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It's Over Imagine you have a girlfriend and you're threatened by a man that mogs you. Would you turn down a fight?



Sep 28, 2018
If so, your girlfriend would be INSTANTLY REPULSED by you because "you're a coward". It doesn't matter that it would be smart to turn down this fight because you're about to get your face smashed in by some brutish thug. The foid still expects you to fight.

If Chad turns down the fight though, he is seen as "so peaceful, so enlightened, and so cooperative."

This is how I KNEW from a young age that I would never get a girlfriend, because if put to the test, I wouldn't be willing to put my life on the line to protect the dumb whore.
Yes man ive been thinking about it alot, it might seem as a pussy move not to fight but in reality if they made a comment on your gf it wouldnt be one guy and would most likely be a group. Good chance you will get crippled badly by going vs group of people.

That said im not sure, maybe fight or flight adrenaline rush would take over but thinking logically i would try to avoid it.
Way too many tests and obligations in a relationship only to impress the other.
I'd take my gf and run
Turning down fights made me the pussy I am today.
If somebody fucks with you, you should stand your ground. Doesn't matter if a foid is involved or not.
I regret not fighting my bullies.
If my masculinity is challenged then I have no choice but to fight.
"Oh, and BTW, no one gives a shit if you could take down Chad (or even a normie) in a fight. Least of all foids. That 'hurr, but I'm so masc, I could beat this guy up' is pure cope when he's the one getting all the pussy and you aren't. Big fucking deal if he moves off the sidewalk rather than you when you pass each other in the street, he goes home to tap his cute gf's ass while you fill out your spreadsheet with the macros you ate that day.

Gym is cope buddyboyos. No gym for your FACE."
- @itsOVER
That's a lifelong question.

It depends heavily on the context. If Chad disrespects me or her massively I pretty much have no choice but to hit first and hit hard. But if it's something minor I'd try to bounce with her out of it.
Yes. Assault charges are a bitch to fight in court.
if the foid actually cared about u she wouldn't want u to fight, but all foids are cruel bitches
"Oh, and BTW, no one gives a shit if you could take down Chad (or even a normie) in a fight. Least of all foids. That 'hurr, but I'm so masc, I could beat this guy up' is pure cope when he's the one getting all the pussy and you aren't. Big fucking deal if he moves off the sidewalk rather than you when you pass each other in the street, he goes home to tap his cute gf's ass while you fill out your spreadsheet with the macros you ate that day.

Gym is cope buddyboyos. No gym for your FACE."
- @itsOVER
Brutal, but well put.

Why have muscles when a 15 yo framecel faggot is fucking the girls I wanted to fuck but will never even touch?
"Oh, and BTW, no one gives a shit if you could take down Chad (or even a normie) in a fight. Least of all foids. That 'hurr, but I'm so masc, I could beat this guy up' is pure cope when he's the one getting all the pussy and you aren't. Big fucking deal if he moves off the sidewalk rather than you when you pass each other in the street, he goes home to tap his cute gf's ass while you fill out your spreadsheet with the macros you ate that day.

Gym is cope buddyboyos. No gym for your FACE."
- @itsOVER
What a slayer.
You just lose if you aren't chad. It's a lose-lose situation.
Even if you win the fight they will call you out as aggressive and violent.
Depends upon the circumstances.
It would depend on my state of mind as well as on my assessment as to whether the guy seems deranged enough to cause permanent damage to me. If a foid were to bitch about me running from a fight with poor odds, she probably wouldn't be worth hanging out with in the first place.
Why would you fight, get beaten up or permanently disfigured, for a woman who'll leave you after a few months anyway?
Big fucking deal if he moves off the sidewalk rather than you when you pass each other in the street,

I do get minor spells of lifefuel when I power-mog chads/chadlites, but it's worth nothing.
Come kill me! I'll fight a hundred motherfuckers if it means getting to ascend. If they tear me to shreds, fine, great.

My entire life I've never really lived, not even for one single second. In your hypothetical I've gotten a girlfriend, I've ascended, I've already achieved my greatest wish. So what if I get beat up.
tear me to shreds,
Turning down fights made me the pussy I am today.
If somebody fucks with you, you should stand your ground. Doesn't matter if a foid is involved or not.
I regret not fighting my bullies.

This. You should have man.

