Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

If you’re white or black, 5’9+ and average - little below average face



Gambler Stan Account
Oct 13, 2023
You’re only here because you’re autistic/ awkward/ non-NT in some way.

There’ll be coping and seething, but JBW is law and black foids are loyal to black men.
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NT = Good face and height.
It's so easy for whypipos. I really don't understand JBWcels in this community tbh.
I originally joined in 2018, but I deleted my account.
What is it with 2023 newfags pointing out my join date?
You say that while spouting out bluepill bullshit that you hear from redditors. You sound like a reddit fag the way you talk.
You say that while spouting out bluepill bullshit that you hear from redditors. You sound like a reddit fag the way you talk.
Leave your basement you hindu faggot. Nothing I say is bluepilled, you’re just a coping 80 IQ retard.
Leave your basement you hindu faggot. Nothing I say is bluepilled, you’re just a coping 80 IQ retard.
You're just a reddit fag trying to bring your mUh NT mUh socIal skills cope to this website. You even use the overused 'leave basement' bullshit. Fuck off back to reddit cuck/landwhale.
You're just a reddit fag trying to bring your mUh NT mUh socIal skills cope to this website. You even use the overused 'leave basement' bullshit. Fuck off back to reddit cuck/landwhale.
When was the last time you did leave your basement? Do you interact with mixed gender groups? Like at parties and such?
Or do you just call people le funny reddit XD?
When was the last time you did leave your basement? Do you interact with mixed gender groups? Like at parties and such?
Or do you just call people le funny reddit XD?
I have a lot of work and school so yes I do 'leave my basement'. I don't interact with anyone much because they don't want me around.
My country is 99% white so jbw doesnt mean anything
I have a lot of work and school so yes I do 'leave my basement'. I don't interact with anyone much because they don't want me around.
Like clockwork. You faggots are hilarious. 0 experience but calling anyone you disagree with reddit.
You’re beyond retarded if you think social skills don’t matter for the non-subhuman population, It’s not any pill, it’s just common sense.
You’re beyond retarded if you think social skills don’t matter for the non-subhuman population, It’s not any pill, it’s just common sense.
Social skills literally don't make a fucking difference for anyone unless you're severely retarded and can't communicate properly.
Social skills literally don't make a fucking difference for anyone unless you're severely retarded and can't communicate properly.
Like with every other retard denying the NTpill, you already outed yourself as someone with 0 experience of what you’re talking about.
Not much else to be said.
Like with every other retard denying the NTpill, you already outed yourself as someone with 0 experience of what you’re talking about.
Not much else to be said.
Nigga really believes in the NTpill :lul:. Why aren't you slaying then since you can NTmaxx and ascend retard. What are you doing here?
Also, I have tried in the past but people don't like me. There is nothing wrong with my social skills. They just don't like me around bc I'm subhuman.
Nigga really believes in the NTpill :lul:.
Yes, nigga really goes outside and sees normies interacting with each other instead of calling people le reddit on incel forums. Nigga also sees the difference in the sex lives of normies of the same looks level who have different levels of NT.
Why aren't you slaying then since you can NTmaxx and ascend retard. What are you doing here?
Also, I have tried in the past but people don't like me. There is nothing wrong with my social skills. They just don't like me around bc I'm subhuman.
Because you can’t just NTmaxx if you spent your teenage years as a shut-in abused dog.
Being a normalnigger is a skill you have to nurture from childhood.
Where I am now it’s basically impossible to NTmaxx.
And I don’t doubt that you’re subhuman. I was talking about normies, not subhumans.
5'10 but my face is around 3.5 on a good day, as in not bad enough to be pitied by normies but bad enough to be completely socially and romantically excluded, and I am not a sperg or a nutcase either, just a dude who's too ugly to get poontang for 25 years.

NT non NT is cope, it's all about the face, women will excuse any weird or creepy behavior over a face and HEIGHT
5'10 but my face is around 3.5 on a good day, as in not bad enough to be pitied by normies but bad enough to be completely socially and romantically excluded, and I am not a sperg or a nutcase either, just a dude who's too ugly to get poontang for 25 years.

