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Venting I'm going NEET

Deleted member 60

Deleted member 60

Nov 7, 2017
At least for a few months. Can't deal with this shit anymore. I can't sleep or eat right, my brain doesn't work, I'm getting sick every other week, and I think about going ER 24/7. I was honestly planning to overdose so I didn't have to write an exam this week. The doctor was right when he told me to take a break. Tbh the only reason I kept going was to expand my social circle and meet girls. Seems pointless now since all my friends are in different programs and we mostly chill outside of school. I have no idea what I'm gonna do but I should probably spend less time here. Maybe I'll volunteer somewhere, idk. Wasted over $1000 for nothing, fuck my life. This is like the 4th time I'm dropping out. Oh well
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Bro there is only 1 month left in this semester, it's pretty much over at this point, at least get some Cs.

$1000 is not bad.

My place costs $3500 per full time semester.

It's more about the time being wasted that is the problem.
I've been sick for the past month. All while I have to take tons of STEM exams and live on the hell that is a college campus :feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree:
At least for a few months. Can't deal with this shit anymore. I can't sleep or eat right, my brain doesn't work, I'm getting sick every other week, and I think about going ER 24/7. I was honestly planning to overdose so I didn't have to write an exam this week. The doctor was right when he told me to take a break. Tbh the only reason I kept going was to expand my social circle and meet girls. Seems pointless now since all my friends are in different programs and we mostly chill outside of school. I have no idea what I'm gonna do but I should probably spend less time here. Maybe I'll volunteer somewhere, idk. Wasted over $1000 for nothing, fuck my life. This is like the 4th I'm dropping out. Oh well

This is what happens when you stop Jewpills, goy
View attachment 62598

Bro there is only 1 month left in this semester, it's pretty much over at this point, at least get some Cs.

$1000 is not bad.

My place costs $3500 per full time semester.

It's more about the time being wasted that is the problem.

View attachment 62598

Bro there is only 1 month left in this semester, it's pretty much over at this point, at least get some Cs.

$1000 is not bad.

My place costs $3500 per full time semester.

It's more about the time being wasted that is the problem.
nah, I'm done. I'm legit going to kill someone at this rate.
Also it was only $1000 because I got grants and partial refund
This is what happens when you stop Jewpills, goy
yeah, time to switch up the meds again.

Buddy boyo
I would be too unoccupied to be NEET.
I would be too unoccupied to be NEET.
I feel you. But school doesn't distract me anymore. If anything it makes my problems worse seeing all these young thots every week.
nah, I'm done. I'm legit going to kill someone at this rate.
Also it was only $1000 because I got grants and partial refund


Well good thing it's late in the semester for you then.

I dropped out the first week of my second semester (changed my major when I came back, I realized I didn't want to be an accountingcuck and this was before I realized I wanted to be an English teacher).

As a result I had to pay back all my financial aid. I think I had to pay back like $3000.

If I paid for the tuition myself I would've actually got like 75% of my money back and have only been out around $600 but since the government paid and the school had to send back government money I wasn't eligible for any refunds and had to pay back all of it despite the fact I'm eligible for free tuition.

Something my cucked school didn't make clear is the refund schedule only applies to people who paid cash for their tuition, not got grants. Otherwise I would've just went through it with the minimum of effort.

As for me I have the past the last to drop, so I am locked and loaded.


I wouldn't have it any other way tbh.
View attachment 62601

Well good thing it's late in the semester for you then.

I dropped out the first week of my second semester (changed my major when I came back, I realized I didn't want to be an accountingcuck and this was before I realized I wanted to be an English teacher).

As a result I had to pay back all my financial aid. I think I had to pay back like $3000.

If I paid for the tuition myself I would've actually got like 75% of my money back and have only been out around $600 but since the government paid and the school had to send back government money I wasn't eligible for any refunds and had to pay back all of it despite the fact I'm eligible for free tuition.

Something my cucked school didn't make clear is the refund schedule only applies to people who paid cash for their tuition, not got grants. Otherwise I would've just went through it with the minimum of effort.

