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Experiment Immortality but incel, or live to 20 as chad

Immortality but incel, or live to 20 as chad

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Nov 2, 2019
Would you rather be immortal but be an incel. There is no way out of your inceldom as your body is immune to plastic surgery or any other change, it just always reverts back. You could still escortmax. You would be a 5 foot 2 bald curry with a 4 inch dick forever and ever.


Be chad until 20. Take countless teen virginities. You would die while having sex in a crashing plane.
Dumb question, if I had immortality I'd just rape the bitch
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20 years is not enough to experience everything as a Chad, but I guess it beats being incel for life.
Immortality would mean I can fuck with whoever I want with no repercussions, I could just run into some shithole and take down thugs for lulz. Also no money wasted in food or shit like that so I can cope non stop.
It'd be hella fun to troll ppl and make my life better in other ways rather than just sex + if I wanted to I could rape some bitches.
The quality of life you're gonna have with 20 years as a chad beat immortality as an incel. Even if it's from birth not necessarily from 18, imagine those sweet prime jb stacy gf as a teenager, worth multiples lifetime tbh. Immortality as an incel is worthless, you're just gonna be looked at with disgust thru eternity.
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Immortality so I can wait till 99% of men are incels and we remove women's right
being an incel for the rest of eternity is just a lose lose situation tbh

first option sounds pretty good. would be nice to live longer than that if I was a Chad but ah well. plus if you knew you were going to die at 20 you could just do a ton of drugs and never have to face long term consequences
Immortality would mean that you could survive into the distant future when hyper-realistic sexbots become a thing.

At some point you/other scientists might even discover a way to modify your body without it changing back, you have an eternity to research it after all.
Immortality would mean infinite revenge on this gay earth. No brainer.
Immortality is a curse. What happens if you accidentally get buried. Or get put in jail. You will never die.

Eternal life, Endless torture.

No thanks
Immortality would be terrible. When the sun blows up in 4 billion years you’ll be a bald manlet currycel floating through space all by yourself JFL
Ecclesiastes 6:
There is an evil which I have seen under the sun, and it is common among men:

2 A man to whom God hath given riches, wealth, and honour, so that he wanteth nothing for his soul of all that he desireth, yet God giveth him not power to eat thereof, but a stranger eateth it: this is vanity, and it is an evil disease.

3 If a man beget an hundred children, and live many years, so that the days of his years be many, and his soul be not filled with good, and also that he have no burial; I say, that an untimely birth is better than he.

4 For he cometh in with vanity, and departeth in darkness, and his name shall be covered with darkness.

5 Moreover he hath not seen the sun, nor known any thing: this hath more rest than the other.

6 Yea, though he live a thousand years twice told, yet hath he seen no good: do not all go to one place?
If you're immortal you could be a rich celebrity and possibly run status game (although as a curry it would be hard)

Alternatively you could run rape game since no one can kill you and 10 years in jail means nothing to you
Immortality = infinite possibilities and knowledge. I can read pretty much every math textbook ever written.
Yeah I get it,sex and taking virginities is cool but have you ever read about theory of colored operads and commutative ring spectra?
20 is too little, better until 30 as Chad.

anyway I have voted the first option.

inmortality as incel = eternal suffering. There is no point.
Dude if I’ll be immortal, I’d just go and kill every simp/cuck/normie/chad with a sword and force every foid on the world to obey my cock. I’d go rob everything I want and make myself the owner of the world and rule the fucking world. I’d have an infinite revenge opportunity!
With immortality somewhere down the road you could transfer your mind to a new genetic designed chad's body. I'd escortcel until I'd be able to switch body and or until this universe collapses.
Ecclesiastes 6:
There is an evil which I have seen under the sun, and it is common among men:

2 A man to whom God hath given riches, wealth, and honour, so that he wanteth nothing for his soul of all that he desireth, yet God giveth him not power to eat thereof, but a stranger eateth it: this is vanity, and it is an evil disease.

3 If a man beget an hundred children, and live many years, so that the days of his years be many, and his soul be not filled with good, and also that he have no burial; I say, that an untimely birth is better than he.

4 For he cometh in with vanity, and departeth in darkness, and his name shall be covered with darkness.

5 Moreover he hath not seen the sun, nor known any thing: this hath more rest than the other.

6 Yea, though he live a thousand years twice told, yet hath he seen no good: do not all go to one place?
Plato iq
Especially about the reaching the sun, another metaphor, its like being in a race with a mini against ferrari, but racing the whole of eternity in the mini. As opposed to winning one Le man in a ferrari, you will be revered forever in the ferrari, in the mini you will be last always lose and always be viewed by everyone in history as the loser.

Its a no brained, we are living proof of knowledge, intelligence morals mean Jack shit, even if you iterate this accumulation of more knowledge and intellect for say 100 years, the experience and quality of life is sub zero as balding Indian incel.
Its like if we numerically represent it
Life experience of Chad as numeric value 100 per day
Life experience of incel 0.0001 per day

Experience accumulated throughout lives:
Chad 20 years = 730,000
Incel needed to live to get to Chad experience level = 20.5 million years

20.5 million years as a balding Indian janitor, this is a fucking joke, I did this calculation as a joke but when I saw it would take 20.5 MILLION FUCKING YEARS of incel existence to draw par I chimped out.
Its even worse numerically than your tiny brain can compute abstractly, when you put it into numeric form it concentrates the black pill into a fucking anti matter pellet of sewage.

