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In almost every country, women overtake men in education

Horny fucker

Horny fucker

its beyond over
May 14, 2023
All Finnish children study in mixed classrooms for at least 9 years and receive free meals at school. The level of education of women is higher than that of men: 58 % of university graduates in 2017 were women. Areas for improvement include the gender pay gap and the lack of women in top corporate positions.
Even in Germany, women often have a better education than boys and apparently get better grades everywhere.
The situation is similar in many other countries.
The future doesn't look good for us either boyos. Women have long since taken over power and they are becoming even crueler towards us ugly mens. The future looks bleak and more cucked as ever.
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Women in large western cities are literally starting to outearn men kek. Over for malecels. Tesla predicted this btw
Women in large western cities are literally starting to outearn men kek. Over for malecels. Tesla predicted this btw
Please elaborate on the situation with tesla, how did they predict it?

Foids are given (((boost))) by their graders and school administration.
Women have long since taken over power and they are becoming even crueler towards us ugly mens. The future looks bleak and more cucked as ever.
It's over for malecels.
And you also have to consider what subject are foids studying. They study liberal arts and learn about LGBT shit which is easy. Also the quality of college education seems to be decreasing.
Yeah its fucked

Jobs are becoming increasingly useless anyway and foids do more of the useless degress and jobs.

And I think men have more a natural inclination to be outside in the wild doing shit if you know what I mean
Holy shit, this was written in 1926 and everything Tesla said has more or less happened.

"It is clear to any trained observer," he says, "and even to the sociologically untrained, that a new attitude toward sex discrimination has come over the world through the centuries, receiving an abrupt stimulus just before and after the World War.

"This struggle of the human female toward sex equality will end in a new sex order, with the female as superior. The modern woman, who anticipates in merely superficial phenomena the advancement of her sex, is but a surface symptom of something deeper and more potent fermenting in the bosom of the race.

"It is not in the shallow physical imitation of men that women will assert first their equality and later their superiority, but in the awakening of the intellect of women.

"Through countless generations, from the very beginning, the social subservience of women resulted naturally in the partial atrophy or at least the hereditary suspension of mental qualities which we now know the female sex to be endowed with no less than men.

Never began
Holy shit, this was written in 1926 and everything Tesla said has more or less happened.

Never began
That shit is just straight up wrong though. "Which we now know the female sex to be endowed with no less than men" my ass.
School systems that reward meaningless busy work and put an upper limit to how much you can stand out will lead to female overrepresentation. Combined with sexist teachers and a society generally hostile to men, boys fall behind. But, in the end, almost all women don't have it in them to perform at the very highest levels. And since that is genetic in origin, they can't change it.

There are still no women in STEM,
so their grades don't matter :feelsseriously:
They still will have sex with an uneducated thuggy prick than with highly educated subhuman.
Women aren't impressed by your education if you're ugly.
When i see this a part of me is happy that sandniggers replace us, at least they know how to put foids in their place
That shit is just straight up wrong though. "Which we now know the female sex to be endowed with no less than men" my ass.
View attachment 1018334
I find it kinda soy from Tesla as he regards female supremacist civilzation of bees as the perfect one arbitrarily.
the average woman will be as well educated as the average man, and then better educated, for the dormant faculties of her brain will be stimulated to an activity that will be all the more intense and powerful because of centuries of repose. Woman will ignore precedent and startle civilization with their progress.
WTF does that even mean? Then how do you explain the male regression? Isn't it fair to say foids are more stimulated because society rewards them more and are biased towards them? And startled civilization with what? I've come across more accomplished foids from the time of Industrial Revolution than in the last century where they're playing by the handicap rule.
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I find it kinda soy from Tesla as he regards female supremacist civilzation of bees as the perfect one arbitrarily.

WTF does that even mean? Then how do you explain the male regression? Isn't it fair to say foids are more simulated because society rewards them more and are biased towards them? And startled civilization with what? I've come across more accomplished foids from the time of Industrial Revolution than in the last century where they're playing by the handicap rule.
To be fair, he was missing access to all the information we have at our fingertips, but yeah, still soy as fuck. Men were forced to endure larger variance because they were lower in innate value, leading to us being the ones populating the top % of almost any desirable trait not exclusively useful to the female sex.

There is no supressed genius slumbering amongst females, they didn't endure centuries of supression, they were comfortably sailing through history just by their sexual value alone, while we struggled in a mercyless competition against each other and died alone in the dirt, most of us suffering despair and failure so that a lucky few could win big.

For all his intelligence, Tesla is simply falling for the ideological propaganda of the times. Today he probably wouldn't make such a mistake, giving all the data available. Just like Marx might have changed his mind on many parts of communism, had he witnessed its failures throughout the last century. But they died long ago and can no longer update their opinion to take into account new information.

