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Serious if you missed out in college, you messed up your life



Disregard my larping efforts. I can’t change it.
Sep 26, 2019
it makes it worse if you also missed out in HS. but missing out in HS can be fixed if you enjoy life in college. but if you enjoyed HS but missed out in college, or missed out in both, its over. if you missed out in college, its over. you fucked up your life.

i ddid absolutely nothing in college. i never experienced dating or sex, never got to go to a single fuckin party in college (or even HS). i never got to go to events where people hang out and do fun shit together. i never have gotten drunk before. never have went to a bar before. at my age, people have had sex, one night stands, went to at least a couple parties, made friends, went to places with friends, and enjoyed life. and i had to deal with fuckin gay ass OCD all fucking darn long throughout college missing out on everything. and i fuckin hate it. fuck this world. and then fucking quarantine just had to fucking happen. and now months are gonna feel like years when i wait for covid to end. now under covid, i have 0 opportunities for going to places. and i don't have my drivers test until a couple months, so i can't drive to places and my mom is an overprotective helicopter karen of a parent who restricts what i do. i hate that fucking cunt. i can't ascend without my license and i can't ascend under covid.

and if you think it's easy making friends after college you're wrong. if you think it's easy finding a date after college youre fuckin wrong. i read articles about how its much harder finding a friend or a girlfriend after college. people in their mid-late 20s usually hangout with those they met in high school/college. and their relationships often are with someone they began dating in college. college is your last chance to make friends and lose your virginity and find a GF, if you miss out on all of it, you have zero chances left. and nobody goes to parties or festivals or clubs or other fun events after college. in fact, nobody goes out to places after college. they still might during the 1st and 2nd year following college, but once they get to their mid-20s they completely outgrow it. if you missed out in it in your teens/early 20s, it's over. you fucked up in life. time to rope afterward in minecraft.

here's a study:

