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Serious I'm starting to lowkey resent Whites

Do you resent Whites for inceldom?

  • I'm White and I do.

    Votes: 5 19.2%
  • I'm Ethnic and I do.

    Votes: 9 34.6%
  • I'm White and I don't.

    Votes: 5 19.2%
  • I'm Ethnic and I don't.

    Votes: 4 15.4%
  • I'm "White" (Slavs, South Europeans) and I do.

    Votes: 1 3.8%
  • I'm "White" (Slav, South Europeans) and I don't.

    Votes: 2 7.7%

  • Total voters
Mods: this isn't racebait, and it should be in ID not the lounge, it's related to inceldom because inceldom itself was caused by Whites, I will demonstrate it, in case it's not common knowledge.

Sure Whites invented the modern world, the industrial revolution, have the biggest brain 1350cm3 or whatever, the more neurons (I don't have the sources but they exist and it's factual). No one is gonna deny that. Similarly no one is gonna deny that they are the best looking and tallest. This thread isn't about this.

This thread is about their fucking stupidity to:

- give their banks to the Jews and later complain that Jews have power
- mix with Jews and then complain that Jews have Euro phenotype and are hard to spot
- invade Judea and kill most but not all Jews (surely that's a hell of a good idea to not finish the job and leave future avengers there)
- give their technology to Asian countries by delocalizing and thus losing their autonomy and being subjugated to a global market (neoliberalism) and cucking themselves economically + improving the warfare capacity of potential enemy countries (ballistic missiles of China)
- same as above, give their rights to women - like, why?
- and then complain about feminism and the fact that male loneliness is rising and employers hire harems of whores instead of qualified males
- also complain about the fact that their buying power is a quarter of their forefathers and they can't afford property anymore unless they put themselves in debt for an entire lifetime
- as well as not being able to betabux anymore and have power in the household, leading the kid to have no stable family figure and becoming a tranny or whatever
- inventing the concept of divorce, which nullifies the one of marriage, which was supposed to be for life
- not only content to fuck up their own countries, they want to ruin the countries of others and spread feminism and neoliberalism everywhere, and if you resist they give you a blocus, bomb you, kill you, sanction you, annihilate you, all that as a crusade in the name of degeneracy
- colonize and neocolonize, they never give a break to foreign countries, France literally has a proxy currency (Franc CFA) in Africa which they somehow get money from, and when it isn't that, it's through oil companies, mining companies, like they can't leave you the fuck alone for fuck's sake
- allow immigration and then complain about it, and when you are in their country they treat you like a second class citizen and steal your women from you while still blaming you of whatever bad thing happens
- devise a plan to kill nigs in South Africa but pussy out and not implement it (Project Coast) despite having the support of their jewish overlords
- subsequently lose South Africa to dumb foreign Bantus and it becomes a shithole
- suck on the dick of Jews, of Blacks, of Women
- empower women as much as possible, create national dates for women, associations, publish their "books", display them on TV, literally go out of their way to put them on a pedestal, pay them even when they actually bankrupt societies, companies (Yahoo), households, planets, hold them to no standard at all, a freepass
- allow women to run in the street naked and it's not a crime, they don't arrest them (Femen) they can run around showing off their cunts and boobs and it's okay, but if I did that I'd be jailed
- etc.

Inb4 "muh jews". Guys you were already retarded before that, when Jews were still sandniggers and your dumb soy roman Emperor Constantin converted to Christianism, consequently annhilating all the wise and virile values of Pagan roman Pantheon and instead worshipping a loser hippie on a cross.

Now, if you hadn't fucked up the world, Muslims would still be peacefully fucking their wives and going to their Madrassas, Asians would be peacefully fucking their Geishas and training occasionally with their swords and martial arts, Blacks wouldn't have infested the entire world and would probably be extinct, Indians wouldn't be partitioned geographically and culturally and would still be peacefully trying to access higher worlds through their Chakras & whatnot, and bloodthirsty Hispanics wouldn't exist, native americans would be extinct.

Now your fertility rates (again, stupidity) range between 0 and 1.5 at best, and your population is approximately divided by two every two decades or so, leading inevitably to your future extinction. Are you happy? Whatever.
All civilizations decline and eventually rot before they finally die. Western civilization, defined by the white race, is no exception and is currently in the process of decay. Eventually, Western civilization will fall and a new civilization will emerge from the ruins, and then the cycle will begin anew.

