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I'm starting to resent my sister.

  • Thread starter Incel_Because_Short
  • Start date


Nov 11, 2017
This is the girl who when I got blackpilled last year, told me that looks don't matter and that girls don't care about height or appearance or all of that.

Since the Summer she has been very depressed, and the reason for her depression is that she thinks she's "Ugly". I personally think she's average looking.

Then she started saying phrases like:

"All guys are pigs."
"All guys only want skinny blondes with a big ass (my sister isn't white for reference)"
"All guys only want slutty girls."

I wondered where this came from. I asked her if she ever tried Tinder, and she said no because she thinks she's too ugly to use it.

Curious, I made a fake Tinder account using her photos to see (knowing 100% that what she's saying is bullshit). Unsurprisingly, she ended up getting 50 or so matches after me swiping around for ten minutes, many different guys, some who were actually willing to just go on a date, etc. So clearly what she's saying is wrong.

So I had a bit of a talk with one of her friends, and asked her why my sister is acting so different all of a sudden. She tells me it's because this one guy who she really likes only sees her as a friend.

I go see who this guy is, and no surprise, it's some white, above average height Chad who has a symmetrical, masculine face, works as a bouncer, takes shirtless pics on Instagram and is known for sleeping around with a lot of girls. In other words, it's the kind of guy that has his choice of girls and doesn't need to lower his standards to get into a relationship. Objectively speaking, my sister is way out of his league.

Every time she kept asking him to hang out, he only wanted to hang out late at night, which she refused. Obviously, Chad doesn't have time to deal with girls who want to date when there are many other girls who will just fuck him for free, so he eventually kept contact with her to a minimum, and that apparently got my sister very sad because she's been crushing on him since first year (She's in her third year of university now).

So my sister has been depressed for the past couple of months, crying almost every day and generally causing chaos in our family, all because Chad doesn't want to leave his harem and just date her exclusively. When he texts her back, her mood returns to normal and she becomes happy. When he ignores her for a bit, she gets sad and cries and make the house loud.

Apparently none of the guys online count because, "They're not him" according to what her friend told me. She's a kissless virgin as well (as far as I know, and she's 20), and apparently believes she's doomed to be forever alone, all because a guy like this Chad doesn't want to date her.

So here's somebody who could easily get into a relationship and experience love, who will only accept a relationship from the "Best of the best".

Honestly what a selfish, shallow, entitled cunt. I'm infuriated at the fact that my sister is just like all the other girls who end up caring about appearance more than the actual person.

If I had even the fraction of the attention that she was able to get from girls at my level, then I would be very content, yet she takes it for granted. Here I am slaving myself all day, going to the gym almost daily, counting my calories, competing in sports and doing well in school. I've done the best I can to improve myself as a 21 year old and I don't get a single match on tinder or any attention from girls (or a positive response when I talk to them). Meanwhile, my sister who is earning some shitty degree, doesn't work out at all, is a bit chubby and has no interests other than netflix and hanging out with friends gets to basically pick and choose when she goes on Tinder, and is still unhappy about her options.

It's basically suicide fuel.

The only thing that will help me is if I leave the house and find an apartment to stay in alone, so that I can forget all of this.
You should call her out for being that entitled

You can't be a 5/10 and expect chad to settle down with you
NGL being a girl legit sounds EZ as fuck
Themisterpepsi said:
You should call her out for being that entitled

You can't be a 5/10 and expect chad to settle down with you

I started telling her that, she just gets angry when I say it, then spends the next couple of days asking her friends if she is goodlooking, or she rips herself and continues thinking she's ugly and generally making the house an uncomfortable place to live in.

I actually started coming home later at night to avoid her complaining.

Even her friends told her the same thing, to not be so picky. She's just so stubborn, and as long as the guy doesn't reject her outright, this is not going to end.
Jesus that is infuriating. I agree with @themisterpepsi, call her entitled ass out.
Incel_Because_Short said:
So I had a bit of a talk with one of her friends, and asked her why my sister is acting so different all of a sudden. She tells me it's because this one guy who she really likes only sees her as a friend.

