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LifeFuel INCEL MEETUP REPORT - FRANCE - Met a boyo from .IS

This looks so comfy, we should do more incel reunions. Idk, my WG Zimmer is too small for any of that, but I am sure that we could organize something here in Germanistan. Sure, there would be an opportunity for feds to infiltrate but I think that we can keep things reasonably kosher, if you catch my drift.

What do you think? @Friezacel
I dont think most people here would like me irl
We arz sooooo fucking high and drunk boyos
Me and @HotDogCel are currently enjoying eachothers company, we have a bunch of vodka, beer and hashish all lined up for the next few days.

Boyo picked me up from the airport and showed me around, we had a bunch of maccies tendies on our way to his house and now were doihg marathons of Rehab Room and Hamudicel on jewtube.

View attachment 1397562

The suicide squad is assembling, group roping when?!!?? Join us boyos
I'm still laughing at this picture. You both look like .is gangsters. Iconic. Could be an album cover for the next incelcore album.
Based enjoy boyos :smonk:
Who the fuck would go to France?
Ignore the mogging fakecel comments. Face is supreme, and we have no idea what you 2 look like. Enjoy the time together and happy coping to you both. Play some vidya too!
I know what they look like, they're low MTN
Idk why ppl are saying theyre moggers, they're built like pencils. Nice fit though you look like gopniks fr
Honestly avg is prolly 5'11 these days bc 5'9cels look short to me
Reminds me of the meetups I had with my online friends last summer
Do one cycle of roids and you will mog
lifefuel. Man. Lifefuel. Enjoy yourselves. I hope the rest of us can one day meet and finally find someone we can actually relate to. :feelsokman:
Verstappen poster on the wall :feelshmm:
You plan to go to SEA together?
fuck going to france too many chads there id get mogged to oblivion in 90% of europoor countries
Nice one boyos, have fun.
i cant go to an incel meetup because I'd just get mogged
i cant go to an incel meetup because I'd just get mogged
At least we’d have being an incel in common. I wouldn’t feel so bad if I knew they also haven’t had sex
You two look like moggers but I can't see your face.
Good for you guys, hope you're having a fun time
Tallfags.is :chad:

Also if you go on JVC, incel IRL meetups happen all the time :feelzez:

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