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RageFuel I'm gonna be honest here, I'd rather be volcel than fuck a non-virgin. It is quite literally the ultimate cuck.



Rotting collegecel. Women hate me for existing.
Nov 7, 2017
It's not like I ever stood a chance anyways, so technically I'm not volcel.

But think about this in a clear picture, if you ever get the chance to date a girl who already fucked a dude, chances are that she's thinking about him, especially if your dick is smaller, if you're shorter, if you're poorer, and if you're worse looking than the last guy she dated. Not only that, if you have sex with her, you are actively agreeing to fuck a hole that her last boyfriend (and most likely 10+ more) already came in or at least stuck their dick in. When you are kissing her, you are kissing where another man's cum was, and that's fucking nasty. Would you buy a used fleshlight even though it's thoroughly cleaned? Not me, lmao.

Not to mention, YOU aren't the one to take her virginity and SHE already had partners, so the "emotional connection" here is meaningless and nonexistent. Knowing itself that you aren't her first is one of the most painful things to deal with. Knowing that she had a guy in her life who pleased her more than you ever will, and despite knowing this and sticking with it, is the ultimate cuck.
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Knowing that she had a guy in her life who pleased her more than you ever will, and despite knowing this, sticking with it, is the ultimate cuck.
Fucking one is fine. Dating one and especially marrying one is cucked beyond belief.
It's not like I ever stood a chance anyways, so technically I'm not volcel.

But think about this in a clear picture, if you ever get the chance to date a girl who already fucked a dude, chances are that she's thinking about him, especially if your dick is smaller, if you're shorter, if you're poorer, and if you're worse looking than the last guy she dated. Not only that, if you have sex with her, you are actively agreeing to fuck a hole that her last boyfriend (and most likely 10+ more) already came in or at least stuck their dick in. When you are kissing her, you are kissing where another man's cum was, and that's fucking nasty. Would you buy a used fleshlight even though it's thoroughly cleaned? Not me, lmao.

Not to mention, YOU aren't the one to take her virginity and SHE already had partners, so the "emotional connection" here is meaningless and nonexistent. Knowing itself that you aren't her first is one of the most painful things to deal with. Knowing that she had a guy in her life who pleased her more than you ever will, and despite knowing this, sticking with it, is the ultimate cuck.
High IQ

but tbh for one night stands it is ok but nowhere near as fun

but still

imagine being in a relationship with used up goods
Don't care I just want pussy
There's a happy medium to be sought. I wouldn't want to be with the local bike, but ruling out women who aren't virgins is completely unrealistic as it automatically excludes the vast majority of them.
High IQ, OP. Virgin marriage or cuckoldry, no exceptions.
ruling out women who aren't virgins is completely unrealistic as it automatically excludes the vast majority of them.
Then so be it.
The absolute state of tallfags on this forum
Fuck this gay Earth, manlets are only here to suffer
The absolute state of tallfags on this forum
Fuck this gay Earth, manlets are only here to suffer
I've never stood a chance. I have never had any positive romantic interaction with foids. I, like the rest of this forum, can choose because we really can't anyways.
Sorry to say your chances of ever ascending exclusively with a Virgin are next to zero. But u make some great points especially the used fleshlight one.
I'm gonna be honest here, I'd rather be volcel than fuck a non-mammal animal.
Would you buy a used fleshlight even though it's thoroughly cleaned? Not me, lmao.
Well, if I were open to this, I think I would want to personally clean it out myself first, and I think I would also want to know whether or not the previous user had any STDs.

Scientifically speaking, we're probably at greater risk using our own fleshlights if improperly cleaned, than using other guys' fleshlights if properly cleaned.

But if they had an STD of any sort, I would probably be too paranoid to use it no matter how well I cleaned it. So I think you would want an STD test result from someone dated AFTER the moment of transfer before using.
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as you said it's a pointless thing to ponder about.it's just simply over
Its gay af

Another dicks been in there. That means there's dick traces and your rubbing your cock on those dick traces. You're basically rubbing cock with another guy.
This whole belief that emotional connection is impossible with a non-virgin is based in what? It's a common belief here but no one here likely has any idea...because they're incel....so it all seems like an unproven theory to me.
A huge problem I do have is women who have had ons which is practically every woman out there. The ones who dont are pretty much chad only anyway.

I always feel like theyre just walking cumdumpsters. Its so disgusting. If I would ever experience this side I would still think the same about them. There are some posts by slayers online were theyre talking about how disgusted they are by this side of women.

