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Brutal im top 1% of incels

My Name Jeff

My Name Jeff

Jul 18, 2022
IMG 4987

just turned 25 recently holy fuck that's brutal. you really know you are beyond fucked when you are a 1% statistic
it will increase so you won't be in 1% :feelsthink:
all you youngfags who are 18 here and claim they are GIGATRUECELS FOR LIFE BRO I KNEW IT SINCE BIRTH should take a look at how age 18-20 50% of men are virgins and by 25 only 1% are

you youngfags should learn to shut your mouth
we should all be proud
I might be fangirling but this was the greatest villain reveal in anime. He  went from a shady glasses mastermind to a powerhouse with an unclear goal.  He wasn't trying to take
fake study

no way only 2% men over 25 are virgins
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all you youngfags who are 18 here and claim they are GIGATRUECELS FOR LIFE BRO I KNEW IT SINCE BIRTH should take a look at how age 18-20 50% of men are virgins and by 25 only 1% are

you youngfags should learn to shut your mouth
There is a difference between being virgin and being incel nigger I had virgin friends that had a lot of attention from foids and never had problems talking to them and im here rotting in my room since I hit puberty ive always been a "loser" my whole life why should it change now?
now way only 2% men over 25 are virgins
yes, it's underreported i believe because not every virgin male will admit it because it means you're loser and nobody.
There is a difference between being virgin and being incel nigger I had virgin friends that had a lot of attention from foids and never had problems talking to them and im here rotting in my room since I hit puberty
everybody was a virgin at the beginning of life
I will soon join you boyo. 4 more years and I am there.
There is a difference between being virgin and being incel nigger I had virgin friends that had a lot of attention from foids and never had problems talking to them and im here rotting in my room since I hit puberty
ok bro whatever
most incels stay inside, you just don't see them. most men keep their problems to themselves
This. I really think there is actually more subhumans who lie about virginity. You can’t really check if a man is virgin.
this cannot be true
fake study

now way only 2% men over 25 are virgins
Nah that sounds very believable. Incels are a very small minority past 25 and I'm tired of hearing the "Muh most men are incels now cope".
all you youngfags who are 18 here and claim they are GIGATRUECELS FOR LIFE BRO I KNEW IT SINCE BIRTH should take a look at how age 18-20 50% of men are virgins and by 25 only 1% are

you youngfags should learn to shut your mouth
I agree that being a virgin at 18-20 isn't that rare but being KHHV with no female attention definitely is just there's no studies done on that I think,
most incels stay inside, you just don't see them. most men keep their problems to themselves
teracope most people here talk about how they go out for walks and wander around like NPCs or go out and hang out with friends and supposedly the people here are supposed to be the worst of the worst for situations
This is why most youngcels should leave this place. Their inceldom is usually transient. Women prefer older men, especially teenager/early-20s whores shit all over boys their age in favor of them.
I don't know, it's not that I dismiss these statistics, but there definitely needs to be some more concrete basis.First, technically, incels are a huge number in society. Maybe these commentators lined up in a small town and want to make a "complete" argument. The number of dysgenic men is very large, in this generation and the next.And most "public scientists" are small institutions without due process. It's obvious that science does not belong to a specific entity, but operates on PURE reason. And in the contemporary world, it would not seem rational to me for you to say that, since clearly most men have weak egos to lie about their incelism, the betabuxx, the coaches, the high value men, all that crap. Politics itself is a place of confrontation between incels in denial, thinking that the blame for their failure is some kind of enlightenment movement (right and left), instead of accepting that it is genetics. And it's worth noting what they mean by "incel," since their concepts are generally reductionist and adjectives directed at us. It's all a "hunch" they have about us.
go outside you will realize how rare incels are
Tell me how rare are they?

If it were rare, the number of black pill connoisseurs wouldn't be so high. Most men have nowhere to fall dead, they're complete meatbags, no wonder. Politics, look at the massive amount of incels in denial using this as a cope.
all you youngfags who are 18 here and claim they are GIGATRUECELS FOR LIFE BRO I KNEW IT SINCE BIRTH should take a look at how age 18-20 50% of men are virgins and by 25 only 1% are

you youngfags should learn to shut your mouth

This is why most youngcels should leave this place. Their inceldom is usually transient. Women prefer older men, especially teenager/early-20s whores shit all over boys their age in favor of them.

