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Imagine being so dumb you think normies are getting laid

I'm not even sure if the high tier normie actually believes the bullshit excuses he has for them. He never goes more than a few weeks without a gf, like come on he has to realize it's much easier for him for a reason.
I would imagine a guy might not want his friends to know he mogs the shit out of them and that he makes them look worse and that he gets the attention.
Basement Dweller IQ
There is not one single study showing over 10 sexual partners as average, and the countries who have more than 10 are slightly higher, nothing close to your bullshit numbers taken out of your ass.

JFL at average chumps fucking 50+ girls, something that only happens in your disturbed mind.
That's why I said if they wanted.

Normies in a lifetime can potentially peak between 50 to 150 body count with traveling and statusmaxxing.

7+/10 men can literally go beyond 500+ body count with traveling and statusmaxxing.


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Do you retards not know how to read?

That's with traveling and statusmaxxed. It really isnt fucking hard getting foids in the 25-35 age range, pumpndump when you're average and have wealth backing you up.

What would you define as a lifetime?
Do you retards not know how to read?

That's with traveling and statusmaxxed. It really isnt fucking hard getting foids in the 25-35 age range, pumpndump when you're average and have wealth backing you up.

What would you define as a lifetime?

no one with full time jobs has time to travel around and try to fuck hispanic or asian girls from tinder

we're all stuck with our local landwhales and single moms who want chads
JFL at taking studies made by them as fact.

JFL as if Im going to change my views from IRL experience just because some nosunlight having Basement dweller retard who isnt even 21 yet wants to disagree with me that average looking normies do get laid and get multiple relationships within a solid lifetime.
You failed every single projection you made about me, but that's expected from someone with such low IQ.
normies get laid all right. It's just once every 5 years, completely on 5/10 becky's terms.
I had plenty of normie acquaintances who never got laid, despite doing everything in the world in attempt to do so, and also to create the illusion that they do. Despite this, they still thought they were above me because I did not even try to pretend as if I'm some party going dude getting laid all the time. What is the point? The only person who buys into that is other dudes who are the exact same. They'd always try to brag around me and act cool for their imaginary, pathetic LARP persona that actually gets laid. All normie dudes were like this and it's so damn pathetic. People and especially girls can tell what dudes actually get laid and which don't, no matter what they claim.

Why do normie dudes go to all these parties, all these clubs, post on instagram about how much of a party goer they are, if in all the years of doing it they've gotten nothing? They'll try to tell you it's because "its fun", but, no it is not. They are just doing the same thing over and over again thinking maybe this time it will be different.

Ironically, the dudes who got laid alot often were the least sociable and outgoing. They would have girls approach them and then they'd do the shit together privately and then act like it never happened. I actually even remember some random whore in school shockingly saying, "Why are so many dudes virgins nowadays"? Tells you all you need to know. Normies do not get laid either.

Great post. It's been getting harder for normies as well, even if they're not quite incels. If I look at my friends groups during all of college I'd say there's a handful of incels, a couple of guys who've fucked 1 or 2 girls during the entire time, 1 chad lite and 1 full-on chad. Those normies who fucked 1 or 2 girls where 6-7/10 and would go to a lot of parties (as would I). Yet they'd barely get anything.

That's why I said if they wanted.

Normies in a lifetime can potentially peak between 50 to 150 body count with traveling and statusmaxxing.

7+/10 men can literally go beyond 500+ body count with traveling and statusmaxxing.

Bro the average guy has around 6 sexual partners in his entire life. The median is probably closer to 4 or 5. And most dudes try their ass off to get laid.
Bro the average guy has around 6 sexual partners in his entire life. The median is probably closer to 4 or 5. And most dudes try their ass off to get laid.
based, most guys are high inhib as fuck. They'd never approach a foid, even if their life depended on it.
I had plenty of normie acquaintances who never got laid, despite doing everything in the world in attempt to do so, and also to create the illusion that they do.
fantasymaxxing is quite vital as a normie to not fall into depression. Only Chad has the privilige of seeing reality for what it is and be happy regardless.
Are you normie or incel btw?
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no one with full time jobs has time to travel around and try to fuck hispanic or asian girls from tinder

we're all stuck with our local landwhales and single moms who want chads

Working full time and not having time to slay is major Cope. There's plenty of wageslave 5-6/10 males who go out and still get laid through cold approaches and orbiting foids on social media. They're just not staceys.

