that there is a whore providing backing vocals at certain points.


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