"Social connection, a leading factor in the promotion of health, well-being, and longevity, requires social knowledge and the capacity to cultivate intimacy. Life span development theorists have speculated that social information-seeking goals, emphasized at the beginning of early adulthood, give way to emotional closeness goals in later stages of early adulthood. Drawing on developmental theory (Baltes & Carstensen, 2003; Baltes, 1997), this 30-year prospective study assessed social activity at age 20 and age 30 with experience sampling methods, and psychosocial outcomes (social integration, friendship quality, loneliness, depression, and psychological well-being) at age 50. Results supported the hypothesis that the quantity (but not the quality) of social interactions at age 20, and the quality (but not the quantity) of social interactions at age 30 predict midlife psychosocial outcomes. Longitudinal structural models revealed that age-20 interaction quantity had a direct, unmediated effect on age-50 social and psychological outcomes. The effects of age-20 interaction quality on midlife outcomes, on the other hand, were mediated by age-30 interaction quality. Our findings are consistent with the idea that selection and optimization serve important functions in early adulthood, and that engaging in developmentally appropriate social activity contributes to psychosocial adjustment in the decades that follow."
I already dont fit in at HS
Ok, but what we youngcels are supposed to do? I mean, surgery is only possible after HS (19 years old), so it’s impossible for us to ascend during the HS
Ok, but what we youngcels are supposed to do? I mean, surgery is only possible after HS (19 years old), so it’s impossible for us to ascend during the college
go out and try to get lucky
i do agree , for me and i think for a lot of users her , school is/was primarily the only reason that you get to go outside and it's the only place where you can get opportunity and meet people , i doubt that a highly introverted person that's been dealing with social isolation for years would spontaneously go outside
but the fact that my high school years are wasted with 0 opportunities that could shape me and make me more outgoing won't do college years justice it will in fact worsen it
This is not gonna work for any sub5 men, any other advice? Or just studymaxx till college?
just go out and be lucky. who knows what will occur. better low chances than zero.
i do agree , for me and i think for a lot of users her , school is/was primarily the only reason that you get to go outside and it's the only place where you can get opportunity and meet people , i doubt that a highly introverted person that's been dealing with social isolation for years would spontaneously go outside
but the fact that my high school years are wasted with 0 opportunities that could shape me and make me more outgoing won't do college years justice it will in fact worsen it
college is where its now or never if you missed out in HS
@Total Imbecile @JosefMengelecel @FUCKITALLREEE @Words2_live_bye @OverBeforeItBegan
never got to go to a single fuckin party in college (or even HS)
Brutal partypill, in order to even go to parties you need to have foids in your group otherwise the frat bros will reject. Foids hate us for our appearances so going to parties is basically impossible for incels.
Brutal partypill, in order to even go to parties you need to have foids in your group otherwise the frat bros will reject. Foids hate us for our appearances so going to parties is basically impossible for incels.
Or get invited to a party or go with a friend
Yes; I also suffer from OCD related about intrusive thoughts and my appereance.
So basically while I was cutting my hair for 1 hour straight everyday I know my peers were living their lives
@Total Imbecile @JosefMengelecel @FUCKITALLREEE @Words2_live_bye @OverBeforeItBegan
Motivation to give it my all to slay in college. I need to ascend.
What age are you now?
I was a reject in both high school and college. I dont know how Normies get invited to parties or have large friend groups.
I’m almost 20 but i’ll be starting college at that age, meaning i’ll finish at 24. Can I have fun for all those 4 years if I ascend at the very start?
I’m almost 20 but i’ll be starting college at that age, meaning i’ll finish at 24. Can I have fun for all those 4 years if I ascend at the very start?
Yes. At 20 you can still join a frat or make new friends because you won’t be too old. I’m gonna be going there with an AA degree
Yes. At 20 you can still join a frat or make new friends because you won’t be too old. I’m gonna be going there with an AA degree
So you wouldn’t consider me an oldcel at my age?
Can I still make up for a sub-par highschool experience and not be a depressed old man in my 30s if I do everything correctly as soon as the meme flu is over?
Btw at 23 i’m sure you can still go to bars/ clubs in larger cities. There’s legit bald dads going to them in some areas. You just need to know where to look.
So you wouldn’t consider me an oldcel at my age?
Can I still make up for a sub-par highschool experience and not be a depressed old man in my 30s if I do everything correctly as soon as the meme flu is over?
Btw at 23 i’m sure you can still go to bars/ clubs in larger cities. There’s legit bald dads going to them in some areas. You just need to know where to look.
I think you still got time. But hurry. Go into parties or try rushing fraternities and try joining clubs at college and find a gf.

when covid ends I’m gonna be 24 so I guess that’s still young for bars and clubs I think
College environment was never my thing never began.
I think you still got time. But hurry. Go into parties or try rushing fraternities and try joining clubs at college and find a gf.

