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Imagine feeling you're attractive



Sexlessness survivor
Nov 4, 2022
Imagine telling yourself "I'm attractive" and knowing it's the truth. Imagine knowing lots of women agree on that, imagine all those women being willing to flirt with you, imagine having the validation that you're attractive through the moans of the women you're fucking.

Just imagine that fucking priviledge, I can't imagine feeling that, I'm so habituated to feel I look like a piece of trash, that imagining myself constantly feeling attractive and good about my looks and my attractiveness is just too fucking alien for me, jfl, Chads live in a parallel universe.

Imagine having a girlfriend that knows that you're soooo objectively attractive that she is worried about other girls seeing you as attractive and throwing themselves at you, technically, a woman can't be attracted to a man without feeling jealous, if she doesn't consider you attractive enough to attract other many women, then she won't think you're good enough for her.

Imagining having other girls throwing themselves at you besides your girlfriend, I don't want to be unloyal but imagine you're so attractive that cheating is AN OPTION, imagine being able to fuck all those attractive women very hard in secret while your girlfriend wants to have sex with you too. Imagine that level of sexual opportunities, of sexual abundance.

Sexhavers experience things we will never even understand, they live a completely different life experience than us, they are used to cheat on each other and betray each other because they have too much sexual abundance, while we are forced to live a sexually inactive life against our will, we can't even get knowledge about sex or relationships because we don't have access to those experiences that would make us grow and get more mature and more adult, it's so lifemogging, so humiliating, I'm ashamed of being the loser virgin I'm forced to be, I hate my life.
Imagine telling yourself "I'm attractive" and knowing it's the truth. Imagine knowing lots of women agree on that, imagine all those women being willing to flirt with you, imagine having the validation that you're attractive through the moans of the women you're fucking.
is easier to imagine that I can fly
Telling yourself that you are attractive is the greatest all timer cope of normies
is easier to imagine that I can fly
JFL yes, when I try to imagine myself being sexually desired by women, my mind goes Syntax Error.
I think you are making an error in your thinking. When you are imagining this, you are using your subjective perspective on things as the starting point. But if you were attractive, you would have never ended up where you are.

It's a bit like a starving african child imagining what it would have been like to be born in a first world country. And then you look at us. See what I'm getting at?

Chads and foids don't value what they have because they don't know what it's like in our shoes. In a sense, that prevents them from feeling happy (and from empathizing with us) as much as they should. Obviously they still enjoy it and have way better lifes, but they don't feel the total euphoria that you might imagine yourself feeling at the prospect of being desirable, because this euphoria is the result of the huge contrast between your situation now and your imagined alternative.
I don't really care anymore
Chads and foids don't value what they have because they don't know what it's like in our shoes. In a sense, that prevents them from feeling happy (and from empathizing with us) as much as they should. Obviously they still enjoy it and have way better lifes, but they don't feel the total euphoria that you might imagine yourself feeling at the prospect of being desirable, because this euphoria is the result of the huge contrast between your situation now and your imagined alternative.
Absolutely genius point of view. 100% true. This is what I imagine when I see those stupid sexhavers saying that "sex isn't the end-all be-all" or "sex isn't a big deal", they are so habituated to smashing that smashing has lost it's appeal, they have already tried all postures and they have fucked in so many different ways, they don't have much to explore anymore in that regard.

Of course you don't feel an exagerated euforia for eating, but try not eating for many days and you'll remeber why food is so desirable, food is not the only good thing in life, but it's not like it's insignificant to not have it, and yes, I know that you're not going to die if you don't have sex as if it was food, but sex is still an important aspect of the human experience and I hate it when these stupid priviledged sexhavers, from their position of priviledge, tell me that sex is insignificant, because I know they would absolutely hate to be in my position.

Absolutely genius point of view. 100% true. This is what I imagine when I see those stupid sexhavers saying that "sex isn't the end-all be-all" or "sex isn't a big deal", they are so habituated to smashing that smashing has lost it's appeal, they have already tried all postures and they have fucked in so many different ways, they don't have much to explore anymore in that regard.

