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JFL If you have walked 5 meter close to a woman without her calling the cops on you, you're a FAKECEL LARPING FAGGOT



Sep 13, 2019
If you have walked 5 meter close to a woman without her calling the cops on you, you're a FAKECEL LARPING FAGGOT
If a women lets you walk closer than 10 meters from her, you're a FAKECEL LARPING FAGGOT
If you exist as a molecular structure within a 300 meter radius of the foid god you are a fakecel in 2020 tbqhngldedsrs
Agreed. Fuck those fakecels who have never been in prison for interacting with a foid.

I know this is a sarcastic thread in response to another thread.
If you exist as a molecular structure within a 300 meter radius of the foid god you are a fakecel in 2020 tbqhngldedsrs
Lmfao sad but true
If you and a woman are in the same existential plane you're actually a chad and should be posting on chads dot co
@Personalityinkwell @GoffSystemQB :feelskek: :feelskek:
@Personalityinkwell @GoffSystemQB :feelskek: :feelskek:
Agreed. Terrabased and ultrablackpilled.

Giga IQ.

Don't forget about women trying to kill you as well @gymletethnicel
I don't see this post as sarcasm, this is the reality for ugly ethnic manlets.
1.) Do you think 30% of men are incels (since 18 ~30% of men under 30 have had 0 sexual partners)?
2.) Do you think 30% of men have had those experiences?

I'm not denying someone can be that bad off that it happens, but dude people like this are friends with women, go to the movies with them, and take pictures of them. Do you think this guy has been almost killed by many females? I mean you can just reach out on reddit an ask him. Along with some of the other CANONIZED truecels we have in the community.

You can't just extrapolate your personal experiences to everyone.



I get weird look when I walk past foids
This guy is white and looks low T and innocent. Women won't feel threatened by his presence since he has the halo effect of being a white low T male, someone who won't hurt a fly.
If he was a sandcel or curry, these women would seek to end his life. The racepill is real.

I still do believe that the vast majority of men aren't incel though, almost all of the guys that are virgin at 18-19 will lose virginity by 27. I am only 19 so it might be hypocritical of me to say, but most youngcels here will ascend. These people who will ascend in time, will not experience women attempting to murder you. Only the truest of cels will experience this, that is why it might seem extreme to most.
Is sub4/sub4.5 not truecel? Granted maybe they can ascend by self-improvement, but in their current state they are truecels.

~30% of men under 30 since 18 have 0 sexual partners and are virgins.
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This guy is white and looks low T and innocent. Women won't feel threatened by his presence since he has the halo effect of being a white low T male, someone who won't hurt a fly.
If he was a sandcel or curry, these women would seek to end his life. The racepill is real.

I still do believe that the vast majority of men aren't incel though, almost all of the guys that are virgin at 18-19 will lose virginity by 27. I am only 19 so it might be hypocritical of me to say, but most youngcels here will ascend. These people who will ascend in time, will not experience women attempting to murder you. Only the truest of cels will experience this, that is why it might seem extreme to most.
if you ascend at age 27, say, does that mean you weren't incel for the first 27 years of your life?
yeas, just use all caps to be aggressive.
Is sub4/sub4.5 not truecel? Granted maybe they can ascend by self-improvement, but in their current state they are truecels.

~30% of men under 30 since 18 have 0 sexual partners and are virgins.

What are your opinions on 4s and 5s who are actively looksmaxing ? Do you think they should be allowed here ? Or are they one of those "Guys I was an ex incel, ama" type normcucks?
Another failed normie vibe coming from you, imagine my shock.
He got rated a 6 or something. I dont know what he looks like and like him in general but he is a good looking guy with a bad skin
Another failed normie vibe coming from you, imagine my shock.

JFL there is no failed normie, if virgin without escortceling than INCEL. Period.
Jfl at the gatecoping on this forum
Yea but you exist in the same universe as women, that's turbo fakecel.
Make like your avatar and rope :reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee:
This guy is white and looks low T and innocent. Women won't feel threatened by his presence since he has the halo effect of being a white low T male, someone who won't hurt a fly.
If he was a sandcel or curry, these women would seek to end his life. The racepill is real.

I still do believe that the vast majority of men aren't incel though, almost all of the guys that are virgin at 18-19 will lose virginity by 27. I am only 19 so it might be hypocritical of me to say, but most youngcels here will ascend. These people who will ascend in time, will not experience women attempting to murder you. Only the truest of cels will experience this, that is why it might seem extreme to most.

I agree with you on this one tho.
Truest of cels have it much worse than 4s and 5s.
Where did you get this statistic from? It seems to conflict a lot of what I read.

