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Please. Also shoot the shit with me I'm drinking alone.
No I haven't seen her in almost 20 months yet I still think about her almost every day because I am cucked. I don't looked at her SM because I am too high inhib (and I don't have any SM), and I can't ask her out.Do you see her IRL? Avoid her.
Then also dont look at her social media
or just ask her out and get rejected
I think she's still a Virgin that's why I like herBrutal Blackpill: your crush onetitis has gotten at least 5 different dicks through her
No hymen no diamond, sorry
One day I will get drunk enough to finally look.check her social media, you will get blackpilled hard
Your oneitis takes shits that are smelly and she bleeds once a month from her other hole. It's normal for women in their mid 20's to have slept with 60+ different men. The same way incels get judged for being bad people based on appearance is the way she might look perfect to you is an illusion, makeup boosts women appearance by 3 or 4 points. Asian women look really innocent but i'm half asian and they are just like every woman of being manipulative and they might show a really nice character in public or around people but can be just as mean at home as anyone.
Your oneitis takes shits that are smelly and she bleeds once a month from her other hole. It's normal for women in their mid 20's to have slept with 60+ different men. The same way incels get judged for being bad people based on appearance is the way she might look perfect to you is an illusion, makeup boosts women appearance by 3 or 4 points. Asian women look really innocent but i'm half asian and they are just like every woman of being manipulative and they might show a really nice character in public or around people but can be just as mean at home as anyone.
I am against racemixing so I will not be interested in asain women unless I get EXTREMELY desperate.cant stand those asian whores sometimes, the amount of makeup they use is ridiculous yet they can still score chad or chadlite because of hypergamy, fuck this world
Thanks for the link, I'll check it out.There is a limerence.net forum. It sorta has relevant coping, concepts, perspectives, to help with oneitis / limerence.
if you can get past the fact it's mostly roasties and a jew mod.
I lurked it somewhat recently, by all means it hasn't helped me at all. But for a maybe half a day I thought I was making a breakthrough...
A glimpse of others trying to understanding it is entertaining non the less.
I have maxxed out all cope strategies, still doesn't help me though, I have had at least 4 oneitis that last on average 3 years.
All in my home town, which sucks. Only escape that ever worked for me was to lay off the booze for a bit and move to another city.
I keep moving back to this shit hole, and have a oneitis again. It's such hell.
I want to fuck her with my dick tbh.Females are just walking holes to be fucked by walking dicks. Love doesn't exist.
But you can't. Worshipping the foid won't change reality.I want to fuck her with my dick tbh.