I dont understand why people on here think normgroid tier foids dont fuck average males. It's fucking cope. If you're good looking enough, there's always a hole available to fuck within any given week. Now span that out for 40 years worth of living, not even counting serious relationships and ONS with randoms at bars and Exes.
Great post. It's been getting harder for normies as well, even if they're not quite incels. If I look at my friends groups during all of college I'd say there's a handful of incels, a couple of guys who've fucked 1 or 2 girls during the entire time, 1 chad lite and 1 full-on chad. Those normies who fucked 1 or 2 girls where 6-7/10 and would go to a lot of parties (as would I). Yet they'd barely get anything.

Bro the average guy has around 6 sexual partners in his entire life. The median is probably closer to 4 or 5. And most dudes try their ass off to get laid.
Sub5males try to get laid. If you're atleast 5/10, there are holes within your reach and attainable with little effort. You realize getting laid in general doesnt= fucking stacey, right?

The only normgroids who settle on low body counts, are men who get emotionally depleted and torn apart about getting cucked and get bitchmade into only wanting relationships. While the other guys who adapt just go out, lie to foids for days, fucks them and then moves on to the next one.

You dont need to be a gigachad to continously fuck multiple 3-5/10 foids.
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Stop coping, normies are in a much better position than we are.
They do get sex every once in a while with some 4 or 5/10 girls
Imagining ignoring the fact that most women in the west are obese and ignoring that slim women are in the top 10% of women.

Imagine thinking that a guy without elite genes can get a non-landwhale. Imagine thinking landwhales aren't on tinder looking for chad.

Imagine thinking women have any attraction to a normie.

Where in the West do you live where only 10% of women are "slim"? What is your definition of "slim"?

Remember, the "West" isn't a homogenous group of people. Obesity rates are correlated with location, income, and race. If you live in a shithole in the American South where every other person has to use a fat person cart when they buy soda in bulk at Walmart, then yes, only 5% of women are slim.
Great post. It's been getting harder for normies as well, even if they're not quite incels. If I look at my friends groups during all of college I'd say there's a handful of incels, a couple of guys who've fucked 1 or 2 girls during the entire time, 1 chad lite and 1 full-on chad. Those normies who fucked 1 or 2 girls where 6-7/10 and would go to a lot of parties (as would I). Yet they'd barely get anything.

On this same note.

Dont forget that there are still many many ugly men who dont know they're incel or could be incels in denial.

Generally, most people dont know how to fucking rate for shit.

You can look at a guy, think he's ugly in your opinion but it turns out that he is a slayer.

A normie isn't equal in looks to an incel, a normie sits at a higher rank. What you think is a normie could very well be an incel, but you wouldn't know the difference if you dont know how to properly rate people in public.
Man shut the fuck up

When's the last time you stepped foot in public? Greycel ass nigga, how old are you again? JFL

I seriously doubt you're older than me, and lol at the IQ jab, I generate my own money without needing 9to5 being under someone else's payroll. Gtfo bitch

You have nothing and you are nothing. I would bet my leftnut you spend countless days wacking off in front of monitor in a dark room, thinking you're made being Neet.

First of all, JFL at you trying to look cool here. I am getting my second graduation, I have a faceberg account with hundreds of friends, I am not a NEET who spent his life never leaving his house, which is the reason I know that average normies fucking 50+ women in their lifes is something that only exists inside your schizo mind. Both my personal experience and studies done about the subject prove this, but somehow you think I should trust what an insecure chump who tries to compare dicks in an online incel forum says instead.
They get laid but it's fucking scraps compared to what chadlites and everything above get.

