I would actually respect these women more IF they would really be fine with having a shorter man.
But this is all just a shit test.
Women as a group are not as diverse as men. Different men have different preferences, but women are ALL sexually submissive, masochistic, socially hypergamous and they ALL want a man who "mogs" them when it comes to height and status.
Contrary to what feminists say, I am not "afraid" of stronk womyn. I would actually respect women more if at least some of them were strong.
I would actually respect women more if they were NOT stupid submissive whores.
But this is all just a shit test. THEY want men who mog them and who are taller than them. THEY are that primitive.
But instead of at least admitting that they blame short men and say that short men are "insecure."
They claim that they don't date short men because short men are insecure about their height, although the opposite is the case
Many men are PERFECTLY fine with a taller women. WOMEN are not fine with a shorter men.
WOMEN love toxic masculinity more than men love toxic masculinity.
So not only are you an incel ... you are also FORCED to lie. You are FORCED to lie. Women FORCE YOU TO LIE.