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I'm afraid of measuring myself because I think that I'm shorter than i realize.



Nov 7, 2017
I think im 5'11 but seeing so many guys height mogg me and even some woman im afraid that i could be shorter.
Measure yourself in the morning, you're taller then.
Sleep on the floor and then your spine should decompress. Then measure yourself right when you wake up in the morning.
Crustaciouse said:
I think im 5'11 but seeing so many guys height mogg me and even some woman im afraid that i could be shorter.

When was the last time a doctor measured your height?
Total Imbecile said:
Crustaciouse said:
I think im 5'11 but seeing so many guys height mogg me and even some woman im afraid that i could be shorter.
When was the last time a doctor measured your height?
Lol i never go to the doctor, i think the last time i went was 3 years ago. I think he said 5'11 but I want to measure myself just to be sure.
Crustaciouse said:
Lol i never go to the doctor, i think the last time i went was 3 years ago. I think he said 5'11 but I want to measure myself just to be sure.

Your HS didnt require you to get a physical every year?
Total Imbecile said:
Crustaciouse said:
Lol i never go to the doctor, i think the last time i went was 3 years ago. I think he said 5'11 but I want to measure myself just to be sure.
Your HS didnt require you to get a physical every year?
They did it the first year but didn't do it the other years for some reason.
Crustaciouse said:
They did it the first year but didn't do it the other years for some reason.

Thats weird, imo physicals in HS should be mandatory that way you know for a fact that youre at least X' Y'' tall
First world problems.

I once thought I was a little taller than I was. Turned out that I had measured wrong. kek

At least my shoes give me 1.5-2" extra in height, but they are too shallow for lifts.

With 3" lifts and boots with thick soles, I could perhaps fraud 5".
I have a fear that I might really be 168 cm and not 172 cm.
On dating profiles (when I still made those many years before) I remember always putting in 172 cm but IIRC I overestimated it by a few cm. I have started to believe my own lie until I went through my scale's memory functions which I hadn't used in over a decade and found that program #1 had a height of 168 cm. I skipped a heartbeat wondering if that is not my real height indeed.
FeminismsCancer said:
I have a fear that I might really be 168 cm and not 172 cm.
On dating profiles (when I still made those many years before) I remember always putting in 172 cm but IIRC I overestimated it by a few cm. I have started to believe my own lie until I went through my scale's memory functions which I hadn't used in over a decade and found that program #1 had a height of 168 cm. I skipped a heartbeat wondering if that is not my real height indeed.

Why do you non-anglos insist in your centimetres in height/lengths in horses per farm/counting calories in lightyears per chicken, piece of shit metric scale? You're already speaking English. Just be consistent and use FEET AND INCHES. And swap commas for fullstops/periods. Fuck sake, bambini.
DONT DO IT. when my mom used to measure me she used to tell me i was 5'10 until one day i measured myself and turned out to be 5'7.

Yep. Precisely 100 percent this
FACEandLMS said:
Why do you non-anglos insist in your centimetres in height/lengths in horses per farm/counting calories in lightyears per chicken, piece of shit metric scale? You're already speaking English. Just be consistent and use FEET AND INCHES. And swap commas for fullstops/periods. Fuck sake, bambini.

LOL what? The metric system is way more consistent and rational than feet & inches.
I do use decimal point though (unless I have to communicate locally)
I know I'm a manlet which is all that matters
FACEandLMS said:
Why do you non-anglos insist in your centimetres in height/lengths in horses per farm/counting calories in lightyears per chicken, piece of shit metric scale? You're already speaking English. Just be consistent and use FEET AND INCHES. And swap commas for fullstops/periods. Fuck sake, bambini.
Pls tell me ur larping
FeminismsCancer said:
FACEandLMS said:
Why do you non-anglos insist in your centimetres in height/lengths in horses per farm/counting calories in lightyears per chicken, piece of shit metric scale? You're already speaking English. Just be consistent and use FEET AND INCHES. And swap commas for fullstops/periods. Fuck sake, bambini.
LOL what? The metric system is way more consistent and rational than feet & inches.
I do use decimal point though (unless I have to communicate locally)
hehe xd said:
Pls tell me ur larping

It's a reasonable request. If you've bothered to learn English, why not use measurements that anglos can read since you're communicating with us/the world. If my post was offensive to you then that means you felt alluded to even though I had no idea where you're from and haven't seen you use CM for height before.

LARPing? sort of. But there is truth to it.
FACEandLMS said:
It's a reasonable request. If you've bothered to learn English, why not use measurements that anglos can read since you're communicating with us/the world. If my post was offensive to you then that means you felt alluded to even though I had no idea where you're from and haven't seen you use CM for height before.

LARPing? sort of. But there is truth to it.
Because im 1.75cm and cant remember whenever thats 5"7, 5"8 or 5"9 no matter how many times i google it

Yes metric makes more sense but it's just annoying to read on English-speaking forums when it comes to height cuz anglos don't walk around talking about being 170 centimetres tall. I can't be bothered to google-convert.


