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Discussion In regard to the samurai situation, I want to explain myself



Blackpill Philosopher
May 10, 2023
I want to make this clear to the forum, @Dr Autismo's actions were based, he can do whatever the fuck he wants with foids, I am not obligated to stop him. Although I disagree with @Samurai about his religious beliefs, I still think he is mostly based because he is against women having rights, he wants all women to be forced into becoming tradwives, he hates IT for mocking and bullying Sub5 men, he hates liberalism and feminism. And I also want to point out that white knighting is not okay, it is cucked behavior that should be condemned. With that being said, @Samurai should be given a second chance as long as he apologizes for his past remarks.
The people who are upset at me for defending nuns don't make sense. If I began assaulting their mother on the street I'm pretty sure they'd defend her. Anyway, i am apologetic for going too far, and I will refrain from such threats. I've been having a rough couple of weeks and my anger got the best of me.


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The people who are upset at me for defending nuns don't make sense. If I began assaulting their mother on the street I'm pretty sure they'd defend her. Anyway, i am apologetic for going too far, and I will refrain from such threats. I've been having a rough couple of weeks and my anger got the best of me.
In a perfect world where foids weren't shitty (they weren't chad only whores and they were actually decent people)

white knighting would be fair ig.

But this is not a perfect world. I have not met a single good foid in my life personally.
The people who are upset at me for defending nuns don't make sense. If I began assaulting their mother on the street I'm pretty sure they'd defend her. Anyway, i am apologetic for going too far, and I will refrain from such threats. I've been having a rough couple of weeks and my anger got the best of me.
glad to have you back bud!
The people who are upset at me for defending nuns don't make sense. If I began assaulting their mother on the street I'm pretty sure they'd defend her. Anyway, i am apologetic for going too far, and I will refrain from such threats. I've been having a rough couple of weeks and my anger got the best of me.
Obviously people here would defend their mothers. Defending ur mother who u are connected to by blood cannot be compared to defending a RANDOM woman nun or not, when your an incel. As an incel, women (even nuns) couldn't care less about you so why would u risk ur physical and legal safety for them? How is that anything but cucked?
Obviously people here would defend their mothers. Defending ur mother who u are connected to by blood cannot be compared to defending a RANDOM woman nun or not, when your an incel. As an incel, women (even nuns) couldn't care less about you so why would u risk ur physical and legal safety for them? How is that anything but cucked?
A lot of Nuns are very mother like in the Church, and I'm a gentleman by nature, not always something I can turn off. It's no different to you defending your mother. Your mother is still a woman.
A lot of Nuns are very mother like in the Church, and I'm a gentleman by nature, not always something I can turn off. It's no different to you defending your mother. Your mother is still a woman.
You're making this argument, because your mother is a woman that has cared for you and generally treated you well.
In other words, it makes sense to white knight and defend women that ACTUALLY care about you (for example, caring relatives or a loving gf)

but i will never understand defending a woman that would NOT do the same for you if she could.
A lot of Nuns are very mother like in the Church, and I'm a gentleman by nature, not always something I can turn off. It's no different to you defending your mother. Your mother is still a woman.
I would say if you are not genetically related to a woman then you shouldn't even bother. Humans are all predators by nature and they mostly stick with their own. It goes something like this:
Family > your Tribe(race, community) > Random people
respect should be mutual. if foids don't respect me, why should I respect them?
I would say if you are not genetically related to a woman then you shouldn't even bother. Humans are all predators by nature and they mostly stick with their own. It goes something like this:
Family > your Tribe(race, community) > Random people
So you'd have no problem with a woman leaving you to die instead of calling an ambulance if you got in a bad car crash?
So you'd have no problem with a woman leaving you to die instead of calling an ambulance if you got in a bad car crash?
I would of course have a problem with that but Im not exactly entitled to her help either honestly, nobody is entitled to anything in fact. And also what I was saying is that when it comes down to it, all of us as humans and as animals are selfish in a way. Yes sure we care about our community/tribe to an extent but only our family and ourselves is really in the first place. Who would you help first, your sister or some random whore? The answer is obviously your sister
I'm a gentleman by nature, not always something I can turn off.
U can't turn it off since ur not truly blackpilled.
It's no different to you defending your mother. Your mother is still a woman.
Again not comparable. My mother has done much for me what has a random woman on the street done for me to risk my safety for?
U can't turn it off since ur not truly blackpilled.