After enough time has passed, the take of a somewhat informed midwit will be more accurate than the ideas of the brightest minds of the past. It's not a fair competition, and to put these people on a pedestal nowadays means you accept losing a battle in which you have an unbeatable and completly unreasonable advantage, accept defeat in the face of the prestige of now literally braindead men from decades past.
Women usually do meme degrees and end up with a fuck ton of debt. It’s far less that men are dropping out but rather realizing that unless you’re going to college for stem or something medical related then you’re just wasting time and money.
Women usually do meme degrees and end up with a fuck ton of debt. It’s far less that men are dropping out but rather realizing that unless you’re going to college for stem or something medical related then you’re just wasting time and money.
Like @PersonalityChad mentioned, foids are indeed making more than men. Idk, how reliable the stats are, but there must be some truth to it. To be honest, to me, it all feels like a huge bubble waiting to burst.
ofc theres more support for women than men even when in some area men perform better they still received less support regardless
For all his intelligence, Tesla is simply falling for the ideological propaganda of the times. Today he probably wouldn't make such a mistake, giving all the data available. Just like Marx might have changed his mind on many parts of communism, had he witnessed its failures throughout the last century. But they died long ago and can no longer update their opinion to take into account new information.
I stay somewhat active in programming communities. It's actually absurd how some programming wizards would post some of the most retarded shits on twitter when talking about some other subject. But since it's someone as influential as Tesla I couldn't help but take his opinion more seriously than I maybe should have.
We live in a matriarchy. What else is new?
its over for society, when women out perform men, they dont date down. they date only chads. its gonna be a harem. you see this by how society is pushing for poly relationships and killing monogamous
Society will collapse. Men must be the ones in charge.
this isn't the case in any university level math/CS program. women have no real incentive to be ambitious and pursue a tough degree. whereas men are more inclined to chase lucrative careers to boost their smv im their own imaginations.

most women are studying humanities programs or business. the playing field is equal there, but it turns out that making it through 4 years of hell is a lot easier when you have unlimited social circle/meeting boys/getting invited to things etc
Can you explain what this chart is showing? It's a cluttered mess.
Below the graph is the discription, points represent the % of boys and girls at the differend IQ ranges within the sample, white for boys & black for girls.

Girls are centered around the middle in their distribution, since women need only fullfill a certain minimum in order to find a mate. Boys, on the other hand, are overrepresented at both extremes, meaning more geniuses and retards, since men need to stand out and overperform to be choosen -> requires higher variance in their trait distribution. The higher you go (top 1%, top 0.1%, top 0.01%) the higher the ratio of boys to girls.

Tesla's claim was that women were just as endowed with intellectual capabilities as men. In reality, most women are midwits, and the higher you put the bar, the closer you will get to only having men pass it. IQ is one thing, but if you add differences in interests, ambition and personality, it soon gets to the point where, in many areas, including women gives you a small number of extra female geniuses, at the cost of making the entire system less well-suited for the majority of male ones.

Women overtaking men in our current system is an expression of luxury. We can afford to create sub-optimal systems and run society as a whole into the ground for meaningless virtue-signaling because we are so technologically advanced our systems are able to stem large amounts of self-sabotage and still keep functioning.
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To be fair, he was missing access to all the information we have at our fingertips, but yeah, still soy as fuck. Men were forced to endure larger variance because they were lower in innate value, leading to us being the ones populating the top % of almost any desirable trait not exclusively useful to the female sex.

There is no supressed genius slumbering amongst females, they didn't endure centuries of supression, they were comfortably sailing through history just by their sexual value alone, while we struggled in a mercyless competition against each other and died alone in the dirt, most of us suffering despair and failure so that a lucky few could win big.

For all his intelligence, Tesla is simply falling for the ideological propaganda of the times. Today he probably wouldn't make such a mistake, giving all the data available. Just like Marx might have changed his mind on many parts of communism, had he witnessed its failures throughout the last century. But they died long ago and can no longer update their opinion to take into account new information.

After enough time has passed, the take of a somewhat informed midwit will be more accurate than the ideas of the brightest minds of the past. It's not a fair competition, and to put these people on a pedestal nowadays means you accept losing a battle in which you have an unbeatable and completly unreasonable advantage, accept defeat in the face of the prestige of now literally braindead men from decades past.
After reading up further on the brutal aspects of how Honeybees operate, I realise Tesla's quote on Bee civilisation, that he believed could be achieved by the 'emancipation' of foids', is a sensationalised and romantic musings of a delusional foid-worshipper.

Apparently, the Queen Bee is ganged up and killed if she is deemed no longer useful (fertile). So what does it say about foids' past their fertile years? Almost all foids are like worker bees, but foids are a much bigger a strain on the available resources, certainly much more than men, and easily replaceable while men are capable of more versatile jobs.