They put so much effort to get what? A random one night stand? Or a gf that's 1 or 2 points below their looks who thinks she's the pretty one, who thinks she's sacrificing herself and deserves more. Probably doesn't fuck them with a quarter of the passion she fucked chad.

They jestermaxx, betabucksmaxx, clothingmaxx, hobbiemaxx, etc, spent countless hours on dating apps, in clubs or hitting on every women at their hobbies/social circle just to luck out and get what I've described above. What a farce.
Where in the West do you live where only 10% of women are "slim"? What is your definition of "slim"?

Remember, the "West" isn't a homogenous group of people. Obesity rates are correlated with location, income, and race. If you live in a shithole in the American South where every other person has to use a fat person cart when they buy soda in bulk at Walmart, then yes, only 5% of women are slim.

There's a shit ton of wealth in houston, for example.

"HOUSTON, Texas (KTRK) -- If you find yourself loosening up your belt, you're not alone.
According to WalletHub.com, more than 70 percent of the U.S. population aged 15 and older is overweight or obese.

How do other Texas cities stack up?
14- San Antonio
22- El Paso
25- Dallas"

Most places in the USA are obese. Yeah, even NYC has a lot of obesity. My last visit most foids were at least chubby.
There's a shit ton of wealth in houston, for example.

"HOUSTON, Texas (KTRK) -- If you find yourself loosening up your belt, you're not alone.
According to WalletHub.com, more than 70 percent of the U.S. population aged 15 and older is overweight or obese.

How do other Texas cities stack up?
14- San Antonio
22- El Paso
25- Dallas"

Most places in the USA are obese. Yeah, even NYC has a lot of obesity. My last visit most foids were at least chubby.

Don't forget an aging population also contributes to increasing obesity. I've been to Houston, and while the difference isn't drastic, I do feel Southerners have a few extra pounds on average. Regional dietary differences, perhaps.

Side observation: European foids really are more fit than their U.S. counterparts, I swear. Perhaps on average their waistlines are similar, but it's really rare for me to see morbidly obese hamplanets who are actually physically round here, whereas I'd see at least one hamplanet a day in NYC.

Maybe the way we define "slim" is different. How do you define it? How much should an average, 20-year-old, 5'6 foid weigh for you to consider her slim?
Side observation: European foids really are more fit than their U.S. counterparts, I swear. Perhaps on average their waistlines are similar, but it's really rare for me to see morbidly obese hamplanets who are actually physically round here, whereas I'd see at least one hamplanet a day in NYC.

European roasties mog american roasties, that's a fact. Probably the best looking women in the US are recent european inmigrants,


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I remember a guy's girlfriend telling him "you can't come over tonight" after he spent all night with her at the club. Lol.
that sounds like she's going to fuck a chad that night
First of all, JFL at you trying to look cool here. I am getting my second graduation, I have a faceberg account with hundreds of friends, I am not a NEET who spent his life never leaving his house, which is the reason I know that average normies fucking 50+ women in their lifes is something that only exists inside your schizo mind. Both my personal experience and studies done about the subject prove this, but somehow you think I should trust what an insecure chump who tries to compare dicks in an online incel forum says instead.
Then they arent normie tier guys you fucking mong. That means they're clueless incels or incels in denial. Your personal experience must be shit, equal to a framelet ricecel condemned in the west.

Lol hundreds of friends? Why dont you talk to people who have 4000+ friends on their account. Just lol at you, you're really that far into your basement.

I dont need to measure shit with a fucking larping Basement dweller IQ greycel.

The only men who go sexless in 2019 are incels.
When i still thought i was a normie i lied about having sex often! I told people i went to discos in the 80s and had lots of sex in and after college...

If they ask why i can't get any these days I blame my poverty!

It's still my main lie! They at least seem to believe it...
Then they arent normie tier guys you fucking mong. That means they're clueless incels or incels in denial. Your personal experience must be shit, equal to a framelet ricecel condemned in the west.

Lol hundreds of friends? Why dont you talk to people who have 4000+ friends on their account. Just lol at you, you're really that far into your basement.