Again not comparable. My mother has done much for me what has a random woman on the street done for me to risk my safety for?
I'm more blackpilled than you.
I'm more blackpilled than you.
ur so blackpilled u got banned arguing over the hypothetical safety of random women :feelskek: . Well at least the mods are gay for u.
ur so blackpilled u got banned arguing over the hypothetical safety of random women :feelskek: . Well at least the mods are gay for u.
The mods take time out of their day to make sure the website is under control. Show them some respect.
The mods take time out of their day to make sure the website is under control. Show them some respect.
now you’re trying to appease to the mods? smh
I'm more blackpilled than you.
if you were truly blackpilled youd realized those nuns you defend go home and get fucked and treated like a cheap slab of meat like any other whore and would always look more favorably upon chad than chuddytheince
if you were truly blackpilled youd realized those nuns you defend go home and get fucked and treated like a cheap slab of meat like any other whore and would always look more favorably upon chad than chuddytheince
Black pill is the observation of the brutal reality. Making up scenarios in your head based on less than 1% of nuns and claiming it as fact has nothing to do with black pill truth.
Black pill is the observation of the brutal reality. Making up scenarios in your head based on less than 1% of nuns and claiming it as fact has nothing to do with black pill truth.
if you think only 1% of nuns are secret whores i think you are brutally mislead
Black pill is the observation of the brutal reality. Making up scenarios in your head based on less than 1% of nuns and claiming it as fact has nothing to do with black pill truth.
brutal reality is nuns also don’t give two shits about us either.
Black pill is the observation of the brutal reality. Making up scenarios in your head based on less than 1% of nuns and claiming it as fact has nothing to do with black pill truth.
nigger. what is up with your strange obsession with nuns? Do you want to be dominated by a nun?
nigger. what is up with your strange obsession with nuns? Do you want to be dominated by a nun?
I used nuns as an example of a good woman, and people used extremely rare exceptions to "disprove" what I said, without realising that by that logic, every Incel is planning a mass shooting like ER. You confirm stupid IT delusions by spouting illogical nonsense.
I used nuns as an example of a good woman, and people used extremely rare exceptions to "disprove" what I said, without realising that by that logic, every Incel is planning a mass shooting like ER. You confirm stupid IT delusions by spouting illogical nonsense.
less than 1% of nuns
“More than 14 percent of nuns have been sexually abused themselves,” said Finnegan. “It’s this unattended rage they live with. It’s going to come out as physical abuse of children and sexual abuse. I believe it’s what turns so many of them into nasty bitches in the convent.”

:shock: :shock: :shock:
Especially considering the stereotype of sexually abusive Christian priests, it would be a no brainer that nuns would also be abused and lead on the cycle of suffering by projecting it to others

Just because they’re religiously ordained doesn’t make them any different or any less fucked up. In fact non fanatical people even they act more normally. All of this nuns being good women nonsense is delusion tbh. Even “normal” women wouldn’t do this shit I’m linking right now
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“More than 14 percent of nuns have been sexually abused themselves,” said Finnegan. “It’s this unattended rage they live with. It’s going to come out as physical abuse of children and sexual abuse. I believe it’s what turns so many of them into nasty bitches in the convent.”

:shock: :shock: :shock:
Especially considering the stereotype of sexually abusive Christian priests, it would be a no brainer that nuns would also be abused and lead on the cycle of suffering by projecting it to others
Yes, let's listen to Jew owned NYpost. Good idea.
I used nuns as an example of a good woman, and people used extremely rare exceptions to "disprove" what I said, without realising that by that logic, every Incel is planning a mass shooting like ER. You confirm stupid IT delusions by spouting illogical nonsense.
Take your meds pookie.
ur so blackpilled u got banned arguing over the hypothetical safety of random women :feelskek: . Well at least the mods are gay for u.

