I'm going to be taking parts from various posts to show what I would do:
Also I'd be escortcelling.
I would use what ever excess millions I had to fund research into things that directly fuck with the female power structure
Male contraceptive pill, artificial womb technology, sex robot technology, human pheromones to be sold on the black market to violate women's sense of free will
, the works. I find it disturbing none of you have mentioned this shit, its important to use our resources for this shit, dismantle the female power structure and their SMV will also decrease over time.
I would also revolutionize "ER's" by creating a compound that if comes into contact with the basic components that make up is composed of, will have some kind of "negative reaction". One would just need to "aerosolize" it and disperse it in a crowd, instant female acid face with no effort.