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I'm starting to believe our problems are 90% autism

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Jan 10, 2018
Guilty as charged.

Burn victims get women.(I can probably find many cases)
3' tall imp midgets have attractive wives (Sean Stephenson)
Fat, short, ugly men have kids (my neighbor, I mentioned looks he laughed and said 100% not your problem, you look like a GQ model next to me). He said you see me, I had women in the past. He did say I notice how shy you are though, and always avoided talking to me.

Why are romance novels marketed to women, but generally porn is marketed to men (maybe now in the fucked up culture that may have changed). The market for women's porn 25 years ago was extremely niche, maybe 1 playgirl sold to 1000 other porn mags for men.

So, in many cases there are aspiecels, mentalcels, autistcels here.

Sure, it may not be easy, but maybe this is the first step, not giving a fuck. Keep plugging away.


I remember watching a pickup artist, a balding not so attractive guy. The way he looked at women right in the eye, engaged them, got their interest.  I even recently tried some techniques, I'm older too, and got a number.

I don't know if this stuff will work on 19yo club sluts, but maybe focus on finding  a decent girl that can be a wife?
Are you trolling?
/r/cucktears is that way
Cope, go back to TRP with your PUA bullshit. Also their are always exceptions to the rule. If we got this far as an incel it clearly means that looks is a contributing factor to our inceldom. The only exceptions are the obvious fakecels like gambler where autism was obviously the reason.
That is a 1 in a billion chance.
Yea and an ugly face so it doesn't matter
Virginp0wers said:
Cope, go back to TRP with your PUA bullshit. Also their are always exceptions to the rule. If we got this far as an incel it clearly means that looks is a contributing factor to our inceldom. The only exceptions are the obvious fakecels like gambler where autism was obviously the reason.
Yes I am mentally ill but not autistic
>I can cherry pick a bunch of cases incels BTFO XD

NYincel said:
He did say I notice how ugly you are though, and always avoided talking to me.
So many platitudes and cliches in one single post.
Those corner cases won't help ALL incels since supply/demand.
I'd say usually it's more closer to a 50/50 split
I picture most truecels as having the autistic framecel look which means they are right to blame their looks mainly, but it's actually the look that is correlated with the condition, not the other way around.

It's 100% personality in the end. A framecel with a normal brain dates young because he can handle rejection and gets over the bullying, then ends up developing more physically and mentally through the validation loop in life provided he keeps at it.

That's all in the brain. There are autistic chads who get laid occasionally based on their looks, but the reverse is much more common, and they LTR.

TLDR; PERSONALITY IS ALL THAT MATTERS. You are all autistic and obsessed with things that have no relevance on your lives.
You must be new here...
It's looks you fucking retard. I am one of the legitimate truecels who can provide that. I am PROOF it is all about looks. Get the fuck out of this forum, you cucktears faggot.
If you legit think its about being autistic then you're a fakecel and need to leave. Believe it or not some of uss here are the bottom 5-10% in appearance.
I'm ugly introvert. Hopeless combination. Both ugly extroverts and handsome introverts can get girls. I don't.
I'm with you on this 200%. You can have the looks of an actor or a 7/10 male model but a vast majority of women will immediately lose interest once they sniff out your social awkwardness or autism.
Speak for yourself, op. Women love my personality on Tinder when I'm Chad. Not when I'm me. 0 matches.
Lookismers are really taking over this forum.

I'm not hopeful for this forum's future.
Ryo_Hazuki said:
Lookismers are really taking over this forum.

I'm not hopeful for this forum's future.

Then ban the fucker, kick his ass off this site.

BTW, this is the same guy who supposedly got matches with St. Blackops2cel on Tinder. I do not trust this fucker at all.
mental_out said:
Not autistic at all and am particularly good at reading peoples expressions and moods. It's just useless when most of the time expressions directed at you are ones of disgust.

And while there are a few autistic incels *cough* gambler *cough*, I find most don't really exhibit autistic mentalities. In generally it requires a level of self awareness to realise you're incel that autistic people don't have, hence why inceltears seems to be populated by a lot of autistic incel whiteknights who lack the self awareness to realise what's causing their issues and just repeating what left wing feminists tell them.

Call it what you want... autism, socially inept, mentally ill, developmentally/emotionally stunted, it's the code word for people who are better looking than the truecels on here, but suffer from inceldomry all the same. It's a code word for not being connected to the world via social relations, working, and family.

I never intend to insult truly ugly people, but they aren't the only ones who don't get laid. It's dumb to think a man's ability to get a relationship rests entirely on a linear scale of his looks with a sprinkle of money and status mixed in. It's not easy to keep a relationship with a woman in 2018. Especially if you are out of the loop as you age.
i agree that autism/anxiety kills your SMV more than looks if severe enough but looks are fucking important too. and pua is red pill cope that does fuck all.
try to find a guy with disgusting acne scars with a cute girl and I'll believe you
There is a glimmer of truth to this in that being neurotypical matters and can make a huge difference. But looks really, really matters.
not_here_4_points said:
There is a glimmer of truth to this in that being neurotypical matters and can make a huge difference. But looks really, really matters.
Okay. Then I assume you have a convenient cure for autism then?

Wait, no? Okay then. We're still just as biologically fucked as before.
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