The pure women are non attainable for non chads while the others are as disgusting as public toilets.
This whole belief that emotional connection is impossible with a non-virgin is based in what? It's a common belief here but no one here likely has any idea...because they're incel....so it all seems like an unproven theory to me.
JoinedOct 2, 2019

Quote me and I'll post some scientific evidence behind this.
I see your point otaku-san
I would take a non-virgin as a GF because a virgin is impossible to find, especially in my age range. Not that it matters sincr literally no female would give me the time of day.
It's not like I ever stood a chance anyways, so technically I'm not volcel.

But think about this in a clear picture, if you ever get the chance to date a girl who already fucked a dude, chances are that she's thinking about him, especially if your dick is smaller, if you're shorter, if you're poorer, and if you're worse looking than the last guy she dated. Not only that, if you have sex with her, you are actively agreeing to fuck a hole that her last boyfriend (and most likely 10+ more) already came in or at least stuck their dick in. When you are kissing her, you are kissing where another man's cum was, and that's fucking nasty. Would you buy a used fleshlight even though it's thoroughly cleaned? Not me, lmao.

Not to mention, YOU aren't the one to take her virginity and SHE already had partners, so the "emotional connection" here is meaningless and nonexistent. Knowing itself that you aren't her first is one of the most painful things to deal with. Knowing that she had a guy in her life who pleased her more than you ever will, and despite knowing this and sticking with it, is the ultimate cuck.
Based and blackpilled. Very woke.
There's a happy medium to be sought. I wouldn't want to be with the local bike, but ruling out women who aren't virgins is completely unrealistic as it automatically excludes the vast majority of them.

OP I'm fine either way, it's your preference and I'm not going to judge
Its gay af

Another dicks been in there. That means there's dick traces and your rubbing your cock on those dick traces. You're basically rubbing cock with another guy.
Massive Fucking Cope
This is some high tier GigaCope, we all know if a non-virgin stacy tier girl wanted to date you, you would accept just like basically everyone on this forum.
yeah, that's why we need forced marriages, slut shame, etc...
It is quite literally the ultimate cuck.

No, having a daughter is.
Me too but sometimes im willing to fuck any girl on earth because im just too damn honry
It's not like I ever stood a chance anyways, so technically I'm not volcel.

But think about this in a clear picture, if you ever get the chance to date a girl who already fucked a dude, chances are that she's thinking about him, especially if your dick is smaller, if you're shorter, if you're poorer, and if you're worse looking than the last guy she dated. Not only that, if you have sex with her, you are actively agreeing to fuck a hole that her last boyfriend (and most likely 10+ more) already came in or at least stuck their dick in. When you are kissing her, you are kissing where another man's cum was, and that's fucking nasty. Would you buy a used fleshlight even though it's thoroughly cleaned? Not me, lmao.

Not to mention, YOU aren't the one to take her virginity and SHE already had partners, so the "emotional connection" here is meaningless and nonexistent. Knowing itself that you aren't her first is one of the most painful things to deal with. Knowing that she had a guy in her life who pleased her more than you ever will, and despite knowing this and sticking with it, is the ultimate cuck.

Its like the concept of just fucking a bitch is completely foreign to you, you don't have to marry every whore you fuck you know, so it doesn't matter if a whore is a virgin, I'd understand your point if you are talking exclusively about marriage, but the wording of your thread makes it seem like you are talking about sex period
I would take a non-virgin as a GF because a virgin is impossible to find, especially in my age range. Not that it matters sincr literally no female would give me the time of day.
Better no GF than non virgins
Its like the concept of just fucking a bitch is completely foreign to you, you don't have to marry every whore you fuck you know, so it doesn't matter if a whore is a virgin, I'd understand your point if you are talking exclusively about marriage, but the wording of your thread makes it seem like you are talking about sex period
Only time it's worth marrying non virgin if she is rich and use her up for her $$$.
I'd appreciate that, thanks
Source 1: https://dailystormer.name/study-mar...-casual-sex-was-okay-before-they-got-married/

Source 2: https://ifstudies.org/blog/counteri...-between-premarital-sex-and-marital-stability

Source 3: https://www.studyfinds.org/ones-pre...ex-can-jeopardize-their-marriage-study-finds/

Researchers from Florida State University investigated several factors likely to lead to a marriage’s ultimate success or failure, and identified pre-marital beliefs and behaviors pertaining to uncommitted sex as a major red flag indicating a marriage is not so likely to last. “
Marital satisfaction generally declines over time,” says Juliana French, the study’s first author, in a statement to the Association for Psychological Science. “But what we’ve found is that when, prior to their marriage, one or both spouses hold generalized beliefs that uncommitted sex is okay, that can contribute to the failure of a marriage.”