NT non NT is cope, it's all about the face, women will excuse any weird or creepy behavior over a face and HEIGHT
Nah bro, NT is what separates normies from incels https://incels.is/threads/started-taking-pictures-of-couples.535133/

Even if you’re good looking enough for women to cold approach you, they’ll lose interest if you’re not NT
I will concede actual autsim / aspergers is social death to a high degree, but I doubt 90% of the supposed spergs here are diagnosed and simply using the ol 4chan lingo to describe their own awkwardness and shortcomings
Awkwardness is enough, you don’t need to be an actual autist. Women are hyper-social.
They don’t want an anti-social weirdo for a boyfriend.
ive never seen a white guy score below 5 on looks not counting ppl that suffering from disability on internet
Nigga really believes in the NTpill :lul:. Why aren't you slaying then since you can NTmaxx and ascend retard. What are you doing here?
Also, I have tried in the past but people don't like me. There is nothing wrong with my social skills. They just don't like me around bc I'm subhuman.
Yes, nigga really goes outside and sees normies interacting with each other instead of calling people le reddit on incel forums. Nigga also sees the difference in the sex lives of normies of the same looks level who have different levels of NT.

Because you can’t just NTmaxx if you spent your teenage years as a shut-in abused dog.
Being a normalnigger is a skill you have to nurture from childhood.
Where I am now it’s basically impossible to NTmaxx.
And I don’t doubt that you’re subhuman. I was talking about normies, not subhumans.
This thread is full of cope responses. I have seen guys much uglier than me and also shorter than me (I am barely 5’9) who could get gfs easily. Unless you are a literal midget or look like elephant man then NTpill always comes to collect.
This thread is full of cope responses. I have seen guys much uglier than me and also shorter than me (I am barely 5’9) who could get gfs easily. Unless you are a literal midget or look like elephant man then NTpill always comes to collect.
It’s so rare to see someone here with an ounce of common sense and an IQ over 90. Careful though, you get banned for “bluepill” if you say anything that suggests you leave your basement at all on this forum.
Reddit levels of free speech.
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5'9 and average guy is incel in 2023 unless he betabuxxes and jestermaxxes to entertain a LTB.
This thread is full of cope responses. I have seen guys much uglier than me and also shorter than me (I am barely 5’9) who could get gfs easily. Unless you are a literal midget or look like elephant man then NTpill always comes to collect.
change that to 'black in a western country or white, 5'10, with average face'
5'9 and average guy is incel in 2023 unless he betabuxxes and jestermaxxes to entertain a LTB.

You joined on monday and have 30 posts, try going outside and seeing that you don’t need to be a legit chad to get a gf
honestly theres lot of young whitecels here doesnt realize looks isnt a problem for them and they can still find happiness. op have nothing but good advices tbh
It’s so rare to see someone here with an ounce of common sense and an IQ over 90. Careful though, you get banned for “bluepill” if you say anything that suggests you leave your basement at all on this forum.
Reddit levels of free speech.
It’s true. I got a warning for “muh bluepilled content” because I don’t believe in cucked stuff. I don’t consider myself to be “subhuman” or trash like some users on here, because I can’t get a gf, I know the reason for my inceldom is bad environment instead of blaming it on mystery goop DNA cells in my body that mean nothing, which is evident by the tons of guys who I mog who I’ve seen with stacy gfs
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It’s true. I got a warning for “muh bluepilled content” because I don’t believe in cucked stuff. I don’t consider myself to be “subhuman” or trash like some users on here, because I can’t get a gf, I know the reason for my inceldom is bad environment instead of blaming it on mystery goop DNA cells in my body that mean nothing, which is evident by the tons of guys who I mog who I’ve seen with stacy gfs
View attachment 913031
Exactly. I believe i’m one of the few people here that actually go outside. Despite being an incel, I often go to parties and clubs and such and I also travel a lot and everywhere I go, it’s the same thing. 85% of couples are at worst looksmatched. If anything, I more often see a man dating up. And these women worship their normie boyfriends, constantly hugging and kissing and touching them, showing them off on instagram etc.

The people who claim to be “blackpilled” are often the most bluepilled copers.
Their way of thinking is basically
“i’m a sexless loser, but that’s okay because everyone except the mythical Chad is either sexless like me or betabuxxing”.
There’s nothing more bluepilled than that.

I’m like you, I see men uglier than me all the time sticking their dicks inside a new bitch every week, because they’re NT, sociable normies.
Exactly. I believe i’m one of the few people here that actually go outside. Despite being an incel, I often go to parties and clubs and such and I also travel a lot and everywhere I go, it’s the same thing. 85% of couples are at worst looksmatched. If anything, I more often see a man dating up. And these women worship their normie boyfriends, constantly hugging and kissing and touching them, showing them off on instagram etc.