I dont need to measure shit with a fucking larping Basement dweller IQ greycel.

The only men who go sexless in 2019 are incels.

Do you have? Not? Just as I expected. It's like you are now using other people's dicks to compare with mine, JFL

You like to brag about how NT and normie you are with your NT friends and knowing it all yet I mog you socially even though I am basically an aspie lmao

You call me a basement dweller, a NEET or whatever else you want to paint me to make you feel like you are owning me, but you missed the mark every single time

Every single post is you trying to sound like you are cooler than everyone here and that nobody can disagree with your low IQ posts because your life is supposedly too awesome for you to make any wrong judgement about reality. Normies are not slayers who fuck dozens and hundreds of girls like its nothing, they don't have an easy time getting laid, only high SMV men have an easy time, and they are basically modern gods being worshipped.
Why does this thread have so much controversy? OP is 100% right
Imagining ignoring the fact that most women in the west are obese and ignoring that slim women are in the top 10% of women.

Imagine thinking that a guy without elite genes can get a non-landwhale. Imagine thinking landwhales aren't on tinder looking for chad.

Imagine thinking women have any attraction to a normie.
Why does this thread have so much controversy? OP is 100% right
Because if normies weren't getting laid then they would be on here or similar forums questioning women's rights or doing something about the shitty alimony laws that are currently in place. The fact that none of this has happened should tell you that most of them are content with what they get.

We are nothing more than a minority.

Normies=Incel When hell freezes over.
Because if normies weren't getting laid then they would be on here or similar forums questioning women's rights or doing something about the shitty alimony laws that are currently in place. The fact that none of this has happened should tell you that most of them are content with what they get.

We are nothing more than a minority.

Normies=Incel When hell freezes over.
Disagree imo. average normies are just incels in denial right now. by 2030/2035 every man will be blackpilled
Do you have? Not? Just as I expected. It's like you are now using other people's dicks to compare with mine, JFL

You like to brag about how NT and normie you are with your NT friends and knowing it all yet I mog you socially even though I am basically an aspie lmao

You call me a basement dweller, a NEET or whatever else you want to paint me to make you feel like you are owning me, but you missed the mark every single time

Every single post is you trying to sound like you are cooler than everyone here and that nobody can disagree with your low IQ posts because your life is supposedly too awesome for you to make any wrong judgement about reality. Normies are not slayers who fuck dozens and hundreds of girls like its nothing, they don't have an easy time getting laid, only high SMV men have an easy time, and they are basically modern gods being worshipped.

I never said it comes with no struggle you autistic dumbfuck, I said it was possible within a lifetime with other conditions met.

Obviously if you wageslave at mcdonalds for 50 yrs, you will have little to no options at all, of course this guy will struggle to get sex, even if paid for.

You dont mog anybody :feelskek: :feelskek: :soy: nice cope retard, you're over here chasing a worthless degree that leaves you in debt while you go on to wageslave the rest of your life to pay it off. Im already made without ever needing that bullshit, but you go ahead and have fun thinking you IQ mog someone who can enjoy a psuedoNeet lifestyle. The fact that you think normies dont get laid tells me how out of touch you actually are with normies, JFL at your larp.


then tell me what you are and what plans do you have for the future.
Do you own property? Have you started your own business? What's your estimated bank account 10 years from now? How many millionaires do you know in person? How old are you? Where do you live and where are you from? Or will you be too scared to answer any of this?

What I say and what I have seen is through first hand experience. There is absolutely nothing for me to gain to be larping about the things I've seen that has molded my perception on this reality. What you have said up to this point is more akin to some random pasty sheltered white kid who hates to struggle.
yeah because I want to be seen as "cool"on an incel forum:soy::soy: there's nothing to prove tbh, the least of all to you. You're just mad for being called out on your Basement Dweller IQ.

Normie tier males have potential to gain a high SMV through other means than just being a 10/10 brainlet gigachad. The fact that you think this tells me you cant rate for shit either and would probably think a bonafide slayer is ugly and unable to get laid, then you end up with egg on your face when he pulls that hot foid within the hour of observing the actions of other people interacting.