I go see who this guy is, and no surprise, it's some white, above average height Chad who has a symmetrical, masculine face, works as a bouncer, takes shirtless pics on Instagram and is known for sleeping around with a lot of girls. In other words, it's the kind of guy that has his choice of girls and doesn't need to lower his standards to get into a relationship. Objectively speaking, my sister is way out of his league.
Holy fuck, I can't imagine having your own sister be a living blackpill. Pure rage and suicide fuel
If I were you I'd like to talk to her about it but I wouldn't wanna ruin the relationship so idek what you should do about this
justforlulzandkeks said:
Holy fuck, I can't imagine having your own sister be a living blackpill. Pure rage and suicide fuel
If I were you I'd like to talk to her about it but I wouldn't wanna ruin the relationship so idek what you should do about this

At the end of the day she's still my sister, but I don't know man, this is still very infuriating. I just don't talk to her as often as I used to.
She is refusing, denying, and throwing up the black pill. Unfortunately some dissolved in her mouth and is traveling down her throat for inevitable digestion. Hope she's got some pepto bismol.
Incel_Because_Short said:
I started telling her that, she just gets angry when I say it, then spends the next couple of days asking her friends if she is goodlooking, or she rips herself and continues thinking she's ugly and generally making the house an uncomfortable place to live in.

I actually started coming home later at night to avoid her complaining.

Even her friends told her the same thing, to not be so picky. She's just so stubborn, and as long as the guy doesn't reject her outright, this is not going to end.

 This is some irrational behavior

If calling her out won't work 
I would just wait it out she is 20 after all
Sub8Hate said:
She is refusing, denying, and throwing up the black pill. Unfortunately some dissolved in her mouth and is traveling down her throat for inevitable digestion. Hope she's got some pepto bismol.

Honestly when girls say that getting sex is easy but getting a relationship is harder, I now understand much more clearly what they mean by that.

They man that the same out of their league guy who will use them as a cum rag late at night won't necessarily take them out to the park or to grab dinner or something.

I'm almost certain most of the girls facing relationship problems would easily find a guy willing to do all those relationship things with them if they were to lower their standards and not be so shallow.

I never take girl's relationship problems seriously, especially after seeing my sister's so called relationship problem.
just joking lol not actually saying you should do it.

Rape you sister after knocking her out with a baseball bat
Kill her by strangling her with a garrote
Remove her heart with a butcher knife
Dump the rest of her body in a lake
Take the heart to a witchdoctor
Eat the parts of it raw that he instructs during the ritual
End up becoming Chad within 24-72 hours
Start fucking sluts but make sure to perform the same ritual with every 3rd female you fuck so as to ensure you remain chad
Would you be willing to do this if it was guaranteed to make you chad?
universallyabhorred said:
Would you be willing to do this if it was guaranteed to make you chad?

Nope. I honestly don't care about being an incel anymore. I keep my-self busy and an acid trip here or there is enough to get me to stop thinking about it for a while.

Honestly thank god for psychedelics otherwise I would have shot myself a long time ago.
What a stupid fucking Chad worshiping useless worthless fucking human specimen. Absolutely fucking pathetic. Read this made me so physically and mentally disgusted. I need to take a shower now.
This entire situation with her is so fucking ironic to me lol.
Lmao what a fucking slut. Yes "all guys" want only that. Holy fuck females literally have no logic or IQ.
whogivesafucc said:
Lmao what a fucking slut. Yes "all guys" want only that. Holy fuck females literally have no logic or IQ.

Well to her, I guess all guys means just the guys she's attracted to.

Generally, the kind of guys who will actually take a girl out first and is not as shallow tend to be ugly or short themselves, so.
Incel_Because_Short said:
whogivesafucc said:
Lmao what a fucking slut. Yes "all guys" want only that. Holy fuck females literally have no logic or IQ.
Well to her, I guess all guys means just the guys she's attracted to.
Generally, the kind of guys who will actually take a girl out first and is not as shallow tend to be ugly or short themselves, so.

