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News Incel charged with sexual assault for touching a womans arm

JFL at this clown world, what nightmare society do we live in where you can potentially be imprisoned for lightly touching someones arm
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Shy incel touches girl's arm = 10 years prison and a sex offender for life.

GigaChad felon beats shit out of a kid = freed from jail to become an instant billionaire with modeling contracts and an infinite harem.
The guy just wanted a friend, he wasn't even trying to hit on her. Imagine being so fucking lonely that you google ''how to make a friend'' and then the merciless rostacy fucking reports you for sexual assault just because you wanted to engage in conversation with her. If it was Chad he would only say ''Let's fuck'' and she would be drooling over him. ffs this is [RageFuel] and [ERfuel] tbh
We are all like him in time one of us is going er avenging us
This planet is a circus
The guy just wanted a friend, he wasn't even trying to hit on her. Imagine being so fucking lonely that you google ''how to make a friend'' and then the merciless rostacy fucking reports you for sexual assault just because you wanted to engage in conversation with her. If it was Chad he would only say ''Let's fuck'' and she would be drooling over him. ffs this is [RageFuel] and [ERfuel] tbh
The trauma he must be going through. Yikes :feelsrope:
I feel really bad for this kid. I know too well how does it feel to be lonely. There's a high chance he will rope in the next couple of years. Especially, if that foid destroyed his chances of getting into a good school and having a good career going. Without his dreams and hopes he will have nothing in life worth living for. Her selfish actions will have repercussions (but not for her unfortunately, as she will walk scot-free thanks to the pussy pass). By crushing his dreams she might as well sentenced him to death, and he will carry out this sentence by his own hands.
I think growing up bears huge risks for guys nowadays. You will be lonely, but you have to get used to loneliness, which is not easy. I could barely stand being alone after school (even though I was a total outcast in school) and I also did some weird, desperate and risky things to get a chance at finding friends or a gf.
I was "lucky". I was yelled at, laughed at, and threatened a few times, but no criminal charges or anything.
This is what happens when you fall for the "kino escalation" (pua term, google it) meme.
Lmaooo, I kind of tried this with a girl once but she hated it.

Then facelms said when he got touched by a gay guy it made his screen crawl, and he noticed every single touch. That's probably what girls feel when they're touched by a sub8cel.
If you read the article, he has actually been convicted, which means he's going on the sex offenders register. He might as well drop out and LDAR because his life is over.


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News like this is what society should be afraid of, because it will just make our numbers grow even more, and more, and more, and more, and BOOOOM RATATATATATTATATTATATAT STAB STAB STAB. Soon the streets won't be safe anymore once we take control!
Anyone normie and above wants us dead. They'll lie, beat, manipulate, mock someone who is genetically beneath them - because they can.
They want us dead
This guy is still a retard, you don't go around touching ppl even if u wanna make friends. Idk maybe he's got some kind of mental disorder
I hope more shit like this happens, for too long incels in denial and normie males have been allowed to be blissfully ignorant, telling themselves - "its not my problem, I'll get mines", well now it is their problem, hypergamy is getting worse everyday and more and more men are being pushed into the "undesirables category", so more and more will be affected by it, and the more stories like this happen, the less incels in denial can keep lying to themselves, and the less normie males can tell themselves that our problem isn't their problem

Shit like this is the perfect reality check

Welcome to the club bitches, you don't get to opt out, once you're in, you're in for life
The guy is a fucking normie. Look at his face, He's a Volcel.
Id be his friend.
I hope the left realizes they are the ones attacking real victims and being the oppressive force nowadays
this will never happened. they think they are righteous and we are evil. they think they are justified in oppressin us.
When you compare this with this article, you can easily understand how leftist cucks are ruining our country.
this will never happened. they think they are righteous and we are evil. they think they are justified in oppressin us.
We will exterminate them so. Worst thing is when evil people think they are justified and morally superior in being evil
From the sounds of it she's trying to use him just to get into oxford without having to do the exam and interview, probably hoping to gain extenuating circumstances from it. It's absolutely disgusting and even worse that the legal system is backing her on this
foids are extremely privilaged. they can do anything and get away with it.
meanwhile chad can punch the shit out of her and fist her pussy with no consequences
He looks like my 20yo cousin only my cousin is 5'3
Lmao what a cunt, she cried like a river and had a mental breakdown because a sub8 man touched her on the arm.
We will be charged with sexual assault just for existing tbh
I think, realistically the next step will be charging us for staring at women wrong. They'll come out with "eye rape laws" or something similar and women will press charges if they think that the man staring is ugly.

JFL at this clown world, what nightmare society do we live in where you can potentially be imprisoned for lightly touching someones arm
Looking forward to seeing Arthur Fleck's rise tonight.
1 person dies every 2 seconds roughly.

Therefore 43200 die every day (roughly).

I hope I can be amongst that number tomorrow because this world is a joke.
Foids have the biggest victim complex on this planet and is why this world is doomed.


