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LDAR I'm actually glad i'm leeching from my parents



Glutton for punishment.
Sep 5, 2024
Honestly they deserve it and especially because of what just happened now.

So as you know; yesterday, White Germans got mowed down by a Brown person and my male parent just starts crying about "nazis" and how they need to be wiped of the face of the earth, I just told him to shut the hell up because he has no clue what the fuck he is talking about, and what does my female parent do? She takes his side and says "people can have opinions!" So i just fucked off into my room as usual.

Shit like this is makes me glad that i'm a permaNEET and a societal drain on them which they rightfully deserve, ofc they're my parents and once they unfortunately die i'm going to be homeless but i'm just going to just be a parasite who doesn't pay for anything apart from my own personal items. Sometimes i will do a single chore around the house to put up the illusion that i'm useful and they'll eat it up and give me praise. Quite amusing really
Thank god my mom is based, living with her is easy, we hate the same things and enjoy talking/laughing about it. She also does the cooking and laundry and pays for everything, thanks mom.
Thank god my mom is based, living with her is easy, we hate the same things and enjoy talking/laughing about it. She also does the cooking and laundry and pays for everything, thanks mom.
Mothers like yours are pretty rare, i'm happy for you brocel
I kinda feel bad leechmaxxing with my parents, they are actually nice even if they are a reason for my inceldom, they don't pressure me yet. Though i understand why you would not care if they are being bitchy about you.
I feel bad for leeching off my mom, at the same time she is one of the biggest reasons I am an incel and she makes my life a living hell sometimes.
Thank god my mom is based, living with her is easy, we hate the same things and enjoy talking/laughing about it. She also does the cooking and laundry and pays for everything, thanks mom.
I kinda feel bad leechmaxxing with my parents, they are actually nice even if they are a reason for my inceldom, they don't pressure me yet. Though i understand why you would not care if they are being bitchy about you.
I feel bad for leeching off my mom, at the same time she is one of the biggest reasons I am an incel and she makes my life a living hell sometimes.
These statements are fair and i do also feel some guilt about it somedays, parents are always the bigger causes of inceldom with myself included
I leech off mine and don't feel bad at all. They should've did a better job. Jackasses.
my dads a dick who does nothing for me while my mom provides
so its a shit experience
literally one parent supporting me when it should be TWO
my dad hasnt done shit for me but my mom expects me to do all the shit hes never had to do in his life?
fuck that
I feel bad for leeching off my mom, at the same time she is one of the biggest reasons I am an incel and she makes my life a living hell sometimes.
true my mom is old and getting worse but im suffering because of the decisions shes made

i just want to sleep forever
fuck this shit
incels leaching from their parents is reparations for birthing an incel and bringing him into this clown world
how i would love to say this to my mom but not using the word incel
"sexless men leeching from their parents is reparations for birthing an ugly man and bringing him into this horrible world"
my dads a dick who does nothing for me while my mom provides
so its a shit experience
literally one parent supporting me when it should be TWO
my dad hasnt done shit for me but my mom expects me to do all the shit hes never had to do in his life?
fuck that
Its awful when both parents don't pull their weight, my dad was kind of the same too
incels leaching from their parents is reparations for birthing an incel and bringing him into this clown world
Its awful when both parents don't pull their weight, my dad was kind of the same too

all my dad does is psychologically torment me
thats all he does
i just put my headphones on and try to drown him out when he comes down to the basement to talk shit about me

shit sucks
my mom doesnt care about his behavior since hes a white chad pretty much so anything i say im making it up so im fucked
all my dad does is psychologically torment me
thats all he does
i just put my headphones on and try to drown him out when he comes down to the basement to talk shit about me

shit sucks
my mom doesnt care about his behavior since hes a white chad pretty much so anything i say im making it up so im fucked
Thats fucked; no wonder guys like us are so miserable all the time. Your dad is a selfish prick
Sometimes i will do a single chore around the house to put up the illusion that i'm useful and they'll eat it up and give me praise. Quite amusing really

