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Venting I'm so sick of seeing "DAE Trump bad?" posts on the front page of Reddit.

  • Thread starter Deleted member 24160
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Jfl at the fireworks in the back. You should remove default subs btw
Everything on reddit is for faggots and soys, same as twitter
I don't go on reddit, but I'm sick of the trump is daddy posts here
I don't go on reddit, but I'm sick of the trump is daddy posts here
I personally don't care about him but it's either him or Biden and we are screwed if Biden comes in.
I personally don't care about him but it's either him or Biden and we are screwed if Biden comes in.
No, nothing will change under either.
No, nothing will change under either.
I'm sure Biden would never try to get rid of "hate speech" online and have us hunted down and arrested. No sir, nothing ever happens.
I'm sure Biden would never try to get rid of "hate speech" online and have us hunted down and arrested. No sir, nothing ever happens.
Yes, that's extremely unrealistic and silly. Trump is more interested in the government controling and sanctioning the internet and private companies than Biden. Also

You sir, win the internet today!!
Yes, that's extremely unrealistic and silly. Trump is more interested in the government controling and sanctioning the internet and private companies than Biden. Also

You sir, win the internet today!!
In what ways has he been? Most of the time he's trying to make them less restricting even if it's just so he can speak.
In what ways has he been? Most of the time he's trying to make them less restricting even if it's just so he can speak.
You literally answered your own question
I said "less restricting".
Sitting the precedent of control over the internet is the issue. He could easily ban incel forums after a bullshit shooting so he can virtue signal, just like the pardoning susan B Anthony shit
Why am I even arguing with a kid
Sitting the precedent of control over the internet is the issue. He could easily ban incel forums after a bullshit shooting so he can virtue signal, just like the pardoning susan B Anthony shit
Why am I even arguing with a kid
Because you keep dipping out on every single conversation we have. And he could that's true.
I'd rather see Biden as POTUS.

OP somehow tries to conflate inceldom with American conservatism and is failing.
I'd rather see Biden as POTUS.

OP somehow tries to conflate inceldom with American conservatism and is failing.
Bro what. You really think he'd be a good choice for us and America at large?
I personally don't care about him but it's either him or Biden and we are screwed if Biden comes in.
JFL, burgercels are delusional as fuck, you're already fucked, best thing for you is if america goes into anarchy
Going after companies that censor speech and step way out of bounds to deplatform people (dailystormer) is a bad thing for free speech :feelstastyman::feelstastyman::feelstastyman:
Yes. Govermant having power over private companies is bad for free speech.
Government abusing it in the future
It's like you can answer your own question. In the future you won't even be able to start your own platform if the govermant has defacto control over it.

Look at parler. It gained massive popularity fast. But if it was the govermant doing the censoring then its over. They could take out this website too.
You can't start your own platforms now, because there are restrictions and it requires a lot of capital and the use of payment processors that collude with the big tech companies. The top ones work together to shut off competition like gab and promote each other.

If google wanted to shut this site down and went after them as hard as they did the dailystormer there is no way they would be able to get back online.

Government also has to protect free speech, it is in the constitution. If it comes to a point where they don't adhere to the 1st amendment then there would be nothing stopping them from seizing "private companies" and ordering them what to do anyway.

Also once again, private companies are totally abusing their power now and colluding with each other which is against the law and nobody does anything to them. So why should I give a shit if the government slaps down silicon valley when silicon valley is slapping me down now?
I'll be honest I didn't read
I'd rather see Biden as POTUS.

OP somehow tries to conflate inceldom with American conservatism and is failing.
American conservatives project onto others that they themselves want to do. They always play the victim, even when in power they act as if they have no control and are the ones being oppressed. I don't understand why they're trying to paint Biden as a communists. Lol I could see that play working against Bernie but biden? Do these cunts even know what a communist is or is it just to trigger the simpletons. The democratic party is further right on the political spectrum than even the British fuckin tory party. It hurts my head when they are perceived as some left wing agitators. They're for big business same as the repugs, not a lot will change when they're in power. The rest is all window dressing.
Yes, that's extremely unrealistic and silly. Trump is more interested in the government controling and sanctioning the internet and private companies than Biden. Also
The big tech companies (and mastercard and paypal) colluding to deplatform and censor speech being reigned in by anti-trust lawsuits, or being made into public utilities, protecting speech, is bad for free speech how exactly? Government abusing it in the future isn't any worse than it currently already is.

Governments forcing private platforms to host content that they'd rather not host is compelled speech...which is every bit just as serious as a violation of free expression.

Government also has to protect free speech, it is in the constitution. If it comes to a point where they don't adhere to the 1st amendment then there would be nothing stopping them from seizing "private companies" and ordering them what to do anyway.

Yes and no.

You clearly don't understand First Amendment jurisprudence. There's nothing in the federal constitution requiring the government to force providers of interactive computer services to draft content policies in line with the First Amendment. Nor does the federal constitution require that the First Amendment be protected on private property -- see Lloyd Corp. v. Tanner (1972).

However, state constitutions may provide more stringent protections of free speech on private property than the federal constitution -- see the case involving California in Pruneyard Shopping Center v. Robins (1980).

I highly doubt the executive could unilaterally choose to "seize private companies" and "order them what to do". It's quite frankly not possible to convert something as globalized as social media to a "public utility" owned by one particular government.

There are some pretty good, non-First Amendment reasons to look at the market power of companies like Facebook and Google, but it's clear that any comprehensive solution is going to require congressional involvement, as opposed to the Trump admin's toothless executive order and its dubious legal reasoning.
Reddit is a leftie circle jerk
You clearly didn't understand what I said. We were talking about a hypothetical if the government made the big social media sites into public utilities, in which case it would have to protect the 1st amendment. Not that it currently does.

