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In defense of National Socialism



卐Australia Enjoyer卐
May 23, 2022
@The Enforcer


The world would be a boring place if everyone thought the same way, however;

- Of course the Nazis would give a fuck about people who believed in their "bullshit". The Germans werent larping to start wars.
- National Socialism may not be perfect, but it would be a silver bullet to repair current western democracies.
- National Socialism is a platform of forwarding the best interests on the nation under a united party. It opposes anything against the national interest.
- Natsoc rejects societal degeneracy. The burning of the books was all about ridding the country of commie bullshit and sexual hedonism.
- The reason we cant get foids is intrinsically linked with the abandonment of traditional values and the sexual revolution of the 1960's.

I could go on but im trying to indoctrinate. You can believe what you like about "ze Nazis" and call people "cringe" and "pathetic" but I think there is certainly an argument that the natsoc ideology would not have led the incel phenomenon. At the very least its cope.

fuck communists
- Of course the Nazis would give a fuck about people who believed in their "bullshit". The Germans werent larping to start wars.
- National Socialism may not be perfect, but it would be a silver bullet to repair current western democracies.
- National Socialism is a platform of forwarding the best interests on the nation under a united party. It opposes anything against the national interest.
- Natsoc rejects societal degeneracy. The burning of the books was all about ridding the country of commie bullshit and sexual hedonism.
- The reason we cant get foids is intrinsically linked with the abandonment of traditional values and the sexual revolution of the 1960's.
its a contruction from a austrian schizo
You would be among the first to perish under a national socialist regime, subhuman filth.
@The Enforcer

View attachment 1188341

The world would be a boring place if everyone thought the same way, however;

- Of course the Nazis would give a fuck about people who believed in their "bullshit". The Germans werent larping to start wars.
- National Socialism may not be perfect, but it would be a silver bullet to repair current western democracies.
- National Socialism is a platform of forwarding the best interests on the nation under a united party. It opposes anything against the national interest.
- Natsoc rejects societal degeneracy. The burning of the books was all about ridding the country of commie bullshit and sexual hedonism.
- The reason we cant get foids is intrinsically linked with the abandonment of traditional values and the sexual revolution of the 1960's.

I could go on but im trying to indoctrinate. You can believe what you like about "ze Nazis" and call people "cringe" and "pathetic" but I think there is certainly an argument that the natsoc ideology would not have led the incel phenomenon. At the very least its cope.
You would be among the first to perish under a national socialist regime, subhuman filth.
Why the fuck would I perish? I was born in the country I live in...that the "national" part of it.

“It says here in this history book that luckily, the good guys have won every single time. What are the odds?” -Norm MacDonald​

nah man. you can hear his speeches, you can read his book, you can study his life...he was completely retarded and destroyed whole germany. even his generals told him to stop but psycho adolf wanted his psychoses come true
Fr, people like Goebbels and Himmler who are uglier than some people here had pretty high ranking positions and weren't mistreated
because they have the rights of leaders but the average german man have hard standards to fulfill
Fr, people like Goebbels and Himmler who are uglier than some people here had pretty high ranking positions and weren't mistreated
Exactly, I also think Hitler was probably Autistic.

The only people who would have been euthanized, were people who were so mentally gone they wouldn't even know what was going on.
yada yada

Adolf Hitler’s regime brought unprecedented suffering and long-term detriment to Germany and its citizens. Hitler’s rule inflicted multi-layered consequences on the German people, making deep scars on the nation's soul.

First. The Holocaust is one of the darkest chapters in human history. Beyond the staggering loss of six million Jews, the systematic extermination orchestrated by the Nazi regime also targeted Roma, disabled individuals, and political dissidents. This genocide eradicated vast swathes of potential human contribution to Germany’s cultural, scientific, and economic landscape. The moral and psychological impact on the German populace was immense, as citizens grappled with collective guilt and trauma. The Holocaust left a permanent scar on Germany’s moral fabric, influencing generations with a pervasive sense of responsibility and a commitment to "never again."