As for me I have the past the last to drop, so I am locked and loaded.

View attachment 62602

I wouldn't have it any other way tbh.

that's brutal, condolences bro. I probably wasted more over the years though.

I just wanna have some new experiences tbh. Like I actually feel like travelling or something, no roast beef. The past 6 months have been more eventful than the last decade of my life. I can't go back to this boring routine of studying 24/7
I dropped out a couple of weeks ago and moved to my parents' house. I feel like a leech sometimes but then I remember they are to blame for my inceldom. I still want a job though. But I don't want to go outside until my underbite gets fixed
Welcome to NEETdom bro
I dropped out a couple of weeks ago and moved to my parents' house. I feel like a leech sometimes but then I remember they are to blame for my inceldom. I still want a job though. But I don't want to go outside until my underbite gets fixed
feels bro. Yeah I kinda want to just looksmax and cope for a while
that's brutal, condolences bro. I probably wasted more over the years though.

I just wanna have some new experiences tbh. Like I actually feel like travelling or something, no roast beef. The past 6 months have been more eventful than the last decade of my life. I can't go back to this boring routine of studying 24/7


Yeah but for me the new semester starts at the end of January.

What could you possibly do in a 2 and a half months?

Did you already do it? You should just try to skate through.

Everyone in my classes are a bunch of lazy bums (me included) who do the bare necessity at the very last moment to get by.
I've been sick for the past month. All while I have to take tons of STEM exams and live on the hell that is a college campus :feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree:
cucked for complaining about sickness while writing exams.


@blickpall wrote some really good advice about getting by in college

Go to class, take notes, study. If you still don't get it, go to Khan Academy and other online sources. If you don't get it, go to office hours, TAs, and the tutoring center. If you still don't get it, then rope if you can figure out how to tie a knot.last sentence is a joke
Sometimes you have to just suck it up because you're not there for them, you're there for yourself and your fiscal (and to some extent emotional, physical, and psychological) future.

Keep in mind that different people have different learning preferences. When I was in college, the method I used for memorization-heavy courses was my attempting to access multiple different avenues of information acquisition.

1. Listen in class. This one is obvious.
2. Take notes. But don't just write down stuff that is new to you. Become a stenographer. Write down everything your professor says, in summarized and shorthand form. For example, instead of something like "King Incel's rise to power in 2046 was largely due to support from the spread of the blackpill, dissatisfaction with feminism, and proliferation of alternative media," I would write "King Incel ^power, 2046: blackpill spread, dissat. w. feminism, prolif. of alt. media." Once you get into the swing of it, you will be amazed how much you can write down.
3. Type the notes up when I get home. I format them nicely in outline format, with indentation, titles on sections, bolding of key concepts, etc.
4. 1-3 days before the exam, read notes.

This method carried me heavily because I didn't have to memorize things anymore, I simply programmed them into my mind and I knew them. Of course, this approach only works for certain types of courses, but memorization has always been my weak suit so I approached it this way and it helped.

For other courses, practice problems and practice quizzes online helped a lot as well.

Best of luck.
Ah ok.

To be honest the grade you have in a vacuum doesn't matter. People graduate from engineering without having ever gotten more than a 50 a test lol. I knew people who had classes where the class average was like a 30, but most people still got A's. It's all about what major/course/curve is at play.

I would suggest you carefully read through it before you make any rash decisions.
cucked for complaining about sickness while writing exams.

Bro being sick while taking exams sucks. At least I'm not a cuck who refuses to take the exam and takes a makeup
I have a 4.0 but zero motivation

What major buddy boyo. If it's a cucked major, then you are making the right choice by dropping out
nice after youre done NEETing, you know what to do
I have a 4.0 but zero motivation

You're seriously not dropping out to preserve your 4.0?

That's why I dropped out my 2nd semester but that's retarded (in addition to not wanting that major anymore).

As Blickpall said

To be honest the grade you have in a vacuum doesn't matter.

