Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

SuicideFuel I’m a MSTOW on this forum and in real life, just like the unabomber once was.

Copexodius Maximus

Copexodius Maximus

Mentally destroyed by reality
Jul 21, 2020
People used to ask me why I don’t let people see my account, and I just made bullshit excuses like “bro, I don’t want feds to see my posts” or “it makes it harder to find my posts for normies”. But since we are all blackpilled here, I have to admit the real brutal reason. I’m a MSTOW who was sent his own way.

Back in the day when I first joined, I saw people posting on other people’s accounts but no one posted on mine. I felt like shit that people didn’t want to talk to me and coped by shutting my account down to hide how subhuman and unwanted I was even on this forum.

This is the state of my account since none of you have seen it.

285D4003 2CFF 4DE8 8440 CCBA23349FBF

By this time I privated it, I probably had 10k posts and yet no one liked me enough to even say anything nice. So I pretended like I blocked you all, when in reality is I never had a choice to be otherwise.

This is how I live my whole life now. In the real world it isn’t any different. I’m at around 6 months of never leaving my house, due to my work situation allowing me (for now). But I don’t leave my house because I know no one will want me or accept me out there. So it’s easier to hide and pretend like I’m the one who rejected them, but we all know what the reality is.

A similar thing happened to a legendary spergecel, Dr. Theodore John Laczynski (aka the unabomber). He was talking about how industrial society destroyed all human meaning, and because of that he was a rebel fighting back and living in the woods. But in reality, he was sent his own way. He was extremely autistic and had no friends and no gf, so instead of accepting the harsh reality of him being not wanted, he coped and claimed it was him who rejected industrial society. But we all know, just like me coping with closing my account page and never leaving my house, he never had a choice to begin with. He would never be part of society no matter what. So we both coped about our situation by claiming it was for some higher purpose.

This is the reality of our cope. The reality of the so called “hermits” in society who claim to have “walked away from soyciety”. Whenever you see someone like us, you should now be able to know they were sent their own way.
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People used to ask me why I don’t let people see my account, and I just made bullshit excuses like “bro, I don’t want feds to see my posts” or “it makes it harder to find my posts for normies”. But since we are all blackpilled here, I have to admit the real brutal reason. I’m a MSTOW who was sent his own way.

Back in the day when I first joined, I saw people posting on other people’s accounts but no one posted on mine. I felt like shit that people didn’t want to talk to me and coped by shutting my account down to hide how subhuman and unwanted I was even on this forum.

This is the state of my account since none of you have seen it.

View attachment 1067034

By this time I privated it, I probably had 10k posts and yet no one liked me enough to even say anything nice. So I pretended like I blocked you all, when in reality is I never had a choice to be otherwise.

This is how I live my whole life now. In the real world it isn’t any different. I’m at around 6 months of never leaving my house, due to my work situation allowing me (for now). But I don’t leave my house because I know no one will want me or accept me out there. So it’s easier to hide and pretend like I’m the one who rejected them, but we all know what the reality is.

A similar thing happened to a legendary spergecel, Dr. Theodore John Laczynski (aka the unabomber). He was talking about how industrial society destroyed all human meaning, and because of that he was a rebel fighting back and living in the woods. But in reality, he was sent his own way. He was extremely autistic and had no friends and no gf, so instead of accepting the harsh reality of him being not wanted, he coped and claimed it was him who rejected industrial society. But we all know, just like me coping with closing my account page and never leaving my house, he never had a choice to begin with. He would never be part of society no matter what. So we both coped about our situation by claiming it was for some higher purpose.

This is the reality of our cope. The reality of the so called “hermits” in society who claim to have “walked away from soyciety”. Whenever you see someone like us, you should now be able to know they were sent their own way.
dnr but you have one of the best pfp on this entire forum:feelsYall::feelsYall:
No one posts on my profile too :feelsbadman:
I also feel like a mstow, since I don't find most w0men as "Wife" matirial anymore. my Khazar/edomite/cannanite friend.

