I’ve been lurking this website for a while(Since August last year). I notice a lot of you guys blame race as to why you can’t get laid, but what I don’t understand is why you blame your race when there’s much more factors to men being desirable.
I’m white, and seeing you guys cope on race makes me feel like a loser(I have no excuse).
It’s not what you think especially in a majority White country like every country in Europe and/or USA.
You guys have no clue what you’re talking about when you spew jbw. Let me explain.
I will use Black men for example. Here’s just a few videos that debunk all the nonsense you guys spew here.
View: https://youtu.be/3NYt05HwPgI?si=D97R23je0CFVB7tl
View: https://youtu.be/suCj733M0tc?si=W9g2mxA8drTi628k
View: https://youtu.be/4Wtb4HfJ7rI?si=-ndYp7vz5yUm44T8
View: https://youtu.be/WmKWgMo7bks?si=lggqMdzkElNqej3a
View: https://youtu.be/E6leu1tLMWY?si=Obt8aq72tWoZBq8h
As you can see, these Black males have their way with women across races, hots ones as well. No statistic you post as cope or show will change their reality.
From what I notice with Black men, they have a viewpoint on Masculinity based of their race alone,
It also helps Black men that the vast majority of black women prefer them(just like every race of women prefer their same race)but then again OVERALL, women prefer attractive established men, hypergamy is real.
Notice how I spoke nicely about the Black race? well guess what, that doesn’t apply to the majority of Black men, similar to how jbw doesn’t apply to the vast majority of White men.
A lot of you here also need to stop coping on white women. White women, who I’d say are my preference, are not nearly as loyal as you retards think(especially in modern times). They are still women, and they’re the majority in USA(I’m based here, but from Scotland). White women statically have 3x more kids interracially than white men. Keep in mind that the majority of babies white women have with black men are out of wedlock, while being the second most common MARRIED interracial pairing in USA. They’re also women so they have it 1000000x easier getting laid. They’re also statically the most promiscuous women in the country.
Basically what I’m saying even if every non white man dated a white woman, white women would still mostly date white men due to proximity and population size, not race loyalty. When you factor in us white men being the most established group in USA(position of power, jobs, resources), you’ll finally realize what I’m saying.
There’s no such thing as race loyalty for women.
You guys generalize actual chads with us normies and sub 5s. Normies like myself have it harder than you think. I’ve been denied by non white women for being “too nice” “not masculine” and “not their type”.
I’d say jbw is real, but 99% of the time it’s masked under betabuxxing and or greencardmaxxing from women.
I understand that you guys perceive women to like us white men, it’s not really about our race. It’s mainly cause we’re the majority, similar to snowbunnies who grow up around Black men in section 8. Proximity matters, media representation matter. If you deny these then you’re coping.
This is literally the reality for most of us:
View: https://youtu.be/JbRK9admjVo?si=qmwTHf67D8WLlhf3
Tall white men with non white women is NOT jbw.
Rich white men with non white women is NOT jbw.
Ugly white men with non white women is NOT jbw(ALL THE TIME YOU GUYS SHOW somewhat UGLY TALL GUYS).
AND FOR FUCKS SAKE STOP USING THOSE DATING APP COPE! Women barely swipe on men and deem the vast majority of use as unattractive. They only swipe on tyrone, chad, cheng, and whatever other terms we have for attactive men.
The hierarchy for men whether you like it or not is:
(Resources)> Looks > Height.
From my experience alone, don’t lead with your pockets,
but I’m on the brink of escortmaxxing.
Basically, race is more so a mental thing for the vast majority of non white men in the incel community, you’re just fucking short or ugly as fuck, quit your coping.
If we were so special, a lot of us wouldn’t be incels like myself.