He's so blackpilled he justified foid hypergamy by implying that men are just as selective as foids.

what do you mean "what do I mean exactly"?
these whore all want ripped, handsome chad twinks.
So, they want the best they can get? That is not a reason to barge into women, as who doesn't want the best they can get? Imagine if a foid justified barging into men because "all males want a slim, cute big breast women" It is like getting mad at someone for desiring to wear the coolest armour in a videogame.
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He's so blackpilled he justified foid hypergamy by implying that men are just as selective as foids.
Justifying hypergamy? meh.....but suggesting we're just as selective....there's no fucking way :feelskek:
Yes, let's listen to Jew owned NYpost. Good idea.
It’s real jfl it’s reported everywhere else. Denying it would just be an insult to the victims too. Not very Christ like jfl.
“Oh but it’s just 1%”

knowing the % of abusive priests they would also assault women and then they would become abusive freaks.
Defo not 1% I bet more cases are hidden

Sure you could say that it happens outside of religion and what not etc. but religion has the burden of being more “moral” and “in-line” and it has been shown that with the amount of wars done for religion’s sake, the sexual abuse and abuse in general it makes the entire foundation pretty questionable ngl.

It just seems like another tool for abusing power and controlling people etc. sure there are good religious people but those people would’ve been good anyway without any sort of religious coping.

It seems the one who facade as being overly moral and pious etc. mostly turn out to be the most fucked up
He's so blackpilled he justified foid hypergamy by implying that men are just as selective as foids.
I never said men were as selective. That's slander. I'm going to ignore this thread now as it is just slanderous nonsense.
It’s real jfl it’s reported everywhere else. Denying it would just be an insult to the victims too. Not very Christ like jfl.
“Oh but it’s just 1%”

knowing the % of abusive priests they would also assault women and then they would become abusive freaks.
Defo not 1% I bet more cases are hidden

Sure you could say that it happens outside of religion and what not etc. but religion has the burden of being more “moral” and “in-line” and it has been shown that with the amount of wars done for religion’s sake, the sexual abuse and abuse in general it makes the entire foundation pretty questionable ngl.

It just seems like another tool for abusing power and controlling people etc. sure there are good religious people but those people would’ve been good anyway without any sort of religious coping.

It seems the one who facade as being overly moral and pious etc. mostly turn out to be the most fucked up
Everywhere says Incels are terrorist. I guess they're right according to you.
Everywhere says Incels are terrorist. I guess they're right according to you.
u need to chill with the beef ur gonna get too many users mad at u and ur gonna be banned again nigga
Everywhere says Incels are terrorist
Not true lol.
I guess they're right according to you.
By everywhere I meant it’s widely reported on and sex scandals are common with organised church settings etc.

PLUS, false equivalence. There’s a clear difference. We’re suffering from involuntary celibacy and have problems like no pussy, no women being attracted and being ugly, non NT etc. 2 different things that would be reported on differently.

There’s no reason to misrepresent sexual allegation cases especially when women are involved since we live in a gynocentric society. That would be getting on everyone’s bad side in today’s time.
There’s a reason to misrepresent us it’s because we’re the literal dregs of society that nobody likes. Lookism etc.
Everywhere says Incels are terrorist. I guess they're right according to you.
Some of them are blinded by the desires of their flesh. As a Christian you should know that. Apart from that, they are often still quite young and therefore more impulsive than wise. Caught up in worldly affairs without deeper spiritual understanding.
So, take it easy. :feelsYall:
your both irrelevant, nothing to explain
The people who are upset at me for defending nuns don't make sense. If I began assaulting their mother on the street I'm pretty sure they'd defend her. Anyway, i am apologetic for going too far, and I will refrain from such threats. I've been having a rough couple of weeks and my anger got the best of me.
How do you compare bumping into foids and legitimate assault.
Some of them are blinded by the desires of their flesh. As a Christian you should know that. Apart from that, they are often still quite young and therefore more impulsive than wise. Caught up in worldly affairs without deeper spiritual understanding.
So, take it easy. :feelsYall:
the only people blinded by the desires of the flesh are the people whiteknighting for foids who get barged into

they have let lust turn them into simp foid worshippers
if you were truly blackpilled youd realized those nuns you defend go home and get fucked and treated like a cheap slab of meat like any other whore and would always look more favorably upon chad than chuddytheince
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the only people blinded by the desires of the flesh are the people whiteknighting for foids who get barged into

they have let lust turn them into simp foid worshippers
I thought he was a Christian and the foids in question would be nuns. Now the question is: Is he whiteknighting for worldly or spiritual reasons? Are all nuns the same whores like them wicked atheist foids? I don't know the answer to these questions.
For my part, I wouldn't simp/whiteknight for any foid. But I'm only a little, ugly sinner, no real Christian at all. I'm just interested in these religious topics.

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