Second. The loss of life extended beyond the Holocaust. Hitler’s aggressive military campaigns led to the deaths of millions of German soldiers and civilians, creating a demographic imbalance that rippled through society. Families mourned the loss of breadwinners, while the diminished workforce hampered post-war recovery. The widespread grief and economic strain on families delayed national reconstruction, leaving many in poverty and struggle.

Third. World War II left Germany in ruins. Cities like Berlin, Hamburg, and Dresden were reduced to rubble, and the destruction of homes and infrastructure created a severe housing crisis. Millions were left homeless, living in temporary shelters and facing dire conditions that affected their health and quality of life. The obliteration of cultural landmarks and historical sites severed connections to Germany’s rich heritage, causing a profound loss of national identity and pride.

Fourth. Economically, the war drained Germany’s resources, leading to unemployment and severe poverty. The scarcity of food and fuel caused malnutrition and widespread suffering, with long-lasting health impacts. Rebuilding industries and infrastructure required immense effort and investment, during which Germany lagged behind other nations in technological and industrial advancements, further complicating recovery efforts.

Fifth. The end of the war brought about the division of Germany into East and West, a split that created political, social, and economic rifts. This fragmentation led to disparate living standards and opportunities, fueling inequality and tension between the two regions. The psychological impact of this division was profound, with families separated and communities disrupted, exacerbating feelings of imprisonment and helplessness.

Allied occupation meant that Germans had limited control over their governance and future direction, fostering resentment and a sense of humiliation. However, the efforts of the Allies, particularly the Marshall Plan in the West, also laid the foundation for democratic institutions and economic recovery, contributing to long-term stability and growth.

Sixth. Germany's actions under the Nazi regime led to global condemnation and diplomatic isolation. This stigma severely hindered Germany’s ability to engage in international trade and diplomacy, limiting economic growth and opportunities for its citizens. The country’s tarnished reputation made it difficult for Germans to travel, study, or work abroad, while skilled individuals often emigrated, resulting in some loss of talent that impacted national progress.

Seventh. The war crimes trials, while necessary for justice, created a leadership vacuum as many Nazi leaders were prosecuted and imprisoned. This vacuum complicated the establishment of effective governance and delayed national stability, while the cultural trauma of these revelations deeply influenced the national consciousness and attitudes toward authority and justice.

Eighth. Under Hitler’s regime, freedoms were severely suppressed. Intellectuals and artists were persecuted, stifling innovation and cultural expression. This suppression led to intellectual stagnation, hindering progress in various fields and reducing Germany’s cultural and technological dynamism. The climate of fear and conformity discouraged dissent and critical thinking, resulting in a homogenized society that lacked vibrancy and growth.

Propaganda played a crucial role in manipulating public opinion, eroding trust in government and media. This manipulation fostered a legacy of skepticism and cynicism that complicated the establishment of transparent and accountable institutions. The distorted worldview propagated by Nazi propaganda created misconceptions and biases that took years to correct, impeding reconciliation and national dialogue.

Ninth. The extensive reconstruction efforts required after the war meant that modernization in technology, education, and healthcare was delayed. Resources were focused on rebuilding basic infrastructure, leaving less for social programs and scientific research. This allocation slowed overall societal progress, affecting quality of life and Germany’s competitive edge in the global arena.

The legacy of Nazi ideology continues to fuel far-right extremism, causing social divisions and conflicts. This extremism disrupts social harmony and undermines efforts to build an inclusive, democratic society. The presence of extremist groups poses a threat to political stability, making effective governance challenging and deterring investment and development.

Hitler's regime inflicted immense suffering on Germany and its people, causing long-term harm across multiple dimensions. From the moral and psychological impacts of the Holocaust to the economic and social devastation wrought by the war, the consequences of Hitler’s rule have left deep and lasting scars. Understanding these layers of suffering is crucial in recognizing the true cost of his legacy and ensuring that such a devastating chapter in history never repeats.