TheVman said:
DONT DO IT. when my mom used to measure me she used to tell me i was 5'10 until one day i measured myself and turned out to be 5'7.


That was cruel of your mother, why did she do that?
hehe xd said:
Because im 1.75cm and cant remember whenever thats 5"7, 5"8 or 5"9 no matter how many times i google it

In that case, use the height: "Child Foot Toddler Inches".

(jk bro)
hehe xd said:
Because im 1.75cm and cant remember whenever thats 5"7, 5"8 or 5"9 no matter how many times i google it

Indeed. I actually DID use 5'8" OR 172 cm on profiles even though it might not be the exact conversion but because I was referring here to a difference of 4 cm it's not even a round inch boundary (1" = 2.54 cm)
I thought I was 6'4 but I went to the doctors for a physical and it turns out I'm only 6'3.
FeminismsCancer said:
Indeed. I actually DID use 5'8" OR 172 cm on profiles even though it might not be the exact conversion but because I was referring here to a difference of 4 cm it's not even a round inch boundary (1" = 2.54 cm)

Army said im 170cm a few months ago, but when i/others measure myself im 1.75

Worst height tbh is the 170s, u feel a little tall usually but then get heightmogged and get put down in ur place

Id rather just be short
Kong Rong said:
I thought I was 6'4 but I went to the doctors for a physical and it turns out I'm only 6'3.

Cry me a river lol

FACEandLMS said:
Yes metric makes more sense but it's just annoying to read on English-speaking forums when it comes to height cuz anglos don't walk around talking about being 170 centimetres tall. I can't be bothered to google-convert.



But you expect us to be bothered with it lol
hehe xd said:
Army said im 170cm a few months ago, but when i/others measure myself im 1.75

Worst height tbh is the 170s, u feel a little tall usually but then get heightmogged and get put down in ur place

Id rather just be short


This is Lookism.net thinking. They say stuff like: "Being a 7/10 is HELL cuz I'm so close to Chad tier but so far. I'd rather be a 2/10 then I would know it's over for me."

This is like saying: Having a broken toenail is HELL. I'd rather be a quad amputee who gets 9" dildos shoved up him by sadistic kidnappers.

Like, what? lol
FACEandLMS said:

This is Lookism.net thinking. They say stuff like: "Being a 7/10 is HELL cuz I'm so close to Chad tier but so far. I'd rather be a 2/10 then I would know it's over for me."

This is like saying: Having a broken toenail is HELL. I'd rather be a quad amputee who gets 9" dildos shoved up him by sadistic kidnappers.

Like, what? lol

Let me cope in peace
FeminismsCancer said:
Cry me a river lol

I'm not complaining overall I'm just commenting on how your expectations can leave you disappointed.
hehe xd said:
Let me cope in peace


FeminismsCancer said:
Cry me a river lol

But you expect us to be bothered with it lol

You bothered learning English. Why not bother using English measurements too?
FACEandLMS said:

You bothered learning English. Why not bother using English measurements too?

You could do some efforts too in exchange for the effort of speaking your language. 
You sound like hey you gave me a laptop, you could as well give me a car too.  :p
Guys who are 5'10+ who post threads about height should be banned.
I am exactly in this situation, it's hell
FeminismsCancer said:
You could do some efforts too in exchange for the effort of speaking your language. 
You sound like hey you gave me a laptop, you could as well give me a car too.  :p

I already speak WAY TOO MANY languages for a native English speaker lol. I learnt French, Spanish and a little German. NO MORE! Anything worth knowing is available in English. Anyone worth speaking to speaks English. It's a shame cuz so many other languages are beautiful and fascinating -- but useless as fuck.
FACEandLMS said:
I already speak WAY TOO MANY languages for a native English speaker lol. I learnt French, Spanish and a little German. NO MORE! Anything worth knowing is available in English. Anyone worth speaking to speaks English. It's a shame cuz so many other languages are beautiful and fascinating -- but useless as fuck.
Alors je vais parler dans ma langue natale  :p
I am half an inch taller than I think. It's annoying. The doctors also measured me incorrectly even it's the same soctor.
DON'T DO IT! I thought I was 5'6 but I am actually 5'5 3/4
FeminismsCancer said:
Alors je vais parler dans ma langue natale  :p

je croyais que tu etais italien.

On verra combien de temps parles-tu ta langue natale ici.  :p
FACEandLMS said:
je croyais que tu etais italien.

On verra combien de temps parles-tu ta langue natale ici.  :p
Tu dois me confondre avec @nausea
FeminismsCancer said:
Tu dois me confondre avec @nausea

Je croyais que les deux etaitent italiens.

Wow. ca fait bcp de temps que j'ecris qq chose en francais. Je n'avais pas eu le besoin de le faire toutes cettes annees. Tambien hablo espanol ...und ein bisschen deutsch.

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