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Experiment I'm Leanmaxxing

Mr Joyboy

Mr Joyboy

I'm beyond emotions...
Feb 19, 2018
Not for any good reason, but as a member of the incels.is club for lost boys I'll obviously keep an eye out for any perceivable changes in female behaviour around me.

208.7 today (7 days in) on my way to ~180lbs, at which point I should have the abs.

I've been in real good shape before and girls didn't like me then, but hey, I'll push it farther this time.

For anyone who's interested, I'm just doing a basic bitch protein-sparing modified fast according to Lyle McDonald's prescriptions, which I've done before for prolonged periods (last time I got in shape) with no real physiological trouble aside from the psychological challenge.
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Good luck, man.
Thats nice, I will start getting lean in summer when the weather is better. I think Im at 16% or 17% body fat
My weight is already decent enough but I store most of my fat in my tummy and thighs because my fat distribution is subhuman so I want to fix that
209.4, appetite is in check, all systems go.
Get it bro. Being lean also is more comfortable in my opinion.
Same.I strted at 200.6 and now I've dropped down to 194.2 I'm aiming for 172.
Same.I strted at 200.6 and now I've dropped down to 194.2 I'm aiming for 172.
What sort of diet protocol are you using?
Get it bro. Being lean also is more comfortable in my opinion.
Indeed, I knew I was getting overporked when my belt buckle started digging into my increasingly prodigious gut.

For perspective, I'm 6'3'' and gonna go from a 27 bmi (217 lbs) to a 22.5 bmi (180lbs), though my end weight will be determined by my point of satisfaction with my appearance. Last time I was around 185 lbs I just *almost* had abs, so 180 seems like a reasonable target, though I think I might be more yolked now than I was before so who knows.

Thanks for the support, fellow positivecels.
What sort of diet protocol are you using?

Indeed, I knew I was getting overporked when my belt buckle started digging into my increasingly prodigious gut.

For perspective, I'm 6'3'' and gonna go from a 27 bmi (217 lbs) to a 22.5 bmi (180lbs), though my end weight will be determined by my point of satisfaction with my appearance. Last time I was around 185 lbs I just *almost* had abs, so 180 seems like a reasonable target, though I think I might be more yolked now than I was before so who knows.

Thanks for the support, fellow positivecels.
Yeah bro. I mean if you stay persistant it will definitely happen sooner than you'll even realize.
I started my PSMF 5 days ago.

Friendly reminder that Lyle recommends anyone who's reasonably lean (below 16-18% bf) does a 2-3 day refeed every 11-12 days. Preferably HCLF on a lifting/workout day. Prevents muscle wasting and diet fatigue.
Manlets on suicide watch
What sort of diet protocol are you using?.
Oat meal for breakfast,6 Meatballs made from horsemeat a for day,vegetables and some frozen forest fruits.Also some cardio
I started my PSMF 5 days ago.

Friendly reminder that Lyle recommends anyone who's reasonably lean (below 16-18% bf) does a 2-3 day refeed every 11-12 days. Preferably HCLF on a lifting/workout day. Prevents muscle wasting and diet fatigue.
Yes, I am woke to the 3 Categories and the attendant prescriptions. Last time I did it I transitioned from Category 2 to 3 at about 188 lbs, so still a ways to go and I'm on the 6/1 schedule for now.
1800 calories and still hungwy what do
1800 calories and still hungwy what do
Hunger is part of the game. Counter-intuitively, hunger will decrease the longer you go with calorie restriction, almost like your body gives up on complaining.

Caffeine, ephedrine, and nicotine are all decent appetite suppressants and are mildly thermogenic (maybe about 100cal a day combined).

If you're eating carbohydrates, eat them with your last meal of the day. Carbohydrate intake in the morning tends to stimulate the Ghrelin hormone, which spikes your appetite. You can avoid this by abstaining from carbohydrates until evening.

