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Incel fangirls when?



Nov 7, 2017
You know it's coming...
We achieved mainstream notoriety, so it's gonna happen...
You have femoids joining ISIS, marrying serial killers in prison, there's even one Elliot Roger fangirl on youtube...
I want a lot of girls fans or I am going ER
  • Female (Not Allowed): Banned on sight, no exceptions. [2]
Hmm seems like ER fangirl's channel got nuked :/ she was a cutie.
  • Female (Not Allowed): Banned on sight, no exceptions. [2]

I dont think he suggested that we open our registration for females, that incels will attract females because of the "violent" incels.
They're attracted to the Status.
kek, nothing will change they will go for the chad incels.
I dont think he suggested that we open our registration for females, that incels will attract females because of the "violent" incels.
If they can't get attention from non-violent incels they won't fangirl the violent ones. This trend of sucking off shooters, criminals, morons is clearly for attention.
never, because incels are not attractive. perhaps non-actual-incels can try to capitalize on it with the "i am so ugly boo hoo" method to garner attention from females for a possible pity fuck though
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  • Female (Not Allowed): Banned on sight, no exceptions. [2]
I dont think he suggested that we open our registration for females, that incels will attract females because of the "violent" incels.
This, they probably won't post here, but will use us for attention on youtube/twitter/reddit etc
Sorry but unless you look like this:

You're not going to get any fangirls soon.
Just don't open registrations ever theory tbh tbh
The only incels getting fan girl's are the attractive ones
The incel community would be destroyed. 3/10 roastie deforms would be choosing the least ugly incels and giving them all the attention.
Most of us aren't interested in becoming orbiters.
Most of us aren't interested in becoming orbiters.
You don't truly believe that, do you? There was a user posting about doing a girls math homework for free. Typical oribter behavior, and I'd bet money there are many more.
It's more likely that an alien race that coincidentally look exactly like anime girls will come down to earth and enslave the human race than girls fangirling over guys like this:

It's more likely that an alien race that coincidentally look exactly like anime girls will come down to earth and enslave the human race than girls fangirling over guys like this:

Wtf are you a giant or is that just a tiny ceiling? Heightmog the shit out of me
It's more likely that an alien race that coincidentally look exactly like anime girls will come down to earth and enslave the human race than girls fangirling over guys like this:

Shhhiiiiiit nigga how tall are you? Jesus.
Fakecel fan girls always. Incel fangirls never.
It's more likely that an alien race that coincidentally look exactly like anime girls will come down to earth and enslave the human race than girls fangirling over guys like this:

Is that Frank Ribery?
never, cuz incels are NOT attractive(READ:CHAD), the only ones they will go for are @Zyros, @knajjd, @Tellem-T, @whogivesafucc, @Weed, or @ any other possibly attractive(READ:HIGH TIER NORMIE) incels
Shhhiiiiiit nigga how tall are you? Jesus.
Wtf are you a giant or is that just a tiny ceiling? Heightmog the shit out of me

What makes you think its me in that pic?

It could just be a really incel looking guy I like to post a lot, sort of like that guy @Weed posts all the time.
What makes you think its me in that pic?

It could just be a really incel looking guy I like to post a lot, sort of like that guy @Weed posts all the time.
Damn you exposed our secret :feelsree::feelsree:
You know it's coming...
We achieved mainstream notoriety, so it's gonna happen...
You have femoids joining ISIS, marrying serial killers in prison, there's even one Elliot Roger fangirl on youtube...

I agree that women eventually being fascinated and drawn to the incel community is an inevitability. Though at face value it may seem absurd to even begin to suggest something like that, there will be women who find self-described incels alluring for a variety of reasons.

Given the media's demonization of us, our little online world has become a heretofore unexplored place teeming with a new variety of bad boy to be discovered. Now, sure, the vast majority of men here aren't wicked, or dangerous or anything like that. Most of the more scandalous or offensive things written here are merely posts written by men venting their frustration in one of the very few places they feel safe to do so. Nothing more and nothing less. However, woman are inherently more concerned with social relationships and they tend to conflate life online and life off it it in a way most men simply don't. It's one of the reasons why all of the hysterical female journalists (and sufficiently feminized male ones) peruse sites like this and assume every man on here is indistinct from his Internet persona. The same female inability to separate the digital world from the physical one is why women will see us as worse, more dangerous and, by virtue of that, more exciting than we actually are. Beauty and the Beast is a tantalizing fairy tale for women for a very good reason; there's something enchanting about the notion of rescuing some rough monster and, through love and devotion, magically turning him into a handsome prince. A woman who accomplishes a feat like that will have discovered the angry man's loveliness before anyone else: before other women, meaning he'll belong exclusively to her, and before even the man himself. She'll have saved him and so he'll be indebted to her, bound to her. He'll never cheat, he'll never stray. Nonsense, of course, but fairy tales aren't known for their fidelity to the world as it actually is.

So I can assure you there will be women drawn to self-described incels. However, I can also assure you with no less confidence this fascination will manifest in a very particular, very limited way. Controversies set aside for a moment, only a fool would labor under the delusion every poster here is truly ugly and, thus, unlovable. Actually, I would argue such men are in the minority here, just as they are everywhere else. So women will find the sufficiently attractive incels who are held back by their insecurities, their resentments, their lack of romantic experience. It's these men whose vitriolic posts will be seen as the agonized cries of otherwise good men who simply need to be healed. These are the "beasts" who will have their curse broken by the fair maiden precisely because their curses come from the inability to socialize and other diseases of the spirit and mind. They may be cursed in a sense, but human beings can break the curses inflicted by other human beings, even if the human being in question is the cursed man himself.

