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RageFuel I'm being investigated by the police because I "offended" a tranny politician



May 12, 2022
I told a tranny politician that he is not a real woman (he identifies as a woman) and that politicians like him who defend evil ideas deserve to be executed.

[UWSL]I live in Brazil, by the way. [UWSL]Here the right of free speech is more limited.[/UWSL][/UWSL]

[UWSL]I think in the worst case I will be [UWSL]condemned[/UWSL] to do community service [/UWSL][UWSL]or something like this. F[/UWSL][UWSL]ortunately I don't think I will be imprisoned.[/UWSL]



Youre very welcome here, sir.

EDIT: I dont like ur anime fag avi tho
Didn't y'all elect Bolsonaro? That's surprising that you're facing repercussions for that.
Brazil is full of cucks.

1642864270691 1
Didn't y'all elect Bolsonaro? That's surprising that you're facing repercussions for that.
The country's population is very ideologically divided. And in Brazil there are still stupid laws against homophobia, transphobia...
It kind of SOUNDS extreme but when you break it down it's not.

Calling him/her not a real woman isn't shocking.

[UWSL]Saying they're evil ideas isn't shocking.[/UWSL]

Supporting the death penalty isn't shocking.

I guess the only aspect of it that even strikes me as being at all extreme is supporting the death penalty for speech / thought crimes! But I still don't think that's illegal.

Also yeah welcome to the forum ^^
Go full Christpilled, become an Incel candidate who is based and truthpilled, start calling out jews too.
:lul::lul::lul::lul: Imagine living in a a country without the first amendment :lul::lul::lul::lul: Could never be me :lul::lul::lul::lul:
sounds fake as fuck. name the politician
based but also imprudent

some countries are just totally fucked with feminism and trannyism, i still don't understand how it got so far in places like brazil or spain
:feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::chad::chad::chad::chad: giga based if it is really you. what happens if they find you guilty? will you go to jail?

[UWSL]I think in the worst case I will be [UWSL]condemned[/UWSL] to do community service [/UWSL][UWSL]or something like this. F[/UWSL][UWSL]ortunately I don't think I will be imprisoned.[/UWSL]
Based. Wish you luck brother. Remember, If the cops come to arrest you for offending a tranny then killing them in minecraft is self-defense.
brazil gives a shit about internet shit like that? don't they have murderous gangs slaughtering innocents on the street at any moment to worry about?
isabellycarvalho @ limeira.sp.leg.br

Dear Isabello,
Você nunca será uma mulher de verdade. Você não tem útero, não tem ovários, não tem ovos. Você é um homem homossexual torcido por drogas e cirurgia em uma zombaria grosseira da perfeição da natureza.

Toda a "validação" que você tem é de duas caras e meio-coração. Pelas suas costas, as pessoas zombam de você. Seus pais estão enojados e envergonhados de você, seus "amigos" riem de sua aparência macabra atrás de portas fechadas.

Os homens são totalmente repelidos por você. Milhares de anos de evolução permitiram que os homens farejam fraudes com incrível eficiência. Mesmo travestis que "passam" parecem estranhos e antinaturais para um homem. Sua estrutura óssea é um presente morto. E mesmo que consiga levar um cara bêbado para casa com você, ele vai virar a cauda e fugir assim que ele receber um cheiro de sua ferida de machado doente e infectada.

Você nunca será feliz. Você arranca um sorriso falso todas as manhãs e diz a si mesmo que vai ficar tudo bem, mas no fundo você sente a depressão subindo como uma weed, pronta para esmagá-lo sob o peso insuportável.

Eventualmente será demais para suportar - você vai comprar uma corda, amarrar um laço, colocá-lo em torno de seu pescoço, e mergulhar no abismo frio. Seus pais vão encontrá-lo, com o coração partido, mas aliviado por não terem mais que viver com a insuportável vergonha e decepção. Eles vão enterrá-lo com uma lápide marcada com seu nome de nascimento, e todos os transeuntes para o resto da eternidade saberão que um homem está enterrado lá. Seu corpo se deteriorará e voltará para a poeira, e tudo o que restará de seu legado é um esqueleto que é inequivocamente masculino.

Esse é o seu destino. Isto é o que você escolheu. Não há como voltar atrás.
Even thats becoming increasingly curtailed as we speak :feelsugh:
Never gonna happen. Beijing Biden can pretend he’s tough with a new ministry of truth but it won’t stop anything.

We’re proud burgers that are known for being loud and never shutting the fuck up.

Even if b’nai b’rith Biden wants to send LEOs to investigate speech we have the fourth and fifth amendment to tell them to fuck off because we haven’t done anything illegal. I love the constitution!!!
brazil gives a shit about internet shit like that? don't they have murderous gangs slaughtering innocents on the street at any moment to worry about?
Globohomo be like

Just a few years ago trannies knew that they would never become real women.

"I hate that even with sex change I won't really be a woman. I won't be able to give birth or feed a baby, I won't enjoy sex (or have a really functional vagina, in any case), I won't even be considered a real woman, I'll always look artificial and manly, I'm ugly as a man, even worse as a woman, I'm kinda tall for a woman (182cm). I am so envious of women, I hate them so much. I feel like punching people when I walk the streets. My girlfriend knows nothing about this, no one does."

Today this is Haram.

The window shifts ever further from us.
HOly shit, this is Brazil?! I thought that the OP was from the UK when I read the title. This is next level horrible.
I live in LATAM and although things aren't that bad yet, we're definitely gonna end up like jewmerica at this pace

Schools and unis give cucked speeches all the time, and the SJW tards are trying like hell to legalize faggot marriage, trannymaxxing, abortion and every other globohomo bullshit

Feminism is also gaining traction which is in turn giving more power to femorrhoids to make false allegations and hypergamymaxx, at this point I just want the aliens to drop a nuke on us and destroy this gay earth

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