So, did you tell your doctor that your stomach hurt while you were on accutane?
"Just clean your fucking face with a rag in the shower before you clean any other part of your body, shop around and try different facial cleansers/exfoliates until you find one that works for you, and you WILL have to try a couple to find one that works. Wipe your mouth with a napkin after eating, try not to sleep on your face (this was a major cause of my acne because I like to sleep on my stomach) avoid stressful situations", You are massively fucking coping, and you made me a bit mad too. It doesn't work for EVERYONE. It mostly works for people with no persistant acne.. There's that acne that you can't get rid of, no matter how hard you try.. I legit dedicated 5 years of my life to the fucking acne, accutane was my last resort and I don't regret it one bit. I wish that was my first thing to take rather than shitty tropicals that ruined my skin.