The people who claim to be “blackpilled” are often the most bluepilled copers.
Their way of thinking is basically
“i’m a sexless loser, but that’s okay because everyone except the mythical Chad is either sexless like me or betabuxxing”.
There’s nothing more bluepilled than that.

I’m like you, I see men uglier than me all the time sticking their dicks inside a new bitch every week, because they’re NT, sociable normies.
how the fuck is there not a line through your name
how the fuck is there not a line through your name
Dunno, this site is basically reddit’s emo twin. Say anything that goes against the grain of what is believed by the majority of clueless people here and you’ll get banned.
I don’t really care if I do.
This forum is waaay past its prime.
It’s good to see there are others here who don’t sit in the house constantly whining about how only chad gets sex, almost all couples who are aged 14-35 are either looksmatched or many times the girl mogs the guy noticeably, not sure about 40+ couples as I don’t care for them and I’m not an oldcel

Beyond stupid to call yourself subhuman meanwhile uglier shorter boys a decade younger than you fuck their gfs after school without paying anything at all
what exactly about your environment made you an incel?
For me it was a shitty, abusive mother and cuck father.
Also got bullied and didn’t know how to stand up for myself because of the situation at home. Not having a real father figure is like being castrated.
Also just generally weird schizo brain. I remember doing autistic shit when I was very young, like begging the teacher to go to the toilet with me when I was 6 because I was too scared alone.

Because of that today i’m your typical abused dog mentalcel. I’m legit terrified of women.

what exactly about your environment made you an incel?
For me it was a shitty, abusive mother and cuck father.
Also got bullied and didn’t know how to stand up for myself because of the situation at home. Not having a real father figure is like being castrated.
Also just generally weird schizo brain. I remember doing autistic shit when I was very young, like begging the teacher to go to the toilet with me when I was 6 because I was too scared alone.

Because of that today i’m your typical abused dog mentalcel. I’m legit terrified of women.
My parents were neither awful or good, but having abusive parents will definitely cause inceldom I agree with you on that.

Life was decent for me until 12, was on the path to getting a solid normie tier life, then all of a sudden when I was 12 and started school, I started attending this horrible low class thug school full of savages instead of a middle class school like I should have went to (high school is 12-17 here not 14-17 like it is for americans)

As a result of not fitting in at that school and fighting back against people, I got bullied hard, got beat the shit out of by older guys for no reason, I eventually moved school but by that point it was too late, the damage was done, was an abused dog full of trauma who couldn’t say one single word to a female. It feels like an insult when some users say stuff like this doesn’t matter, you can live a good life with bad genetics (ugly short NTfags) while you can never live a good life with bad environment.
It's so easy for whypipos. I really don't understand JBWcels in this community tbh.
Remind me, you're a Koreacel or do you live in the West? I thought it was the former, so I wanted to reply to with something like "They aren't getting laid for the same reason you aren't slaying with Chinks/SEA whores/Russian/Central Asians etc." and then post this table:


To show you that it isn't as easy as simply being a certain ethnicity, but now I'm not sure whether that would land:waitwhat:.

JBW is law and black foids are loyal to black men.
"JBW" should mean "just don't be a below-average Asian in a Western country."


ive never seen a white guy score below 5 on looks not counting ppl that suffering from disability on internet
Pure white worship:feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:.

“i’m a sexless loser, but that’s okay because everyone except the mythical Chad is either sexless like me or betabuxxing”.
There’s nothing more bluepilled than that.

I’m like you, I see men uglier than me all the time sticking their dicks inside a new bitch every week, because they’re NT, sociable normies.
From what I've seen, most dudes here understand that normies of course have sex. It's just that the amount of sex they have is miniscule compared to what very good-looking men get, therefore it's logical to be far more envious of Chads than normies.

It's the same as with money. I'm obviously envious of the people who make somewhat more money than I do, but if I had to switch lives with someone, it would be with one of the 1% who own 50% of the planet, and not with someone just a bit higher in the hierarchy of the company where I work, just as I'd rather be one of those Chads that have 50% of sex acts despite being just 5% of the male population.

This is what I originally wanted to reply to you in that "Some of y'all are gay as fuck" thread of yours, then I decided against it, but why not.