In conclusion, fuck off.
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Adolf Hitler’s regime brought unprecedented suffering and long-term detriment to Germany and its citizens. Hitler’s rule inflicted multi-layered consequences on the German people, making deeper scars on the nation's soul.

First. The Holocaust is one of the darkest chapters in human history. Beyond the staggering loss of six million Jews, the systematic extermination orchestrated by the Nazi regime also targeted Roma, disabled individuals, and political dissidents. This genocide eradicated vast swathes of potential human contribution to Germany’s cultural, scientific, and economic landscape. The moral and psychological impact on the German populace was immense, as citizens grappled with collective guilt and trauma. The Holocaust left a permanent scar on Germany’s moral fabric, influencing generations with a pervasive sense of responsibility and a commitment to "never again."

Second. The loss of life extended beyond the Holocaust. Hitler’s aggressive military campaigns led to the deaths of millions of German soldiers and civilians, creating a demographic imbalance that rippled through society. Families mourned the loss of breadwinners, while the diminished workforce hampered post-war recovery. The widespread grief and economic strain on families delayed national reconstruction, leaving many in poverty and struggle.

Third. World War II left Germany in ruins. Cities like Berlin, Hamburg, and Dresden were reduced to rubble, and the destruction of homes and infrastructure created a severe housing crisis. Millions were left homeless, living in temporary shelters and facing dire conditions that affected their health and quality of life. The obliteration of cultural landmarks and historical sites severed connections to Germany’s rich heritage, causing a profound loss of national identity and pride.

Fourth. Economically, the war drained Germany’s resources, leading to hyperinflation, unemployment, and severe poverty. The scarcity of food and fuel caused malnutrition and widespread suffering, with long-lasting health impacts. Rebuilding industries and infrastructure required immense effort and investment, during which Germany lagged behind other nations in technological and industrial advancements, further complicating recovery efforts.

Fifth. The end of the war brought about the division of Germany into East and West, a split that created political, social, and economic rifts. This fragmentation led to disparate living standards and opportunities, fueling inequality and tension between the two regions. The psychological impact of this division was profound, with families separated and communities disrupted, exacerbating feelings of imprisonment and helplessness.

Allied occupation meant that Germans had limited control over their governance and future direction, fostering resentment and a sense of humiliation. The economic control exerted by the occupiers often conflicted with local needs, delaying effective recovery and causing widespread frustration.

Sixth. Germany's actions under the Nazi regime led to global condemnation and diplomatic isolation. This stigma severely hindered Germany’s ability to engage in international trade and diplomacy, limiting economic growth and opportunities for its citizens. The country’s tarnished reputation made it difficult for Germans to travel, study, or work abroad, while skilled individuals often emigrated, resulting in a brain drain that further stunted national progress.

Seventh. The war crimes trials, while necessary for justice, created a leadership vacuum as many Nazi leaders were prosecuted and imprisoned. This vacuum complicated the establishment of effective governance and delayed national stability, while the cultural trauma of these revelations deeply influenced the national consciousness and attitudes toward authority and justice.

Eight. Under Hitler’s regime, freedoms were severely suppressed. Intellectuals and artists were persecuted, stifling innovation and cultural expression. This suppression led to intellectual stagnation, hindering progress in various fields and reducing Germany’s cultural and technological dynamism. The climate of fear and conformity discouraged dissent and critical thinking, resulting in a homogenized society that lacked vibrancy and growth.

Propaganda played a crucial role in manipulating public opinion, eroding trust in government and media. This manipulation fostered a legacy of skepticism and cynicism that complicated the establishment of transparent and accountable institutions. The distorted worldview propagated by Nazi propaganda created misconceptions and biases that took years to correct, impeding reconciliation and national dialogue.

Ninth. The extensive reconstruction efforts required after the war meant that modernization in technology, education, and healthcare was delayed. Resources were focused on rebuilding basic infrastructure, leaving less for social programs and scientific research. This allocation slowed overall societal progress, affecting quality of life and Germany’s competitive edge in the global arena.

