There’s only one way to solve it. Govt bred Pussy sold at auction.
This isn’t even some extreme revenge fantasy. Civilization is not the default state of man. One must somehow suppress female sexuality for a civilization to exist.. you gotta get all the males contributing, and you get gotta be able to reward their contributions with guaranteed breeding rights. The west currently cannot reward anyone. Money needs to be able to buy pussy. Otherwise, it’s only value is survival and that means nothing if you’re not reproducing.
Some things that compound the problem:
Women working (men no longer have leverage by means of survival resources, enables hypergamy)
Makeup/manipulation of SMV
Global sexual marketplace (IG/tinder)
Easy transportation
Dense cities
No religion for the population to police itself, so govt must intervene
The west is not going back to religious traditionalism, that’s over. Science has come too far and religion isn’t a thing anymore.
Even if you ban all the things I listed above, hypergamy would still run rampant and high SMV men will form harems with no laws/religion telling them otherwise. Most men would continue to suffer, contribute to drop out, and society could not sustain itself.
Honestly I think if all foids were merely bred as a commodity, it could solve damn near every social problem there is. Produce them at a rate of something like 7 women per 1 man, and sell them on an pen market to the highest bidder. Limit each man to 7 wives. A foid’s SMV would determine her price, men are inclined to work and contribute to get high estrogen pussy. Virgins fetch a higher price. Everybody wins except the foids. But no matter what, for any group to eat, another must starve. The whole point of civilization is to prevent male on male violence anyways so it’s a creation for men by men. Women are just a really valuable commodity and a very effective motivator. Nature came with its own currency. Hypothetically, every single man regardless of his height can have a harem... the quality and quantity of which is proportional to his contributions to the tribe.
I made a long ass thread about this last month with a little more detail
Sexbots and legalizing prostitution isn't much to ask. But to help us out a lot they can give us government funded hookers, put male birth control on the market, and help us spread the blackpill in the mainstream media (they do this sometimes on the news or with movies, even if it's negative publicity it still gets through to many of the uncucked men). If they don't meet our demands sub6 men shouldn't pay taxes or contribute to society in any positive way.
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