The juice ain't worth the squeeze, if in 2015-2019 I could still see some normality in w0men and maybe hope to get lucky, after covid, the inflation, the degenracy, 0nlyfans really makes it impossible to hope having a normal relationship with a w0men (as a normie, which im Isn't). and thats for normies, we Incels aren't even mstows, we aren't even in the game to begin with.
It isn't possible to post on your profile currently
I know, cause I’m too ashamed to go out anymore. The pain was too great the first time I left it open.

I also feel like a mstow, since I don't find most w0men as "Wife" matirial anymore. my Khazar/edomite/cannanite friend.

The juice ain't worth the squeeze, if in 2015-2019 I could still see some normality in w0men and maybe hope to get lucky, after covid, the inflation, the degenracy, 0nlyfans really makes it impossible to hope having a normal relationship with a w0men (as a normie, which im Isn't). and thats for normies, we Incels aren't even mstows, we aren't even in the game to begin with.
Yep, although I think you might be a youngcel cause you are coping with the 2015 thing.

dnr but you have one of the best pfp on this entire forum:feelsYall::feelsYall:
Read it. It’s brutal.
I am massively disliked here too. Only other slavcels, gypsies and balkans want to talk to me becuse we have some weird sense of brotherhood. I get called jew even for smallest things. 2023/24 cels call me jew and faggot on every fucking post.
I don't know how to play forum politics and lick someone's ass like those NPC guys with same avis, similar names etc.
Most users who are joined before 2022 don't want to do anything with me. Even here I feel alienated with everyone being richer, taller, and possibly better looking with some cultural differences.
I'll admit I am not the most active guy here, but it's painfull to see some people who blow up in popularity in just a few months despite them being far from trucels.
People used to ask me why I don’t let people see my account, and I just made bullshit excuses like “bro, I don’t want feds to see my posts” or “it makes it harder to find my posts for normies”. But since we are all blackpilled here, I have to admit the real brutal reason. I’m a MSTOW who was sent his own way.

Back in the day when I first joined, I saw people posting on other people’s accounts but no one posted on mine. I felt like shit that people didn’t want to talk to me and coped by shutting my account down to hide how subhuman and unwanted I was even on this forum.

This is the state of my account since none of you have seen it.

View attachment 1067034

By this time I privated it, I probably had 10k posts and yet no one liked me enough to even say anything nice. So I pretended like I blocked you all, when in reality is I never had a choice to be otherwise.

This is how I live my whole life now. In the real world it isn’t any different. I’m at around 6 months of never leaving my house, due to my work situation allowing me (for now). But I don’t leave my house because I know no one will want me or accept me out there. So it’s easier to hide and pretend like I’m the one who rejected them, but we all know what the reality is.

A similar thing happened to a legendary spergecel, Dr. Theodore John Laczynski (aka the unabomber). He was talking about how industrial society destroyed all human meaning, and because of that he was a rebel fighting back and living in the woods. But in reality, he was sent his own way. He was extremely autistic and had no friends and no gf, so instead of accepting the harsh reality of him being not wanted, he coped and claimed it was him who rejected industrial society. But we all know, just like me coping with closing my account page and never leaving my house, he never had a choice to begin with. He would never be part of society no matter what. So we both coped about our situation by claiming it was for some higher purpose.

This is the reality of our cope. The reality of the so called “hermits” in society who claim to have “walked away from soyciety”. Whenever you see someone like us, you should now be able to know they were sent their own way.
Pretty brutal, ngl :incel::incel::incel::incel:
For a long time all the people who commented on my profile were insulting me. I had to delete several a day. I didn't know you could private it, otherwise I would've. The comments I receive are more positive now.