They can ascend with betabuxx, you see plenty of ugly ethnics betabuxxing their wives. Being just a bit below average isn't the end of you.
Sure a lot of people can ascend with betabuxx it's only the threshold of money needed/what you get in response. I would get banned for cherrypicking, but I can DM you a picture of an ethnic guy you would certainly call truecel with an expensive watch on and a white girl right next to him.

Let's say if theoretically we're able to get settled for in our 30s by some desperate girl wanting to sure up a marriage. Well even if that's the case/it's advisable to do it's a long ways away.

Women chase thrills, emotion, sex, etc in their youth not betabuxxers. Hence AF/BB and the cock carousel. Because some people here might be capable of being settled for in their 30s they shouldn't be here on the forum right now when they're 22?
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What are your opinions on 4s and 5s who are actively looksmaxing ? Do you think they should be allowed here ? Or are they one of those "Guys I was an ex incel, ama" type normcucks?
Anybody here who ended up a virgin should be allowed to be here. The rules go even further and state that blackpilled normies are allowed to be here as long as they LARP.

If someone ends up a virgin and uncovers this forum as a wakeup call and improves their life to escape then it's fine with me. I don't like the buckets in the crab mentality. I don't wish inceldom on anyone.
There is a big flaw with that graph. Firstly, 18 and 30 are very far apart. It can't be that accurate.
Secondly, people who had sex before 18, but not after are included.
50-60% of people graduating high school nowadays are virgins and it's only climbing.

18 and 30 being very far apart is what makes it a GOOD THING. If you're unable to get a female sexual partner for years on end you're probably an incel.

This forum has always held that sub4 = truecel.
He's the one making gatekeeping threads yet he somehow switches between that and sub8 extremism lmfao.
true. i dont even take those threads seriously, thats why i dont bother arguing with it.
its obvious its nothing but a meme
Everyone knows damn well what I mean. There are 5/10 white guys who are around 5'9" with their non-obese looksmatches. You see this everywhere. In Belgium for example, the most common type of relationship you would see is a 6/10 guy around 5'10" with a 5/10 foid. This is extremely common. Meanwhile, you will almost never see a sub-173cm sandcel or curry with a gf. The difference is apparent.

So when a manlet ethnic calls out the 7/10 white and tall failed normies, it is extremely justified.
Doesnt mean that they will get their looksmatch u fuckign retard.
how many girls have u even approached?

there is no 7/10 white man on this forum. not one has been proven atleast.. we are talking ugly 5/10 white men who are incel
true. i dont even take those threads seriously, thats why i dont bother arguing with it.
its obvious its nothing but a meme
Keep coping. Its not a meme. It's reality
Everyone knows damn well what I mean. There are 5/10 white guys who are around 5'9" with their non-obese looksmatches. You see this everywhere. In Belgium for example, the most common type of relationship you would see is a 6/10 guy around 5'10" with a 5/10 foid. This is extremely common. Meanwhile, you will almost never see a sub-173cm sandcel or curry with a gf. The difference is apparent.

So when a manlet ethnic calls out the 7/10 white and tall failed normies, it is extremely justified.
Why is it that so many of the canonized saints in the incel community are white? I never see guys ugly as some of the ones posted here who are ethnic. I can post some of the hideous motherfuckers I have ever seen here. Those are the people I see bullied in school, shooting up schools, etc.

I can guarantee you, you also have a misconception of how JBW works and would say that I woud do good in SEA or some third-world country if you saw my pictures when in actuality I am dead on Tinder there.

Appealing to truecel status on the basis of race is suspect. Being ethnic is indeed a huge disadvantage BECAUSE numbers-wise the majority of interactions will be with white women and they generally do not have a chance along with race-based hypergamy among their own race (but controlling for factors like exposure to white men it's overblown).

Being ethnic and looking not that much different from your typical curry, Asian, HAPA, etc is different from being truly genetically ugly to the point where you stand out like a sore thumb among your peers. Like say this guy below.

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If you have walked 5 meter close to a woman without her calling the cops on you, you're a FAKECEL LARPING FAGGOT
If a women lets you walk closer than 10 meters from her, you're a FAKECEL LARPING FAGGOT
This is situation-specific OP.

For example if you are in a subway and there is 2-3 rows of chads the foid from you, she won't even notice you even if you are within 2 meters.
This is situation-specific OP.

For example if you are in a subway and there is 2-3 rows of chads the foid from you, she won't even notice you even if you are within 2 meters.
its a meme thread
If someone ends up a virgin and uncovers this forum as a wakeup call and improves their life to escape then it's fine with me. I don't like the buckets in the crab mentality. I don't wish inceldom on anyone.