when covid ends I’m gonna be 24 so I guess that’s still young for bars and clubs I think
Yeah, it is. You definitely got a few more years in you.
there are clubs for 16 year olds and there are clubs for 30 year olds. At 24 you’ll still easily be able to LARP as a college student. We both need to go out and try our best to slay after the meme flu is over, hopefully be the summer.
Yeah, it is. You definitely got a few more years in you.
there are clubs for 16 year olds and there are clubs for 30 year olds. At 24 you’ll still easily be able to LARP as a college student. We both need to go out and try our best to slay after the meme flu is over, hopefully be the summer.
Do you think 24 is gonna be considered too old for college undergrads (18-21) to hang out with?
Do you think 24 is gonna be considered too old for college undergrads (18-21) to hang out with?
Well i’m not even in college yet so i’d only be guessing but I really don’t think so. From what i’ve heard in your 20s basically everyone is the same age so it wouldn’t br weird.
You’re definitely not too old to hang out with people that are still in the party phase of their lives, even if those are slightly older than the group you’re talking about. You got time if you act now... or rather when Gook-19 is over.
Well i’m not even in college yet so i’d only be guessing but I really don’t think so. From what i’ve heard in your 20s basically everyone is the same age so it wouldn’t br weird.
You’re definitely not too old to hang out with people that are still in the party phase of their lives, even if those are slightly older than the group you’re talking about. You got time if you act now... or rather when Gook-19 is over.
I’m gonna try. I remember in city-data.com some cucks were saying “iT’s wEiRd tO hAnG oUt WiTh yOuNgEr pEoPLe aT 24”. Although I don’t remember everyone saying that
I’m gonna try. I remember in city-data.com some cucks were saying “iT’s wEiRd tO hAnG oUt WiTh yOuNgEr pEoPLe aT 24”. Although I don’t remember everyone saying that
Probably some weirdo. Keep in mind that most people that post on sites like that are incels/ redditors.
Did he specify what he meant by “younger” than 24? Like, 23 or 13?
Probably some weirdo. Keep in mind that most people that post on sites like that are incels/ redditors.
Did he specify what he meant by “younger” than 24? Like, 23 or 13?
He kept saying 18 year olds. But many undergrads are 19-21. And you can’t know someone’s age too easily unless you ask so how am I supposed to “avoid” younger people? I don’t care about how old my friend might be
Jfl high school was awful. Girls where the most brutal though. They were brutally honest about my looks.
He kept saying 18 year olds. But many undergrads are 19-21. And you can’t know someone’s age too easily unless you ask so how am I supposed to “avoid” younger people? I don’t care about how old my friend might be
Lol if you can’t tell someone’s age, even better. Means you’re definitely not too old for them. An 18 year old is an adult. Having a 24 year old in your friend group as an 18 year old isn’t weird. At 20, definitely not weird at all, in anyone’s eyes.
I'd rather not be a slave to the system.... Homestead or slave take your fucking pick...
Well I have no friends or relationships coming out of high school rn so I hope to god I find a good friend group or ascend during college if I go. That's the whole point of college really. If I don't manage to do that then what reason is there to live? Why get out of bed in the morning if you have no friends/girlfriend?

And ye coronas makin it so difficult. Not like you can make new friends or relationships when you're in lockdown.
I’ll be in university in a few months, so I hope things will be different .

Didnt have friends in hs though, so history will repeat itself probably
Slaves make sure to take your GMO bill gates shot.... be a good boy... or else no slavery for you... and pay your tax, or else!!!!
Well I have no friends or relationships coming out of high school rn so I hope to god I find a good friend group or ascend during college if I go. That's the whole point of college really. If I don't manage to do that then what reason is there to live? Why get out of bed in the morning if you have no friends/girlfriend?

And ye coronas makin it so difficult. Not like you can make new friends or relationships when you're in lockdown.
I’ll be in university in a few months, so I hope things will be different .

Didnt have friends in hs though, so history will repeat itself probably
Make friends in your dorms and ask girls that way on a date. Or better join a frat
It’s worse in college
I can only imagine. Think about this most girls are already way ahead of us. Even if a girl where to be attracted to one of us we would be so inexperience. It would be a turn off. But it doesnt mattter for me anyway. If i ever got a girl to want to have sex she would see my size and run( i got f'ed by nature and puberty, i only have a 4 incher. Not 4.3 just 4 jfl
I can only imagine. Think about this most girls are already way ahead of us. Even if a girl where to be attracted to one of us we would be so inexperience. It would be a turn off. But it doesnt mattter for me anyway. If i ever got a girl to want to have sex she would see my size and run( i got f'ed by nature and puberty, i only have a 4 incher. Not 4.3 just 4 jfl
How old are you? Boys usually are always done with puberty by 17
Make friends in your dorms and ask girls that way on a date. Or better join a frat
I’ll try my best, but it’s gonna be challenging as a 5’6 ricecel.
I’ll try my best, but it’s gonna be challenging as a 5’6 ricecel.
its crazy. i see so many asian girls being part of the popular crowd in high school and college and joining sororities and going to parties while all the asian guys don't
I had a roommate my first year and witnessed him going through all of these things, getting drunk with a girl in my dorm (they sneaked in a bottle of wine), throwing up from drinking too much, going out every friday, meanwhile I just stayed in my room playing CSGO