I think we're done here, if you really want to measure dicks and see who can piss the farthest go ahead and PM me so I can show you how insignificant you really are on a grand scale.
I never said it comes with no struggle you autistic dumbfuck, I said it was possible within a lifetime with other conditions met.

Obviously if you wageslave at mcdonalds for 50 yrs, you will have little to no options at all, of course this guy will struggle to get sex, even if paid for.

You dont mog anybody :feelskek: :feelskek: :soy: nice cope retard, you're over here chasing a worthless degree that leaves you in debt while you go on to wageslave the rest of your life to pay it off. Im already made without ever needing that bullshit, but you go ahead and have fun thinking you IQ mog someone who can enjoy a psuedoNeet lifestyle. The fact that you think normies dont get laid tells me how out of touch you actually are with normies, JFL at your larp.


then tell me what you are and what plans do you have for the future.
Do you own property? Have you started your own business? What's your estimated bank account 10 years from now? How many millionaires do you know in person? How old are you? Where do you live and where are you from? Or will you be too scared to answer any of this?

What I say and what I have seen is through first hand experience. There is absolutely nothing for me to gain to be larping about the things I've seen that has molded my perception on this reality. What you have said up to this point is more akin to some random pasty sheltered white kid who hates to struggle.
yeah because I want to be seen as "cool"on an incel forum:soy::soy: there's nothing to prove tbh, the least of all to you. You're just mad for being called out on your Basement Dweller IQ.

Normie tier males have potential to gain a high SMV through other means than just being a 10/10 brainlet gigachad. The fact that you think this tells me you cant rate for shit either and would probably think a bonafide slayer is ugly and unable to get laid, then you end up with egg on your face when he pulls that hot foid within the hour of observing the actions of other people interacting.

I think we're done here, if you really want to measure dicks and see who can piss the farthest go ahead and PM me so I can show you how insignificant you really are on a grand scale.
What the fuck is up with these stupid colors

If you cant rate day to day people, you cant make those claims about normies.

You can tell who gets laid and who doesnt. Even subhuman males can build wealth get married and still have a family, would you consider him incel for fabricating and elevating his own SMV?
I am able to rate people pretty well imo. I rarely see sub6 males with gfs or foids. The only guys I see with gfs or foids are good looking, tall, white or all 3.

And no I wouldnt not consider a wealth rich sub human incel (if he gets laid). But most sub humans arent rich, therefore incel.
I am going to have to back those who are saying the average normie is getting less and less. I see around 120 patients a day at my current job, and most men in my age range (20-25) consistently report little (less than 2) to no sexual contact in the past year. I see about 15 guys in that range per day. I see far more foids than males. Around 35 in that age range. 1 out of every 4 women in that age range report 10+ sexual partners in the past year, 2 out of 4 report 4+ sexual partners, and the last reports at least 2 sexual partners. Its mostly the average foids that have the most partners, with stacies having around 4 per year and really (facially) hideous or introverted chicks having 2. For what its worth, the 3 chads I've seen, who were quarterbacks and such, had 10+ sexual partners per year. Most chadlites and high tier normies had 2 to 5 sexual contacts per year.

The place I work specializes in sports injuries and has a largely female client base aged 12-28. These females are in shape and many are attractive. They make up about 75% of our client base. I have only seen 6 foids with zero sexual partners, and they were all less than 14 yo. Many have told me, when prompted, that they had numerous sexual partners concurrently, and that some of their partners didn't know of the others. It is absolutely horrible out there for males in general.
I am going to have to back those who are saying the average normie is getting less and less. I see around 120 patients a day at my current job, and most men in my age range (20-25) consistently report little (less than 2) to no sexual contact in the past year. I see about 15 guys in that range per day. I see far more foids than males. Around 35 in that age range. 1 out of every 4 women in that age range report 10+ sexual partners in the past year, 2 out of 4 report 4+ sexual partners, and the last reports at least 2 sexual partners. Its mostly the average foids that have the most partners, with stacies having around 4 per year and really (facially) hideous or introverted chicks having 2. For what its worth, the 3 chads I've seen, who were quarterbacks and such, had 10+ sexual partners per year. Most chadlites and high tier normies had 2 to 5 sexual contacts per year.

