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JFL Incel Garrett's oneitis is getting railed by D1 Quarterback now

We'll see. I think the girl is more likely to cause the break up if anything. She is heartless.
If she's so evil a chad isn't even good enough to keep her in line, then that's worse on her part.
All women eventually want Chad and keep searching for a higher quality male. Once femoids realize their true value, a sub8 male is nothing but a mere orbiting object toward them.
Femoids don't have true value. The media, feminism, and asskissing cucks inflated their egos. The more they get pumped and dumped by chads the lower their value becomes.
If she's so evil a chad isn't even good enough to keep her in line, then that's worse on her part.

Femoids don't have true value. The media, feminism, and asskissing cucks inflated their egos. The more they get pumped and dumped by chads the lower their value becomes.
By true value I mean the realization that Chads want them, and not only sub8s.
By true value I mean the realization that Chads want them, and not only sub8s.
Chads only want to use them as cum rags, the sub8's will be the ones who give them value if they choose not to degrade themselves by riding the cock carousel.

That really the same guy as the one in the fedora? Decent looking dude. Mogs me into oblivion.
She has an ugly ass scar across her ribs from a surgery she had as a kid. You can find it if you dig. God had to take something away from that chick after the face he gave her
That's just another gash to put your dick in.
Glad he made it out. Seems like a nice kid and looks much better.

that girl Alexa will get dumped sooner or later.
Chad has too many options vs. even a Chadlite.
Oh no... that poor fucking bastard embarrassed himself for fucking nothing, looks like we found a future incels.is user bois
He will more than likely turn into some sad IT cuck than becoming a blackpilled incel
why are you fuckers reing over this, she is going out with her looksmatch thats how things are supposed to be.
Oh no... that poor fucking bastard embarrassed himself for fucking nothing, looks like we found a future incels.is user bois
Geez I feel so horrible for that kid he made a complete ass out of himself for nothing.
I have no problem with this, Chad belongs with Stacy
Of course the guy would be the ugliest one out of the whole dance group. That's really unfortunate because the girl will never be attracted to him, ever. This young man essentially wasted a huge amount of time and effort only because nobody ever told him that you can never make another person attracted to you--the attraction has to be independent and predetermined--for either counterpart to be attracted to the other, that is. You can not force biology to behave a certain way. Biology doesn't recognize acts of good will or words of kindness, even if the intention behind them was an expectation of a sexual reward or intimacy - all it recognizes is a guy who isn't ejaculating inside a woman. Despite how common sense this sounds, most MALES do not seem to grasp this reality, thus ending up in the friendzone, in other words, social contacts of a female who will never be sexually or romantically receptive to them due to sheer unattractiveness, but the males will not believe this and cling on to a belief that some day it'll happen.. After enough validation and gifts she will suddenly realize how amazing and generous I am and fall for me. It's a good deal for a female who will be dating attractive males and on the other end receive attention and free benefits from unattractive orbiters. This video in particular reminded me of this recurring scenario because the boy's mentality is similar to those unattractive males (that is, a skewed understanding of biology and human attraction). Now, obviously the boy thought that "maybe the girl just never noticed me by accident or thinks I'm just another guy even though I have this awesome personality and willingness to treat her like a princess". Sadly, this is not how the real life works. A woman will never be attracted to another man by personality and what it encompasses alone. Attraction will always have a decisive physical component, and unfortunately for this guy, facial attractiveness in particular. This isn't to say that personality and emotional and social traits do not matter, they play a big role in maintaining your woman.. But the woman will not be drawn to be around you in the first place if she doesn't consider you physically attractive at least to some degree (in the best case scenario, this girl will become closer with the boy and keep him as a good friend, maybe out of pity, maybe out of good will) and facial beauty is the biggest determinator of attractiveness in human beings, mainly due to its convenience; it's impossible to hide from a female that uses it to weed out potential partners and pick the most attractive males. Judging by Alexa's forced smile and glib enthusiasm, it's painfully obvious that she weeded Garrett out of the equation the first time her eyes ever latched on him. Girls of Alexa's tier will NEVER be receptive to boys of Garrett's tier. Needless to say, someone will have to break the news to Garrett that the blonde is not for him. He will need to settle for less, much less. I will not comment on his musculature or fashion sense as those are changeable later in life, but will only focus on his face. I understand he's very young and still growing, but unfortunately the only things that could improve in his face as he grows up are his disproportionate nose and puffy cheeks, and even then, only to a small degree (the hopefully decreasing facial adiposity is really the only thing I could see making a tiny difference to his appearance). As for the nose, it will not change in shape but rather in size (but again, on a millimeter scale which is barely noticeable), and when it comes to the shape itself, anyone will agree it is anything but aesthetic. He will not grow to be an attractive male and you can tell this is true by looking at his facial structure. Narrow face, flat brow ridge, negative canthal tilt, absence of jaw definition, goofy ears are all features that generally aren't changeable and are more or less predetermined (you could say genetic) and will not signal any females of genetic fitness (symmetry) or prenatal testosterone exposure (masculine craniofacial structure) thats presence, or lack thereof, are both manifested in the human face and females are biologically designed to immediately pick up these traits in male faces, thereby determining whether the male they're looking at is attractive or not in less than a second. There is no make up to deceive this biological evaluation. Although it's unfair to rate a 13 year old undeveloped face, this 3/10 is unlikely to ever reach 5 when estimating where he is on his growth phase (unless I'm mistaken and he will grow to be a 7 foot giant). Either way, this is the judgment that Garrett will have to deal with from 80% of females, Alexa included. I remain hopeful that he will meet the right one, seeing as the majority of females aren't exactly attractive either.