From personal experience, my level of hunger doesn't change with the size of my calorie deficit. If I'm 100 calories per day below maintenance, I'm just as hungry as when I'm about 1500 calories per day below maintenance, like I am now. This is why I diet hard to get it over with as soon as possible. 1800 is pretty substantial, maybe you could go lower, though you'd have to take special care if you're looking to preserve hypertrophied muscle.
Hunger is part of the game. Counter-intuitively, hunger will decrease the longer you go with calorie restriction, almost like your body gives up on complaining.

Caffeine, ephedrine, and nicotine are all decent appetite suppressants and are mildly thermogenic (maybe about 100cal a day combined).

If you're eating carbohydrates, eat them with your last meal of the day. Carbohydrate intake in the morning tends to stimulate the Ghrelin hormone, which spikes your appetite. You can avoid this by abstaining from carbohydrates until evening.

From personal experience, my level of hunger doesn't change with the size of my calorie deficit. If I'm 100 calories per day below maintenance, I'm just as hungry as when I'm about 1500 calories per day below maintenance, like I am now. This is why I diet hard to get it over with as soon as possible. 1800 is pretty substantial, maybe you could go lower, though you'd have to take special care if you're looking to preserve hypertrophied muscle.
This exactly. Don't give into the hunger while trying to lose weight.
1800 calories and still hungwy what do
Fibrous plant foods are very low-calorie compared to their satiety effect. Also drink a lot of water around your meals. I went straight from 2200+ daily calories to 1000-1200 and am not suffering much huger-wise because of all the protein, water, and fibrous plants. Actual calories consumed has very little effect on how hungry you are. If you don't believe me, try eating 1000 calories of raw spinach, then 1000 calories of cheesecake, and see if they fill you up the same.
Fibrous plant foods are very low-calorie compared to their satiety effect. Also drink a lot of water around your meals. I went straight from 2200+ daily calories to 1000-1200 and am not suffering much huger-wise because of all the protein, water, and fibrous plants. Actual calories consumed has very little effect on how hungry you are. If you don't believe me, try eating 1000 calories of raw spinach, then 1000 calories of cheesecake, and see if they fill you up the same.
Tbh when I'm dieting my food selection is pretty inglorious, and if I'm very hungry I find eating the next meal of eggwhites or plain tuna helps me say "you know what eating isn't all it's cracked up to be" hahaha.
I'm already starting to see the beginnings of abs. PSMF is legit.
Oh, I thought you were talking about:

206.6 muddafuckas.
Im so fucking lazyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Im so fucking lazyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Are you toying with the idea of getting in shape but feeling you lack the energy?

Working out of course takes some motivation, but you can follow a diet and get too a good bmi without ever getting off the couch.
Are you toying with the idea of getting in shape but feeling you lack the energy?

Working out of course takes some motivation, but you can follow a diet and get too a good bmi without ever getting off the couch.
I need to lean down because I have achieved some nice numbers on B/S/D and OHP.

But tbh i need to cut down.
I need to lean down because I have achieved some nice numbers on B/S/D and OHP.

But tbh i need to cut down.
Calorie counting gets pretty easy once you get the hang of it. The first time I got leaned down I'd been a chubster my whole life (while gymcelling), and it seemed like an impossible task. Once I saw the scale going down day by day and seeing my body look good in ways it never did before I found my motivation built like a tidal wave.

Low key He-man "I HAVE THE POWER" feelings of controlling my material existence.
Calorie counting gets pretty easy once you get the hang of it. The first time I got leaned down I'd been a chubster my whole life (while gymcelling), and it seemed like an impossible task. Once I saw the scale going down day by day and seeing my body look good in ways it never did before I found my motivation built like a tidal wave.

Low key He-man "I HAVE THE POWER" feelings of controlling my material existence.
To be fair I need to learn how to eye my food. I cant always use myfitnesspal tbh.

Yes, I need to lean down to get my WPU up too.

Tbh how is your progress looking?
Good luck in your endeavors but I'm afraid face matters mo... no, forget it, I will just say something positive this time :)
To be fair I need to learn how to eye my food. I cant always use myfitnesspal tbh.

Yes, I need to lean down to get my WPU up too.