Graduating is all that matters.
I just want to win the lottery and become a rich NEET :feelsrope:
I have a 4.0 but zero motivation
no bro you had to get the work done eventually somehow. i had no motivation literally stopped going to them by the time i dropped out first semester
You're seriously not dropping out to preserve your 4.0?

That's why I dropped out my 2nd semester but that's retarded (in addition to not wanting that major anymore).
no man, I explained why in the OP
no bro you had to get the work done eventually somehow. i had no motivation literally stopped going to them by the time i dropped out first semester
I usually skip my classes and I didn't do an assignment worth 15% last week
no man, I explained why in the OP

Ok let me have another look at it then.


The doctor was right when he told me to take a break.


Lol you are letting some jew cuck you because he's giving you the excuse you need.

Tbh the only reason I kept going was to expand my social circle and meet girls.


That's the problem with college for many who just don't want to fool around.

Can't say I didn't feel that way myself, but after the way western foids have treated me I quickly snapped out of that phase.

I have no idea what I'm gonna do but I should probably spend less time here. Maybe I'll volunteer somewhere,


Can't think of a more cucked thing to do then pour soup to some niggers while being surrounded by a bunch of SJWs and virtue signaling foids.

I told you, just do the bare minimum effort for a passing grade.
Ok let me have another look at it then.

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Lol you are letting some jew cuck you because he's giving you the excuse you need.

View attachment 62623

That's the problem with college for many who just don't want to fool around.

Can't say I didn't feel that way myself, but after the way western foids have treated me I quickly snapped out of that phase.

View attachment 62624

Can't think of a more cucked thing to do then pour soup to some niggers while being surrounded by a bunch of SJWs and virtue signaling foids.

I told you, just do the bare minimum effort for a passing grade.
you missed the 3rd and 4th sentences. I'm losing my mind br0
neet life is the best life
Ok let me have another look at it then.

View attachment 62621

View attachment 62622

Lol you are letting some jew cuck you because he's giving you the excuse you need.

View attachment 62623

That's the problem with college for many who just don't want to fool around.

Can't say I didn't feel that way myself, but after the way western foids have treated me I quickly snapped out of that phase.

View attachment 62624

Can't think of a more cucked thing to do then pour soup to some niggers while being surrounded by a bunch of SJWs and virtue signaling foids.

I told you, just do the bare minimum effort for a passing grade.
0EFE5752 C226 4A79 BC55 075007F07CC6
you missed the 3rd and 4th sentences. I'm losing my mind br0

I thought I was clear. Just stop stressing and do the bare minimum of work and show up.

It's obviously stress messing you up so bad, so stop taking it so seriously.

I imagine you are a perfectionist.

Well I will tell you a story.

I once got a grade I thought was unfair from a professor and I emailed him anonymously and implied he was a sodomite homosexual.

When I went to class the next time he announced he received a "threatening email" (lies)and the "police were investigating it."

He said "just admit it and confess before they track you down and it'll be easier for you."

I was really scared and nervous and I even met with him after class to discuss my grade and I thought I should confess before they find me.

But I didn't.

Then I just did better on the next tests and gave him what he told me he wanted when we discussed my first grade.

After that I stopped taking things so seriously and never had a freakout like that again.

Even this semester I've got grades I felt I've been gypped on and it doesn't bother me at all.

As long as you pass it's all that counts.


I'm trying to help you out because I've been there and relate to your post a lot.

But just like I told @Indari (when I said he should go to china) you can lead a horse to water but you cannot make that f****** (I'm on NoSwear) drink.
at times i wish i could NEET it up, but id rather not be homeless. are most of you neets living at home? cuz idk how the fuck you could pull it off.
At least for a few months. Can't deal with this shit anymore. I can't sleep or eat right, my brain doesn't work, I'm getting sick every other week, and I think about going ER 24/7. I was honestly planning to overdose so I didn't have to write an exam this week. The doctor was right when he told me to take a break. Tbh the only reason I kept going was to expand my social circle and meet girls. Seems pointless now since all my friends are in different programs and we mostly chill outside of school. I have no idea what I'm gonna do but I should probably spend less time here. Maybe I'll volunteer somewhere, idk. Wasted over $1000 for nothing, fuck my life. This is like the 4th time I'm dropping out. Oh well
One of the few advantages of 2018 is that you can easily get away with it. You can see a therapist and easily get diagnosed with whatever excuse and pills you want. Your counselors, school therapists, advisors, etc. can't argue with you about how YOU FEEL becaues that would be undoing all of what the liberalized West preaches. You can then bring those forms to your counselor and explain that you need a break. Having done this multiple times before, I expect that you already know this. The fact of the matter is that you DO have a condition, and that condition is inceldom. We just can't label it as such publicly in the West.