I've known guys with straight A+ predicted in all their modules at A-levrl struggle to get into Oxbridge. Its disgusting what extents foids go to.
Yeah but daddy didn't make a charitable donation to the faculty.
B-but what about muh kino and physical escalation!!
From the sounds of it she's trying to use him just to get into oxford without having to do the exam and interview, probably hoping to gain extenuating circumstances from it. It's absolutely disgusting and even worse that the legal system is backing her on this

saw a lot of takes like that, but I want proof so I can use it to dab on bugmen and femoids on social media
Knew it would be the UK.
Who among us doesn't get this? Nobody should ever touch anybody without their consent, but this young man is so awkward he simply didn't understand. No intent to commit assault; many of us will attest to having been involved similar incidents with no malicious intent. He simply didn't understand. He needs therapy, not prison.
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Witness a successful feminist trial balloon.
Yes, it happened in GB (which is currently in competition with Canada for the Cuckistan title), but how much you want to bet the judge was a feminist?
The endgame is correctly identified as making it illegal or close to illegal to be a sub-8 male engaging in social interaction with foids.

They will capitalize on this and escalate further.
Woman claims she broke down and suffering trauma from this sub8 lightly touching her, while afterwards gagging on chads sweaty cock.

Soon sub8s will be sent into concentration camps tbh
Shy incel touches girl's arm = 10 years prison and a sex offender for life.

GigaChad felon beats shit out of a kid = freed from jail to become an instant billionaire with modeling contracts and an infinite harem.

Too hard to copy and paste the content in here is it? Have to turn off my adblock so the libcuck jew media can get their ad revenue?
That's way too close to admitting defeat and a master-slave relationship.

We are already defeated.

If you even look at the foid the wrong way, you get screwed over by the criminal justice system. It helps if you can afford good legal representation, but even then, your career is over. Attractive foids are the most privileged demographic on the planet.
There may be a revolution at some point.

Hah. No.

I was never the optimist, but still...I don't think I'm being unrealistic when I say that nothing will change for the better.
I don't think I'm being unrealistic when I say that nothing will change for the better.

The USD may collapse. A WW3 might start. A civil war might start. The oil might run out. Controlled fusion might not be achieved. Billions might starve out.
Looks like he could get up to 10 years jail

The fact the case has got publicity could go either way. Judge might feel pressure to lock him up as a warning, or he might fear a backlash from men. If it's a foid judge then it's a good job they dont have the death penalty in UK
Fucking insane to go to jail for 10(!) years for touching someones arm. Even in The Daily Mail Forum all people complain about that.
He was just looking for a friend cause he was so lonely. I have much love for lonely people. They are the biggest sufferers.
Some songs about this:

Looks like he could get up to 10 years jail

The fact the case has got publicity could go either way. Judge might feel pressure to lock him up as a warning, or he might fear a backlash from men. If it's a foid judge then it's a good job they dont have the death penalty in UK

The case was heard in a magistrates' court. There are three judges.

The maximum penalty that a magistrates' court can impose for one offence is six months. If they want to impose a 10-year sentence they would have to move the case to a crown court in front of a different judge.
The case was heard in a magistrates' court. There are three judges.

The maximum penalty that a magistrates' court can impose for one offence is six months. If they want to impose a 10-year sentence they would have to move the case to a crown court in front of a different judge.

He might avoid prison then but his life is ruined.
He might avoid prison then but his life is ruined.

Here's my prediction.

In the UK, criminal cases start off in either in a magistrates' court or a crown court. Serious cases like rape, murder, and organized crime go straight to the crown court automatically. Minor cases such as driving offences, common assault, or petty theft are heard in the magistrates' court.

Sexual assault is an "either way" offence; it can be tried in either court. That the magistrates didn't send the case to the crown court before the trial means that Griffiths' case isn't particularly serious.

A custodial sentence longer than 6 months is highly unlikely.

He touched her on the arm and waist, while she was clothed, and not on more sensitive parts. The age difference is only 2 years; he's not in a position of responsibility over her. He's young, socially awkward, volunteers, and is a student at a decent university. He has no prior criminal record.

I wouldn't be surprised if he walked away with a fine, a community service order, and/or a mental health treatment order. Maybe a suspended sentence.

His life was already ruined. JFL at being autistic enough to Google "how to make a friend".
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Here's my prediction.

In the UK, criminal cases start off in either in a magistrates' court or a crown court. Serious cases like rape, murder, and organized crime go straight to the crown court automatically. Minor cases such as driving offences, common assault, or petty theft are heard in the magistrates' court.

Sexual assault is an "either way" offence; it can be tried in either court. That the magistrates didn't send the case to the crown court before the trial means that Griffiths' case isn't particularly serious.

A custodial sentence longer than 6 months is highly unlikely.

He touched her on the arm and waist, while she was clothed, and not on more sensitive parts. The age difference is only 2 years; he's not in a position of responsibility over her. He's young, socially awkward, volunteers, and is a student at a decent university.

I wouldn't be surprised if he walked away with a fine, a community service order, and/or a mental health treatment order. Maybe a suspended sentence.

The fact the prisons are overcrowded while there's a crimewave of knife crime and the like in the UK means he should avoid jail, but it should never have gone to court.
The fact the prisons are overcrowded while there's a crimewave of knife crime and the like in the UK means he should avoid jail, but it should never have gone to court.

UK prisons aren't that overcrowded, American prisons are, and that doesn't stop American judges from giving stupidly long sentences for nonviolent drug crimes.

Oh well. #MeToo and feminazi campaigners have been pressuring the Crown Prosecution Service to increase rape and sexual assault conviction rates. It's entirely political. The current DPP (Director of Public Prosecutions), Max Hill, is actually an OK guy. His predecessor, Alison Saunders, was a rabid feminazi. Her prosecutors failed to disclose exculpatory evidence to the defence team and ruined the lives of multiple men.

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