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News Incel charged with sexual assault for touching a womans arm

JFL at this clown world, what nightmare society do we live in where you can potentially be imprisoned for lightly touching someones arm
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Oh shit I remember this :feelsbadman:
19532120 7557947 image a 15 1570703267406

Holy shit, I wouldn't be surprised if i ended up on news. I'll just have them execute me via lethal injection and ill be on way to hell.
Life is not worth living if you are low T and get charged with crime
"Googled 'how to make a friend' " he is a brutal autist cel if he had to Google that. I have better social skills than many people yet can't make friends despite doing it the proper way because of my subhuman face
The guy just wanted a friend, he wasn't even trying to hit on her. Imagine being so fucking lonely that you google ''how to make a friend'' and then the merciless rostacy fucking reports you for sexual assault just because you wanted to engage in conversation with her. If it was Chad he would only say ''Let's fuck'' and she would be drooling over him. ffs this is [RageFuel] and [ERfuel] tbh
I never speak to foids for reasons like this. In the past when I've spoken to them they've reacted like I was some rapist when I was just trying to engage in normal conversation. And I'm not even an autist who's super awkward around them I am relaxed when speaking to people, so goes to show it was my subhuman face that got that reaction
empathetic and understanding gender btw
Some guy asked a girl out for coffee on an elevator and because of that she accused him of sexual misconduct and it became a huge controversy that broke up the atheist community on YouTube, (which was rather large at the time) because half of the people thought the guy was in the wrong and half of the people thought the girl was in wrong. Literally something this petty broke up an entire movement that millions of people followed. I don't remember if the guy actually got fired or anything but this story was the start of criticizing feminism becoming mainstream. Water now but at the time people like me didn't think foids were this retarded
yeah elevatorgate was bizarre, a foid complained about nothing and the 'new atheist' movement pretty much imploded

this is why movements can't allow feminists to join

ITcels claim that foids are reasonable human beings, but so far it is established that:
a) talking to a foid = SA
b) touching a foid lightly = SA
c) being drunk and fucking a consenting drunk foid = rape
d) looking at a foid = 'intrusive staring of a sexual nature' (crime in britain jfl freak faggot country)
e) doing nothing = rape (see: most rape accusations)

say what you want about bears eating people alive, but at some point they will be safer than having a foid in your vicinity
Just came across this post, fucking brootal I hope the bitch gets raped by a pack of niggers (In GTA)
Just came across this post, fucking brootal I hope the bitch gets raped by a pack of niggers (In GTA)

or by some of those paki grooming gangs, I hear they're a big trend lately
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he should have touched a bear's arm instead, for his own safety
Its over for him. He'll never recover from the shame this will bring him. The people that will want to make friends with him will just be virtue-signaling.
Hopefully he does not realize that or he will kill himself

That girl ruined his life over a minor inconvenience
The guy just wanted a friend, he wasn't even trying to hit on her. Imagine being so fucking lonely that you google ''how to make a friend'' and then the merciless rostacy fucking reports you for sexual assault just because you wanted to engage in conversation with her. If it was Chad he would only say ''Let's fuck'' and she would be drooling over him. ffs this is [RageFuel] and [ERfuel] tbh
Maybe he tried to the that stupid PUA shit of running to a foid and gently touching her ? Also known as the "yad stop" :feelshaha:
Maybe he tried to the that stupid PUA shit of running to a foid and gently touching her ? Also known as the "yad stop" :feelshaha:
IIRC back in the day they called that kind of thing 'operation mayhem'

another PUA meme which ends up being classified as SA

IMO PUAfags are delusional, they should either face up to all of their 'methods' being SA/rape and accept that they are counter-productive and foids hate it, or they should just become rape gangs and SA foids out of malice.

PUA followers are like Qtards, believing that somehow society's broken gender dynamics are OK, patriots are in control, 'true love' exists once you learn routines or w/e shit, and foids are going to lower the drawbridge after drawing it up in the first place. not going to happen, sry
IIRC back in the day they called that kind of thing 'operation mayhem'

another PUA meme which ends up being classified as SA

IMO PUAfags are delusional, they should either face up to all of their 'methods' being SA/rape and accept that they are counter-productive and foids hate it, or they should just become rape gangs and SA foids out of malice.