So, take your break. Recharge that battery. When you make that decision, you will instantly feel a wave of relief because you don't have to think about the next deadline or the next bus ride to class or the next large lecture hall, nor any of the other unadulterated suifuel sources in uni. You can just be. As long as you make a definite deadline for your return with you (and your counselor), and you stick to it, no real harm will come of it.

When I faced an insurmountable amount of work, admittedly due to my own manic Hungry Hungry Hippo-esque attempt at bolstering my degree, I straight up bullshitted everyone involved just so I could maintain my sanity for the next 6 months. Grade dues were extended. Classes were transferred to the summer semester for no extra expense. A professor extended my "participation" grade from 5/30 classes to all 30 so I got an A. If you can just muster all your courage and your best game face and explain why you're physically incapable of going further, there is no end to the resources that are available to you for you to make it happen. Just put in one last burst of energy to guarantee yourself a mini-vacation from all of this bullshit that uni puts on you and then after that you can relax.

Props to @Zesto for tagging me in this thread; while my advice in that topic is still something I stand by, I don't think it applies in this case. That is more like some robotic thing that you have to acclimate yourself to once you get back from a sabbatical like the one @fukmylyf is considering. I say do it. Take that sabbatical. Just make sure you have an exit strategy - and then enjoy.
Welcome to NEET paradise my friend!
I once got a grade I thought was unfair from a professor and I emailed him anonymously and implied he was a sodomite homosexual.


Post the email boyo
\Wasted 1k on what
sounds like you have some mental issues that need to be worked out
One of the few advantages of 2018 is that you can easily get away with it. You can see a therapist and easily get diagnosed with whatever excuse and pills you want. Your counselors, school therapists, advisors, etc. can't argue with you about how YOU FEEL becaues that would be undoing all of what the liberalized West preaches. You can then bring those forms to your counselor and explain that you need a break. Having done this multiple times before, I expect that you already know this. The fact of the matter is that you DO have a condition, and that condition is inceldom. We just can't label it as such publicly in the West.

So, take your break. Recharge that battery. When you make that decision, you will instantly feel a wave of relief because you don't have to think about the next deadline or the next bus ride to class or the next large lecture hall, nor any of the other unadulterated suifuel sources in uni. You can just be. As long as you make a definite deadline for your return with you (and your counselor), and you stick to it, no real harm will come of it.

When I faced an insurmountable amount of work, admittedly due to my own manic Hungry Hungry Hippo-esque attempt at bolstering my degree, I straight up bullshitted everyone involved just so I could maintain my sanity for the next 6 months. Grade dues were extended. Classes were transferred to the summer semester for no extra expense. A professor extended my "participation" grade from 5/30 classes to all 30 so I got an A. If you can just muster all your courage and your best game face and explain why you're physically incapable of going further, there is no end to the resources that are available to you for you to make it happen. Just put in one last burst of energy to guarantee yourself a mini-vacation from all of this bullshit that uni puts on you and then after that you can relax.

Props to @Zesto for tagging me in this thread; while my advice in that topic is still something I stand by, I don't think it applies in this case. That is more like some robotic thing that you have to acclimate yourself to once you get back from a sabbatical like the one @fukmylyf is considering. I say do it. Take that sabbatical. Just make sure you have an exit strategy - and then enjoy.
thanks for the advice man. Hope my school cooperates
You are the definition of a quitter.
did you forget what site you're on?

It's over, just LDAR, etc.
sounds like you have some mental issues that need to be worked out

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