Facebook, twitter, instagram, youtube, reddit are American companies.

And I'm saying that it would be very challenging for the government to do that.
Fakecel if you're on reddit still in 2020 lol
They did it to the phone companies and they broke up smaller companies for less than what google does.

You are not are the customer. Ad buyers are.

Considering that social media companies are largely in the business of selling personal data, how exactly do you propose breaking them up? Randomly split Facebook's userbase in half and assign some to one site and some to another? I suppose Facebook is an exception because they own multiple apps, but there's no realistic way to break apart Google, Reddit, Twitter, or Snapchat.

So you want to absorb them so they're a public utility? Good luck not causing an international incident when you hand over the personal data of 2.7 billion people to one particular government. And if social media companies are public utilities, does that mean that the government no longer has to obtain a warrant to access your data and devices?

These companies would just relocate the moment someone tries this. And it would backfire pretty hilariously.
Google is gmail, youtube, etc.

Reddit, twitter and snapchat wouldn't need to be split up.

They already comply with giving data to the US government.

They need a warrant to bug your phone, why wouldn't the same principle apply?

Yes, if they tried to just relocate it would backfire for them pretty hilariously. TikTok treatment.
All of Google's services are connected to one account, so no.

They do comply with giving metadata to the U.S. government; personal data still requires a warrant.

It would backfire on the White House. Nothing stops an American from accessing a website hosted elsewhere. Not unless you tried to force ISPs to implement a China-style Great Firewall, which the courts would frown on and would simply not be popular with the general public. Actually, try it. Fight a war of attrition with the biggest social media companies in the country and see how the public reacts in the next election cycle. This would just never happen because it'd be political suicide.
And how would this change if they made social media public utilities?

They would lose most of their traffic if they were banned like TikTok. 99% of their users are lazy normies that aren't going to circumnavigate bans, and would just use a different social media service.

If they were public utilities, they would be under far more pressure from other parts of the government to simply operate a policy of handing out personal data without a warrant, than a private entity would.

How would they lose most of their traffic if, short of ordering ISPs to ban them, they just connected to it as we connect to websites hosted elsewhere? Trump's ban merely prevents TikTok from receiving payments from U.S. entities; it doesn't prevent TikTok from receiving internet traffic from Americans. And like I've said, the courts would put a stop to any China-style firewall.

And even if you shut down all of these major platforms -- which exact services would normies switch to? As I said, it just wouldn't be politically or logistically feasible. Good luck convincing Americans to seal themselves off from apps and services that the rest of the world uses, like the Chinese.
Why are you even on reddit? Every sub that was enjoyable was banned (ex. MDE, braincels)
I'd rather see Biden as POTUS.

OP somehow tries to conflate inceldom with American conservatism and is failing.
That’s a cope dude. You want a black female as our president?
That’s a cope dude. You want a black female as our president?
Kamala is a cunt, you're right. But Trump's fucked up his handling of corona so badly :feelskek: :feelskek:

I believe even Internet is a public utility now.

Why was the USA banning TikTok a big deal? Did the normies say goodbye and post meltdowns over the banning or did they try to evade the ban and operate as usual?

Gab :feelsYall: and whatever else would rise up to fill the vacuum. But those companies would just comply.

You mean the world wide web?

Tiktok (and Wechat) are way smaller operations, and even then that didn't stop their users from filing a legal challenge.

The Trump admin doesn't stand a chance trying to do something as stupid as rewriting Twitter's content policy, all he can do is bitch and moan.
Kamala is a cunt, you're right. But Trump's fucked up his handling of corona so badly :feelskek: :feelskek:
I agree. They shouldn't have shut down at all. I think that was trumps plan originally, but congress and shit were like "NOOO WE MUST SHUT DOWN THE ECONOMY FOR A 99.6% SURVIVAL RATE VIRUS".

Kamala will be worse though. So will biden. They will usher in a new age of jewnited states like we have never seen. Total police state with no guns to speak of and border opening for all the 0 iq shitskins to ruin the nation
I agree. They shouldn't have shut down at all. I think that was trumps plan originally, but congress and shit were like "NOOO WE MUST SHUT DOWN THE ECONOMY FOR A 99.6% SURVIVAL RATE VIRUS".

Kamala will be worse though. So will biden. They will usher in a new age of jewnited states like we have never seen. Total police state with no guns to speak of and border opening for all the 0 iq shitskins to ruin the nation
Yea (((police))) are enabled by the Democrats and Republicans too tbh to harass low value men
I agree. They shouldn't have shut down at all. I think that was trumps plan originally, but congress and shit were like "NOOO WE MUST SHUT DOWN THE ECONOMY FOR A 99.6% SURVIVAL RATE VIRUS".

Kamala will be worse though. So will biden. They will usher in a new age of jewnited states like we have never seen. Total police state with no guns to speak of and border opening for all the 0 iq shitskins to ruin the nation

I personally think the best option at this point is Biden as POTUS and with the GOP controlling the Senate.

The U.S. has suffered a bigger economic hit than it needed to because it went into a partial instead of a full shutdown, and is still struggling to contain the virus JFL. While Europeans are taking summer vacations, burgercels literally can't fly anywhere except for a tiny handful of countries.
I'd rather see Biden as POTUS.

OP somehow tries to conflate inceldom with American conservatism and is failing.
Look I get that Trump isn’t good but you rlly think Biden is better and you realize it will be karmela not Biden right?

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