But no woman can undo a curse inflicted by God and Nature upon their abominations because no woman would be capable of even wanting to. The ugly will remain just as hated as they were before. Their venting will be seen as the howls of something inherently inhuman rather than the bitter mourning of men who just want to be loved. They aren't playing at being beasts, with the face of some attractive man hiding behind some flimsy mask waiting for a woman with enough courage to snatch it off. Rather, their repulsiveness permeates to the very marrow of their bones, as essential to their being as the rhythm of their pulse and the rush of the blood through their veins.

So, for the incels who are nothing more than lost souls, well, you're time masquerading as proper demons may be coming to an end very soon. I'd ask you to remember those of us you'll leave behind, who kept watch with you during those deep nights when you thought dawn was nothing more than an unattainable fantasy, but not even God is capable of the impossible. Who am I to demand you be greater than God?

So, if nothing else, dedicate a single drop of your nightmares sweat to us. Consider it ransom paid for an escape from your brief bondage. Not a huge price, I think, considering that those nightmares will be forgotten the moment you reach out and embrace the woman who rescued you from that place where, if for only a brief season, we burned together.
Where is my equaly perverted fangirl?
A glimmer of hope yes, maybe a foid will want to get with a fat disgusting loser full of hatred who will only use her for sex, i wish.

Does that incel you always post have an account on reddit or any forums? What specifically did he say when you tried to blackpill him? Do you have the chat logs?
just murder people theory
Females just treat incels like pets. will do the ahh poor thing but would never fuck em.
kek, nothing will change they will go for the chad incels.

That gives me hope. I think I am a Chad Incel. In school I was always the coolest in the loner group. They followed me
Does that incel you always post have an account on reddit or any forums? What specifically did he say when you tried to blackpill him? Do you have the chat logs?
Oh that dude. He is on reddit yes and I forgot tbh tbh I added him 1 year ago lel. Me and knajjd have a good plan of how we can talk to him tbh tbh
kek, nothing will change they will go for the chad incels.

>>>>The Chad Incels
>>>>>>>>>>>>The Chad Incels

Only the low inhib ones going on TV (usually fakecels) or going ER get fangirls, the truecels are left to rot.
I agree that women eventually being fascinated and drawn to the incel community is an inevitability. Though at face value it may seem absurd to even begin to suggest something like that, there will be women who find self-described incels alluring for a variety of reasons.

Given the media's demonization of us, our little online world has become a heretofore unexplored place teeming with a new variety of bad boy to be discovered. Now, sure, the vast majority of men here aren't wicked, or dangerous or anything like that. Most of the more scandalous or offensive things written here are merely posts written by men venting their frustration in one of the very few places they feel safe to do so. Nothing more and nothing less. However, woman are inherently more concerned with social relationships and they tend to conflate life online and life off it it in a way most men simply don't. It's one of the reasons why all of the hysterical female journalists (and sufficiently feminized male ones) peruse sites like this and assume every man on here is indistinct from his Internet persona. The same female inability to separate the digital world from the physical one is why women will see us as worse, more dangerous and, by virtue of that, more exciting than we actually are. Beauty and the Beast is a tantalizing fairy tale for women for a very good reason; there's something enchanting about the notion of rescuing some rough monster and, through love and devotion, magically turning him into a handsome prince. A woman who accomplishes a feat like that will have discovered the angry man's loveliness before anyone else: before other women, meaning he'll belong exclusively to her, and before even the man himself. She'll have saved him and so he'll be indebted to her, bound to her. He'll never cheat, he'll never stray. Nonsense, of course, but fairy tales aren't known for their fidelity to the world as it actually is.

So I can assure you there will be women drawn to self-described incels. However, I can also assure you with no less confidence this fascination will manifest in a very particular, very limited way. Controversies set aside for a moment, only a fool would labor under the delusion every poster here is truly ugly and, thus, unlovable. Actually, I would argue such men are in the minority here, just as they are everywhere else. So women will find the sufficiently attractive incels who are held back by their insecurities, their resentments, their lack of romantic experience. It's these men whose vitriolic posts will be seen as the agonized cries of otherwise good men who simply need to be healed. These are the "beasts" who will have their curse broken by the fair maiden precisely because their curses come from the inability to socialize and other diseases of the spirit and mind. They may be cursed in a sense, but human beings can break the curses inflicted by other human beings, even if the human being in question is the cursed man himself.

But no woman can undo a curse inflicted by God and Nature upon their abominations because no woman would be capable of even wanting to. The ugly will remain just as hated as they were before. Their venting will be seen as the howls of something inherently inhuman rather than the bitter mourning of men who just want to be loved. They aren't playing at being beasts, with the face of some attractive man hiding behind some flimsy mask waiting for a woman with enough courage to snatch it off. Rather, their repulsiveness permeates to the very marrow of their bones, as essential to their being as the rhythm of their pulse and the rush of the blood through their veins.

So, for the incels who are nothing more than lost souls, well, you're time masquerading as proper demons may be coming to an end very soon. I'd ask you to remember those of us you'll leave behind, who kept watch with you during those deep nights when you thought dawn was nothing more than an unattainable fantasy, but not even God is capable of the impossible. Who am I to demand you be greater than God?

So, if nothing else, dedicate a single drop of your nightmares sweat to us. Consider it ransom paid for an escape from your brief bondage. Not a huge price, I think, considering that those nightmares will be forgotten the moment you reach out and embrace the woman who rescued you from that place where, if for only a brief season, we burned together.

The King always delivers!

I just don't see how anyone is gonna be able to capitalize on the attention other than guys like Jack who have actual media exposure. The rest of these guys are just text on a screen with no way of reaching out to them personally, especially since girls are not allowed here.

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