Bravo! You sir just understood the plan. Where the state is lacking, women value decreases exponentially. I have given this idea some more consistency, the target will be a small rural town (5k or less inhabitants) in the poorest areas of the North/Northeast of Brasil. Most of those places have no doctors, except from maybe one slave imported from Cuba or Paraguai. I know some so backwards and isolated that there isn't even internet. Almost no public services, etc. Some of those small towns are so desperate for medical personal that they are paying 100k (in dollars) for MDs straight out of school, with no residency or anything. There is also opportunity for contractors in engineering and other college level job, as long as you do not mind living in places with no sewer system. Then I will get a wife and some absurd number of kids as an act of primal rage against normiedom. Just need to cope some more years.