Beyond stupid to call yourself subhuman meanwhile uglier shorter boys a decade younger than you fuck their gfs right after school day ends without paying anything at all
Where are they? No, genuinely, where are they? I'm shorter, less muscular and uglier than almost all my peers, and even they are regularly complainig about how hard it is to meet women. I've talked about this a few times on here, but when I'm hanging out with my friends, at this point our conversations legit sound like conversations of this forum (and it's them talking, I don't really talk much in general) and that's despite them being better-looking and mostly taller than me, with all of them having had women chasing them at least once (which I never experienced) and none of them being virgins. If guys who have women chasing after them (one of them had a chick try to give him a blowjob just an hour after meeting her, which I'll make a thread about one day) still have serious trouble meeting them in social settings and such, then what chance does an ugly and short guy like me have?

The simple fact is, there aren't enough young women for young men in basically any country in the world:

That means that some men are destined to be incels unless they agree to start going to nursing homes for sex. If you want to get into a relationship, you need either good looks (short-term relationship) or money and status (long-term relationship):

Looks and status are still essential: Testing the mate preference priority model with the profile-based experimental paradigm

If you have neither, well... you're shit out of luck boyo.
Remind me, you're a Koreacel or do you live in the West? I thought it was the former, so I wanted to reply to with something like "They aren't getting laid for the same reason you aren't slaying with Chinks/SEA whores/Russian/Central Asians etc." and then post this table:


To show you that it isn't as easy as simply being a certain ethnicity, but now I'm not sure whether that would land:waitwhat:.

"JBW" should mean "just don't be a below-average Asian in a Western country."


Pure white worship:feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:.

From what I've seen, most dudes here understand that normies of course have sex. It's just that the amount of sex they have is miniscule compared to what very good-looking men get, therefore it's logical to be far more envious of Chads than normies.

It's the same as with money. I'm obviously envious of the people who make somewhat more money than I do, but if I had to switch lives with someone, it would be with one of the 1% who own 50% of the planet, and not with someone just a bit higher in the hierarchy of the company where I work, just as I'd rather be one of those Chads that have 50% of sex acts despite being just 5% of the male population.

This is what I originally wanted to reply to you in that "Some of y'all are gay as fuck" thread of yours, then I decided against it, but why not.

Where are they? No, genuinely, where are they? I'm shorter, less muscular and uglier than almost all my peers, and even they are regularly complainig about how hard it is to meet women. I've talked about this a few times on here, but when I'm hanging out with my friends, at this point our conversations legit sound like conversations of this forum (and it's them talking, I don't really talk much in general) and that's despite them being better-looking and mostly taller than me, with all of them having had women chasing them at least once (which I never experienced) and none of them being virgins. If guys who have women chasing after them (one of them had a chick try to give him a blowjob just an hour after meeting her, which I'll make a thread about one day) still have serious trouble meeting them in social settings and such, then what chance does an ugly and short guy like me have?

The simple fact is, there aren't enough young women for young men in basically any country in the world:

That means that some men are destined to be incels unless they agree to start going to nursing homes for sex. If you want to get into a relationship, you need either good looks (short-term relationship) or money and status (long-term relationship):

Looks and status are still essential: Testing the mate preference priority model with the profile-based experimental paradigm

If you have neither, well... you're shit out of luck boyo.
Of course these bluepillers didn't respond to you. What you are saying is complete common sense. In no other mamal in nature do we see females being attracted to average males of their species as we see in economics (which is similar to dating due to both being based around human nature) where people go to the top % of companies. The gender ratio is another thing. If there is scarcity the price will be driven up more than the deficit due to the fact you need to outbid what the excess % at the bottom are willing to pay to get that product.

Even the NT pill is dumb because being NT often comes with looks. Mutations of the mind are heavily correlated with mutations of the body. The ugly normies these guys are mentioning are likely good looking and they have a huge ego about their own looks. Its good for the ego to say "these ugly NT people are slaying" instead of "these NT people mog me in looks I'm just coping".

I'm sorry you got no replies yet to your reply but its important that we stop bluepillers from repeating the same talking points verbatim.
You’re only here because you’re autistic/ awkward/ non-NT in some way.

There’ll be coping and seething, but JBW is law and black foids are loyal to black men.
im 5'10 black where the average 18yr is 6'1 nordic traits here in netherlands its just a mogging fest for anyone with imigrant parents

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