I tend to agree with both of you. It's become trendy (not in mainstream culture, but in certain online spaces) to call yourself an incel, so you have people desperately trying to prove that they're incel. Part of it is also that they don't want to take responsibility for their life and would rather just say "it was over before it began", because then they're off the hook and can't be blamed for their own failure. I don't remember what forum this was, but I remember a few years ago seeing literal 15/16 year olds acting like they were "stone cold incels" for life. They literally weren't even done growing but they were insistent on the fact that they were screwed for life and were arguing with anybody who dared to give them hope.

I can't really say that all 18-20 year olds are fakecels, but I definitely think that many are and 25 is a much more reliable cut off.
Yeah, sorry brocel. I can't believe this study. 2% of men over twenty-five are virgins? Modern day men? There's just no way. They're lying so that they don't look like losers. I'd believe something like 10%.
all you youngfags who are 18 here and claim they are GIGATRUECELS FOR LIFE BRO I KNEW IT SINCE BIRTH should take a look at how age 18-20 50% of men are virgins and by 25 only 1% are

you youngfags should learn to shut your mouth
If you're from west and have some decent money then move into an underdeveloped country and start a family there if you want one so bad.
pick one
I pick both. The vast majority of men have had multiple relationships after a certain age. Sex is really nothing special if you think about and this is the final and most brutal blackpill. If you are an incel you are literally the bottom 1% of the population and you cannot fullfil one of the basic needs
I pick both. The vast majority of men have had multiple relationships after a certain age. Sex is really nothing special if you think about and this is the final and most brutal blackpill. If you are an incel you are literally the bottom 1% of the population and you cannot fullfil one of the basic needs
What would you be right about is that most men are not trucels, but around 80% of them are incels (as foids rate 80% of men as below average). There is little to no difference between a guy betabuxxing for a foid who treats him worse than a stray dog and some guy just hiring an escort as at the end of the day, both of those foids are only in it for the money.
Time for you to go Escortmaxxing
more like 2% but I'm right there with ya
I pick both. The vast majority of men have had multiple relationships after a certain age. Sex is really nothing special if you think about and this is the final and most brutal blackpill. If you are an incel you are literally the bottom 1% of the population and you cannot fullfil one of the basic needs
a lot of people here trying to cope and say this study is wrong. i'm sure it could be wrong by a few % points at most but that's it. being an incel is very strange and uncommon.
Inceldom is more pronounced among Zoomers and not a single Zoomer is 30 yet. It’s a generational phenomenon produced by increasing feminism, rising female economic opportunity, increased irreligion amongst females, and online dating. I’m the oldest a Zoomer can get, currently 27 and 25 at the time of this study. I graduated right before Covid, which normalized online dating. Every other Zoomer graduated during covid, or after it. When I was in college, Tinder was becoming more and more popular, but now it’s the norm.

The typical foid is not going to settle for some rando for a ons when she can choose Chad via a swipe. She will not enter a relationship for security when there are quotas to favor her employment and welfare to provide for her if unemployed. She will not seek a relationship as she is immoral and only cares about “living her best life”

When I first joined the incel subreddits, I and everyone else, were of the mind we were a rare group of subhumans. More and more data have shown that we were just the first to notice a generational shift.
damn thats brutal im 20yo virgin and it feels like its end of world. I dont hink im lasting more than 2 years from now on and how u even sirvive that long being virgin? If i was ur age i would be rotting in dirt or betabuxx some whores from 4th world shithole
damn thats brutal im 20yo virgin and it feels like its end of world. I dont hink im lasting more than 2 years from now on and how u even sirvive that long being virgin? If i was ur age i would be rotting in dirt or betabuxx some whores from 4th world shithole
i don't even know. i am a wagie so my life feels like a mindless routine. sometimes i get so oblivious to shit i don't even think about my inceldom.

it does absolutely get worse as you get older. every year feels worse and worse. especially as your parents get older and you realize when they die you will have nobody who cares for youZ

my desire for a relationship isn't even sexual at this point it's just having someone else who cares about me.
by the way i'm not just incel im KHHV with 0 friends it is literally hell.
by the way i'm not just incel im KHHV with 0 friends it is literally hell.
I can relate to you 100% . The pain of knowing Im an absolute failure and a naturally born loser is causing me intense suffering
I can relate to you 100% . The pain of knowing Im an absolute failure and a naturally born loser is causing me intense suffering
and even being a failure is made a million times better if you have a group of friends you can cope with and enjoy shit with.

having 0 friends is basically living in solitary confinement
25 is average age here. @Emba is 62

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