About the Unabomber, society was more exclusive in the 90's. Especially since he didn't have anyone to relate to. Now with the internet being the norm, we have .is to keep us docile where we can relate to other people. Otherwise I think way more of those attacks would be happening.
instead of accepting the harsh reality of him being not wanted, he coped and claimed it was him who rejected industrial society
Those two aren't mutually exclusive tho. It's just a matter of which came first.
you shouldnt care about social validation on an inkler forun
Think it matters how much of your personal life you share.

People will be more willing to interact with someone they know is an actual person, who shared details and stories from their life.
I shared a lot here even then.

For a long time all the people who commented on my profile were insulting me. I had to delete several a day. I didn't know you could private it, otherwise I would've. The comments I receive are more positive now.

About the Unabomber, society was more exclusive in the 90's. Especially since he didn't have anyone to relate to. Now with the internet being the norm, we have .is to keep us docile where we can relate to other people. Otherwise I think way more of those attacks would be happening.
You didn’t know you even had the option to hide. Idk if that’s a good thing or not. In the end, idek if it was good for me or not. But I do know being unwanted irl led to no other option.
I know, cause I’m too ashamed to go out anymore. The pain was too great the first time I left it open.

Yep, although I think you might be a youngcel cause you are coping with the 2015 thing.

Read it. It’s brutal.
youngcel who is about to turn 30 lololol.
Chad could never "just walk away" from society people would literally stalk him.
never began for users who were-barely-known-back-then-but-are-highly-known-today-cels
never began for users who were-barely-known-back-then-but-are-highly-known-today-cels
There’s a difference between being known and being someone people actually want to interact with. There’s many new users who have old and new users interacting with them on their account page. Just look at your own account page.
There’s a difference between being known and being someone people actually want to interact with. There’s many new users who have old and new users interacting with them on their account page. Just look at your own account page.
I assume that people who have big post count and glowing name is a glownigger for real so I don't want to speak to them a lot
I assume that people who have big post count and glowing name is a glownigger for real so I don't want to speak to them a lot
I don’t post in the sewers, and this was before I had lots of posts. Yet still, I was sent my own way.
It's over. But his cope was a based cope.
And then he spent the rest of his life rotting in a cell, never to be in the nature he loved again.
I had 2 posts on my profile the very first day here, mogged.
And then he spent the rest of his life rotting in a cell, never to be in the nature he loved again.
True tbh. But we are worse. As long as we LDARmaxx, we are also imprisoned (by our own mind). He at least got a period of freedom, and a lot of correspondence in jail.
I had 2 posts on my profile the very first day here, mogged.

True tbh. But we are worse. As long as we LDARmaxx, we are also imprisoned (by our own mind). He at least got a period of freedom, and a lot of correspondence in jail.
We can at least escortmaxx if we wanted to, or game, or watch entertainment,
Yeah tbh blackcels and jewcels have it bad. They can't even come to these forums, forums made for social losers with no other place to go, without people just throwing slurs at them.

I wonder if you just grow numb to it. It can't be healthy though.
Yeah tbh blackcels and jewcels have it bad. They can't even come to these forums, forums made for social losers with no other place to go, without people just throwing slurs at them.

I wonder if you just grow numb to it. It can't be healthy though.
Yeah, I’ve grown numb to it. And you’re right, people hate blacks just as much as Jews. Every so often people compare them to animals, even when they beat a roastie that deserved it.
Was send my own way too
I was sent my own way before it was cool
Same man I'll rarely get posts in my profile. When I view others even greycels have multiple people talking one on one :fuk:
Idk the profile game, I just comment on people's anime avatars. Maybe I just don't care enough, but it seems to me you're putting too much weight on it. Much better to get replies in threads imo.
The juice ain't worth the squeeze, if in 2015-2019 I could still see some normality in w0men and maybe hope to get lucky, after covid, the inflation, the degenracy, 0nlyfans really makes it impossible to hope having a normal relationship with a w0men (as a normie, which im Isn't). and thats for normies, we Incels aren't even mstows, we aren't even in the game to begin with.
Yeah women were already beyond repair, but now they're a fucking national security threat. Boomers think collapse means goth biker gangs, but this is what a collapse really is. The disintegration of society and loss of all ability for people to interact positively.
Idk the profile game, I just comment on people's anime avatars. Maybe I just don't care enough, but it seems to me you're putting too much weight on it. Much better to get replies in threads imo.