As a white person, I don't see much future in our race and I don't care at this point as it was ultimately fate that led us here, but that hasn't stopped me from marveling at our golden age. At the end of the day, all I care about is the preservation of myself for the foreseeable future.
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Incredibly based post.
However inceldom would've existed even without any of this, every race has its chads and normies, subsequently incels are left out.

Thanks man.

No it wouldn't, that's the thing. Historically women had absolutely 0 power over men consequently had to resort to dating (marrying) a man, typically early in their life if they wanted to leave their parents, or they would turn an old maid, still living with her parents and bringing shame to her family. Also having kids was heavily encouraged and that was done with her husband, which would be the sole breadwinner and owner of the property, and divorce - if it even existed - was out of question in most cases. If you look at your parents, grandparents, they were married for life, and they married early, that's how it was before Whites (the superior race) annihilated mankind.

Society encouraged every man to have a position and afford a female and property, and adultery, fornication and staying single were frowned upon.
I don't agree with a lot of your views, but this was a based post. Especially, the invading other countries part. ( Don't agree with your slander of Christianity tho) @Made in Heaven
All civilizations decay and eventually rot before they finally die. Western civilization, defined by the white race, is no exception and is currently in the process of decay. Eventually, Western civilization will fall and a new civilization will emerge from the ruins, and then the cycle will begin anew.

As a white person, I don't see much future in our race and I don't care at this point as it was ultimately fate that led us here, but that hasn't stopped me from marveling at our golden age. At the end of the day, all I care about is the preservation of myself for the foreseeable future.

First bolded: this isn't so sure, the decay has been globalized thanks to colonization and transmission of technology and culture. I think it's the end for everyone on this planet.

Second bolded: and you're absolutely right, that's the only thing any man can do at the end of the day.
Incredibly based post.
However inceldom would've existed even without any of this, every race has its chads and normies, subsequently incels are left out.
And that's what I'm saying

And if other races had the IQ & means to do so, they would have done what Whites did, if not worse.

I'm just sick of all this anti-White shit here, all humans are trash at the end of the day.

"muh whitey caused all issues" jfl, literal Reddit logic & it doesn't mean we should be ok with what's going on.
It's not divide and conquer. I'm only stating truths I don't have a hidden agenda.
Everyone has an agenda, quit coping.
WorthlessSlavicShit for instance keeps talking constantly about the "SlavPill" and how Slavs are different culturally from the Westerners.
Yeah, but they're still European, still facing the same issues in a sense, and that difference is merely a socio-cultural one
For example he said in a thread if I recall correctly that Americans think that Eastern Europe is basically America in the East of Europe while not at all, he said. That most Slavs supposedly are self hating and see foreigners in better light than themselves etc. And many Slavs say they are discriminated against in the West.
So were the Irish in early America.

And btw, I'm actually sympathetic to them & see them as one of us, because this kind of infighting is stupid.
Reminder that Russians, Belarusians and Ukrainians write in Cyrillic, not even Latin alphabet. So that's for Slavs, they are so alienated apparently from the West that they form their own cluster. It's mostly a cultural distinction I think, but maybe there are also genetic aspects.
They are slightly drifted genetically, yes.

Also those languages have Indo-European roots
As for South Europeans they literally have North African/Middle Eastern DNA in them, thus consequently being at least partially non-White, but still of course majoritarily White, just like I'm still a sandnigger despite 15% European blood (I did a reliable genetic test a long time ago).
A small amount yes, and it's been there since the Iron-age.
By the way I should have added Jews too in that category.
It's funny that you accuse me of "divide & conquer" when it was actually White people, especially Anglo-Saxons, your own kind, that considered Italians for instance as non-White for a very long time throughout their history. And there were those infamous "no Italians" signs in some cafes, restaurants, etc.
Who cares about the past? we have bigger issues now.
Thanks man.

No it wouldn't, that's the thing. Historically women had absolutely 0 power over men consequently had to resort to dating (marrying) a man, typically early in their life if they wanted to leave their parents, or they would turn an old maid, still living with her parents and bringing shame to her family. Also having kids was heavily encouraged and that was done with her husband, which would be the sole breadwinner and owner of the property, and divorce - if it even existed - was out of question in most cases. If you look at your parents, grandparents, they were married for life, and they married early, that's how it was before Whites (the superior race) annihilated mankind.

Society encouraged every man to have a position and afford a female and property, and adultery, fornication and staying single were frowned upon.
You do realize European societies were once just as patriarchal, if not more?

