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I'm tired of this shit

  • Thread starter Deleted member 306
  • Start date
incelman said:
It enrages me how Normies expect you to keep up with them at work when they have nice gfs to support them while you have nothing.

It's not a date if it doesn't lead to sex.

I'm 23 years old. I'm old enough to be a confirmed subhuman.

Another good point. I have nobody for support. No gf, no friends, no family that can help me. Yet I'm expected to bust my ass working long hours for low pay, for what? What the fuck is the point? I just don't give a fuck anymore, but something in me forces me to keep going. I want to get into fights with people on the daily but I'm too much of a pussy and have no fighting experience.
incelman said:
It enrages me how Normies expect you to keep up with them at work when they have nice gfs to support them while you have nothing.

man this thing tormented me for ages
QuantumDummy said:
Another good point. I have nobody for support. No gf, no friends, no family that can help me. Yet I'm expected to bust my ass working long hours for low pay, for what? What the fuck is the point? I just don't give a fuck anymore, but something in me forces me to keep going. I want to get into fights with people on the daily but I'm too much of a pussy and have no fighting experience.

I get you ma. That's why I try to LDAR as much as possible now that I can.
incelman said:
I get you ma. That's why I try to LDAR as much as possible now that I can.

'ma' lol (Know you meant man).
incelman said:
It's not a date if it doesn't lead to sex.

I'm 23 years old. I'm old enough to be a confirmed subhuman.

Many first dates with non-slutty women don't lead to sex. If you aren't having sex by the third date then it is safe to give up with that girl, though. You seem to want to jump straight to the Chad level without even trying. That shit won't happen. Chad is a bit of an imaginary character anyway, everyone is different and you have no idea what they went through to get to where they are in life right now. 

But based on the posts I've seen you made here, you are 100% convinced that it is over and every person in the world will look down on you as a subhuman. I knew a guy like this in highschool. He thought of me as a chadlite and him as a subhuman who no girl would ever like. I ended up being the one who posts on incel forums and the last time I checked in on him, he had a girlfriend. However, I would say he got a girlfriend cause he is NT as fuck and actively seeks out other people to spend time with.

I'm not really trying to convince you of anything, just rambling right now. Just makes irritating to see someone much younger than me think in absolutes like that.
QuantumDummy said:
'ma' lol (Know you meant man).

Life sucks. No happy memories and no happy prospects either.
blackcel said:
Many first dates with non-slutty women don't lead to sex. If you aren't having sex by the third date then it is safe to give up with that girl, though. You seem to want to jump straight to the Chad level without even trying. That shit won't happen. Chad is a bit of an imaginary character anyway, everyone is different and you have no idea what they went through to get to where they are in life right now. 

But based on the posts I've seen you made here, you are 100% convinced that it is over and every person in the world will look down on you as a subhuman. I knew a guy like this in highschool. He thought of me as a chadlite and him as a subhuman who no girl would ever like. I ended up being the one who posts on incel forums and the last time I checked in on him, he had a girlfriend. However, I would say he got a girlfriend cause he is NT as fuck and actively seeks out other people to spend time with.

I'm not really trying to convince you of anything, just rambling right now. Just makes irritating to see someone much younger than me think in absolutes like that.

Dude no. First of all, all women are sluts in the way you mean it. Wether you have sex with a girl or not is decided in the first 5 secs she meets you. The date is just a formality for the sake of it.

3rd date? Lol. If you don't make a move on the 1st date then she will write you off. Girls are impatient as fuck.

JFL at the whole NT cope. He, thinking of you as chadlit means nothing. What matters is what girls think of you. He was just better lookign than you not more NT. The whole metalcel card is a nice cope but when you think about it we are all just as social as everyone else and it's looks that hold us back.

If you don't think in absolutes you are not blackpilled.
blackcel said:
Many first dates with non-slutty women don't lead to sex. 

Framecel222 said:
Bri8564 said:
It's not as retarded for me to accuse you of being lacuna. You act and speak exactly like him and are disliked on the forum just like him. You also harass me and accuse me of being eyeareaoverrated and young incel, whoever the fuck young incel is. Only lacuna cortex has ever done that to me. If you are not lacuna you guys must be twins separated at birth.
LOL from what I know about Lacuna he seems retarded. Anyone who is an "associate" of Armadyl and BBCTakeover is a massive faggot in my book.
And youngincel is eyeareaoverrated's reddit username. You know this because you are youngincel.
Look, I wouldn't think you're youngincel if every post of yours didn't seem like a LARP. "I have 24 inch shoulders and I'm 6'2", is this good?" It's like you're trying to be the opposite of youngincel, since he claims to be mentalcel and you claim to be ugly (while at the same time bragging about your appearance.) This is armchair psychology, but I think you're the physical manifestation of youngincel's insecurities about his appearance. You honestly might not even be aware of the fact that you're youngincel. Definitely get checked for multiple personality disorder.
I never said I'm 6 2? Eyearea lives in Israel and I don't? People on lookism have seen my pics with me holding my username? Kk whatever you say bhai.
incelman said:
Dude no. First of all, all women are sluts in the way you mean it. Wether you have sex with a girl or not is decided in the first 5 secs she meets you. The date is just a formality for the sake of it.

3rd date? Lol. If you don't make a move on the 1st date then she will write you off. Girls are impatient as fuck.

JFL at the whole NT cope. He, thinking of you as chadlit means nothing. What matters is what girls think of you. He was just better lookign than you not more NT. The whole metalcel card is a nice cope but when you think about it we are all just as social as everyone else and it's looks that hold us back.

If you don't think in absolutes you are not blackpilled.

I have definitive experiences that proves what I say is true.

But people who are self defeating always make up shit to cornfirm their bullshit biases. I am sure if I mention my experiences you would just dismiss me as a fakecel or volcel.
blackcel said:
I have definitive experiences that proves what I say is true.

But people who are self defeating always make up shit to cornfirm their bullshit biases. I am sure if I mention my experiences you would just dismiss me as a fakecel or volcel.

Self defeating? What the fuck is this shit? Sounds like something my bluepilled mother would say. GTFO.

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