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I'm Going To Tell My Oneitis How I Feel About Her



Mar 25, 2018
I'm gonna send her "I miss you so much" bitmoji and then call her and tell her how I've loved her this entire time and my biggest regret is not being straight forward with her and telling her how I felt about her earlier. I know in all likelihood it won't work but I don't see what I have to lose at this point. Who knows maybe a miracle might happen- I won't know if I don't try.
is this a parody account of me?
i hope it goes well but you are commiting social suicide so i hope you're read
Maybe just ask her out and see what she says, telling her you love her will put her on the spot and be too much pressure. Say something like "I've thought of you today for (make up a story) and I wanted to see if you were down to get a jamba juice and maybe something more"
Femoids don't like it if you straight up tell them you love them (unless you are Chad of course, then you can pretty much say whatever the fuck you want). Probably just see if she wants to go out and if it goes well then you can go from there.
the chances are low but if you are low inhib to go through with it then good luck
Good luck, OP.
tell us what happens
dont do it.... unless ur chad
Don't be a cuck, if it doesn't go to bed by itself, that mean you're not attractive enough. I made a mistake of talking this shit in her face, that's not how love works.
Femoids don't like it if you straight up tell them you love them (unless you are Chad of course, then you can pretty much say whatever the fuck you want). Probably just see if she wants to go out and if it goes well then you can go from there.
Don't tell her the truth about the depth of your feeling upfront. Never works, just frightens them and puts on too much expectation. I've been there done it. You cannot let her know she's your oneitis. Tell her you like her at most then after, if you're up to it, make her jealous somehow by hanging out with a different girl. She will then contact you and that's when you ask her out.
Don't tell her the truth about the depth of your feeling upfront. Never works, just frightens them and puts on too much expectation. I've been there done it. You cannot let her know she's your oneitis. Tell her you like her at most then after, if you're up to it, make her jealous somehow by hanging out with a different girl. She will then contact you and that's when you ask her out.
Tell the truth = lower your sexual market value
Why go 0-100 mp/h like that? Maybe just gradually come on like a normal person and she how she responds.
Alright, just give us a warning before you go ER.
I'm gonna send her "I miss you so much" bitmoji and then call her and tell her how I've loved her this entire time and my biggest regret is not being straight forward with her and telling her how I felt about her earlier. I know in all likelihood it won't work but I don't see what I have to lose at this point. Who knows maybe a miracle might happen- I won't know if I don't try.
So how did it go? Did you decide to stay here?
OP give us a field report
I've done this 2 times and didn't work, hope it works for you
I'm gonna send her "I miss you so much" bitmoji and then call her and tell her how I've loved her this entire time and my biggest regret is not being straight forward with her and telling her how I felt about her earlier. I know in all likelihood it won't work but I don't see what I have to lose at this point. Who knows maybe a miracle might happen- I won't know if I don't try.
Good luck. I don’t recommend using emojis
Make her day bro, do a dance for her she will love it

How dare you think you deserve me?
Report back how awkward it was and how she rejected\ghosted you afterwards.
confessing your love to her seems like bad idea but ok

How dare you think you deserve me?

Another reason for blackpill to be considered as good. All those rituals are so cuck, fuck, i'm disguisted with them deeply.
Another reason for blackpill to be considered as good. All those rituals are so cuck, fuck, i'm disguisted with them deeply.
Cringey AF watching these betas delude themselves into thinking most women aren't just fuck toys.
I did this once. Save the embarrassment
Instead of making a big show of it. Why not just ask her out normally? Kiddos watch too much movies.
I don't see what I have to lose at this point. Who knows maybe a miracle might happen- I won't know if I don't try.
were youthislife's last words before tragically ending his own life due to the unfortunate crushing pain of being rejected
This will not end well. Maybe incels who want to sui should try this first and then off themselves and hope their oneitis feels guilt for the rest of her life?
Just called her and she didn't pickup. left her a voicemail but didn't talk about how I love her. felt over voicemail just isn't the right time and place for that. . Should I wait for her to call back or just go ahead and text her that I miss her now?
Just called her and she didn't pickup. left her a voicemail but didn't talk about how I love her. felt over voicemail just isn't the right time and place for that. . Should I wait for her to call back or just go ahead and text her that I miss her now?
Text her that you miss her , do not wait
Just called her and she didn't pickup. left her a voicemail but didn't talk about how I love her. felt over voicemail just isn't the right time and place for that. . Should I wait for her to call back or just go ahead and text her that I miss her now?
If you do it now you look like a cuck

Just wait for response
If you do it now you look like a cuck

Just wait for response

And of course no response. Can't take getting ghosted anymore. Rather get spit in my face than get ghosted.
Just called her and she didn't pickup. left her a voicemail but didn't talk about how I love her. felt over voicemail just isn't the right time and place for that. . Should I wait for her to call back or just go ahead and text her that I miss her now?
Meet her in person. That way both of you can be straight up honest with each other. You'll do just fine, I believe in you:cool:
Meet her in person. That way both of you can be straight up honest with each other. You'll do just fine, I believe in you:cool:
He should carry a glock with him just in case othER options need to be explored
OP is such a fucking dipshit pathetic beta. Jesus Christ I want to vomit when I read this garbage. Don't fucking come on this forum. Go to cucked shit like socialanxietysupport or foreveralone faggots on reddit to do this nonsense and then have people praise you for embarrassing yourself and "having guts" even though you just committed social suicide and humiliated yourself. This is a place where we are blackpilled. How stupid do you have to be to think this shit will actually work? Newsflash buddy boy it WON'T. If she liked you at all you'd know by now because women don't send "mixed signals" and that fucking nonsense. Guys misinterpret it because they're all fucking retarded and poisoned by Disney movies where the good nice guy always gets the girl in the end...too bad you're UGLY. She doesn't find you physically attractive enough. It's done. When a woman sends "mixed signals" it's basically saying to the guy to fuck off I'm not interested that way. Again a woman makes it BLATANTLY obvious when they like you. Girls don't play games. Guys are just fucking stupid and don't get the picture. If a girl doesn't answer your calls and doesn't respond back to you, it isn't because she's busy. Do you even see women? They're always on the goddamn phone. They're not busy. They're just ignoring you. The same goes for texting. If she doesn't text for several days and then texts you a few times it doesn't mean she likes you. It means she's fucking bored and using you for entertainment and only texts you when it's convenient for her. When a girl likes a guy she will text him a shit ton no matter how "shy" she says she is. She would call him back 100% quickly and then when she calls him back she'd immediately explain why she didn't pick up and be specific.

And unrequited love = never works, especially as an ugly or average looking guy. Get with the fucking program and ingest the blackpilled inside you, you pathetic beta. She will NEVER have the same feelings you have for her. Get the fuck over it and LDAR. God....why the fuck are some people so bluepilled even on this forum? So disgusting to read this shit. Learn your fucking place, incel. It's game over for all of us. It's been over.

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