The place I work specializes in sports injuries and has a largely female client base aged 12-28. These females are in shape and many are attractive. They make up about 75% of our client base. I have only seen 6 foids with zero sexual partners, and they were all less than 14 yo. Many have told me, when prompted, that they had numerous sexual partners concurrently, and that some of their partners didn't know of the others. It is absolutely horrible out there for males in general.
That job sounds like the most blackpilling job ever.

This supports the studies that show that men inceldom is on the rise but not women's, and that women are successful on dating apps but most men aren't.
Imagine being so dumb that you make a thread without being able to properly convey your point or provide any real logical argument supporting your contention.

And yet we got incels on this forum proclaiming @mylifeistrash to be one of the most "High IQ" posters, whilst ironically not possessing the intellect to understand and identify indicators of intelligence.
Coping means lying to yourself to make yourself feel better. How am I making myself feel better by believing I am so much worse off than a normie?
This is the response which should fry the brain circuits of anyone in the sub 8 crowd, unfortunately time and again it goes straight over their heads.

These people do not care about discussing the truth, they just want to create a miniature bluepill inside the blackpill so they can believe that all normies are being cucked in order to feel like there is some contrived sense of nobility or pride in being incel. It is absolutely pathetic, though I can understand why feel the need to do it.
Never seen a normie getting laid with a foid younger 25yo
Wrong , Normies do get laid but not often.
I am going to have to back those who are saying the average normie is getting less and less. I see around 120 patients a day at my current job, and most men in my age range (20-25) consistently report little (less than 2) to no sexual contact in the past year. I see about 15 guys in that range per day. I see far more foids than males. Around 35 in that age range. 1 out of every 4 women in that age range report 10+ sexual partners in the past year, 2 out of 4 report 4+ sexual partners, and the last reports at least 2 sexual partners. Its mostly the average foids that have the most partners, with stacies having around 4 per year and really (facially) hideous or introverted chicks having 2. For what its worth, the 3 chads I've seen, who were quarterbacks and such, had 10+ sexual partners per year. Most chadlites and high tier normies had 2 to 5 sexual contacts per year.

The place I work specializes in sports injuries and has a largely female client base aged 12-28. These females are in shape and many are attractive. They make up about 75% of our client base. I have only seen 6 foids with zero sexual partners, and they were all less than 14 yo. Many have told me, when prompted, that they had numerous sexual partners concurrently, and that some of their partners didn't know of the others. It is absolutely horrible out there for males in general.

This is probably most depressing and suicidefuel thing I have read so far
The lucky normies who get laid are the ones who have to spend money on gifts and for dinner dates before he can get sex
They recently had to ban discussion of inceldom on some popular subreddit because that was what all the guys were talking about rofl. Normies are desperate and frustrated losers, men everywhere are always complaining about not getting laid. Few normies are virgins sure but they are definitely not getting laid frequently.

Wagecucking, jestermaxxing, and wasting all their free time "being out there" grants them maybe one free sex a year with a stinky roastie. Then you have a few that are socialmaxxed and gets it easier and some maybe even have a gf but that's rarer in my experience.

Girls have immense social networks today with many chads in their reach, they get so much validation and praise from everyone and they have an over inflated self value. Unlike men they do not value virginity or even being single but instead prefers debaucherous and non-single men, so it is very easy for the few successful men to snowball and become even more successful, and for the large mass of unsuccessful men to remain losers.
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Our classmate forget his keys leaving house and everyone was looking for him and everyone thought he commited suicide because of studying all life and getting rejected all the time. Everyone was telling him he can't get a girlfriend because he is too nice.
He is a nice guy, smart talented, at the top university. He just got drunked and came home after. He told his best friend he is a virgin and told his friend to play made up story that he has a girlfriend.