The legacy of Nazi ideology continues to fuel far-right extremism, causing social divisions and conflicts. This extremism disrupts social harmony and undermines efforts to build an inclusive, democratic society. The presence of extremist groups poses a threat to political stability, making effective governance challenging and deterring investment and development.

In conclusion, Hitler's regime inflicted immense suffering on Germany and its people, causing long-term harm across multiple dimensions. From the moral and psychological impacts of the Holocaust to the economic and social devastation wrought by the war, the consequences of Hitler’s rule have left deep and lasting scars. Understanding these layers of suffering is crucial in recognizing the true cost of his legacy and ensuring that such a devastating chapter in history never repeats.
Adolf Hitler’s regime brought unprecedented suffering and long-term detriment to Germany and its citizens. Hitler’s rule inflicted multi-layered consequences on the German people, making deep scars on the nation's soul.

First. The Holocaust is one of the darkest chapters in human history. Beyond the staggering loss of six million Jews, the systematic extermination orchestrated by the Nazi regime also targeted Roma, disabled individuals, and political dissidents. This genocide eradicated vast swathes of potential human contribution to Germany’s cultural, scientific, and economic landscape. The moral and psychological impact on the German populace was immense, as citizens grappled with collective guilt and trauma. The Holocaust left a permanent scar on Germany’s moral fabric, influencing generations with a pervasive sense of responsibility and a commitment to "never again."

Second. The loss of life extended beyond the Holocaust. Hitler’s aggressive military campaigns led to the deaths of millions of German soldiers and civilians, creating a demographic imbalance that rippled through society. Families mourned the loss of breadwinners, while the diminished workforce hampered post-war recovery. The widespread grief and economic strain on families delayed national reconstruction, leaving many in poverty and struggle.

Third. World War II left Germany in ruins. Cities like Berlin, Hamburg, and Dresden were reduced to rubble, and the destruction of homes and infrastructure created a severe housing crisis. Millions were left homeless, living in temporary shelters and facing dire conditions that affected their health and quality of life. The obliteration of cultural landmarks and historical sites severed connections to Germany’s rich heritage, causing a profound loss of national identity and pride.

Fourth. Economically, the war drained Germany’s resources, leading to unemployment and severe poverty. The scarcity of food and fuel caused malnutrition and widespread suffering, with long-lasting health impacts. Rebuilding industries and infrastructure required immense effort and investment, during which Germany lagged behind other nations in technological and industrial advancements, further complicating recovery efforts.

Fifth. The end of the war brought about the division of Germany into East and West, a split that created political, social, and economic rifts. This fragmentation led to disparate living standards and opportunities, fueling inequality and tension between the two regions. The psychological impact of this division was profound, with families separated and communities disrupted, exacerbating feelings of imprisonment and helplessness.

Allied occupation meant that Germans had limited control over their governance and future direction, fostering resentment and a sense of humiliation. However, the efforts of the Allies, particularly the Marshall Plan in the West, also laid the foundation for democratic institutions and economic recovery, contributing to long-term stability and growth.

Sixth. Germany's actions under the Nazi regime led to global condemnation and diplomatic isolation. This stigma severely hindered Germany’s ability to engage in international trade and diplomacy, limiting economic growth and opportunities for its citizens. The country’s tarnished reputation made it difficult for Germans to travel, study, or work abroad, while skilled individuals often emigrated, resulting in some loss of talent that impacted national progress.

Seventh. The war crimes trials, while necessary for justice, created a leadership vacuum as many Nazi leaders were prosecuted and imprisoned. This vacuum complicated the establishment of effective governance and delayed national stability, while the cultural trauma of these revelations deeply influenced the national consciousness and attitudes toward authority and justice.