Exactly, she literally just refuses more than 90% of the male population and then has the nerve to complain about it. Goes without saying that she would rope herself in any of our shoes.
whogivesafucc said:
Exactly, she literally just refuses more than 90% of the male population and then has the nerve to complain about it. Goes without saying that she would rope herself in any of our shoes.

I wonder how she would feel if she were in my place. I'm close to her height (She's 5'3", I'm 5'5" at most, maybe shorter), I have a huge, crooked nose, small frame, small hands, small feet. Not even lifting and getting a nice physique has saved me, even though I'm pretty ripped.

If guys treated her the same way girls treated me she would actually get depressed. I knew I was depressed about it until I spend a month tripping on mushrooms and ultimately decided that I don't give two shits about what women think of me anymore.
The best thing you can do in this situation is to positively reinforce her own doubts about herself. Agree with her when she says she's ugly. Let her know how disgustingly subhuman she looks to Chad.
Great post..gives insite to the typical female mind
Yeh good post.

But nice guys don't finish last? Do they?
Probably why we have so many dudes wanting to transition into women these days; being a woman is so much easier than being a man
Redpill Robert said:
Probably why we have so many dudes wanting to transition into women these days; being a woman is so much easier than being a man

Yeah lol. Everyone says they are mentally ill, and they are of course, but there is certainly a method to this madness.
flowerful said:
NGL being a girl legit sounds EZ as fuck

yep, you get everything handed to you on a silver platter

the most infuriating thing about having a sister is if they are stacey level. I can relate with you OP because ive got a stacey sister who is just like this. Id say shes a 7/10 to 8/10 who only goes for chad. Out of every boyfriend shes had not one of them have been average looking, they have all been highly attractive men. Recently though shes started the whole " all men are pigs", " why cant i have a man like dis in my life ( meme included) ", because she hasnt found chad again yet.
I couldn't care less if my "sister" died tomorrow, I hate that cunt. She's an evil, vapid, low iq stacy. That stupid bitch is a burden on me and my mom and her own innocent daughter. 

I fucking HATE that I'm busting my ass at work and don't make enough to move out so I'm forced to live here with that piece of human filth. I actually think most of you would either end up killing yourself or murdering this bitch if you lived with her.

Fuck family in general (except my mom), it's rare that they're any different than the strangers you see outside everyday.
Holy shit legendary thread.
Lol. Are you guys Asian? If so, the white worship is typical.
MY SISTER DID THE SAME SHIT. until she was 29.

but she finally caved and went on tinder. settled for a chad lite doctor who makes 300k a year. they are getting married next june.
From the incel point of view, it's sui fuel knowing that no girl is gonna care so much about you as your sister does for that Chad. Instead of losing her virginity, she is waiting for that one special Chad to deflower her. We will never have this.
And *we* are somehow labeled as entitled, lmao. Women refuse to settle for anything less than Chad.

universallyabhorred said:
just joking lol not actually saying you should do it.

Rape you sister after knocking her out with a baseball bat
Kill her by strangling her with a garrote
Remove her heart with a butcher knife
Dump the rest of her body in a lake
Take the heart to a witchdoctor
Eat the parts of it raw that he instructs during the ritual
End up becoming Chad within 24-72 hours
Start fucking sluts but make sure to perform the same ritual with every 3rd female you fuck so as to ensure you remain chad
Would you be willing to do this if it was guaranteed to make you chad?
This would make a good vampire-esque movie .
Yup, there it is. AWALT. Every femoid you’ve ever met is like that. Your sister, your mother, your grandmother... all of them. They’re all shallow cunts who only want chad and think they deserve him.

weservenomsg said:
MY SISTER DID THE SAME SHIT. until she was 29.

but she finally caved and went on tinder. settled for a chad lite doctor who makes 300k a year. they are getting married next june.


Come on WW3, end this shit.

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