On YouTube or other social media there will be chads or higher tier normies giving bullshit advice like “take a shower” “just be confident bro” “respect women” or other kind of stuff. It’s really irritating and annoys the fuck out of me. The one who gives advice aren’t what annoys me. The people who ACTUALLY believes this crap and send donation are what pisses me off. What’s even worse is when the adviser say that looks don’t mean everything. It’s very easy for them to say because they are good looking. How often does a poor man say money doesn’t mean everything? The fact they become famous and people love the stuff they shit hurts me.
I wouldn't say that look is everything. It's more like 3/4 of success. Rest is personality. If you are brutal, dominating thug then it really helps. I mean if you are 4/10 then it's over, but 6-7/10 nice normal dude can have a hard time nowadays, while at the other hand 7/10 thug will swim in pussy. Probably even if you are 5/10 but beat some dude without mercy then if females saw that, they would be wet for you, making a halo effect because of your action("hey that dude, looks hotter than I thought..."). No woman will ever be interested in you because I don't know you help Grandma cross road, but like I said evil brutal actions can help a little. I think there is actually a little bit room for improvement, if your face is already ~6/10 - gymcelling or at least bloatmaxxing, behaving in reckless evil ways etc.
Of course for many users here it doesn't matter for example I'm 30 years old oldcel, and in past I was working out in gym 3x in week for 3-4 years and what I archieved was very frail body to under average. I'm also naturally nice, and good guy although I learned to be assertive, domination and evil ways are not in my character. It's some sort of a joke when I think about it, I inherited bone structure from my mother and I would probably be a hot girl, but as a man I'm worthless. I would love also to just cook dinner, wash clothes etc as I like my home chores
P.S What glimmer of hope I can give you that if you are youngcel, then coping becomes easier. You finally understand it's over and "fuck it all" mindset is becoming easier and easier. For me struggle is over. I lost. It's actually somewhat comforting.