Well said. 100%.
Meme to you because you aren't truecel. People mocking me for saying that truecels face attempted murder from women makes you nothing but a normgroid to me.
okay so 001% of men are incel according to you. well played. gonna see you in a feminist march soon saying hypergamy is fine?
If you live on the same planet as foids, you are a disgusting fakecel. :feelskek:
Let's be honest. How many people look like him? I can guarantee you almost no one on this forum looks like that. I am not exaggerating with the racepill.
The ugliest people I've seen in my life and time on the internet have been white. I haven't seen guys like that, but I've seen guys not that far off It's possible that white have a higher variance in terms of beauty just like is true in other facets.

People compare other people to their preconceptions and there's definitely a perception as to how people of each race look. When someone sees a typical curry they think it's a typical curry even if he's unattractive to women and comparatively to white men.

And I'm saying that it's different from sticking out like a sore thumb like that guy or even this guy which you've surely seen people like before.


More than 96% of women wouldn't date or a curry or sandcel.
What is this based on? White women? It doesn't sound like it could possibly be true because clearly there are more than 4% of women dating arabs/indians.
Imagine larping as a self hating ethnic on a forum for lonely losers


94 to 95%, my bad.
Well I guess I'll read through it some other time. I was hoping for something more succinct and just googling the statistic gives me nothing which tells me at a glance that you might be making a hyperbolic statement.

It's also fairly old.

I've seen studies that when controlling for more exposure/interactions indicated that Asian women were still barely more likely to choose Asian men in the USA of all places.
Look up percentage of virgin men and that is my answer. If this offends you, then the only conclusion that remains is that you are a sex haver.
huh? you contradict urself
"everyone is fakecel unless cripple"
"oh 30% of men are incel prove my point wrong"
Nice strawman faggot.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the average age Americans lose their virginities (defined here as vaginal sexual intercourse) is 17.1 for both men and women. The CDC also reports that virgins make up 12.3 percent of females and 14.3 percent of males aged 20 to 24. That number drops below 5 percent for both male and female virgins aged 25 to 29 and goes as low as 0.3 percent for virgins aged 40 to 44.
Aside from the fact that you're quoting numbers from before Tinder was released are you saying that online 0.3% of us can remain here? As well as potential underrpresentation due to societal/peer pressure/delusion. I think the other datapoint is more realistic and representative of what's happening.

Well, if you're an incel/virgin at your age and stage of life you're an incel nobody can predict what happens in the future.
1.) Do you think 30% of men are incels (since 18 ~30% of men under 30 have had 0 sexual partners)?
2.) Do you think 30% of men have had those experiences?

I'm not denying someone can be that bad off that it happens, but dude people like this are friends with women, go to the movies with them, and take pictures of them. Do you think this guy has been almost killed by many females? I mean you can just reach out on reddit an ask him. Along with some of the other CANONIZED truecels we have in the community.

You can't just extrapolate your personal experiences to everyone.

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That guy's jaw / mouth is so damn narrow. He's ultra fucked, not just in terms of dating but in terms of breathing and chewing problems as he ages.

A bullet to the head would be mercy.
I'm not, and only dating apps and sites have existed before Tinder as well.

I'm not. What I am saying is that there are certain individuals who could easily ascend or are potentially completely LARPing about their status, just so they can fit in with incels.

I just want the incel community to be filled with incels, not with normalfaggots who mock truecels and brag about their physical features.
cope. ur the one gatekeeping inceldom to fucking cripples which is like 0,01% of the population. yikes
'm not. What I am saying is that there are certain individuals who could easily ascend or are potentially completely LARPing about their status, just so they can fit in with incels.

I just want the incel community to be filled with incels, not with normalfaggots who mock truecels and brag about their physical features.
Yeah, there are people like that they're the ones who are openly HIDING their status, but that's not the people you're talking about. Personalityinkwell had severe cystic acne and was socially stunted as a result. Yeah, he'll probably ascend but at the time now he's a virgin.

I don't think people are mocking truecels. They're mocking the idea of people here trying to exclude them from the community on the basis of total nonsense like having EVER talked to a girl before. Or at least that's what I'm mocking because it's absurd, makes us look dumb, and is unappealing to read.

I don't know if you want to give me the statistical rundown on how many men statistically are kissless virgins at 22, but it would be much obliged.

After all you're younger and just started the easiest period of time to get laid -- College -- while I'm leaving it. Yet I'm not trying to age gatekeep to an absurd degree though I know many people here will ascend in College.

Quite frankly, it seems to me like most people who say that stuff like that NEVER EVEN TRY and have had barely any social interactions whatsoever. So to me it seems like they're the ones LARPing about their truecel status and being fundamentally dishonest while they just sit in their class all day and make absolutely zero effort to be social.
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