Sick of this "muh whitey" caused all these issues, since it would have been the exact same had any other race achieved what we did.
All civilizations decline and eventually rot before they finally die. Western civilization, defined by the white race, is no exception and is currently in the process of decay. Eventually, Western civilization will fall and a new civilization will emerge from the ruins, and then the cycle will begin anew.

As a white person, I don't see much future in our race and I don't care at this point as it was ultimately fate that led us here, but that hasn't stopped me from marveling at our golden age. At the end of the day, all I care about is the preservation of myself for the foreseeable future.
I do somewhat agree, but blaming us for Inceldom like OP is doing is ludicrous

And the reason I care about White preservation, is because whilst most normies of our race are insufferable, they at least are more productive & contribute more than most non whites, also commit less crime.
I do somewhat agree with what you said, here, but it's just the dogmatic view of "muh whitey caused all this" or "muh whitey deserves this" which is what I have an issue with.

It's reductive, and just black & white thinking which neglects nuance.

Truth is, every race is just as vile & nasty as one another, albeit in differing manners & ways.

The only reason as to why Whites get blame, whilst MENA & Asiatic(mainly Mongol) violence is overlooked, is due to the fact that Whites were the only ones who had the potential to do what they did on a mass-scale

You claim you guys were "muh peaceful" meanwhile, reality:
According to the works of the Iranian historian Rashid al-Din (1247–1318), the Mongols killed more than 1,300,000 people in Merv and more than 1,747,000 in Nishapur. The total population of Persia may have dropped from 2,500,000 to 250,000 as a result of mass extermination and famine.

It is somewhat fair to blame Jews also, let's put it this way:
-Whites are the carpenters of civilization
-Jews are the termites who sneak into the cracks & subvert it

Had any other race achieved what Whites had, they would have done the same.

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I do somewhat agree with what you said, here, but it's just the dogmatic view of "muh whitey caused all this" or "muh whitey deserves this" which is what I have an issue with.

It's reductive, and just black & white thinking which neglects nuance.

Truth is, every race is just as vile & nasty as one another, albeit in differing manners & ways.

The only reason as to why Whites get blame, whilst MENA & Asiatic(mainly Mongol) violence is overlooked, is due to the fact that Whites were the only ones who had the potential to do what they did on a mass-scale

You claim you guys were "muh peaceful" meanwhile, reality:

It is somewhat fair to blame Jews also, let's put it this way:
-Whites are the carpenters of civilization
-Jews are the termites who sneak into the cracks & subvert it

Had any other race achieved what Whites had, they would have done the same.

Well said.
From what I've also read, many Asiatic societies are quite anti-sex in general & also have always been somewhat matriarchal, so that's another factor.
All civilizations decline and eventually rot before they finally die. Western civilization, defined by the white race, is no exception and is currently in the process of decay. Eventually, Western civilization will fall and a new civilization will emerge from the ruins, and then the cycle will begin anew.
I personally think that all will be left, will be 99% of the human population being either mixed, or curry, and they will be effectively enslaved by the 1% of Elites.
As a white person, I don't see much future in our race and I don't care at this point as it was ultimately fate that led us here,
I agree somewhat, but I addressed how the reasoning he had of "muh everyone was peaceful & inceldom wouldn't exist" above.

Everyone is shit by default of being humans, and in fact I'd say that other races would have been much more worse.

It's depressing seeing N. America & Europe turn into this also.
but that hasn't stopped me from marveling at our golden age.
At the end of the day, all I care about is the preservation of myself for the foreseeable future.
I agree, but I see that as tied to Whites still existing, since on average we have lower crime, more trust(compared with others), more contributing to society, etc.

And from my experience with ethnics irl, the normies of our race are much more tolerable.
I do somewhat agree with what you said, here, but it's just the dogmatic view of "muh whitey caused all this" or "muh whitey deserves this" which is what I have an issue with.

It's reductive, and just black & white thinking which neglects nuance.

Truth is, every race is just as vile & nasty as one another, albeit in differing manners & ways.

The only reason as to why Whites get blame, whilst MENA & Asiatic(mainly Mongol) violence is overlooked, is due to the fact that Whites were the only ones who had the potential to do what they did on a mass-scale

You claim you guys were "muh peaceful" meanwhile, reality:

It is somewhat fair to blame Jews also, let's put it this way:
-Whites are the carpenters of civilization
-Jews are the termites who sneak into the cracks & subvert it

Had any other race achieved what Whites had, they would have done the same.

To add on, Whites also developed penicillin & other advances in medicine, which ofc is beneficial for the overall human condition

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