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Venting I'm so fucking ready to rope.

  • Thread starter Mongolianwizard
  • Start date


Think about it rationally.
Jul 4, 2018
Nothing is fun anymore. Video games aren't fun, anime isn't enjoyable. I have no artistic abilities and don't have the mental fortitude to code things. I want to express creativity so bad and I have no outlets. I have no outlets for anything. I just want to do something creative. I want to make things, and share them with others. I can't find enjoyment in anything. I've been trying so hard to enjoy things, and I can't. I don't know what went wrong or what changed.

I got a job. It's all I have to look forward to. I work 20 hours a week and the four hours I'm there each day are the best fucking days of my life because I get to distract myself from the fact that I have no talents or hobbies. And then I go home and browse imageboards and shit until it's time to go to bed. I hate this existence. It's meaningless and suffering.

What reason is there not to rope?

God just fucking kill me already. There's nothing to look forward to. Nothing to strive for. I have nothing, and I work for nothing. I'll go nowhere, and never be loved by anybody. Cucktears was right; I'm an example of darwanism. Being born into this was nothing more than a sick joke. All I want is a purpose.
At least you are an incel and not a cuck. That puts you above 99% of wageslaves out there.

I do have hobbies but I agree that life is overrated and it sucks overall. I will still keep getting better at my hobbies and fighting for men issues/my ideology.
At least you are an incel
God it's all I have fucking have. It does feel good being hole-wise. Every time I think it couldn't be worse I remember that I don't have to worry about some screeching harpy who doesn't love me (who would) cheating on me with Chad. Or making me buy her shit or whatever else.

Let me tell you lads: if a woman falls into your lap, reject her. Don't even pump and dump: she'll accuse you of rape anyways. Foids are bad news.

Some cucktears poster is probably going to screenshot this and correlate my loneliness and pessimism with "having a bad attitude" or whatever they call muhsoggyknees now. But this came about after years of bullying and mental health issues. I'm sorry for not being the happiest guy alive or whatever. It's almost like when you're harassed and abused by women your whole life you get angry at a repeating factor. But I guess I'm just an evil inkcel or whatever.
Thats where you're wrong boyo
Tell me lad, and tell me true. If I don't breed, then cucktears was right: I'm a genetic dead end. A defect. A glitch in the system that will die out and not reproduce. According to them, that's just natural selection.
Just get drunk/high and LDAR/shitpost. Inceldom is eternal pain and suffering, finding a good cope is pretty hard
why not go er
Nothing is fun anymore. Video games aren't fun, anime isn't enjoyable. I have no artistic abilities and don't have the mental fortitude to code things. I want to express creativity so bad and I have no outlets. I have no outlets for anything. I just want to do something creative. I want to make things, and share them with others. I can't find enjoyment in anything. I've been trying so hard to enjoy things, and I can't. I don't know what went wrong or what changed.

I got a job. It's all I have to look forward to. I work 20 hours a week and the four hours I'm there each day are the best fucking days of my life because I get to distract myself from the fact that I have no talents or hobbies. And then I go home and browse imageboards and shit until it's time to go to bed. I hate this existence. It's meaningless and suffering.

What reason is there not to rope?

God just fucking kill me already. There's nothing to look forward to. Nothing to strive for. I have nothing, and I work for nothing. I'll go nowhere, and never be loved by anybody. Cucktears was right; I'm an example of darwanism. Being born into this was nothing more than a sick joke. All I want is a purpose.
There are a trillion things you could do as incel, rope is the biggest cope.

I seem to think I don't have enough time for my ideas in this life.
Being born into this was nothing more than a sick joke.
No one wanted to be born, even less with inferior genes and lack of talents. Just like myself, an existential failure. :feelsbadman:

But, before roping, you need to find something that you enjoy even if you aren't good at it, for example I was always weak and never excelled in any sport, but I still do calisthenics, I progress very slowly compared to any other person (I managed to do a one pull up after half a year of training), but I do it because I like it.

But if you didn't found any cope to keep you alive, at least you can do othER things before dying.
I have no artistic abilities and don't have the mental fortitude to code things. I want to express creativity so bad and I have no outlets. I have no outlets for anything. I just want to do something creative. I want to make things, and share them with others.
Then do so.Learn to draw or or to make music.Nothing is stopping you,but yourself.I see this a lot on the forum,people who want self improvement like artistic abilities to happen on It's own.That's not how It works.Start drawing/making music or making YouTube videos,idk,whatever you want.You're going to be trash at something from the beginning,that's inevitable,but after a year of doing It,you're going to get good.

and as for coding.I'm a fucking retard and I'm still breezing trough HTML and CSS.
It's mostly about practise.

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