Eighth. Under Hitler’s regime, freedoms were severely suppressed. Intellectuals and artists were persecuted, stifling innovation and cultural expression. This suppression led to intellectual stagnation, hindering progress in various fields and reducing Germany’s cultural and technological dynamism. The climate of fear and conformity discouraged dissent and critical thinking, resulting in a homogenized society that lacked vibrancy and growth.

Propaganda played a crucial role in manipulating public opinion, eroding trust in government and media. This manipulation fostered a legacy of skepticism and cynicism that complicated the establishment of transparent and accountable institutions. The distorted worldview propagated by Nazi propaganda created misconceptions and biases that took years to correct, impeding reconciliation and national dialogue.

Ninth. The extensive reconstruction efforts required after the war meant that modernization in technology, education, and healthcare was delayed. Resources were focused on rebuilding basic infrastructure, leaving less for social programs and scientific research. This allocation slowed overall societal progress, affecting quality of life and Germany’s competitive edge in the global arena.

The legacy of Nazi ideology continues to fuel far-right extremism, causing social divisions and conflicts. This extremism disrupts social harmony and undermines efforts to build an inclusive, democratic society. The presence of extremist groups poses a threat to political stability, making effective governance challenging and deterring investment and development.

In conclusion, Hitler's regime inflicted immense suffering on Germany and its people, causing long-term harm across multiple dimensions. From the moral and psychological impacts of the Holocaust to the economic and social devastation wrought by the war, the consequences of Hitler’s rule have left deep and lasting scars. Understanding these layers of suffering is crucial in recognizing the true cost of his legacy and ensuring that such a devastating chapter in history never repeats.

Fuck you - fakecel
Anyone who thinks that we would do better under a regime whose sole remit was creating an Aryan super race, incarcerating people in concentration camps for being 'work-shy', and actively persecuting those with mental illness, is a moron.
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Anyone who thinks that we would do better under a regime whose sole remit was creating an Aryan super race, incarcerating people in concentration camps for being 'work-shy', and actively persecuting those with mental illness, is a moron.
Was that the 'sole remit' of national socialism? I dont think you have any clue of what your talking about and yet you still call people morons.
Was that the 'sole remit' of national socialism? I dont think you have any clue of what your talking about and yet you still call people morons.
Unless you have a job and absent mental illness, you would either end up in a concentration camp or a victim of Aktion T4.
Unless you have a job and absent mental illness, you would either end up in a concentration camp or a victim of Aktion T4.
Most of this place would qualify under the asocial category or classified under the social parasite designation imo
I can't think of many political ideologies that aren't hostile to NEETs and antisocial autists with avoidant tendencies. Collectivist ones despise you by default.
Most of this place would qualify under the asocial category or classified under the social parasite designation imo
I can't think of many political ideologies that aren't hostile to NEETs and antisocial autists with avoidant tendencies. Collectivist ones despise you by default.
Nah I dont think so, most here are NEET due to the fact our society has failed us, National Socialism adhered to a "from each according to his ability, to each according to his need" principle, so it focused upon building a society in which everyone was effectively "equal" but each had their own place. In a way, this correlated with how Teutonic societies functioned within the past, and it emboldened many Indo-European values such as Koreas or brotherhood.

Collectivism is objectively better for us imo, since we already de-facto live under a very individualistic system.
Not how it works.
even if incels wouldnt be genocided nazis would just laugh at us and make fun of us for being weak, just like normiefilth. nobody but "marxist-rodgerists" or other explicitly pro incel politicians are our allies, as inceldom is a very niche problem that no other ideologies addressed
Most of this place would qualify under the asocial category or classified under the social parasite designation imo
I can't think of many political ideologies that aren't hostile to NEETs and antisocial autists with avoidant tendencies.
I agree, until you said:
Collectivist ones despise you by default.
from what ive seen only individualist types tend to hate NEETs for not pulling themselves by the bootstraps
Nah I dont think so, most here are NEET due to the fact our society has failed us, National Socialism adhered to a "from each according to his ability, to each according to his need" principle, so it focused upon building a society in which everyone was effectively "equal" but each had their own place. In a way, this correlated with how Teutonic societies functioned within the past, and it emboldened many Indo-European values such as Koreas or brotherhood.