Normies are not prepared for black pill.
pretty much every one of my normie friends only get laid thanks to relationships with chubby girls or single mothers, sometimes getting a match on tinder or even more rarely pulling a girl when clubbing
I am going to have to back those who are saying the average normie is getting less and less. I see around 120 patients a day at my current job, and most men in my age range (20-25) consistently report little (less than 2) to no sexual contact in the past year. I see about 15 guys in that range per day. I see far more foids than males. Around 35 in that age range. 1 out of every 4 women in that age range report 10+ sexual partners in the past year, 2 out of 4 report 4+ sexual partners, and the last reports at least 2 sexual partners. Its mostly the average foids that have the most partners, with stacies having around 4 per year and really (facially) hideous or introverted chicks having 2. For what its worth, the 3 chads I've seen, who were quarterbacks and such, had 10+ sexual partners per year. Most chadlites and high tier normies had 2 to 5 sexual contacts per year.

The place I work specializes in sports injuries and has a largely female client base aged 12-28. These females are in shape and many are attractive. They make up about 75% of our client base. I have only seen 6 foids with zero sexual partners, and they were all less than 14 yo. Many have told me, when prompted, that they had numerous sexual partners concurrently, and that some of their partners didn't know of the others. It is absolutely horrible out there for males in general.

you destroyed many men's cope with this.

Normies are not prepared for black pill
That job sounds like the most blackpilling job ever.

This supports the studies that show that men inceldom is on the rise but not women's, and that women are successful on dating apps but most men aren't.


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That's why I said if they wanted.

Normies in a lifetime can potentially peak between 50 to 150 body count with traveling and statusmaxxing.

7+/10 men can literally go beyond 500+ body count with traveling and statusmaxxing.
@mylifeistrash bumping this high quality thread

dregshit thinks normies get FIFTY LAYS by "statusmaxxing"

even plenty of chadlites don't get to 50. they get 30 or 40, some get 50+ but not all
Cope and weapons-grade brainletism. Any guy who can get 2 girlfriends can also get 10 by making 5x the effort, unlike someone who can't even get 1 girlfriend. That's the difference between normies and incels and why we're in no way comparable to them.
Okay, flawed logic. Granted, getting 2 girlfriends ain't bad, but you can't just "muh effort" to suddenly get 10 girlfriends

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I'm seriously starting to think you really are some neckbeard basement dweller who doesn't get any sunlight for days.
some do, some don't

how do you know what chadlites get? like seriously, how do you know?
I am going to have to back those who are saying the average normie is getting less and less. I see around 120 patients a day at my current job, and most men in my age range (20-25) consistently report little (less than 2) to no sexual contact in the past year. I see about 15 guys in that range per day. I see far more foids than males. Around 35 in that age range. 1 out of every 4 women in that age range report 10+ sexual partners in the past year, 2 out of 4 report 4+ sexual partners, and the last reports at least 2 sexual partners. Its mostly the average foids that have the most partners, with stacies having around 4 per year and really (facially) hideous or introverted chicks having 2. For what its worth, the 3 chads I've seen, who were quarterbacks and such, had 10+ sexual partners per year. Most chadlites and high tier normies had 2 to 5 sexual contacts per year.

The place I work specializes in sports injuries and has a largely female client base aged 12-28. These females are in shape and many are attractive. They make up about 75% of our client base. I have only seen 6 foids with zero sexual partners, and they were all less than 14 yo. Many have told me, when prompted, that they had numerous sexual partners concurrently, and that some of their partners didn't know of the others. It is absolutely horrible out there for males in general.
this post says they get 2-5 a year, so some chadlites get 50+ partners, some get 30-40.
some do, some don't

how do you know what chadlites get? like seriously, how do you know?
Because I've seen high tier normies rack up that body count within a year.

You would have to be retarded to think that chadlites dont crack triple digits if they actually tried to.
Because I've seen high tier normies rack up that body count within a year.

You would have to be retarded to think that chadlites dont crack triple digits if they actually tried to.
you've seen high normies get 50 lays in a single year?


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