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JFL Incel dumps his girlfriend because she was "raped"



Nov 19, 2017

Never began for girlfriendcels.
the original post is an obvious LARP ngl
Not an incel..

just get a girlfriend theory, like normies teach us
how is IT this retarded? Even by their definition incels still cant get foids.
So he knew the guy would try and have sex with his gf so he trained her to fight him? Why is he letting her get drunk alone with some guy. His story sounds weird
Incel and girlfriend doesn't work in the same sentence.
Incel = anyone who is mean to a woman in any way shape or form. Their use of term is retarded.

Also reminder that reddit defended the woman who said she broke up with her boyfriend who was raped as a child because apparently it's not her fault she lost attraction to him.
ugh I heard he beat his third girlfriend in a row and spread misoginy, fucking incel!
Tumblr 8c5c17d488dbca281736c400b2167ce5 2fd31130 640
Incel = anyone who is mean to a woman in any way shape or form. Their use of term is retarded.

Also reminder that reddit defended the woman who said she broke up with her boyfriend who was raped as a child because apparently it's not her fault she lost attraction to him.
The government is using IT users to make the AI of their dystopian thought patrol bots.
Look our fanboys , 90 % of his post are screenshot of us
All these clowns are doing is exposing just how little "personality" matters.
Why are you calling him incel?
Brutally over for girlfriendcels
So he knew the guy would try and have sex with his gf so he trained her to fight him? Why is he letting her get drunk alone with some guy. His story sounds weird
it's reddit, everyone there is a cuck or a liar.
If you have a girlfriend youre not incel tbh
Inceltear posters are room temp IQ at best. The first thing I see upon viewing the soy OPs reddit is him saying how amazing ariana grande's songs are, lol.



This relates to that recent thread about a girl dumping her boyfriend because he was raped, JFL, and the attitudes of cuckqueers surely differ.

*Chad cheats on his 36th girlfriend*

"Wow I can't believe incels would do this"
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I wish i could dump my girlfriend!
But that requires having one to dump.
It's always rape when they get caught being fucked by a better looking man than their bf.
Incel = anyone who is mean to a woman in any way shape or form. Their use of term is retarded.

Also reminder that reddit defended the woman who said she broke up with her boyfriend who was raped as a child because apparently it's not her fault she lost attraction to him.

Some comments on this reddit page might explain the definition of incel being twisted from its literal meaning to the "normie" metaphorical meaning .

"let me dumb it down for the incels before they start a riot

heres whats okay: liking sex, wanting sex, respecting other people's choices, respecting other people's sexualities, understanding that sex is a two way street, and knowing that as much as you like and want it, you dont need it and not letting rejection devistate you

here's whats not okay: obsessing, raging, and creeping on people over sex, having a primal mindset on women and men, getting mad at people for not having the sexuality that you want them to have, getting offended by other people's sexuality, getting offended by rejection, manipulation, and being desperate for sex

just work on yourselves like all the "chads and stacy's" do, learn to handle rejection, and be outgoing (meaning stop being sexist and learn to be cool with a diversity of sexuality rather than whining about women not being attracted to you) practice healthy personality traits while being yourself and (without expectation) you will find someone you click with"

It's easier to talk the talk than to walk the walk. I bet any one person in the world who had to live the rest of their life as a shell of their physical or personality attractiveness would eventually get depressed too, even if their friends cheer them up. Not necessarily mad or bigoted, but definitely depressed.

IT and most places that try to analyze incels have a huge 'sore winner' attitude. They don't understand how hard it is because they never have and never will experience that first hand for their whole life. They are proud of their healthy attitudes but don't attribute it to things beyond their control but rather to their own hard work, which is some serious inflated ego right there. It's also called not appreciating Nature's/God(s)'s gifts. I think modern society's whole ways of telling people they can do anything and are in full control of themselves is part of this problem, people overestimate themselves and each other and don't recognize the huge part in their lives that their nature and nurture has had on them by the time they are young adults.

Even if you could simulate a life of "inceldom", the fact you could stop at any time and it only lasts a short while makes it much less annoying than to be stuck in it for life. I remember some article about this guy who was put in a fake execution scenario, said 'stop' when it went too far for him, and afterwards when he went on about being scared, the 'executioner' said that for the real victims, the true fear is not in the danger but in knowing they couldn't say 'stop'.

These people, even those who are well-meaning to even our violent or bigoted members, are ultimately unable to put themselves in our shoes all the way. They will never have the first hand experience of subtle signals, active social rejection, failed attempts, gossip, and unfair treatment. Sympathy is when you relate to things that you've been through yourself. Empathy is when you can relate to things you've never been in. Most people don't have empathy, only sympathy, even if they say otherwise, because the people they relate to are a lot like them so they have experience in common.

It takes an outcast of any flavour to truly have empathy and understand the need to be socially accepted and economically productive, because it is in lacking supports that you see their importance and it is in lacking any common experiences that you learn to imagine other people's lives without living similar situations. This is why outcasts of all sorts - I frequent other places, not here so much - are better at understanding and relating both the many many kinds of unhappy people as well as happy people to a lesser extent (takes more empathy, we're not happy and don't know happiness).

Desperation and mistreatment, and not wanting to be mistreated more or see others suffer your fate, builds empathy.
Also, it's been found that people on the autism spectrum actually have more empathy than average, they just are too socially retarded to express it in any useful way which makes them the direct opposite of psychopaths (fake empathy, no feelings). Given how our current society prizes looks and appearances over the deep, it's no surprise that psychopaths and even sociopaths become successful economically, socially, sexually, familially, etc.