Collectivism is objectively better for us imo, since we already de-facto live under a very individualistic system.
In practice, they had to coerce certain segments of the population into working. As I recall, Heydrich once signed an order targeting those that refused to work. I don't think many NEETs here would willingly agree to wageslavery if they had a choice in the decision.

I agree, until you said:

from what ive seen only individualist types tend to hate NEETs for not pulling themselves by the bootstraps
Individualistic behavior taken to its extremes tends to be heavily polarized from the norms and values espoused in the rest of society. I suppose I just want a system that values individual belief and identity enough to allow for freedom of speech since collectivism seems less likely to be tolerant of dissenting opinions and viewpoints contrary to the mainstream consensus of the herd. At least from my experience and the examples I've known and looked at.
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even if incels wouldnt be genocided nazis would just laugh at us and make fun of us for being weak, just like normiefilth. nobody but "marxist-rodgerists" or other explicitly pro incel politicians are our allies, as inceldom is a very niche problem that no other ideologies addressed
My nigger, you wouldnt be an incel in 1930's Germany. You would be a sex haver.
My nigger, you wouldnt be an incel in 1930's Germany. You would be a sex haver.
lay off the copium. under nazi germany you would just be a meat shield and nobody would care for you
No shit nazis wouldn't have lead to inceldom. They'd have culled us all jfl. It's cringe. I despise current society due to its attitudes and actions towards us. Current society wants to cull rejects and does so in the form of edging rejects towards suicide. The nazis would just straight up cull us. You're worshiping the same elements of ideology that hate us jfl.

The only merit that "supporting" nazi shit has, is that it pisses normies off to see it. And they can cope and seethe all fucking day for all I care. But genuinely supporting it? Jfl cringe
Even though it's a repressive, totalitarian system, the suppressing of degeneracy, banning degen art, anti marxism and jew genocide pretty much sells it to me.

The sexually depraved kikes from Frankfurt School were expelled from Germany after nazi takeover. That tells you alone enough.
What’s the difference between nazis and nazbols?
Nazis or rather national socialists are people who follow the ideas of german ethnonationalists and non-marxist socialists from the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the chief of which being Adolf Hitler.

Nazbols are retards and larpers who follow a contradictory meme ideology.
Nazis or rather national socialists are people who follow the ideas of german ethnonationalists and non-marxist socialists from the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the chief of which being Adolf Hitler.

Nazbols are retards and larpers who follow a contradictory meme ideology.
How is it contradictory?
How is it contradictory?
Bolshevism is by nature marxist and internationalist which therefore makes it incompatible with true nationalism. Lenin, the founder of bolshevism, himself said that marxism and nationalism were impossible to reconcile.
Bolshevism is by nature marxist and internationalist which therefore makes it incompatible with true nationalism. Lenin, the founder of bolshevism, himself said that marxism and nationalism were impossible to reconcile.
Couldn’t the same be said about socialism? Hence why they were so eager to invade other countries.
Couldn’t the same be said about socialism? Hence why they were so eager to invade other countries.
Which socialism are you talking about? National socialism? Their reasons for invading other countries were purely for nationalist and imperialist interests, not the subjugation of the whole world to an international government as the bolsheviks originally intended.
Which socialism are you talking about? National socialism? Their reasons for invading other countries were purely for nationalist and imperialist interests, not the subjugation of the whole world to an international government as the bolsheviks originally intended.
Isn’t an international government just colonialism in disguise? One culture rules while the others are forced to obey its rules.
Isn’t an international government just colonialism in disguise? One culture rules while the others are forced to obey its rules.
Not really as the end goal of bolshevism is the establishment of a stateless communist society that is essentially a utopia. In their eyes, all notions of national identity would disappear and all humanity would be united in a single collective.

This is antithetical to national socialism which called for the struggle between nations and races.

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