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Imagine being a Father and Allowing Your 15 Y/O Daughter to have Sex



Nov 8, 2017
Actually this is extremely common nowadays. Don't they know that their daughters are being used as none other than fleshlights for man whores? Don't they know the emotional damage that these future whores will go through getting pumped and dumped? They get used, know they are no longer pure, lose confidence and turn into whores. The damage is done and they will no longer be able to appreciate a relationship to its fullest. And fathers across the West let it happen. Sickening.
I dont know why any man would raise a daughter, the father feeds her, shelters her, and pays for her just so she can go get plowed by chads in a gang bang. Father's of daughters are the ultimate cucks.
You don't have to be a cuck father. Just enforce a strict dress code, don't buy or allow her to buy and go out in whore clothes, and establish a curfew for how she can come and go outside the house.

It's just that in this modern age of degeneracy, very few parents care to discipline and raise their children.
They don't just allow it, they encourage it by buying them birth control, by letting them bring boys over and be alone with them and so on. It's fucking disgusting. Western degeneracy knows no bounds and the west needs to be wiped off the map.
I feel sorry for my uncle, he has two daughters growing up in this degenerate society, he's already allowed his one 16 year old daughter to go to Vancouver alone to visit her cousin, she comes back and she has a tattoo and acts different because she met someone there...uncle just allows it because whats he going to do, say no and discipline her and she might eventually leave him and never talk to him?

His younger daughter always wears yoga pants everywhere, stupid...

my oldest female cousin has tattoos all down her arm now, she had different pictures of guys all the time on facebook, she's probably slept with 60+ guys and she's in her mid 20's....there's statics showing the more females sleep around the worse mothers they;ll be and divorce rates skyrocket...its over :(
fathers love their daughters being knocked up by tyrone and chad at 15.
Cucks will say "I wouldn't mind my daughter is enjoying her life hehehe XD"
Well women are nothing more than holes for pleasure so what's new. Men somehow gave them rights as they progressively got dumber over the years. Look what happened there.
Having a daughter just means being cursed by the universe lol

Besides, the stricter you raise her, the more degenerate she is going to be when she grows up. It's weird that way.
Yeah, I feel really sorry for the parents of these girls.
You try to raise someone to the best of your ability and she ends up taking Chad cock at 15 or so, sometimes as young as 12 or 13.

I have zero sympathy for the ones who encourage it though, buying their daughters birth control and telling them that sex at such a young age is okay. They're enabling degeneracy.
Sex is probably awesome so I would have no problem with my daughter having sex. Not that it matters because subhumans don't get to reproduce anyway.
Having a daughter is the biggest cucklodry in history. You are basically lettinng a younger, prettier, fertile version of your wife get fucked by other man while you have to settel with her used up mother saggy mother.
There is a war on fatherhood right now. Dads are seen as sexist and "controlling" if they dare to discipline their slutty daughters.
I actually would prefer to have a daughter than a son; no chances of them developing attention/mental problems and could still pass on their genes, also I'd like to teach her everything I know.
My fucking sister is 11 and already have a boyfriend. I bet she will be fucked by chads and pregnant after a year or two.
Why even have kids if you don't want them to have sex and reproduce and create Chadling grandkids? Children are insanely expensive to raise and useless for pretty much everything except propagating your genes (ie your daughter getting fucked).
Angry_runt said:
Why even have kids if you don't want them to have sex and reproduce and create Chadling grandkids? Children are insanely expensive to raise and useless for pretty much everything except propagating your genes (ie your daughter getting fucked).

If I had a daughter I would prefer for her to honor herself and her future husband by waiting until marriage. Having sex inside of marriage is fine. But I would be very unhappy to see her acting like the average 14-15 year old girl now, flaunting her body and giving blowjobs by 8th/9th grade.
thats why if any of us ever escape inceldom and have a fho as a child, we need to lock her up in the closet from ages 13 to the very last day of age 17, so they dont submit to degeneracy like all the fhos do these days.

whogivesafucc said:
Having a daughter just means being cursed by the universe lol

Besides, the stricter you raise her, the more degenerate she is going to be when she grows up. It's weird that way.

agreed, theres a reason why some christian FHOS' when they finally break free from their parents strong religion grasp  submit to extreme degeneracy and chad chasing.
I couldn't have a daughter and be of sound mind. I'd always be worried about her doing all the degenerate shit a lot of girls do these days. 