They don't sound that bad to be honest. Worse parents would demand that you do chores, and however much you did or however well you did them, it would never be enough or good enough etc. The fact that they seemingly aren't like this at all, and actively praise you merely for doing a chore, not expecting it, suggests I am correct to say they are not that bad and could be much worse. Your parents are just a couple of normie dopes, but they are not an example of incredibly egregious, bad, or abusive people.
They don't sound that bad to be honest. Worse parents would demand that you do chores, and however much you did or however well you did them, it would never be enough or good enough etc. The fact that they seemingly aren't like this at all, and actively praise you merely for doing a chore, not expecting it, suggests I am correct to say they are not that bad and could be much worse. Your parents are just a couple of normie dopes, but they are not an example of incredibly egregious, bad, or abusive people.
This is correct, they werent outright abusive but they were just normie dopes and they didn't really care apart from occasional coddling
"When Hitler was leader we didn't have any social problems."
So as you know; yesterday, White Germans got mowed down by a Brown person and my male parent just starts crying about "nazis" and how they need to be wiped of the face of the earth
His immediate reaction to seeing that news was to cry about Nazis of all things? Or was there something else that led up to this?
His immediate reaction to seeing that news was to cry about Nazis of all things? Or was there something else that led up to this?
It was his immediate reaction; all he saw was "Attack in Germany" and he started seething about how they were "Nazis"
It was his immediate reaction; all he saw was "Attack in Germany" and he started seething about how they were "Nazis"
He thought a Nazi perpetrated the attack? Or he was speaking to the effect of “Germans are/were Nazis so they deserve it”?
He thought a Nazi perpetrated the attack? Or he was speaking to the effect of “Germans are/were Nazis so they deserve it”?
Actually, both. He just went full retard and said they (even the attacker) were all nazis
Actually, both. He just went full retard and said they (even the attacker) were all nazis
Ricky Gervais Lol GIF
I do everything to become self sufficient while barely staving off the rope and my bitch mom still called me a leech once. But she is a massive sperg so I don’t take her too seriously so whatever :feelsjuice:
Well I never really had that luxury…


I only got support for very short and was very sick during that time…

Other than that, did my parent ever buy me iPhone or MacBook or perhaps pricey car ?


Had to work always…

My mom has nothing and doesn’t give me anything beside food…

She’s very bad with money but thinks she is smart when she is not really

She’s thinks I’m dumb with money but truth is my health is very bad which is in denial about and she thinks I’m a gangster wannabe…

She doesn’t know the type of dangerous people I have contact with.,.

She’s doesn’t know recently a gang member wanted to start throwing fists at me but was stopped by another member and made things cool.

You can’t expect me to have the same friends as my sister who is 75% Pakistani and I am only 25% Pakistani..

She is female…

I am not…

Second my real dad is Mexican and I had a dream that told that the reason why you never got along with desi men for the most part nor was able to form lasting relations is because they are not your same race as you carry your dads lineage and not your mothers…

It also told that you are not really born Muslim but Christian as your dad…

And that you should follow the religion set by your Dad as that is the correct religion.

I’ve seen many YouTube videos and comments about Muslims being in hell and dreams of former Muslims seeing their relatives in hell…

Any religion with a prophet with multiple wives is not a religion of God as that represents inequality and selfishness.

Prophet Solomon was disgraced before God and become a womanizer..

He abused the power given to him…

It’s very funny to me how the worst reactions I get are from women of my mothers race…

They have treated me by far the worst including white and Jew women.

Spanish and black women while not attracted to me are at least for the most part the least issue but don’t get me wrong they can and do give issue at times but nor where near as much if you ask me…
But she is a massive sperg so I don’t take her too seriously so whatever :feelsjuice:
As you shouldn't; mothers can really be unbearable and should be brushed off

Well I never really had that luxury…

Sad to hear that, and i will enjoy leeching. Like always
As you shouldn't; mothers can really be unbearable and should be brushed off

Sad to hear that, and i will enjoy leeching. Like always
Well it helped me have a casino as a front member…

Yes I suffered a lot and I would rather not have the casino…

But we don’t decide our fate…
Well it helped me have a casino as a front member…

Yes I suffered a lot and I would rather not have the casino…

But we don’t decide our fate…
so youre wealthy now?
so youre wealthy now?

Neither Henry Ford, nor Andrew Carnegie nor Vanderbilt nor Rockefeller were wealthy when they began operating..

Rockefeller by the way sold cocaine in the early stages…

Vanderbilt was a street thug who used to beat up men very badly…

Trump.io is protected by multiple cartels and criminals organizations as this point…

Anybody comes in the way - will not only be tortured and murdered but any babies related to them as well… why?