Tbh how is your progress looking?
I never liked "eyeing" food, for peace of mind I've always used the measuring cups and a food scale so I know for sure I was doing things right. That way when I see the bodyweight scale readings fluctuate with hydration and stomach content I don't freak out.

My body stores fat disproportionately in my lower abdomen, back, and chest, so I'm seeing my muscular shape getting clearer there. My arms and legs were already comparatively "lean", but the veins are starting to stand out more when I'm working out.

I get almost 100% of my daily food from a shake of protein-powder+egg whites when I'm doing this diet, which makes my waist pull in a lot from never getting stretched by food, so I'm two notches in on my belt from where I started.

I'll probably poast physique when I cross the 200-barrier.
Good luck in your endeavors but I'm afraid face matters mo... no, forget it, I will just say something positive this time :)
That's the way. This forum needs less moping and more affirmative coping!
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My body stores fat disproportionately in my lower abdomen, back, and chest, so I'm seeing my muscular shape getting clearer there. My arms and legs were already comparatively "lean", but the veins are starting to stand out more when I'm working out.

I get almost 100% of my daily food from a shake of protein-powder+egg whites when I'm doing this diet, which makes my waist pull in a lot from never getting stretched by food, so I'm two notches in on my belt from where I started.

I'll probably poast physique when I cross the 200-barrier.
Fuck. I am 225 right now. I defo need to drop around 20 as I have a decent enough base, nothing crazy though.
Alright, half way through the month, slogging it out.

This is pretty good progress, on Feb 1st I'd already been dieting for a few days (217 initial weight) so I'd already shit out residual food matter and depleted glycogen, so 213.5-206.5 in 2 weeks is satisfactory.
I'm leanmaxxing too, it's the best kind of looksmaxxing for skinnyfat and fat cels.
I'm currently 5'11.5" 180.5lbs, 21-25% body fat with some muscle. I'm going to lose 25lbs which will hopefully get me to 12% body fat.
Calorie counting gets pretty easy once you get the hang of it. The first time I got leaned down I'd been a chubster my whole life (while gymcelling), and it seemed like an impossible task. Once I saw the scale going down day by day and seeing my body look good in ways it never did before I found my motivation built like a tidal wave.

Low key He-man "I HAVE THE POWER" feelings of controlling my material existence.
What do you think of 500kcal deficit on lifting days and 800kcal deficit on cardio days so overall 650kcal deficit? This way I'd be eating 1900-2000kcal a day. Will I lose muscle and strength gains if I eat at least 130g of protein? The reason for 500kcal deficit on lifting days is because I'm very hungry after lifting. On cardio days I could probably endure 1000+kcal deficit no problem.

I lift 3 times a week and do cardio on days I don't lift.
I've made some nice strength and muscle gains during my on and off cutting, but mostly stagnating weight. I don't want to lose it all before summer.
I'm 180lbs 21-25% bodyfat, 182cm. I'm not sure about my exact body fat%, I'm just guessing.
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I'm leanmaxxing too, it's the best kind of looksmaxxing for skinnyfat and fat cels.
I'm currently 5'11.5" 180.5lbs, 21-25% body fat with some muscle. I'm going to lose 25lbs which will hopefully get me to 12% body fat.

What do you think of 500kcal deficit on lifting days and 800kcal deficit on cardio days so overall 650kcal deficit? This way I'd be eating 1900-2000kcal a day. Will I lose muscle and strength gains if I eat at least 130g of protein? The reason for 500kcal deficit on lifting days is because I'm very hungry after lifting. On cardio days I could probably endure 1000+kcal deficit no problem.

I lift 3 times a week and do cardio on days I don't lift.
I've made some nice strength and muscle gains during my on and off cutting, but mostly stagnating weight. I don't want to lose it all before summer.
I'm 180lbs 21-25% bodyfat, 182cm. I'm not sure about my exact body fat%, I'm just guessing.
Good for you!