I think it's a trend to use some other species to justify the disposability of human males while ignoring all the other variables which could oppose the justification. Most incels are gullible enough to buy into these shits because of their fealty to the preconceived notion of the so-called blackpill knowledge which prevents them from having rational thinking, acquiring further knowledge, and makes them seem no better or worse than the so-called normies they like to rag on.
After reading up further on the brutal aspects of how Honeybees operate, I realise Tesla's quote on Bee civilisation, that he believed could be achieved by the 'emancipation' of foids', is a sensationalised and romantic musings of a delusional foid-worshipper.

Apparently, the Queen Bee is ganged up and killed if she is deemed no longer useful (fertile). So what does it say about foids' past their fertile years? Almost all foids are like worker bees, but foids are a much bigger a strain on the available resources, certainly much more than men, and easily replaceable while men are capable of more versatile jobs.

I think it's a trend to use some other species to justify the disposability of human males while ignoring all the other variables which could oppose the justification. Most incels are gullible enough to buy into these shits because of their fealty to the preconceived notion of the so-called blackpill knowledge which prevents them from having rational thinking, acquiring further knowledge, and makes them seem no better or worse than the so-called normies they like to rag on.
Men are replaceable and more so than women. Look at big companies. Men come and men go, whether in industry or in war. A man is just a spare part and millions come to replace him.
Men are replaceable and more so than women. Look at big companies. Men come and men go, whether in industry or in war. A man is just a spare part and millions come to replace him.
Are most men replaceable?
After reading up further on the brutal aspects of how Honeybees operate, I realise Tesla's quote on Bee civilisation, that he believed could be achieved by the 'emancipation' of foids', is a sensationalised and romantic musings of a delusional foid-worshipper.

Apparently, the Queen Bee is ganged up and killed if she is deemed no longer useful (fertile). So what does it say about foids' past their fertile years? Almost all foids are like worker bees, but foids are a much bigger a strain on the available resources, certainly much more than men, and easily replaceable while men are capable of more versatile jobs.

I think it's a trend to use some other species to justify the disposability of human males while ignoring all the other variables which could oppose the justification. Most incels are gullible enough to buy into these shits because of their fealty to the preconceived notion of the so-called blackpill knowledge which prevents them from having rational thinking, acquiring further knowledge, and makes them seem no better or worse than the so-called normies they like to rag on.
I judge "optimal" by the expected utility. No system that abandons its male population to suffer can claim to maximize overall utility, so they all aren't optimal relative to my set of values.

I think what happens with incels is total powerlessness leads to a need for acceptance, but that requires some justification for our own mistreatment. If you can't escape the abuse, thinking of yourself as some sort of sacrifice for the greater good might give some of us a bit of comfort. I don't care either way. Even if society would run a bit more efficient at the sacrifice of our sex, that's not an acceptable tradeoff in my eyes.

The blackpill is a set of ideas, observations and data which combine to form a lense through which to interpret what is. What ought to be, how to deal with the what is, also requires us to decide on goals, on values to maximize.

Since the happyness of the male half of the population is part of the values I desire to maximize (and our suffering one of those I want minimized), any societal order which is based on us suffering in abject misery is one I oppose on principle.

And Tesla was missing absurds amounts of knowledge we now have access to with a few clicks, who knows what position he might take were he alive today.
this isn't the case in any university level math/CS program. women have no real incentive to be ambitious and pursue a tough degree. whereas men are more inclined to chase lucrative careers to boost their smv im their own imaginations.

most women are studying humanities programs or business. the playing field is equal there, but it turns out that making it through 4 years of hell is a lot easier when you have unlimited social circle/meeting boys/getting invited to things etc
women aren't absend from math programs because they have no incentives, it's because they lack the capabilities required
Op is a naive guy for reading and sharing an article written by foids
Ethnic foids even
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Screenshot 20231227 193403 Chrome

The article is just shitskin foids coping about their worthless low skill jobs, women will never be able to outclass men at the higher end of society, no matter how hard they try.
Thread locked.
Without citing the reasons for this this thread become misinformation. Schools are designed to benefit women. School teachers are mostly misandrist women too who are very involved on making sure girls get a better treatment, education, grades, teaching self-hate to boys and making cucks out of them.

In academia, many bullshit courses were created just for women. Also college isn't what it used to be, with trade schools, technical or technological degrees offering a much better alternative. Men are more practical and will try to avoid going to university, as it's increasingly becoming a mistake.