I'm done I'm out

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Immortality = spending eternity in jail for looking a foid in the wrong way

Much better to be chad
I'll take immortality, i can use all of that time to do lots of learning and accumulate vast knowledge which i can use to moneymaxx so that i can fuck bitches forever.

@BlkPillPres whats your choice my fellow negro?
Immortality is the worst possible fate multiplied by infinity. Nobody should desire that. We live & die for a reason. Imagine existing for the entire duration of the universe having experienced everything there possibly is within a short span of a couple million years, only to exist for an eternity in nothingness.

It's profoundly foolish to desire immortality. I'd rather live & die a trucel than experience that. Death is pure mercy.
I voted for chad because me being immortal doesn't mean goverment can't keep me from raping, robbery or vandalizing people.
Immortality as I could just kill and kill and joke and kill and laugh and kill and burn and kill and destroy and kill=fun.
There is no point in living forever being incel. It's a curse.

I wake up wanting to die. Every day.
Immortality as I could just kill and kill and joke and kill and laugh and kill and burn and kill and destroy and kill=fun.

That is the most based thing i've read all year.
Im suicidal anyway so chad till 20
Immortality as I could just kill and kill and joke and kill and laugh and kill and burn and kill and destroy and kill=fun.
Yeah and then you could enjoy spending most of your wonderful immortal life in prison or being experimented on

I'd vote for the 2nd option if we lived in the year 500+ BC when I'd be treated like a god instead of the former
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Jfl I wouldn't want immortality even as Chad.
Immortality ngl
I'll take immortality, i can use all of that time to do lots of learning and accumulate vast knowledge which i can use to moneymaxx so that i can fuck bitches forever.

@BlkPillPres whats your choice my fellow negro?

Anybody who would choose a temporary existence is an idiot, 5ft 2In is only "short" in certain geographic regions, nothing is stopping me from moving to a place where people are shorter and living as an immortal God King, you'd have to be a retard to choose to die when you could live forever

There is no point in living forever being incel. It's a curse.

I wake up wanting to die. Every day.

You only feel like that because you feel like you are "running out of time", if you knew you had an eternity to make up for your lost years you wouldn't care

- There are countries where women are shorter
- At some point black market human cloning will become a thing, you can just clone a bitch that you want
- At some point realistic sex androids will be a thing
- At some point realistic virtual reality will be a thing

There's literally an eternity of pleasure awaiting you, so your temporary suffering is nothing in comparison

Jfl I wouldn't want immortality even as Chad.


The quality of life you're gonna have with 20 years as a chad beat immortality as an incel

Don't be an idiot, that's quite literally not possible, as one has an eternity of pleasure and the other no matter how much is temporary
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Immortality so I can fuck any bitch I want without repercussion. I can also wait for 99.999/.001 law to be in effect so that foids rights will be revoked
Dude if I’ll be immortal, I’d just go and kill every simp/cuck/normie/chad with a sword and force every foid on the world to obey my cock. I’d go rob everything I want and make myself the owner of the world and rule the fucking world. I’d have an infinite revenge opportunity!
Anybody who would choose a temporary existence is an idiot, 5ft 2In is only "short" in certain geographic regions, nothing is stopping me from moving to a place where people are shorter and living as an immortal God King, you'd have to be a retard to choose to die when you could live forever

You have a certain kind of stupid to not choose immortality, considering the fact that such an amount of time could let you amass a ridiculous amount of wealth and influence.
I’d pick a short but happy life over an eternity of misery
Even living as an incel for one day is brutal so why would I choose the second one?
If I pick immortality do I atleast get to die eventually if I choose to? Immortality means you will outlive the universe and will eventually just be existing but not seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling, feeling, or doing anything. You’d just be a brain having thoughts with 0 external stimulus. Would be hell.

Besides. When you’re a couple hundred thousand years old, you will not longer resemble the rest of humanity. They will have taken off on another evolutionary tangent while you’re stuck with the genetic stock of the humanity that exists today. Eventually they will speciate from you.

also 1/(chances of someone becoming an amputee in their lifetime) *4 *(average life expectancy) = expected number of years before you have no more limbs left.

so you’ll spend all of eternity as a floating nugget in space with nothing to do but think about how miserable it is.

I‘d pick immortality only if I can eventually kill myself after a couple trillion years and am somehow immune to physical injury.
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Immortality as I could just kill and kill and joke and kill and laugh and kill and burn and kill and destroy and kill=fun.
Low IQ. You’ll get life in prison
Idk both are shit, better NT high tier normie to 80
Chad until 20. 20 is the partition/boundary between teenager-dom and adulthood. Life's responsibilities sap the joy/happiness out of both Chad and Virgin after 20, I would say. This was not a terribly difficult decision to come to. Once you've made to 20, you've experienced it all. Nowhere to go but downhill.
Chad until 20. 20 is the partition/boundary between teenager-dom and adulthood. Life's responsibilities sap the joy/happiness out of both Chad and Virgin after 20, I would say. This was not a terribly difficult decision to come to. Once you've made to 20, you've experienced it all. Nowhere to go but downhill.
High IQ. And if you never experienced teen love, you never lived.
Immortality would be worth it only if you're the only one.

First, instant fame. Second, being immortal means being rich, because you can just let the magic of compound interests do its thing.

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