If I did father one it'd have to be in some remote village in Ukraine or some peaceful countryside place. 

I won't ever have kids anyway so thank whoever for that.
Relationships are something that young people have always explored. Sex included. If you have safe sex, things will probably be fine. Teach your children about birth control.
SwagFart said:
Relationships are something that young people have always explored. Sex included. If you have safe sex, things will probably be fine. Teach your children about birth control.

Things wo 't be fine, ability to pair bond/fully appreciate a partner is lot. @SergeantIncel please ban this white knight cuck.
Meh why would you care? She would be enjoying herself and.living a nice life.

Almost all fathers love their daughters more and spoil.them etc.
Sergeantincel said:
@ItheIthe Done, reeked of SJW

Also, this is suicidefuel, damn

Thank you, and yeah, it is suifuel. I mean just imagine being married, giving birth to a little girl who you love and cherish dearly, and LETTING her turn into a little whore by age 15 or earlier.
This happens all over the world even in ultra conservative countries such as Afghanistan, Pakistan and India. Some Chad will somehow seduce them and they run away. The only way to keep 'control' is to outright beat or murder them.
Angry_runt said:
Why even have kids if you don't want them to have sex and reproduce and create Chadling grandkids? Children are insanely expensive to raise and useless for pretty much everything except propagating your genes (ie your daughter getting fucked).

Older cultures had the father choosing the appropriate mate for the Daughter because daughters are usually be stupid and just pick handsome bad boy over and over and over again until its too late in there 30's and already been inundated with chad semen that's forever part of their body fluids http://time.com/3461485/how-previous-sexual-partners-affect-offspring/
microDongCityUSA said:
Older cultures had the father choosing the appropriate mate for the Daughter because daughters are usually be stupid and just pick handsome bad boy over and over and over again until its too late in there 30's and already been inundated with chad semen that's forever part of their body fluids  http://time.com/3461485/how-previous-sexual-partners-affect-offspring/

This is a really interesting article but I find it hard to believe (or rather, I am trying to disbelieve) that this can be 1:1 applied to humans. I really hope that it doesn't work like that. On some level it can't, right? Incel children are still incels most of the time, white dude's babies are still white even if the girl had taken Tyrone in the past, etc. There should be no element of Tyrone's sperm still inside the women if enough days have passed in between. Also condoms effectively suppress this effect, no?
If I ever have a daughter I will make sure she never speaks to a boy except her husband on their wedding day. She will never leave the house without a full Burka on (and she will never go out alone), she will be homeschooled, all social media sites will be blocked and the only websites availble will be about educational material and she will be watched by me every time she uses the computer. She will not even learn about sex until her wedding day. She will also obviously have no say in who she marries. I will also make sure to warn her of grave consequences if she ever masturbates.
Krispinwah said:
If I ever have a daughter I will make sure she never speaks to a boy except her husband on their wedding day. She will never leave the house without a full Burka on (and she will never go out alone), she will be homeschooled, all social media sites will be blocked and the only websites availble will be about educational material and she will be watched by me every time she uses the computer. She will not even learn about sex until her wedding day. She will also obviously have no say in who she marries.

So you're pretty much raising a brainwashed slave. I'm sure this will be very satisfying and fulfilling. Grats.
SaintMarcLepine said:
They don't just allow it, they encourage it by buying them birth control, by letting them bring boys over and be alone with them and so on. It's fucking disgusting. Western degeneracy knows no bounds and the west needs to be wiped off the map.
If you don't fuck your daughter you are a cuck
If she wants to whore around at 15, she's going to do so with Daddy first.
Vision said:

Stop necroing threads with 0 content contributions. Consider this a verbal warming.
My great grandfather allowed his daughter (my grandmother) to have sex with a 25yo guy (my grandfather) when she was 15. In fact, he let her marry him.
incel4life said:
My great grandfather allowed his daughter (my grandmother) to have sex with a 25yo guy (my grandfather) when she was 15. In fact, he let her marry him.

Yes, but that's marriage, which I would fully approve of for my hypothetical 15 yo daughter.
Just lol @ having kids.
jagged0 said:
fathers love their daughters being knocked up by tyrone and chad at 15.

Exactly.  :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
Nowadays with the police state fucking guys in the ass if you try to discipline your daughter or rain her in then it's called abuse you get sent to jail to get fucked in the ass by Bubba and Society encouraged her to be a bitch and shit out some womb turds.

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