You may be familiar with studies looking at the relationship between the number of women’s premarital sexual partners and the likelihood of their marriages failing, but this study is also looking at the beliefs about casual sex held by both spouses before getting married. After finishing their analysis, the study’s authors discovered that people who had expressed “unrestricted sociosexual” behaviors, tendencies, and beliefs, such as a propensity for one night stands, before getting married were less satisfied at the start of their marriages. Furthermore, people whose marital partners had been “unrestricted” prior to getting married experienced a rapid decline in marital satisfaction over the first few years of being married. In both cases, this dissatisfaction accurately predicted a greater chance of divorce or separation. "

Furthermore: Graphs highlighting that the more sexual partners a woman has had, the more likely she is to be unhappy with the marriage and for it to result in divorce:

Source 4:

Source 5:

Source 6: http://newsreleases.uiowa.edu/2011/june/061411paik_study.html

Source 7 (**Explicitly highlights my point**): https://i.redd.it/3xokau6l8vf11.jpg .

How past sexual experience affects people’s marriages http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1741-3737.2003.00444.x/abstract • Using nationally representative data from the 1995 National Survey of Family Growth, I estimate the association between intimate premarital relationships (premarital sex and premarital cohabitation) and subsequent marital dissolution.

I extend previous research by considering relationship histories pertaining to both premarital sex and premarital cohabitation. I find that premarital sex or premarital cohabitation that is limited to a woman's husband is not associated with an elevated risk of marital disruption. However, women who have more than one intimate premarital relationship have an increased risk of marital dissolution.

https://ifstudies.org/blog/counteri...-between-premarital-sex-and-marital-stability Lower numbers of sexual partners before marriage results in happier, more stable marriages and lives.

https://www.jstor.org/stable/3600089?seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents https://ifstudies.org/blog/counteri...-between-premarital-sex-and-marital-stability
The more sexual partners before marriage a woman has the more likely she is to divorce.

For women, the more sexual partners they have before marriage the less likely they are to be satisfied in marriage. For men, there is no difference.


The higher the number of sexual partners the higher the chances of divorce. http://www.nber.org/papers/w10499

Having one sexual partner results in the highest level of sexual satisfaction and happiness.


The higher the number of sexual partners the less satisfactory the married life.

From all this, we can infer that dating a virgin leads to the biggest chance of success.
What if you were the first kiss and fuck of another girl?
When you are kissing her, you are kissing where another man's cum was, and that's fucking nasty.
Just don't kiss, then. Like with whores.

In fact, just treat all women like whores. Don't fall in love, don't kiss and always wear a condom.
the amount of coping here is too strong. If a stacy non-virgin slut went on her knees and begged you to fuck her (hypothetical of course), you wouldn't even hesitate to fuck her.

Besides, you're an incel, dont act like you have a choice in relation to who you want to fuck, realistically you would pounce on any reasonable opportunity to fuck a decent looking chick (virgin or not). Beggars cant be choosers.
It's not like I ever stood a chance anyways, so technically I'm not volcel.

But think about this in a clear picture, if you ever get the chance to date a girl who already fucked a dude, chances are that she's thinking about him, especially if your dick is smaller, if you're shorter, if you're poorer, and if you're worse looking than the last guy she dated. Not only that, if you have sex with her, you are actively agreeing to fuck a hole that her last boyfriend (and most likely 10+ more) already came in or at least stuck their dick in. When you are kissing her, you are kissing where another man's cum was, and that's fucking nasty. Would you buy a used fleshlight even though it's thoroughly cleaned? Not me, lmao.

Not to mention, YOU aren't the one to take her virginity and SHE already had partners, so the "emotional connection" here is meaningless and nonexistent. Knowing itself that you aren't her first is one of the most painful things to deal with. Knowing that she had a guy in her life who pleased her more than you ever will, and despite knowing this and sticking with it, is the ultimate cuck.
No. What's cucked is YOU believing what a foid thinks or wants matters. What's cucked is you prioritising her orgasm over your value as a male. Or even a fuckin human being... This thread is your id speaking not you as an BP'd incel.
the amount of coping here is too strong. If a stacy non-virgin slut went on her knees and begged you to fuck her (hypothetical of course), you wouldn't even hesitate to fuck her.

And after a few days they'd probably be the ones on their knees, begging for a second round.
What's cucked is YOU believing what a foid thinks or wants matters. What's cucked is you prioritising her orgasm over your value as a male.

Thinking female pleasure should matter is bluepilled AF.

I'm happy if she just let me do my thing without complaining.
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I just want to fuck a women that wants me back as long as she's not a disgusting roastie is fine by me it will never happen tho :cryfeels:
Foid virgins don't exist

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