He will not grow to be an attractive male and you can tell this is true by looking at his facial structure.

Narrow face,

flat brow ridge,

negative canthal tilt,

absence of jaw definition

goofy ears

.....are all features that generally aren't changeable and are more or less predetermined (you could say genetic)

Let's see how good the AMOG was...

Narrow face, CHECK

flat brow ridge, CHECK....although not bad decent all things considered

negative canthal tilt, CHECK

absence of jaw definition CHECK...although not bad decent all things considered

goofy ears CHECK

ALMOST ON POINT....9/10 future rating by the king of all PSL raters.
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That is some high level cuckery right there. It's like baiting chad is so he can scoop her up with his genetically superior hawk talons, meanwhile garrett is sending her texts with no replies, shit is over. why waste time cucking. stick to your looksmatch it's the only chance to succeed
where is the fedoracel now? he'd probally roped.
There is no reason to get mad about this. That incel kid is a fucking doofus
Stereotypical blonde bimbo Stacy goes for tall white jock.
this site is turning into braincels or some kind of mgtow retard site. highly attractive girl with highly attractive high status male is how the world works.
There is no reason to get mad about this. That incel kid is a fucking doofus

Yeah he acted extremely retarded and cringy don't know why anyone expected anything else to happen.
Of course the guy would be the ugliest one out of the whole dance group. That's really unfortunate because the girl will never be attracted to him, ever. This young man essentially wasted a huge amount of time and effort only because nobody ever told him that you can never make another person attracted to you--the attraction has to be independent and predetermined--for either counterpart to be attracted to the other, that is. You can not force biology to behave a certain way. Biology doesn't recognize acts of good will or words of kindness, even if the intention behind them was an expectation of a sexual reward or intimacy - all it recognizes is a guy who isn't ejaculating inside a woman. Despite how common sense this sounds, most MALES do not seem to grasp this reality, thus ending up in the friendzone, in other words, social contacts of a female who will never be sexually or romantically receptive to them due to sheer unattractiveness, but the males will not believe this and cling on to a belief that some day it'll happen.. After enough validation and gifts she will suddenly realize how amazing and generous I am and fall for me. It's a good deal for a female who will be dating attractive males and on the other end receive attention and free benefits from unattractive orbiters. This video in particular reminded me of this recurring scenario because the boy's mentality is similar to those unattractive males (that is, a skewed understanding of biology and human attraction). Now, obviously the boy thought that "maybe the girl just never noticed me by accident or thinks I'm just another guy even though I have this awesome personality and willingness to treat her like a princess". Sadly, this is not how the real life works. A woman will never be attracted to another man by personality and what it encompasses alone. Attraction will always have a decisive physical component, and unfortunately for this guy, facial attractiveness in particular. This isn't to say that personality and emotional and social traits do not matter, they play a big role in maintaining your woman.. But the woman will not be drawn to be around you in the first place if she doesn't consider you physically attractive at least to some degree (in the best case scenario, this girl will become closer with the boy and keep him as a good friend, maybe out of pity, maybe out of good will) and facial beauty is the biggest determinator of attractiveness in human beings, mainly due to its convenience; it's impossible to hide from a female that uses it to weed out potential partners and pick the most attractive males. Judging by Alexa's forced smile and glib enthusiasm, it's painfully obvious that she weeded Garrett out of the equation the first time her eyes ever latched on him. Girls of Alexa's tier will NEVER be receptive to boys of Garrett's tier. Needless to say, someone will have to break the news to Garrett that the blonde is not for him. He will need to settle for less, much less. I will not comment on his musculature or fashion sense as those