If it's no good after four weeks, you have to bite the bullet and shave it, bro. No beard is better than a shit one. So many youngsters make this mistake and they look ridiculous.
You can get away with it, by using a beard trimmer to keep it short, or to trim down the cheeks, Riker-style. As long as it looks even, neat and not Al-Qaeda, you're fine.
It is very depressing to look for work. Especially if the vacancies are just not there, or there are no jobs that suit your personality. I am just too asocial for most jobs and I despise commuting. I'm trying to find a local part-time job that I can tolerate.
You're smart to avoid university anyway. Paid education is a racket and a debt-trap, with meaningless qualifications and no guarantee of a good job at the end anyway. I imagine that retail is hell for an incel, as are most jobs these days.