Don't worry, female personality detectors work even without electricity!
In all seriousness, electronics have sped up the rate of female hypergamy and standards exponentially. In the old days, a woman may have only had 10 of-age men in her town/church/whatever to marry, and she had to settle for one as there was no easy way to connect with other people. Nowadays, women are able to select potential mates with incredible ease, due to technology (and change in social standards, but that's a post for another day). Why bother on things like being chaste, loyal, caring, motherly, etc. when you can just whore yourself out on the internet and get TONS of attention from men. You don't even have to be GOOD LOOKING as a woman to be successful doing it. Legit any woman in the top 40% can whore out themselves and make a living and get orbiters/paypigs.
What would happen to these women had they have this ripped from them? Well, we saw the oft-reposted video of that big-time instathot crying that her insta got shut down. We saw the many women on twitch who panicked and cried when the the ToS came into effect, which effectively made camwhoring and tittystreaming impossibru. For these women, this shit is a JOB. They're women, they have no actual skills, so this is all they can do to make a buck. Maybe they should've thought about the long game and stayed chaste and married a Christcuck incel who would treat them well.