Women-in-the-workplace movements are such jokes, jfl. On younger age groups, women are out-earning men because of affirmative action, which pushes for women in leadership positions. So it's not merit, it's gender discrimination against men. And it's funny how to maintain the age gap myth they take into account the old boomer CEOs.
Op is a naive guy for reading and sharing an article written by foids

Ethnic foids even
View attachment 1018904 View attachment 1018905
The article is just shitskin foids coping about their worthless low skill jobs, women will never be able to outclass men at the higher end of society, no matter how hard they try.
Thread locked.
I can provide you with other sources. but it's true
Combined with sexist teachers and a society generally hostile to men, boys fall behind.
This previous semester, I remember how my chemistry TA was SO helpful towards the girls during the lab. It's like she wasn't even aware that guys were around.
All Finnish children study in mixed classrooms for at least 9 years and receive free meals at school. The level of education of women is higher than that of men: 58 % of university graduates in 2017 were women. Areas for improvement include the gender pay gap and the lack of women in top corporate positions.
Even in Germany, women often have a better education than boys and apparently get better grades everywhere.
The situation is similar in many other countries.
The future doesn't look good for us either boyos. Women have long since taken over power and they are becoming even crueler towards us ugly mens. The future looks bleak and more cucked as ever.
Very obvious why:
1) Teachers are mostly women and are biased towards giving women better grades even for the exact same work. There was a big study on this that’s been covered here already.
2) Men are more pragmatic on average when it comes to a career path and future given women will NOT take care of their husband the way husbands will their wives. It is vastly more common for men to work and pay off their wives Uni debt than the other way round. Men have realized taking out the massive Uni debt just isn’t worth it anymore unless you’re doing STEM and most people know their limits and know some of those majors/job paths are really really hard. Women on the other hand make up the bulk of “bullshit meme degrees” and are basically there to party, find a Chad to marry, and some of these women do find cushy office jobs where they effectively do nothing but others will have a mountain of debt and wind up working as waitresses or what have you regardless of their degree.
3) Men are honestly just dropping out of society because there’s no point and no reward in trying anymore. Going to Uni only makes sense if you’re wicked smart enough to do something pragmatic, otherwise you may as well go to trade school in current year. But men have no hope of owning a home or having their own family — most young men are single and turbo virgins now because of the changes in society which kept men and women together before. Without the carrot on the stick to motivate young men young men will do the bare minimum simple as. No pussy no work is honestly based, if men cannot reasonably obtain what they seek in society they should not support or be part of that society.
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And you also have to consider what subject are foids studying. They study liberal arts and learn about LGBT shit which is easy. Also the quality of college education seems to be decreasing.
It’s a complete joke what most of these women are studying — they’re basically unicorns in the actual hard subjects like engineering or computer science. Their future husband or father will pay their debt so they’re less inclined than men to need a pragmatic work path so as to avoid being stuck with the debt the rest of their lives.

And you nailed it, education in general these days is in the gutter. It’s basically a propaganda engine at this point unless you’re studying hard science. Even then it creeps in. Most degrees are worthless yet you still have HR cat ladies gate keeping based on not having the correct degree and/or not being the right race and gender identity.
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One thing I think I should mention, in case someone finds it interesting, in some states of Curryland, the 10th and 12th standards' exam papers are graded by anonymous teachers from like different town/district/city. Each and every year, boys outperform foids on average and vastly.

2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2022, 2023,

Mind you, the ceiling is being lowered with each passing year, evidenced by rising average score, and the gender-politics is creeping into schools nowadays as well, which could explain improved percentages for foids in recent years, although still behind boys.

Yet in college and corporate world, Where it's rifed with politics, horny or misandrist professors, power-tripping men trying to build their office harem, and Karen HRs, currywhores for some reason thrive more.
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School systems that reward meaningless busy work and put an upper limit to how much you can stand out will lead to female overrepresentation. Combined with sexist teachers and a society generally hostile to men, boys fall behind. But, in the end, almost all women don't have it in them to perform at the very highest levels. And since that is genetic in origin, they can't change it.

View attachment 1018345View attachment 1018346
Thanks for including the study, cheers
Without citing the reasons for this this thread become misinformation. Schools are designed to benefit women. School teachers are mostly misandrist women too who are very involved on making sure girls get a better treatment, education, grades, teaching self-hate to boys and making cucks out of them.

In academia, many bullshit courses were created just for women. Also college isn't what it used to be, with trade schools, technical or technological degrees offering a much better alternative. Men are more practical and will try to avoid going to university, as it's increasingly becoming a mistake.

Women-in-the-workplace movements are such jokes, jfl. On younger age groups, women are out-earning men because of affirmative action, which pushes for women in leadership positions. So it's not merit, it's gender discrimination against men. And it's funny how to maintain the age gap myth they take into account the old boomer CEOs.
Best comment in the thread imho :feelscomfy: Well said man
Everything in this world will favor women and has always favored women, no one else.
This scales because of MeToo and Woke education system is in Foids favor
Best comment in the thread imho :feelscomfy: Well said man
Thanks! I see all this basically everyday. It's something else seeing women managers, directors claiming they are oppressed and would've been further if they were men.

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