are changeable later in life, but will only focus on his face. I understand he's very young and still growing, but unfortunately the only things that could improve in his face as he grows up are his disproportionate nose and puffy cheeks, and even then, only to a small degree (the hopefully decreasing facial adiposity is really the only thing I could see making a tiny difference to his appearance). As for the nose, it will not change in shape but rather in size (but again, on a millimeter scale which is barely noticeable), and when it comes to the shape itself, anyone will agree it is anything but aesthetic. He will not grow to be an attractive male and you can tell this is true by looking at his facial structure. Narrow face, flat brow ridge, negative canthal tilt, absence of jaw definition, goofy ears are all features that generally aren't changeable and are more or less predetermined (you could say genetic) and will not signal any females of genetic fitness (symmetry) or prenatal testosterone exposure (masculine craniofacial structure) thats presence, or lack thereof, are both manifested in the human face and females are biologically designed to immediately pick up these traits in male faces, thereby determining whether the male they're looking at is attractive or not in less than a second. There is no make up to deceive this biological evaluation. Although it's unfair to rate a 13 year old undeveloped face, this 3/10 is unlikely to ever reach 5 when estimating where he is on his growth phase (unless I'm mistaken and he will grow to be a 7 foot giant). Either way, this is the judgment that Garrett will have to deal with from 80% of females, Alexa included. I remain hopeful that he will meet the right one, seeing as the majority of females aren't exactly attractive either.
This was a god tier comment on that video.
Yeah, Garrett turned out slightly better in looks than you'd expect but he's made out of soy and perpetually FACEzoned by girls in his drama club. Honestly, spiders lead a more fulfilling life than he does.
The girl was way out of his league. She was a top 10% woman and he was a bottom 20% male. By the way he was just a kid (13 years old). The adult woman who encouraged him to make a fool out of himself should be in jail.
The girl was way out of his league. She was a top 10% woman and he was a bottom 20% male. By the way he was just a kid (13 years old). The adult woman who encouraged him to make a fool out of himself should be in jail.

They could've both been 5s and her reaction would've been the same.
I mog his face, this is pure fuel for us manlets, just look at the way she is looking up to him and giving him those fuck me eyes.

Its over for manlets
well not MOG, but have clearly better facial features than him such as a much stronger jaw, its all about HEIGHT
The other post on "what's your height" says most incels are over 6ft lmaoo, i would still say Face > height, but you're 5ft4 you'd need a chad physique to compliment that chad face of yours at the very least
The other post on "what's your height" says most incels are over 6ft lmaoo, i would still say Face > height, but you're 5ft4 you'd need a chad physique to compliment that chad face of yours at the very least
To get a fat land whale, not worth the risk vs reward of putting all that effort in the gym for a fucking used up landwhale
Fucking suifuel.
Lmfao what a cliche,
She's maybe the hottest jb I've ever seen.
If that's the hottest jb you've seen I must really be taking still being in highschool for granted. Not like it's any less suifuel tho
Hey thanks man. I've mostly been using lookism and Braincels since I hate the new layout of here. How've things been around here?
Users started flooding here after the AM incident. There are Alot more LARPers and fakecels now unfortunately.
Holy fuck the way she’s looking up to him in that picture. Staring at him with awe. Utter devotion and infatuation. Mesmerised by his height and face.

We will NEVER EVER have that.
Holy fuck the way she’s looking up to him in that picture. Staring at him with awe. Utter devotion and infatuation. Mesmerised by his height and face.

We will NEVER EVER have that.
You can't fake that emotions she possess, staring at him. Pure suicidefuel for us, indeed.
Press F to pay respects
this quarterback must have great confidence
you know she had cancer when she was a kid? she has a big scar on her stomach from surgery..

she should've been dead
He's 6'4 too. Poor Garrett never had a chance.


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