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It's Over Im at my second night party in a row. I only have a T shirt due to heat. ITS OVER. (Sub-incel tier frame)



Nov 8, 2017
Fuck it. Today the heat is pretty expreme so I had no excuse to wear layers of clpthing. Im coping with lots of beer. Cant stand the fact of being framemogged by EVERY male over age 15. I feel so unconfortable showing my trash figure and my ridiculous shoulders I am about to go ER or something. I hope no woman lpokts at me disgusted or with pity. Tomorrow its my third night in a row of drink n party. I hope weather is a bit more cold so I can hide my fucking trash stupid body.

Life as an extreme framecel is harsh when its summer. To think summer used to be my favorite season shit.
Go ER on the party, the most degenerate roasties and chads are there.
life must be so tough for you. out partying, enjoying life out in the sun. try rotting in your basement all summer with your only human interaction being this site.
just get shoulder pads bro
Go ER on the party, the most degenerate roasties and chads are there.
Agreed. He should ER on the party and ascend to God level tier incel like ER did
Thats what you get for attending normscum parties.
goes to parties every night. #justincelthings
Frame is cope. Face and height is everything.
Wear a football uniform: full pads and helmet, people will think you’re funny
goes to parties every night. #justincelthings
Yeah, legit JFL

"Hey guys Im fucking this girl but the condom is too big for me, the condom is for extra large dicks while Im only large, its over for sub8inchcels"
His face isn’t enough to compensate for his frame imo.

He is lucky he lives in Spain which is one of the least hypergamous countries in Europe. He’d be fucked in the UK.
His face is fine and he’s still living a normal life despite raging about his frame on an incel forum.
zyros mogs almost everyone
Just as someone stated above, its nice you going out enjoying yourself, am here like the others rotting in bed. I don't see myself even going to party cause of anxiety in these places. And why not just hit the gym?
zyros mogs almost everyone
I wish I had his hairline
@Zyros Brother i fully feel you on the frame thing, having a terrible frame is horrible, i end up wearing long sleeve t shirts even in summer to hide my wrists.
I have naturally narrow shoulders too and i would wear a long sleeve t shirt and a denim jacket (To layer a bit) i'd suggest you do something like that.
Oh and workout.. Having narrow bone structure sucks and i know you want to keep your face lean, but you can gain muscle without becoming bloated i promise. in a year i gained 1.5 inches in bideltoid breadth (i'm still narrow) but it's better than before nevertheless.
His face isn’t enough to compensate for his frame imo.

He is lucky he lives in Spain which is one of the least hypergamous countries in Europe. He’d be fucked in the UK.
I think he'd do OKAY in the UK only if he's in the north, they're quite easy up there. if he was in london he'd stand little to no chance, then again he's pretty social and i'm sure he'd have atleast 1-2 bodycount.

Also Twisted aren't you a voluntary virgin? you're a born again christian right?
damn you are screwed cheese cutting negroid
His face isn’t enough to compensate for his frame imo.

He is lucky he lives in Spain which is one of the least hypergamous countries in Europe. He’d be fucked in the UK.

True. UK is a feminazi hellhole - if you’re sub-9 in the UK you’re basically incel.
@Zyros is worshipped because he's a Chad. Lol. He deserves to be kicked out of this community due to being a non-cel, and bragging about it
I'm happy for you that you are always out partying and slaying bitches.

But why do you come on here and need to tell a bunch of kissless virgins that lmao? Do you really think any of us can relate to your life or lifestyle? Fuck I'm triggered so bad now.
How many bitches did you already slay at these parties?
3 parties ? I can't get invited to 1 party in a year
Obvious fakecel is obvious.
Why don't you just use steroids/human growth hormones and gymcel if you think your frame is so death tier?
Is this a subtle brag thread
>When the bloat hits
you're an ectomorph. rely on your height rather than weight.
wish i was an ectomorph, i'm an endo-ectormorph so i get skinny fat realy easily. Have to work hard to stay at like 15% BF
So, give us a report, boyo. Did you slay?
>at a party
>wants pity from us

Fakecel detected.
I haven't gone to a party in years. The last time I went to a big party I was a Sophomore and got thrown out by some Freshman for not having any friends there.
I love how I get called "fakecel" and reported to mods for "bragging" because I said I had a GF 13 years ago yet this faggot is always making these ultra low IQ bragging posts and nothing happens because of all the NT bluepilled faggots here who actually recognize this stupid bullshit "social standing" (and on a fucking incel forum mind you) and actually give a shit about it. Mods, why is this fakecel normie not banned?

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