France is cucked beyond belief.
Lately we talked about the DNA paternity test being outright banned to "protect the peace in French families", they said. Rather to protect cheating sluts, yeah.
It's one of the countries in Europe with the toughest laws against prostitution. And check this out : only buying sex is an offense, selling is ok. Talk about double standard, right ?
French girls are very sexually liberated, probably much more than in US because French culture is not nearly as religious and thus prude as American culture. They are sexually active very early but of course only a minority of boys get any action, because of the 80/20 rule.
It so happens that few days ago I overheard a conversation between French female teenagers. Of course they were talking about boys, it seems that it's the only thing they care about, and they were lamenting about how most guys are ugly in some place (didn't catch what kind of place there were talking about) : "la plupart des gars sont moches là-bas, malheureusement". So yeah, lookism and Pareto principle seem in full power here.
The most cucked law in the country IMHO is the one that implements reproductive social welfare. It's called "allocations familiales" : the government gives anyone who has children money, pretty much regardless of the income. It's kind of a universal basic income, but for kids. That and other tax advantages for couples make it so single men with no kids, and so incels, are the kind of people that pay the most taxes. It's like they are punished for being single, and their money goes to sex havers.
Also the country is ruined by decades of socialism. It's a miracle things like retirement pensions or the healthcare system have not entirely collapsed yet.
Frenchcels need to learn a foreign language, at least English, because French culture is dead and they will need to get the fuck out when shit eventually hits the fan.