PUA followers are like Qtards, believing that somehow society's broken gender dynamics are OK, patriots are in control, 'true love' exists once you learn routines or w/e shit, and foids are going to lower the drawbridge after drawing it up in the first place. not going to happen, sry
Don't validate the foid narrative that everything is SA/rape. Only in clown world can a light touch of a clothed part of a body be considered criminal behavior. Also, it's never SA when it's done by chad.
Don't validate the foid narrative that everything is SA/rape. Only in clown world can a light touch of a clothed part of a body be considered criminal behavior. Also, it's never SA when it's done by chad.
nothing is ever SA, it's a made-up foid category
IIRC back in the day they called that kind of thing 'operation mayhem'

another PUA meme which ends up being classified as SA

IMO PUAfags are delusional, they should either face up to all of their 'methods' being SA/rape and accept that they are counter-productive and foids hate it, or they should just become rape gangs and SA foids out of malice.

PUA followers are like Qtards, believing that somehow society's broken gender dynamics are OK, patriots are in control, 'true love' exists once you learn routines or w/e shit, and foids are going to lower the drawbridge after drawing it up in the first place. not going to happen, sry
Eh, PUAs get strawmanned by everyone. The 'yad stop' was awkward, but it didn't involve touching the foid.
Routines aren't tricks for making a foid attracted to you, they are more like things to do to keep a conversation going if it's running dry.
Jokes on him for being so fucking naive. Hope he ropes
Yes he was, This thread is literally chad worship.
Howewer it does touch on some very vital points
The fact that touching a womans arm will land you in jail.
Well, Lads, Stay away from wimin.
Eh, PUAs get strawmanned by everyone.
they get 'strawmanned' because it's a grift
Routines aren't tricks for making a foid attracted to you, they are more like things to do to keep a conversation going if it's running dry.
not necessarily, routines can perform many functions. many of them do attempt to demonstrate value, raise attraction or touch on the foid's 'natural' sexual feelings.

plenty of routines were also mystical voodoo monologues based on kooky shit like NLP to 'subliminally' influence foids etc. jfl

ultimately, PUA is primarily a grift which preyed on lonely males, and I'm not sure that there's much to gain from defending it on an incel forum when they're its primary target
I'm not sure that there's much to gain from defending it on an incel forum when they're its primary target
I'm not trying to gain anything from it. I hate misrepresenting of redpill/PUA views just as I hate misrepresenting of incel views.
I guess PUAs over the top marketing is part of the problem as well.
There's retarded PUA ads about controlling women's minds and exploiting their psychological loopholes, where the actual product is just some guy saying "just be confident bro".

JFL at this clown world, what nightmare society do we live in where you can potentially be imprisoned for lightly touching someones arm
What the actual fuck? This is proof that women are just begging to be "victims" atp.
The scary part is this girl was going to Oxford University, potentially to get a high responsibility job in the future, maybe become a politician who could affect the lives of thousands, and this is how she acts when someone who is socially awkward tries to interact. Very scary future and intensifies the reasons to avoid most women.
Where is a pic of her

JFL at this clown world, what nightmare society do we live in where you can potentially be imprisoned for lightly touching someones arm
This wouldn't have happened if women just gave us the sex that we deserve
jfl foids are so full of shit

'no you don't understand, he touched my shoulder now I'm traumatized for life' :soy:

maybe he had the midas touch
she deserves actual sexual assault from that
What a clown soyciety
meanwhile chad is busy railing sluts in the background
So, he touches her on the arm. But because she "thought" he could have touched her breast he was charged with sexual assault?
We're fucking doomed.
DiCanio (1993) states that while researchers and prosecutors do not agree on the exact percentage of cases in which there was sufficient evidence to conclude that allegations were false, they generally agree on a range of 2% to 10%.[26] Due to varying definitions of a "false accusation", the true percentage remains unknown.[27]

A 2009 study of rape cases across eleven countries in Europe found the proportion of cases designated as false ranged from 4% to 9%.[23]

However, estimates of false allegations are in fact estimates of proven false allegations. These are not estimates of likely, or possible, false allegations. Accordingly, estimating a false allegation rate of 5% (based on proven false allegations) does not allow an inference that 95% of allegations are truthful.
I'm just going to put this here
Might aswell rape if youd get charged either way, Pathetic court system!
So, he touches her on the arm. But because she "thought" he could have touched her breast he was charged with sexual assault?
We're fucking doomed.
2025: the guy stepped away and then ran as fast as he could in the other direction, this is sexual assault bc I think he could have touched my breasts :foidSoy:
2025: the guy stepped away and then ran as fast as he could in the other direction, this is sexual assault bc I think he could have touched my breasts :foidSoy:
We need government-enforced grape for rehabilitating this behavior (in farm simulator).

JFL at this clown world, what nightmare society do we live in where you can potentially be imprisoned for lightly touching someones arm
"'Lonely' student who inappropriately touched girl given 200 hours community work
Jamie Griffiths searched 'how to make a friend' before carrying out the sexual assault on the teen which has affected her mental health"


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