Of course, a calorie defecit week-over-week will work regardless of structure. In my opinion, the diet doesn't need to change on days you work out, as weightlifting itself doesn't use very much energy (maybe 200cal for normal sized bodies like ours, even with a hard work out) and muscles recover over the course of many days anyway. You may subjectively *feel* better eating a little more on weightlifting days though, so it's personal preference. Furthermore, sufficient daily intake of protein will cover your post-workout muscle protein synthesis regardless of total caloric intake.

So long as you're eating an appropriate amount of protein each day, your muscles won't waste away, so don't get neurotic about it. When you diet, reduce the *volume* of training, but maintain the *intensity*. I work out 2 days a week, doing approximately 2 sets per muscle per week, and I'm still able to perform close-to-maximal lifts week after week.

I'll also add, don't be scared to lose more weight than you thought you would. When I first got lean, I was about 220+, and thought that I'd look pretty good at 200, being 6'3'' and all. It turned out that I didn't start getting a good look til I was in the 180s. The human body has a lot of surface area and even when you don't look that fat there's a lot to dig out!
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Good for you!

Of course, a calorie defecit week-over-week will work regardless of structure. In my opinion, the diet doesn't need to change on days you work out, as weightlifting itself doesn't use very much energy (maybe 200cal for normal sized bodies like ours, even with a hard work out) and muscles recover over the course of many days anyway. You may subjectively *feel* better eating a little more on weightlifting days though, so it's personal preference. Furthermore, sufficient daily intake of protein will cover your post-workout muscle protein synthesis regardless of total caloric intake.

So long as you're eating an appropriate amount of protein each day, your muscles won't waste away, so don't get neurotic about it. When you diet, reduce the *volume* of training, but maintain the *intensity*. I work out 2 days a week, doing approximately 2 sets per muscle per week, and I'm still able to perform close-to-maximal lifts week after week.

I'll also add, don't be scared to lose more weight than you thought you would. When I first got lean, I was about 220+, and thought that I'd look pretty good at 200, being 6'3'' and all. It turned out that I didn't start getting a good look til I was in the 180s. The human body has a lot of surface area and even when you don't look that fat there's a lot to dig out!
Yeah, I know lifting doesn't burn many calories, but it's so much harder than cardio for me and it leaves me very hungry whereas cardio kind of kills my hunger for the next few hours. It sometimes feels like I've burned a thousand calories even though I know it's 150-300 at best.
I lift a lot, though, volume wise at least. I just feel like it works for me and I kind of like long workouts. My workouts last 90 minutes, sometimes 120 minutes (3-4 min rest between sets.)

I do 8-12 reps on pretty much everything, even up to 15-20 on certain isolation exercises like delts for example. I've noticed a decent increase in musculature/size on my chest, arms and lats. It's still covered with quite a bit of fat, though.

I know I should probably do 5 reps and more weight, but I don't know, I like the way I workout now. I'm till gaining strength consistently.

I definitely understand what you mean about weight. I think after losing 25lbs I'll feel and look much better. I'm hoping I'll be at least 13-14% body fat at 155lbs, but if I'm not and still look flabby and with a bloated face I'll lose some more. I don't feel comfortable going below 150lbs, but if that's what it takes I'll do it. I might even try a slow recomp at 155lbs.
Just did 11 days of fasting and am on day 1 out of 2 of my first refeed. I can already tell the difference on my face. Flank fat has noticeably deflated. More vasculatiry in the arms, especially below the elbow. My strength is even going up despite the severe deficit, probably due to muscle memory. Overall very good. Fast weight loss beats slow weight loss every single time.

I had a few meals this week where I really ate like a pig, so my weight fluctuated a lot, but the beat goes on. I'm also due for a titanic shit for the same reason so I should be back on a good pace soon.
Leanmaxxing is fixing my brain. My inner simp is getting starved to death. I have no desire to go out with or even speak with a foid. Their voices are infuriating. They could all die in a violent car crash and I would laugh.
Leanmaxxing is fixing my brain.

I have no desire to go out with or even speak with a foid.

Their voices are infuriating.

They could all die in a violent car crash and I would laugh.

Uh huh...

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