Of course you don't feel an exagerated euforia for eating, but try not eating for many days and you'll remeber why food is so desirable, food is not the only good thing in life, but it's not like it's insignificant to not have it, and yes, I know that you're not going to die if you don't have sex as if it was food, but sex is still an important aspect of the human experience and I hate it when these stupid priviledged sexhavers, from their position of priviledge, tell me that sex is insignificant, because I know they would absolutely hate to be in my position.
Being excluded from the most fun and most meaningul activity (as rated by people who have experienced it themselfs) a human can have is horrible. Not recieving any love, no intimacy and never getting to feel another humans touch or another body's warmth is soul-crushing. I could go on, but the point is: Our lifes are as miserable as we are percieving them to be. But chad's and foids' lifes are less happy than we imagine them based on our perspective. Happyness is evolution's way of keeping us moving and doing things it "wants" us to do. So it makes no sense for it to ever give us the whole carrot, only to dangle it very close and maybe let us snack a bite. Happyness being so fleeting and humans getting used to how good they have it so easily is by "design", and while that generally sucks for most people most of the time, for us it can be a bit of lifefuel to know the people who mog us in every aspect of life still experience dissatisfaction & envy and can't appreciate what they have as much as we could.

Also, thank you for the compliment.
Imagine telling yourself "I'm attractive" and knowing it's the truth. Imagine knowing lots of women agree on that, imagine all those women being willing to flirt with you, imagine having the validation that you're attractive through the moans of the women you're fucking.

Just imagine that fucking priviledge, I can't imagine feeling that, I'm so habituated to feel I look like a piece of trash, that imagining myself constantly feeling attractive and good about my looks and my attractiveness is just too fucking alien for me, jfl, Chads live in a parallel universe.

Imagine having a girlfriend that knows that you're soooo objectively attractive that she is worried about other girls seeing you as attractive and throwing themselves at you, technically, a woman can't be attracted to a man without feeling jealous, if she doesn't consider you attractive enough to attract other many women, then she won't think you're good enough for her.

Imagining having other girls throwing themselves at you besides your girlfriend, I don't want to be unloyal but imagine you're so attractive that cheating is AN OPTION, imagine being able to fuck all those attractive women very hard in secret while your girlfriend wants to have sex with you too. Imagine that level of sexual opportunities, of sexual abundance.

Sexhavers experience things we will never even understand, they live a completely different life experience than us, they are used to cheat on each other and betray each other because they have too much sexual abundance, while we are forced to live a sexually inactive life against our will, we can't even get knowledge about sex or relationships because we don't have access to those experiences that would make us grow and get more mature and more adult, it's so lifemogging, so humiliating, I'm ashamed of being the loser virgin I'm forced to be, I hate my life.
It’s so fucking over man
Being excluded from the most fun and most meaningul activity (as rated by people who have experienced it themselfs) a human can have is horrible. Not recieving any love, no intimacy and never getting to feel another humans touch or another body's warmth is soul-crushing. I could go on, but the point is: Our lifes are as miserable as we are percieving them to be. But chad's and foids' lifes are less happy than we imagine them based on our perspective. Happyness is evolution's way of keeping us moving and doing things it "wants" us to do. So it makes no sense for it to ever give us the whole carrot, only to dangle it very close and maybe let us snack a bite. Happyness being so fleeting and humans getting used to how good they have it so easily is by "design", and while that generally sucks for most people most of the time, for us it can be a bit of lifefuel to know the people who mog us in every aspect of life still experience dissatisfaction & envy and can't appreciate what they have as much as we could.

Also, thank you for the compliment.
remember when i made a thread about that and you called it bluepilled? :feelsseriously:
remember when i made a thread about that and you called it bluepilled? :feelsseriously:
Nope, post it if you have it and I will see if I was talking shit or if your take was differend in some meaningful way.
Nope, post it if you have it and I will see if I talked shit up or if your take was differend in some meaningful way.

I agreed with you more than I disagreed:
While I can see where you are coming from,
"True" pleasure is not clearly defined. You mean unending, unwavering bliss? 'Cause yeah, nobody's got that.
There is some real truth to the whole "we are all kind of feeling the same" idea, in that humans simply get used to their baseline quality of life, and the gap between our lifes and their lifes is less enormous than it would otherwise be because of that.
I suspect many of us would have been way happier in a tech free hunter gatherer society,
I'm a soft antinatalist, so I obvious agree that life is often not worth living and offers far more suffering than joy on average,

But I felt that you were underplaying the real difference that does exist in life quality between us and chad/foids, because that difference is still big enough that it should matter to us
The difference between what truly happy people aka chads&stacies have and what we have is big enough to matter.
Imagine going back in time to the worst moment of your life and telling your past self that "ultimately, I guess the pain you are feeling right now doesn't really matter, because people who get laid all the time might start to find the act of sex itself to become a bit boring over time." My past self would try to kill me if I did that.