To make sure nobody fucks with it…

Human life < Trump.io

Tell me to make a blog post about anything to prove I am actually have control on it…

Not lying and yes I am a Sinaloa cartel member working under Los Chapitos…

Recruited by biological fathers associates… by force at 18 years old…
Neither Henry Ford, nor Andrew Carnegie nor Vanderbilt nor Rockefeller were wealthy when they began operating..

Rockefeller by the way sold cocaine in the early stages…

Vanderbilt was a street thug who used to beat up men very badly…

Trump.io is protected by multiple cartels and criminals organizations as this point…

Anybody comes in the way - will not only be tortured and murdered but any babies related to them as well… why?

To make sure nobody fucks with it…

Human life < Trump.io

Tell me to make a blog post about anything to prove I am actually have control on it…

Not lying and yes I am a Sinaloa cartel member working under Los Chapitos…

Recruited by biological fathers associates… by force at 18 years old…
well shit i believe you but what made you join this site if you dont mind me asking
well shit i believe you but what made you join this site if you dont mind me asking
I found Elliot Rodger before he became famous…

I watched all vids and saw all his posts on bodybuilding..:

Dude was honestly hilarious…

I was a user on PUAHate.com under username: MCMSinger

The initials are of my business name entity…
I found Elliot Rodger before he became famous…

I watched all vids and saw all his posts on bodybuilding..:

Dude was honestly hilarious…

I was a user on PUAHate.com under username: MCMSinger

The initials are of my business name entity…
ok so youve been into blackpill looksmaxxing and incel shit for a while then
ok so youve been into blackpill looksmaxxing and incel shit for a while then

I knew Elliot Rodger even before he was on PUAHate.com

We did have personal interactions and even met once in California when I went with another gang member for some work we had to do…

But that was after seeing him on PUAHate.com

Than one day while I was living in Huntington station, New York…

I came home one summer from summer school in 2014…

Booted my laptop and wanted to play some music until I saw him all over the news…

Was not surprised since women seemed to be his only goal and being rich but than again you are born to reproduce…

So he was alpha…

And he did have balls but his strategy was retarded and he was not fully as wise or intelligent as thought he was…

Inexperience, impatient and aggression filled with rage that is on everyone..

The better thing he could have done?

Grow weed. Use it. Do not sell since he doesn’t seem smart nor savvy to sell drugs.

Take roids. Learn to fight and build muscle in the gym. Make sure to post cycle recover.

Get a gun which he had. Get a bullet proof vest. Get a mask. Get pepper spray. Get taser.

Get a home fully paid by scams or live in your moms house. Finish a basement area built by Mexican construction workers - sound proof - steel and concrete. No windows. Bedroom and full bath. Steel door.

Kidnap a girl. Hold her captive. Tie her feet ankles to steel handcuffs and than bolt it down to the ground.

Literally no escape.

Literally none…

Feel free to now enjoy her pussy, ass and breasts …

Fuck consent… women came from Adam’s ribcage…

Therefore men don’t need consent to put their dick inside their pussy…

Consent is just a bullshit theory created by cockblockers who are other men and nothing more…

Consent is also promoted by women to prevent ugly men from being allowed to rape which a natural birth right given to God to males…

Only Chad is allowed to rape but I as a narco will change it and make sure all chads get murdered and fucking die…
Consent is just a bullshit theory created by cockblockers who are other men and nothing more…

Consent is also promoted by women to prevent ugly men from being allowed to rape which a natural birth right given to God to males…

Only Chad is allowed to rape but I as a narco will change it and make sure all chads get murdered and fucking die…
yeah its really fucked the way things are
all men should be able to fuck and live like chads
Honestly they deserve it and especially because of what just happened now.

So as you know; yesterday, White Germans got mowed down by a Brown person and my male parent just starts crying about "nazis" and how they need to be wiped of the face of the earth, I just told him to shut the hell up because he has no clue what the fuck he is talking about, and what does my female parent do? She takes his side and says "people can have opinions!" So i just fucked off into my room as usual.

Shit like this is makes me glad that i'm a permaNEET and a societal drain on them which they rightfully deserve, ofc they're my parents and once they unfortunately die i'm going to be homeless but i'm just going to just be a parasite who doesn't pay for anything apart from my own personal items. Sometimes i will do a single chore around the house to put up the illusion that i'm useful and they'll eat it up and give me praise. Quite amusing really
My parents hold the same retarded views about "Nazis" and "racism", I still love them tho

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