Fighting my bullies and getting some punches in is the only reason nobody fucked with me. They still hated me and talked shit, but they never walked up to my face and did shit. They knew I had nothing to lose, and that if they pushed me hard enough I wouldn't care about going down for a murder charge.
I am a big ogrecel, I should be alright so they dont come to my face
It's a difficult question, since I'm (160) 5'3 I carry a gun with me most of the time. Because of that I'd try to avoid a fight at all costs, because guns are illegal here I can't use it just to scare them by just pulling it out. I suppose I'd try to stand my ground first and tell him to fuck off, but if a 90kg (200pound) gorilla comes at me, he is getting shot in the neck.
It's a difficult question, since I'm (160) 5'3 I carry a gun with me most of the time. Because of that I'd try to avoid a fight at all costs, because guns are illegal here I can't use it just to scare them by just pulling it out. I suppose I'd try to stand my ground first and tell him to fuck off, but if a 90kg (200pound) gorilla comes at me, he is getting shot in the neck.

Guns are outright illegal where you live? Where I live everyone and thier mother carries a gun.
I have a concealed carry, so if the guy came at me Id just put him down. Even if I don't have a gun im putting the fucker down
I have nothing to lose, if I die in some pointless fight then so be it.
The thing about fights is that woman will side with the good looking guy no matter what happens and no matter who initiated it.

If incel turns down the fight he is a coward, if he fights he is insecure in his masculinity. If chad turns down the fight he is mature, if he fights he is cool for protecting the weak.

If the chad gets beat up women will comfort him and blame the incel winner for being a thug. If the chad wins he is the hero who beat up an evil inkel.
The foid still expects you to fight.
Fuck any whore who thinks that man (i'm talking about mans, not cucks) will seriously put their health in danger because foid said so. I'll only protect my wife that's for sure, but if its necessary.
The thing about fights is that woman will side with the good looking guy no matter what happens and no matter who initiated it.

If incel turns down the fight he is a coward, if he fights he is insecure in his masculinity. If chad turns down the fight he is mature, if he fights he is cool for protecting the weak.

If the chad gets beat up women will comfort him and blame the incel winner for being a thug. If the chad wins he is the hero who beat up an evil inkel.
Nearly impossible to swallow this pill:feelsrope:
If my masculinity is challenged then I have no choice but to fight.
This. I would rather die than look like a bitch and lose my (theoretical) foid over it. Anyone who says otherwise isn't MALE.
He would get stabbed. He has shit load to lose, me on the other hand - not that much.

Also, if you are not MMAmaxxing, wtf are you doing?
Yes man ive been thinking about it alot, it might seem as a pussy move not to fight but in reality if they made a comment on your gf it wouldnt be one guy and would most likely be a group. Good chance you will get crippled badly by going vs group of people.
Not if you have a knife.
"Oh, and BTW, no one gives a shit if you could take down Chad (or even a normie) in a fight. Least of all foids. That 'hurr, but I'm so masc, I could beat this guy up' is pure cope when he's the one getting all the pussy and you aren't. Big fucking deal if he moves off the sidewalk rather than you when you pass each other in the street, he goes home to tap his cute gf's ass while you fill out your spreadsheet with the macros you ate that day.

Gym is cope buddyboyos. No gym for your FACE."
- @itsOVER

true, long story short i once fucked up a guy in a fight and then this foid acted like she was impressed, later i asked her out and was brutally rejected, she was disgusted that i thought she liked me. literally nothing else matters besides your looks, not how strong you are, how brave you are, etc.
If a woman wants you to fight a guy, she's a roastie retard who is cucking you anyways.
depends what they did. i have socked multiple before
I would fart loudly and confuse him. But if he attack me physically I would stab him in neck.
I would never have a girlfriend. I would only use a bitch for her pussy hole. if it was my "girlfriend" it would simply be because that's what I had to act like to stick my dong in her hole. why would I give a fuck if she got fucked by other dudes? that's all they are good for. getting off with. the only use of a bitch to me is to make my cock cum. anything else besides that is simply bluepilled bullshit that at the end of the day is only done in a futile attempt to secure her as your cum dumpster forever. jfl if you think a bitch can do anything for you besides milk your dick
You can tell that the people who say they would fight are all 6ft+ with decent frames.
You can tell that the people who say they would fight are all 6ft+ with decent frames.
Some of us just remember not fighting when some chad/normie put us down and regretting it for years. Playing the submissive nice guy gets you nothing.

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