Also LOL @ people telling you to just hit the clubs

Impossible for me due to autism

Say I find enough self esteem to go out, Id just stand there awkwardly, even if somebody approached me I wouldnt know how to talk to them

Its honestly 100% over if youre autistic, let alone also ugly
I had a roommate my first year and witnessed him going through all of these things, getting drunk with a girl in my dorm (they sneaked in a bottle of wine), throwing up from drinking too much, going out every friday, meanwhile I just stayed in my room playing CSGO

Also LOL @ people telling you to just hit the clubs

Impossible for me due to autism

Say I find enough self esteem to go out, Id just stand there awkwardly, even if somebody approached me I wouldnt know how to talk to them

Its honestly 100% over if youre autistic, let alone also ugly
When you have autism it’s impossible to do basic things everyone else can do
I missed out all my life and now I have entered 20s
tfw online home university high school drop out
it makes it worse if you also missed out in HS. but missing out in HS can be fixed if you enjoy life in college. but if you enjoyed HS but missed out in college, or missed out in both, its over. if you missed out in college, its over. you fucked up your life.

i ddid absolutely nothing in college. i never experienced dating or sex, never got to go to a single fuckin party in college (or even HS). i never got to go to events where people hang out and do fun shit together. i never have gotten drunk before. never have went to a bar before. at my age, people have had sex, one night stands, went to at least a couple parties, made friends, went to places with friends, and enjoyed life. and i had to deal with fuckin gay ass OCD all fucking darn long throughout college missing out on everything. and i fuckin hate it. fuck this world. and then fucking quarantine just had to fucking happen. and now months are gonna feel like years when i wait for covid to end. now under covid, i have 0 opportunities for going to places. and i don't have my drivers test until a couple months, so i can't drive to places and my mom is an overprotective helicopter karen of a parent who restricts what i do. i hate that fucking cunt. i can't ascend without my license and i can't ascend under covid.

and if you think it's easy making friends after college you're wrong. if you think it's easy finding a date after college youre fuckin wrong. i read articles about how its much harder finding a friend or a girlfriend after college. people in their mid-late 20s usually hangout with those they met in high school/college. and their relationships often are with someone they began dating in college. college is your last chance to make friends and lose your virginity and find a GF, if you miss out on all of it, you have zero chances left. and nobody goes to parties or festivals or clubs or other fun events after college. in fact, nobody goes out to places after college. they still might during the 1st and 2nd year following college, but once they get to their mid-20s they completely outgrow it. if you missed out in it in your teens/early 20s, it's over. you fucked up in life. time to rope afterward in minecraft.

here's a study:

"Social connection, a leading factor in the promotion of health, well-being, and longevity, requires social knowledge and the capacity to cultivate intimacy. Life span development theorists have speculated that social information-seeking goals, emphasized at the beginning of early adulthood, give way to emotional closeness goals in later stages of early adulthood. Drawing on developmental theory (Baltes & Carstensen, 2003; Baltes, 1997), this 30-year prospective study assessed social activity at age 20 and age 30 with experience sampling methods, and psychosocial outcomes (social integration, friendship quality, loneliness, depression, and psychological well-being) at age 50. Results supported the hypothesis that the quantity (but not the quality) of social interactions at age 20, and the quality (but not the quantity) of social interactions at age 30 predict midlife psychosocial outcomes. Longitudinal structural models revealed that age-20 interaction quantity had a direct, unmediated effect on age-50 social and psychological outcomes. The effects of age-20 interaction quality on midlife outcomes, on the other hand, were mediated by age-30 interaction quality. Our findings are consistent with the idea that selection and optimization serve important functions in early adulthood, and that engaging in developmentally appropriate social activity contributes to psychosocial adjustment in the decades that follow."
So you're saying that I should try to make friends even though it's over to make suffering less unbearable?
So you're saying that I should try to make friends even though it's over to make suffering less unbearable?
How old are you now?

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