Yeah women were already beyond repair, but now they're a fucking national security threat. Boomers think collapse means goth biker gangs, but this is what a collapse really is. The disintegration of society and loss of all ability for people to interact positively.
People always reply on threads cause you are right there. It takes extra effort to go to their profiles to say something.
Back when I had a Tyrone avi you complimented it on my profile. If yours were open I'd totally return the favor!

And yes, I'm such a loser that I can remember all the compliments I've got. :feelsrope:
If I was Chad, I would be MGTOW.
Pump & Dump them.
If I was Chad, I would be MGTOW.
Pump & Dump them.
I guess that is technically MGTOW as well. But never heard someone use the term like that for a while.

We Incels aren't even in the game, we can't be Mstow.

What we can do, is give w0men less attention and money.
That will never happen en masse. Too many simps.
I guess that is technically MGTOW as well. But never heard someone use the term like that for a while.

That will never happen en masse. Too many simps.
This is why I said thats what WE can do, not most simps

Some of them maybe can be saved, but most are lost.
Same here
You cant be a MGTOW and a Incel. A mgtow has chosen to walk away, and incel was forced to walk away but still wants to ascend. Most mgtows are previously married men who had been trhough the divorce grinder. Mgtow are VOLCEL's, incels are a tottally different breed of animal. MGTOWs speak of their dating experiences with women whom they have decided to check out from, Incel's have no such experience to draw from .
People used to ask me why I don’t let people see my account, and I just made bullshit excuses like “bro, I don’t want feds to see my posts” or “it makes it harder to find my posts for normies”. But since we are all blackpilled here, I have to admit the real brutal reason. I’m a MSTOW who was sent his own way.

Back in the day when I first joined, I saw people posting on other people’s accounts but no one posted on mine. I felt like shit that people didn’t want to talk to me and coped by shutting my account down to hide how subhuman and unwanted I was even on this forum.

This is the state of my account since none of you have seen it.

View attachment 1067034

By this time I privated it, I probably had 10k posts and yet no one liked me enough to even say anything nice. So I pretended like I blocked you all, when in reality is I never had a choice to be otherwise.

This is how I live my whole life now. In the real world it isn’t any different. I’m at around 6 months of never leaving my house, due to my work situation allowing me (for now). But I don’t leave my house because I know no one will want me or accept me out there. So it’s easier to hide and pretend like I’m the one who rejected them, but we all know what the reality is.

A similar thing happened to a legendary spergecel, Dr. Theodore John Laczynski (aka the unabomber). He was talking about how industrial society destroyed all human meaning, and because of that he was a rebel fighting back and living in the woods. But in reality, he was sent his own way. He was extremely autistic and had no friends and no gf, so instead of accepting the harsh reality of him being not wanted, he coped and claimed it was him who rejected industrial society. But we all know, just like me coping with closing my account page and never leaving my house, he never had a choice to begin with. He would never be part of society no matter what. So we both coped about our situation by claiming it was for some higher purpose.

This is the reality of our cope. The reality of the so called “hermits” in society who claim to have “walked away from soyciety”. Whenever you see someone like us, you should now be able to know they were sent their own way.
Considering you haven't ended up commiting sudoku shows that you (and us in general) are much stronger mentally than anyone who hasn't experienced our struggle.
you have one of the best pfp on this entire forum:feelsYall::feelsYall:
I keep deleting my accounts because all anonymous, cyber interactions are fake. Nobody on the forum has even inquired about my past aliases.

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