And I also disagreed that the singularity would not make any difference, because that is the one thing I believe will make all the difference for everyone everywhere across all domains of life.
The technological singularity has the potential to get you to live till the heat death of the universe in some perfect simulation that offers a procedurally generated, constant variation in stimuli, perfectly personalized to your personal tastes and needs in order to keep you engaged and satisfied forever.

Or maybe we just rework the human brain and hack into a state of permanent euphoria. The indifference of the universe runs both ways, it doesn't care how bad things get for us, but it also couldn't care if humans broke the evolutionary wheel and just became permanently superhumanly happy forever.

I'm sorry if I came off hostile, but I was mostly nitpicking small details, I didn't disagree with your core sentiment and I don't think I called you bluepilled anywhere in that thread. I used "bluepilled" only in the contexts of normies coping:
Most people are really dumb and many are amoral or outright evil animals. Some of them will be using bluepilled thinking as a cope, but I would guess far more honestly believe what they are saying
I'm sorry if I came off hostile, but I was mostly nitpicking small details, I didn't disagree with your core sentiment and I don't think I called you bluepilled anywhere in that thread. I used "bluepilled" only in the contexts of normies coping:
no need to apologize mang. i was just kidding around. i appreciate the detail breakdown from my post.
this euphoria is the result of the huge contrast between your situation now and your imagined alternative.
In a way, humans are the only animals that can imagine a better future. It's cruel because we know what we *could* have, yet we're so far from reaching it.
In a way, humans are the only animals that can imagine a better future. It's cruel because we know what we *could* have, yet we're so far from reaching it.
It's in a sense our core, most defining feature. We are general world state optimizers. Not sure if Elizer coined that one but I read it first from him, so I guess that is where the credit should go.

We take in information over the senses
to build a model of the world in our head
we imagine a differend state of the world, one we would prefer over the current one
then we try to find a route through possibility space from our current state of the world to the imagined one
by manipulating the model in our head (planning & predicting)
in preperation for manipulating the world around us (putting the plan into action)

What makes our fate so cruel is that we have a clear state of the world we want to reach (getting laid, being loved, being desired), one we would prefer over the current one to an absurdly high degree, but no matter how we try manipulating the model in our head, we can not find a way to transform our current state of the world such that we end up where we want to be.

We have a goal but no hope of reaching it and so are frozen where we stand, unable to move towards where we want to go. Like an algorithm getting hung up on some syntax error and forced to compute some impossibly large number forever / until it crashes, with no way to proceed to the next step.
We have a goal but no hope of reaching it and so are frozen where we stand, unable to move towards where we want to go. Like an algorithm getting hung up on some syntax error and forced to compute some impossibly large number forever / until it crashes, with no way to proceed to the next step.
Welcome to limbo :feelzez:
It’s so fucking over man
Yeah, it's over and I know sexhavers would hate it if they were the ones who were in this position, it's so fucking easy for them to judge us from their position of priviledge and sexual abundance, it's disgusting.
It's easier for me to imagine the resurrected Adolf Hitler and the Sturmabteilung marching on the streets of Moscow and than killing Putin
A totally different reality
I think you are making an error in your thinking. When you are imagining this, you are using your subjective perspective on things as the starting point. But if you were attractive, you would have never ended up where you are.

It's a bit like a starving african child imagining what it would have been like to be born in a first world country. And then you look at us. See what I'm getting at?

Chads and foids don't value what they have because they don't know what it's like in our shoes. In a sense, that prevents them from feeling happy (and from empathizing with us) as much as they should. Obviously they still enjoy it and have way better lifes, but they don't feel the total euphoria that you might imagine yourself feeling at the prospect of being desirable, because this euphoria is the result of the huge contrast between your situation now and your imagined alternative.
Well said

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