They act the act but feel none of the pain. They're perfect, born fakers designed by nature to fake. Autists and the like, on the other hand, are pre-made losers - all the pain, none of the skills. Designed to endorse not pity or admiration but disgust and disbelief and exhaustion because people want to be treated nicely, not to know you feel bad, and because actions and results count more than thoughts and effort, whatever IT tries to deny this otherwise.
>still using reddit
Rape is bad.
Incels do not have girlfriends.
If that noncel is real and not made up for redditlarping he was a cuck for allowing the drunk party stuff.
Huh, isn't it also pretty weird that IT users like to throw around the phrase that "women aren't your therapists so you should better yourself first" or some fucking bullshit like that? Pretty hypocritical how they react to this, if you ask me, because they'd be totally fine if a girl kicked her guy to the curb if he had depression or some shit. But either way, this isn't an incel.
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Wtf she cheated on him and said rape?

Also CuckTears are RETARDS!
By definition, sexhavers aren't incels!!
Some comments on this reddit page might explain the definition of incel being twisted from its literal meaning to the "normie" metaphorical meaning .

"let me dumb it down for the incels before they start a riot

heres whats okay: liking sex, wanting sex, respecting other people's choices, respecting other people's sexualities, understanding that sex is a two way street, and knowing that as much as you like and want it, you dont need it and not letting rejection devistate you

here's whats not okay: obsessing, raging, and creeping on people over sex, having a primal mindset on women and men, getting mad at people for not having the sexuality that you want them to have, getting offended by other people's sexuality, getting offended by rejection, manipulation, and being desperate for sex

just work on yourselves like all the "chads and stacy's" do, learn to handle rejection, and be outgoing (meaning stop being sexist and learn to be cool with a diversity of sexuality rather than whining about women not being attracted to you) practice healthy personality traits while being yourself and (without expectation) you will find someone you click with"

It's easier to talk the talk than to walk the walk. I bet any one person in the world who had to live the rest of their life as a shell of their physical or personality attractiveness would eventually get depressed too, even if their friends cheer them up. Not necessarily mad or bigoted, but definitely depressed.

IT and most places that try to analyze incels have a huge 'sore winner' attitude. They don't understand how hard it is because they never have and never will experience that first hand for their whole life. They are proud of their healthy attitudes but don't attribute it to things beyond their control but rather to their own hard work, which is some serious inflated ego right there. It's also called not appreciating Nature's/God(s)'s gifts. I think modern society's whole ways of telling people they can do anything and are in full control of themselves is part of this problem, people overestimate themselves and each other and don't recognize the huge part in their lives that their nature and nurture has had on them by the time they are young adults.

Even if you could simulate a life of "inceldom", the fact you could stop at any time and it only lasts a short while makes it much less annoying than to be stuck in it for life. I remember some article about this guy who was put in a fake execution scenario, said 'stop' when it went too far for him, and afterwards when he went on about being scared, the 'executioner' said that for the real victims, the true fear is not in the danger but in knowing they couldn't say 'stop'.

These people, even those who are well-meaning to even our violent or bigoted members, are ultimately unable to put themselves in our shoes all the way. They will never have the first hand experience of subtle signals, active social rejection, failed attempts, gossip, and unfair treatment. Sympathy is when you relate to things that you've been through yourself. Empathy is when you can relate to things you've never been in. Most people don't have empathy, only sympathy, even if they say otherwise, because the people they relate to are a lot like them so they have experience in common.

It takes an outcast of any flavour to truly have empathy and understand the need to be socially accepted and economically productive, because it is in lacking supports that you see their importance and it is in lacking any common experiences that you learn to imagine other people's lives without living similar situations. This is why outcasts of all sorts - I frequent other places, not here so much - are better at understanding and relating both the many many kinds of unhappy people as well as happy people to a lesser extent (takes more empathy, we're not happy and don't know happiness).

Desperation and mistreatment, and not wanting to be mistreated more or see others suffer your fate, builds empathy.
Also, it's been found that people on the autism spectrum actually have more empathy than average, they just are too socially retarded to express it in any useful way which makes them the direct opposite of psychopaths (fake empathy, no feelings). Given how our current society prizes looks and appearances over the deep, it's no surprise that psychopaths and even sociopaths become successful economically, socially, sexually, familially, etc.

They act the act but feel none of the pain. They're perfect, born fakers designed by nature to fake. Autists and the like, on the other hand, are pre-made losers - all the pain, none of the skills. Designed to endorse not pity or admiration but disgust and disbelief and exhaustion because people want to be treated nicely, not to know you feel bad, and because actions and results count more than thoughts and effort, whatever IT tries to deny this otherwise.

High iq, you should make a post about it tbh
High iq, you should make a post about it tbh
I actually had another post idea which is another imaginary convo I thought up:

Basically, it was a normal person and an incel person arguing about nature and the incel was basically saying that if nature decides what is right and wrong, then why can't they do whatever they want to to get revenge or get even or beat the normal person, since might makes right? The normal person then had to backpedal on the idea that it is what is nature from birth and what is the initial order that is natural, not the competition. So basically removing every last shred of a chance to get equal.
yup incel completely lost its meaning.
Incel = Every human being of the male gender whom I dislike
Daily reminder 50% of ape accusations are fake.

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